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From Rons Org, USA's website
The materials in this course tell you when to run Power Processes and what Power Processes to use. Following is more data you need to have on running Power Processes.
Power processes are run totally muzzled, which means TR 0-4 only. TR-0 means to confront the PC with auditing only or with nothing. That means no attitudes. That also means Auditor’s Code in.
Anything the Preclear does is an answer to a Power Process command. For example, if you give him the command “Tell me a source” and the BT goes unconscious, that is his answer to that command. Acknowledge him for his answer to that command and give him the next command in the process, etc.
The same applies to running Power on Influencers. You give him the command “What have you done?” and he just snorts at you and says nothing. That is his answer to that command, acknowledge it and give him the next command in the process “What problem were you trying to solve?”
Excerpt from HCOB 21 February 1970 End Phenomena And F/Ns In Power:
You don’t audit Power to just an F/N. You audit it to:
1. F/N
2. The End Phenomena for that Power Process.
3. VGIs.
Excerpts from HCOB 11 May 1965 The Power Processes
Power Process 4 - Source Process Commands
1. Tell me a source.
2. Tell me about it.
3. Tell me a no source.
4. Tell me about it.
The Source Process is ended when the Preclear
experiences brightness and solidity changes in the auditing room. The Preclear
will comment that the room is brighter and more solid.
Power Process 5 - Existence Process Commands
1. What is?
2. What isn’t?
The Existence Process is ended when the Preclear gets into present time. Some Preclears are “stuck in present time.” In such cases they will begin answering in present time and then cycle back on the Time-track and back into present time, many times repeating the cycle from present to past to present to past to present, each time going less far into the past until they are finally “in present time” for many commands.
Power Process 6 - Conditions Process Commands
1. Tell me an existing condition.
2. Tell me how you handled it.
The Conditions Process is ended when the Preclear has a revivification of the Engram in which they are stuck on the Time-track. It is preceded by times by anaten or a secondary Engram (misemotional) or both.
The Conditions Process handles the Engram the Preclear is stuck in and knocks apart the stuck point on the Time-track. It is aimed at the Preclear who is out of present time, but who is fighting a back track enemy as though it was in present time, and who is, therefore, solving a problem in present time which has ceased to exist in life. Because of this the Preclear is hostile, covert, and antagonistic.
The case of the continuing Overts in present time is resolved with the Conditions Process. All of this cases' continual Overts in present time are efforts to solve the Engram in which the Preclear is stuck.
The Conditions Process results in a revivification of this Engram in which the Preclear is stuck and thereby frees the individual on the Time-track so he can now really be in present time.
While the Preclear will recall or remember many incidents, and while he seems to be in many, he is, in actual fact, only in ONE and has been there for a long time with other incidents piling up on it. The PC will eventually REVIVIFY (relive) the actual Engram briefly and come for the first time to present time. That is the end of the process.
A Secondary (misemotional incident) has to have an Engram (a moment of pain and unconsciousness) under it to be a Secondary and remain in place. That is why it is called a “Secondary.” A Preclear commonly goes through the Secondary (misemotional) charge hours or a couple of auditing days before he revivifies. Thus the appearance of a Secondary is a sign that one is approaching THE Engram.
One does not run the Secondary or Engram as an Auditor. One just goes on running the Conditions Process commands. It is a severe goof to stop or change a processes just because the PC has hit a Secondary or the key Engram. One runs the process exactly. When the PC revivifies, a few more commands usually gets him into PT and ends the process. It is a severe goof to overrun or underrun the process.
Power Process 1
(a) What Overt have you committed?
(b) What problem were you trying to solve?
(c) What haven’t you said?
(d) What problem were you trying to solve?
Run the above when there is no TA action on PrPr 4 or when the PC is
committing present time Overts. A continuing Overt case is committing Overts
as a solution. Continue the process until a floating needle or there is no
more TA action. Then go on to PRPr 4 (source).
Power Process 1AA
What have you done?
What problem were you trying to solve?
What haven’t you said?
What problem were you trying to solve?
Power Process 3
For those overwhelmed by a clearing practice.
HCOB 6 December 1978 Revivification -
Revivification is the bringing back to life of an Engram in which a Preclear is stuck. The Engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the Preclear. It is called a revivification because the Engram is suddenly more real to the Preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it.
This is not the same thing as the “returning” to an incident or Engram that is employed in Dianetic auditing. Return is the method of retaining the body and the awareness of the subject in present time while he is told to go back to a certain incident. Revivification is the reliving of an incident or a portion of it as if it were happening now.
He will actually be answering and acting from the point or points down the track where he has been stuck.
Should this happen the Auditor simply continues to run the process and get the PC through it. As the PC revivifies he blows through these stuck points on his track and comes out of them, newly, and is now truly in present time.