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The Power Processes
Power Processes 4-6
These three processes are, as
mentioned, named Pr Pr 4: Source; Pr Pr 5: Existence; and Pr Pr 6: Conditions.
They are each covered by a separate write-up below. The truth they build on can
be summed up in this axiomatic statement:
As-is-ness can only occur with the proper assignment of source or authorship.
This follows as a consequence of AXIOM 29:
Any space, energy, form, object, individual, or physical universe condition
can exist only when an alteration has occurred of the original As-is-ness so
as to prevent a casual view from vanishing it.
In other words, anything which is persisting must contain a "lie" so
that the original consideration is not completely duplicated.
The 3 processes are built up as a 3-step action that enables the PC to see the correct source of things, and thus vastly increase his ability to As-is. Then you bring his confront up and finally you find and blow the incident he is stuck in.
The 3 processes are more or less an exercise in the awareness scale, that you see below. You see the 3 top levels are 1. Source; 2. Existence; and 3. Conditions. You can expect the Preclear to go up and down this scale in this processing and a close analysis of the PCs answers would reveal what awareness level the PC is occupying in each answer. This is how you could determine if the processes really bite. Is the PC moving up and down this scale?
Pr Pr 4: Source Process
Clear the definition of SOURCE as:
that from which something comes or develops;
place of origin; cause.
Likewise clear, 'No source'. The commands are:
l. Tell me a source.
2. Tell me about it.
3. Tell me a no source.
4. Tell me about it.
Process EP: The Source Process is ended when the Preclear experiences brightness and solidity changes in the auditing room. The Preclear will comment that the room is brighter and more solid. There should also be F/N VGIs.
Notice that Power Pr. 4-6 each have a specific EP, not just F/N, VGIs and some random cognition. The Auditor may have to 'Fish for the cognition' if something apparently happened but is not expressed by PC. Auditor basically uses TR-4. He can use questions as 'Did anything occur?', 'What is happening' but would never go into what he is looking for. The PC has to say it on his own.
Theory of Process
The process is used to raise the PCs awareness level on the scale of Source,
No-source. The latter being a broad label of many of the lower characteristics
on the above Awareness Scale. Especially -14 'Delusion' and -22 'Hallucination'
and -32 'Uncausing' are known
for being 'no source' or wrong source. As always, whatever the PCs answers is what you take without invalidation or evaluation. The important thing is to get
and keep the PC in-session on the process and run it muzzled style.
The No-source Case
You have two extreme case conditions, the Total Source case and the
No-source case who both will benefit greatly from this process. The average PC
will fall somewhere in between or experience the phenomena described from time to time.
The No-source case can't see causes of things
and thus can't As-is. It will be the person who 'never caused anything', never
was the source - according to his own perception. Neither will he recognize that
anyone else could ever cause anything. His attention will be totally fixated on
something not in the present; some dangerous incident which is all consuming of
his attention units, yet unknown to himself. He will seek shelter in
non-existent sources to stay clear of this 'something'. He may express emotion
and sensation in his behavior - yet not be aware of this if you ask him. He may
be willing to confess to horrendous crimes that have nothing to do with him as
he don't see sources for things.
His attitude is, that there is no point in doing anything because no one can
cause anything anyway. The environment and the people in it are unreal to him,
sort of transparent as if he saw them as a reflection mirrored in a window.
The Total Source Case
In the other end of the spectrum, but not much better off, is the Total
Source Case. Here we have the person that is illusive cause. The person is
pretending to be total cause or source but obviously is not. On the scale above
he could be at '-22 Hallucination' or '-14 Delusion'; he is more aware of the
delusion of being cause than of reality. We have the person
that boasts a lot, the person that 'thinks he is god' or the person that feels a
deep guilt for all bad in the world as it has to be 'his fault'. Such a person
may get himself into all kinds of fights, fighting the environment because he sees
anyone there as a threat to his 'domination', 'position', etc. of being the cause
of everything. He may see himself as all-important - the police and a dozen
agencies are chasing him. This goes into paranoia. They are "all after
You will routinely see such cases of Total Source flip-flop between the two extremes of considerations - he is either "a guilty, horrible, blameworthy creature or he is a genius, a fantastic Being whom others are trying to get at".
When auditing such a Total Source case, the Auditor for this Preclear does not really exist either; such a Preclear can see no other source than self. If the Auditor does exist, the Auditor is only seen as a source of distraction or a source of bad cause. If the PC is in propitiation to the Auditor, it will be the Auditor's seniors and associates who are the source of bad cause.
The Auditor must be able to recognize and know about these extremes, the No-source case and the Total Source case and the various harmonics they can display and dramatize on various dynamics. Neither of these extremes can As-is either because there is no source at all or because source is completely misassigned. As-is-ness can only occur with the proper assignment of source or authorship.
Since the ability to perceive source is the key to solving problems, such people have an enormous number of problems, but never seem to describe the real problem; thus they are difficult to understand and agree with.
Pr Pr 5: Existence Process
Clear the definition of EXISTENCE as: An
existing state or fact of being; life; living; continuance of being; an
occurrence; specific manifestation.
Also clear 'is' and 'isn't' carefully with a dictionary.
Existence Process commands are:
1. What is?
2. What isn't.
Process EP: Preclear gotten into present time after demonstrating ability to look at the track as well as environment. Also needed, F/N VGIs.
Notice that Power Pr. 4-6 each have a specific EP, not just F/N, VGIs and some random cognition. The Auditor may have to 'Fish for the cognition' if something apparently happened but is not expressed by PC. Auditor basically uses TR-4. He can use questions as 'Did anything occur?', 'What is happening' but would never go into what he is looking for. The PC has to say it on his own.
The Existence Process is used to unburden the Engram the PC is stuck in. The
process will cause the PC to eventually come into present time.
The process will take care of chronic Alter-is and Dub-in. When we say Dub-in we
talk about pretence and delusion of what is and the process attacks this head
on, both in relation to present time and the environment and in relation to
incidents on the Time-track.
With the Source Process the PCs ability to recognize causes of things was improved. With the Existence Process the PC will experience a boost in ability to recognize delusion, illusion and Dub-in and correctly label them as such. Thus the process will remove all kinds of Dub-in, unreality and delusion that built up on the incident the PC is stuck in.
Obviously, if you as an Auditor tried to erase an Engram that just didn't happen you wouldn't have any luck as no As-is-ness is occurring. Such "Engram running" won't bring any relief, raise in tone or case gains. You can only erase what is. If you try to handle an alteration of what is you will get nowhere. You will get no TA action and no change or display of Good Indicators in the PC.
The purpose of the Existence Process is thus to enable the PC to perceive reality and thus run incidents to erasure.
When you run this process you will see the PC go back and forth in time. PC may give answer, answer, answer related to the past, then slowly come closer to present time. You just continue the process until such time the PC is in present time and gives answers related to the environment and present time consistently.
One twist is the case that is 'stuck in present time'. Here you will right off the bat get p.t. answers only. You would not stop there as the process hasn't even started to work. When you keep the process up on such a case the PC will eventually go into the past. You want that to happen and the PC be able to perceive the Time-track as an Is-ness. When you keep working such a case the PC will go back and forth in time. Just keep going. Eventually the PC will have come full circle and now give consistent present time answers and obviously happily be in present time; the difference is, this time not out of terror of the past, fear, obsession or aberration, but out of the ability to perceive what really is.
Pr Pr 6: Conditions Process
Clear the definition of CONDITION as:
Anything called for as a requirement before the performance, completion, or
effectiveness of something else; provision; stipulation. Anything essential to
the existence or occurrence of something else; anything that modifies or
restricts the nature, existence, or occurrence of something else; external
circumstances or factors. Manner or state of Being. Proper or healthy state.
Also clear other keywords carefully with dictionary: 'existing' and 'handled'.
The Conditions Process commands are:
1. Tell me an existing condition.
2. Tell me how you handled it.
Process EP: The Conditions Process is ended when the Preclear has a revivification of the Engram in which he or she is stuck on the Time-track. It is preceded at times by anaten (feeling groggy, sleepy) or a Secondary (incident with loss and misemotion) or both.
Notice that Power Pr. 4-6 each have a specific EP, not just F/N, VGIs and some random cognition. The Auditor may have to 'Fish for the cognition' if something apparently happened but is not expressed by PC. Auditor basically uses TR-4. He can use questions as 'Did anything occur?', 'What is happening' but would never go into what he is looking for. The PC has to say it on his own.
The Conditions Process handles the Engram the PC is stuck in. It knocks the
Engram apart and unsticks the PC from this one incident on the PCs track.
The results are especially spectacular for PCs who were completely consumed in
such an incident and engaged in a continuous fight of non-existent enemies in
present time that really belonged to times long gone. This condition is what
brings about SP characteristics and the No-Case-Gains PC.
The Continuous Overt Case is likewise trying to solve such an imaginary problem
with enemies and a hostile environment of the past.
What the Auditor should be looking for is a revivification of this back track incident. At some point the PC, who was completely in session, will briefly relive this ONE incident. It will become more real and present than present time and you have got it! You have enabled the PC to find and As-is the incident he was stuck in. And that's the EP you are looking for.
Before you will get to this point the PC may bring up many other incidents, Engrams and Secondaries which are merely Locks on this one incident. You just keep going, keep unburdening the one prize incident. Sooner or later you will get it. It will "be more real than present time" and anything else for a short moment and that is when the As-is occurs. It should give a significant Blowdown on the Meter and will be quite spectacular in many other ways.
If a PC has revivified and the process is
overrun it can develop into quite a severe reaction as the PC will stick into
the R6 Bank!
However, a Preclear can be overrun for several days without being smashed. But
don't do it.
Power Processes 1-3 - Optional
Power Processes 1-3 are optional processes. They are used as remedies when the main processes, Pr Pr 4-6 don't run properly, but display various phenomena.
Pr Pr 1 is an Overt/Withhold process. It is used when there is no TA action on Pr Pr 4 or when the PC is committing present time Overts. A continuing Overt case is committing Overts as a solution. When complete to EP go on to Pr Pr 4 (source).
Pr Pr 2 is used when the PC brings up only
opposites (Dichotomies) on Pr Pr 5 and is collapsed into his Bank by former
practices. When completed successfully Pr Pr 5 is resumed.
Pr Pr 3 is used when the PC has been destroyed by auditing or
the organization or for those overwhelmed by some self-improvement practice.
You will find the actual commands and how to run them on the command sheet.
Plus Processes
The Power Plus Processes deal with PTSness on a very basic level. The PC will have persons, places and subjects he or she abhors. One Item for each of the categories 'persons', 'places' and 'subjects' is found and a variation of an Overt Withhold process is run on it.
All of Power Plus is best run in one session to prevent an 'auto run' between sessions. PCs can go release between sessions, you see, but it is easier on everyone to do it in one session in the first place and under the Auditors Code. If you have to split the running up you always complete an item, finding the item and running the process on it in the same session.
In clearing the commands on the Overt-withhold processes you only clear each command once, not when they are repeated with a new type of Item.
The subject of Power Plus is quite similar to sections of the
Audited PTS RD and theory data will be found in the PTS Data. Obviously the
Power Plus version cuts deep and hits a level of aberration that all humans can
respond to.
When this is handled the person is better capable of holding his or her position
and that is a basic definition of power.
No Rehabs After Clear
You don't attempt rehabs of the Power Processes 4-6 after Clear. It is messy
and endangers the case. Any out-list occurring in Power Plus would of course have to be
corrected if encountered later, no matter where the PC is on the Grade Chart. If
PC should get ill or have Bad Indicators after Power Plus the first thing to check is 'Out List' and
handle with an L-4 or L-4BRB and per Listing and Nulling.
This procedure is usually called 'Verify/correct Items found on previous
© Prometheus International, 2004. Plus fair use quotes from Ron Hubbard's published notes and works.