continued from part 1
I'll give you an example on a lower harmonic. Suppose you only had the Bridge up to the communication level. You're
out in Africa somewhere in the jungle and somebody sends you Dianetics and you ran that and you did ARC-Straightwire
and Engrams and Secondaries and all that and then you got this thing it said "Communication-level" and
you ran that and you felt: "Great! Now I can communicate to everybody!!!" You see? And you start communicating
and pretty soon people are coming after you with spears and trying to shoot you up and - bang, bang, bang, bang,
bang - and you say: "God damned! This can't be all there is, you know? This communication is great, but man,
look at all these problems I have right..." PROBLEMS...! It's the next level!! You see how easy it is? Well,
there you are! Alright.
This is a success story from OT 12 and 13:
"Now, this is a hard one to put in words, without starting to look too unreal. I'd say, this level has taught
me something about the fabric of this universe, or rather, universes. It has taught me how the universe is holding
one, as well how I'm holding it. And from this I have become disentangled. As well I was taught something about
space, about the limitedness of the MEST-universe space. About the vastness of my own space. And as well, I learned
about expansion. It may sound funny, but shrinking is the wrong way to expand." «Then he says in parentheses:»
"(That's a typical OT 13 joke.)"
Shrinking is the wrong way to expand. I explained before, that expansion is the big thing. OK, next question?
«Yes, is it required at any time to read the Green Volumes as a prerequisite?»
Well, I think that people who are out there spreading rumors and wondering what's going to come and what to do
and so on, would be better advised if they have access to a book-store to buy and read the Red and Green volumes
at any time during their life. Even if they don't have the money to spend on auditing and so on, they CAN always
borrow a book, even from a library or a friend, and read. And there's no barrier on that. In other words it is
good - that when the guy gets caseless, he - better start learning some basic administrative doingness, because
he's going to find himself - whether he likes it or not - if he's staying in the game to help others out, he's
going to find people DEPENDING on him. Because he's the only one that can be certain about what's happening, he's
the only one that doesn't have a case, so he's going to naturally become the guy who everybody is depending on
to do something. So he better know what he is going to do. Now if he's not trained in the area of administration,
or he has some former idea, that is not quite as efficient as what he can learn from the Policy Volumes, well,
then he should read them. Yes. I would say so. However, it is also possible to - shall we say - take the Volume
0 and learn the basics of Policy, and from that one he can - well, after OT 16 a person would start cogniting like
mad, he could almost sit down and write the rest of the policy himself.
This is the possibility you get into. You find out on this Bridge - WHERE did LRH get the axioms from? They're
not just HIS "idea", no way. YOU could sit down and write them, after you do the Bridge, you see? So
we must thank him, because somehow he came into this game, into the area of this planet and he came in with the
knowledge enough to be able to sit down and write those things, so you could start Scientology. And therefore he
must have had a pretty caseless viewpoint about things. And I think you find that all through - he says: "An
auditor should have no case. A staff member should have no case." And none of us should have any case, right?
That's for sure . Because, when you really don't have a case and you've really handled all these things, YOU could
sit down and write the Factors, YOU could sit down and write the Axioms. You can do it! Or you could write your
own version of it, because you would know exactly how the guys got into this situation themselves, you know? You
see? So you can - again, it says here on the side of the Bridge - there is a point of Clearness, OT-ness, Static
Point and there's a Source Point up here. Well, that's what it means. After you become aware of all this and become
aware of how to do the games, how to create games, how to make better ones and so on, then you can become a source
of games, of new games and new ideas, right? That's all it is. OK. Any other questions?
«Yes, how would you define a Clear Planet? Just to raise another nasty question...»
That isn't a nasty question. Clear Planet - well, by the Grade Chart here - let's look at the two things: are we
talking about the beings ON the planet or the planet ITSELF?
«Well, I don't know. There was always this promo piece about the "Clear Planet" and apparently
that's all we were into.»
Yes, that's a good thing.
«...at least we were totally aware and then...»
Let's assume this...
«...people decided it wasn't possible and all this, so maybe it wasn't defined correctly ever.»
Maybe not. It would be a first gradient actually - is to get people up to Clear. Say there is 5 billion people
walking around in bodies on the planet. I mean, there may be others that don't have a body or are waiting in line
for bodies, but there's around 5 billion on the planet now. And you could effectively Clear them, but they still
wouldn't be caseless, they still wouldn't be OTs. They would be much better off, but you would have to put in a
program to get them all the way up the Bridge, not just Clear, you see? That isn't quite enough. Why isn't it?
Because there is a control mechanism on the 7th Dynamic right here at OT 8. And that control mechanism on the 7th
Dynamic influences people's actions, governments, sciences, whatever, it INFLUENCES them. So even if the whole
planet WAS Clear, they still could be influenced by the 7th Dynamic suppression. So it's better to get them all
the way up to have NO CASE and then they won't be the effect of that anymore.
Now, so that's a program which you say: "Hey man, that's going to take a long time." Well, when you can
take one person up in two years and you can train twelve people or twenty people in a few months - especially after
they have finished, they can train very quickly on how to do C/Sing, how to do auditing and so on - you can now
expand at an increasing rate, because once you start handling groups, you get into the awareness of what a group
is and what an opinion leader is, and, for instance, let's just take Islam for an example, right? If you got twenty,
or let's say two, people very well trained in Islam - in Islam religious groups there they want to find out the
truth - and you train these two guys very well to be auditors, C/Ses and so on, all the way up and you send them
all the way up within two years - no case. Now, if you multiply that two, they go back there into their groups
and they start training others - two, four, eight, sixteen - bam, bam, bam, bam - like that, this religious group
which controls maybe 700 million people - you see, 700 MILLION people - in a very short time, they could have the
whole group going up the Bridge. Now if you find another group such as Buddhists - who are also very organized
and so on like that - and they look for the truth too - and you train a few Buddhist auditors - do you know how
many Buddhists there are on Earth? There is about a billion, there is about a billion Buddhists in the world, you
see? Most of them are in the East, but there is still a billion. Hey, with that plus Islam, you've handled nearly
a third of everybody on the planet and it would only take maybe 15, 20 years. If you could get it into there.
Well, the reason we couldn't get it in there before is because we didn't have anybody up here really operating
on OT 17 to 33, except LRH, and nobody else was supporting him too well, because they weren't ready to do it and
people made mistakes. But now, when you understand all this, you can do it just in the right sequence, the right
gradient, and it goes and it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Then you can find other groups that might
want to do it. Like, say the - for example - the old people. What's happening with all these old people in all
these countries? They are quite bright, intelligent, they've had jobs all their life, they have experience and
they are just sitting around waiting to die. Why don't we teach them Basic Scientology? And how to be auditors
and they can audit each other, keep each other alive for a lot longer and be ready for the next life-time, if they
want to, to carry on. Because they can get their certificates validated - any auditing they've done doesn't have
to be done again or you'd overrun him - see? So they can start - and they're not doing anything! And they have
the income to just sit there, or the Social Security. You could take old people. Now what is "old people"?
There must be - well, 400 million old people all across Europe and America. See? Retired.
Now see, that's the cleverness, you look into what groups can you - no, you don't want to just get this guy down
here and these little guys who go into the bar, that isn't going to make any effect on the planet - you have to
do... think of it logically : How would you do this - creating a Clear Planet? You find the largest groups that
have organized comm-lines already, as 3rd Dynamics, and transmit the data down without alter-is and you train the
top guys there and they go down, then carry it on, while these are going - now those are going - bam, bam, bam,
bam, bam, bam - and you create a large effect, you see? Right now we are getting in the people who WANT to come.
Most of you, I know, have picked up that you had some kind of mission on this planet, to help out in this kind
of thing. Well, that is true. But we're the ones that then have to direct the handling on how to do it and keep
it going. Nobody wants to have a case. Nobody wants to have a case. It's only the implanters that want you to have
a case. And I'll tell you - the money people are paying, the sadness, the grief, the pain they're going through,
dying in the hospitals, and dying from all these diseases, and all that stuff - they wouldn't do that if they didn't
have a case. They're paying a lot of money to have a case. It's much more economical to get rid of it. OK. Any
other question?
I might add, that there are great...(I was looking here, as there is a doctor in the audience)...so I was going
to say, I might add... to the benefit of people who are interested in sciences and medicine, that there is the
possibility of research and development and further discoveries and further methods of handling in all sciences
and all medicine and all healing practices and any kind of technical work - these branches become so numerous,
when you go up the OT-levels you start seeing, let's say, the underlying basics to everything. And you are going
up there, as a person, who's maybe got a job already or you're an auditor or something, you don't have time to
investigate all of these various interesting phenomenon and find out, how does that apply to chemistry or physics
or new inventions or whatever. You don't have the time to do it, but you know other people who come up there will
want this and will have the time to investigate it and handle it, you see? We have plenty of things that will be
enough to ensure that there IS a New Civilization.
The New Civilization can have a whole new art, a whole new music, a whole new aesthetics, just based on what you
realize when you go up the Bridge. When you do, it makes the other stuff that's existing on this planet look very
boring - very boring, very controlled, and very down-tone. Except for the occasional bright person that's coming
up with a bright idea. And THEY never seem to get too far with it, you know? But otherwise, when you see this,
you say: "MAN, this planet could really be cooking, it could really be bright and brilliant, brand new aesthetics
in advance of any other planet in the universe and be right at the forefront of progress and expansion." And
that also would help to get people interested and going up that Bridge. If we do expand in all these other areas,
there's a lot of possibilities there of life-long works. Listen, these other philosophies that come around, they
have people that spend their WHOLE LIFE just getting the "interpretation" of "what the guy said",
you know? And they make a whole work, a book, that interprets ONLY what ONE guy said from another part of the religion
or science, you know? And they do further investigations on THAT. Then you have full volumes of this stuff clogging
up the libraries.
Now we have NEW BASICS to look at. Now from THAT can come all these other things: new inventions, new basics, new
material, new ways to live, and ways to be healthy, and blablabla - anything you want to look at can be improved
from the possibilities - shall I say - on the other Dynamics that are realized on the way up the Bridge. We've
already noted down several of those, but we don't have time to do them, we need other people to do this. So we
don't only need auditors, we need the whole element, all the elements, of a New Civilization. Because that is how
it is going to be handled on this planet. Other planets will be MUCH easier than this planet. They will be, because
they don't have 193 governments on the planet. They only have one...and at the most two. So all you have to do
is start at the top and everybody goes up the Bridge, OK?
The people here are so aberrated and so controlled by this level here - on the Excalibur level - they can't even...they
are not ALLOWED to see the benefits of Scientology. Not allowed to. Their case will not let them look at it and
their cases will order them to invalidate it too, because Scientology IS the way out. And if people are trying
to keep you IN, then they won't let you see the way out. Of course, of course, of course. If you're in a jail,
right, then the jailor is NOT going to let you have the key, is he?? So you can look at it as a reverse analysis
- looking down from the top - you see? Of course! Why didn't people...you know...why was all this effort against
Scientology?...and why was all this efforting to get it applied into the world and so on?...Of course! It was the
KEY to getting out. So it had to be resisted, be RESISTED by those who wanted to keep everybody shut IN, right?
And that's what Excalibur handles, and once you pass that, YOU CONTROL WHO HAS THE KEY.
Yes. Nobody can keep you locked in and you can free others, right? Whether they want to be freed or not, that don't
matter, you understand what I'm saying? These levels are not something you have to effort to do. You don't have
to effort to do this, you don't need billions of dollars to do it, you see? The guys who are keeping things going
- enslavement on the planet - they think THEY need billions of dollars to keep you enslaved, they need to take
all your money so you can't use it. So they have the goal, they have the money, they have the power, they have
all the big machines. Fantastic, you don't need a single bit of that. What you need to do is to get caseless, so
you can audit anyone, anywhere, and change THEIR case and handle them at any distance. That is just a matter of
ethically using that, so that you don't overwhelm yourself or your organization. In other words, if we want to
have 500 people walk in here tomorrow, a couple of us could sit down - that have done some of the higher levels
- and we could audit 500 people, you know, the locks off of them, you might say, that are keeping them in their
"jails", open their doors and they would get here as soon as they could, in the next couple of days.
But we don't have enough auditors to handle them. So we would be guilty then of doing an out-ethical thing. We
would have a demand in auditing and training and everything, but now we wouldn't be able to to deliver it, so it
would be an auditing, a NO-auditing ARC-break, a no-training ARC-break. So we COULD create an ARC-break like that.
So that's why I'm encouraging people to get trained and to be ready to handle the flow, because we CAN create the
flow. We don't need to do all this promo and billions of dollars of advertisement. When you can DO OT actions,
you can DO them and you KNOW it. I mean, I've done it over the last year, that's how we are keeping filled up.
And I'm concentrating ONLY on people who are worthwhile to be trained. I'm not even asking for public. I just want
people who can be trained and a steady flow keeps coming in. You might say: "Oh, that's amazing, how come
a steady flow keeps coming in. You must be getting good results." Yes, we're getting good results. But remember,
every time you get the people who WANT to do it, then you move into the next gradient of people who may NOT want
to do it, or they're in doubt. Well, every time the flow slows down a little bit, I just pick out a few guys, who
are in doubt, and I just audit something off of them and then they come in. You see? It's that simple. And this
is how easy it can be to Clear a planet. We are not talking about a lot of effort and a lot of - uhh, uhh - required
- you know - and a lot of: "Ah, you didn't get your Stats up this week and therefore you don't get any family-time
and you got to clean out the cellar." We're not talking about THAT way of Clearing a planet.
We're talking about doing it from an OT level, or caseless level, where the guy can operate as a Static. Static
state. "Instant thereness" is one way it is described, or "communication without vias" is another
way it is described. "Vialess communication" or "vialess auditing" or whatever you want to
decide. You see? Once you've finished Excalibur YOU are powerful enough to actually do what the implanters were
doing. You're powerful enough after Excalibur to control the lives of many people through their monitoring systems,
but that's still a bit of an Overt, you see? And the monitoring systems didn't work efficiently anyway. They are
only about 40% efficient, only more efficient in the cities than they are in the towns in the country because people
don't get so restimulated in the country. So the implanters always worried about: "Are these guys gonna break
out or are they gonna get us...", you know. They're not 100%. They just happened to be able to influence the
top guys and they even had to put...they had to put some even PHYSICAL control methods in to ENSURE that the monitoring
systems would work. You know, you've read about that in "Sector 9". I mean, THAT'S the physical control
systems they put in. But it's not efficient, that system. It only works with effort, effort, effort on every level.
When you're at the state of no-case and you have a Super Static idea of things, you don't need all this effort
to do this. It's completely easy. It's f a s t. Totally certain. You have to know and do a good case analysis,
you have to find out what the thing is you want to handle, and then you find it and handle it and it's almost a
few SECONDS only and then it's GONE and then the guy will experience: "Oh!", and then he'll move toward
the Bridge if you want him to move toward the Bridge.
So I know this will be a very scary tape to people who are considering their own Missed Withholds and their own
Overt-actions and their own implanter-type tendencies - this type of talk will be very scary to them, that they
could be influenced or their mind could be read. But let me ensure them, the reason they're feeling like that is
not because I'm saying this, it's because their mind is ALREADY being read, ALREADY they are being influenced and
they ALREADY have so much case there, that they are caved in by it. And those monitor systems on those kinds of
people who feel afraid by this have TOTALLY WORKED...they are one of the people who they are measuring in the "40%
efficiency". It's totally efficient on you fellows, you ARE in it and you have been monitored and that's why
you feel funny when I talk about this, because I'm starting to as-is part of it right now. You see what I mean?
That reaction you feel when I'm saying I can read what you're thinking, and I pick up your ideas, and I know what
your case is about; that's because you ALREADY have that case there, that monitor system there and you better go
up the Bridge and do Excalibur, man, or you are never going to get free like the rest of us. So don't be afraid
of people that are going up the Bridge. They're interested in basically the greatest good for the greatest number
of Dynamics, ethical actions and getting people out of the games that they're stuck in and that they're losing
badly. You know, the people that feel they're losing. You know...they're sick, and they're tired, and they're this,
and they're that, and they don't like it, and so on - we CAN get people out of those games and they can play the
ones they like and the ones they are interested in and they will do it with a lot less effort, Ok? And you have
to only realize there are only really TWO intentions in anything you go into on the planet. So don't be fooled.
There will be an intention TO TRAP YOU OR TO MAKE YOU SMALLER. And the good guys though, they will have a different
They will have the intention TO FREE YOU AND MAKE YOU BIGGER AND EXPANDING. So don't get fooled by any of these
"other practices" or anything, which have become popular in these last few years. Anything that is trying
to reduce your awareness, control you, to make you smaller, or to trap you, is operating with, or in agreement
with the monitor systems that are already installed on the 7th Dynamic. Just remember that and know also, that
now on this planet, we have a Bridge and we CAN get people TOTALLY up to the point where they don't have a case,
and they can do things which are very effective in helping OTHERS not to have a case, and clearing the planet,
and OT-ing the planet, and Static-ing the planet, and getting it all up, you know?
You see, one of the main games that you didn't handle on the way down the Bridge - the way toward more aberration
- one of the things thetans didn't handle was WHAT THEY HAD CREATED. And that became the MEST universe. So the
bits of your responsibility are laying in the MEST-universe and that's why you're in it. You have a job to do there,
so you better get on up to the levels where that's done and finally finish the cycle on that, alright? Meanwhile
it will remain here as a playing field getting thinner and thinner as people go up the Bridge and take the parts
they're responsible for, out of it. And so, if you feel the MEST universe is getting a little thin or s l o w l
y changing or things are going unreal, or if things are getting a little bit out of hand and you don't understand
why the political parties are acting differently than they were last year, or there are some w e i r d cycles going
on, on this planet, that you don't know anything about or you might hear about unidentified flying somethings around
or strange effects happening in politics and so on like that - don't worry about that, don't worry about it at
all. We're saying that it WAS all under control BEFORE, and you felt "secure" when you THOUGHT there
was going to be a "one-world-police-state", but that isn't going to happen now. You are going to be REALLY
SECURE in your freedom and your independence and your ability to choose your own games and do it self-determinatedly
or pan-determinatedly.
So there ARE changes happening, just as predicted in "Sector 9" and the "Debrief" I made a
few years ago. And now there ARE changes happening that are - you can actually read about in the newspapers if
you care to - and these changes are coming about because of LRH's Tech and because of the Bridge and people going
up the Bridge. The monitor systems are being taken away bit by bit and so people are coming out from that suppression
and things are starting to happen more on a pan-determined and self-determined basis. So don't be surprised. It's
apparently a confusion. It LOOKS confusing because the stable datum of the "one-world-police-state" is
NOT there anymore, but the stable datum of FREEDOM AND THE BRIDGE I S there for you. And if you come up the Bridge
you will certainly start to understand - and as you go on up the Bridge - then you will fully understand what it
was all about in the first place. Because people never were, or thetans never were, BODIES. They USE a body in
the game, they use it, just as you would use a good tool to handle something in the game. But you're not the body,
so don't let people tell you: "the body", you see? That kind of false data is what is keeping people
trapped. They don't realize they are a spirit, or a being, or a thetan. They don't realize that they don't HAVE
to be told that they evolved from a lower form of life. No! All of that is FALSE. The real truth comes when you
go up the OT levels. You find out what the real truth is, and then the best indicator of that actually being the
truth is: "Are you able to produce the result with it?" Damned right. There's a lot of results happening
right now. OK. So if there are no further questions...anybody thought of a question while I was extemporizing there?
«Is there somewhere on the Bridge where you can heal people from a distance? People who basically never got
any auditing and are having a lot of trouble physically? And you would like to help that person to stop that pain
or something without going to the doctor until all is handled?»
Would you identify yourself, please, to the microphone?
«My name is Mohammed Bouderba...I'm from Morocco, but I'm helping people out at the moment in France.»
Very good, Mohammed. And "Inshalla".
It has always been a goal of people to be able to heal with a touch, and so on like this, and you've heard many
stories of that in Bibles and so on. And I can tell you for true - that DID happen, that IS possible, you know?
I'm not saying ALL these stories were true, but they CAN be true and it probably DID happen, in lots of cases,
that people could heal by putting their hands, or prayers - or not prayers too much, but hands - and touching and
intending whatever it was in that area of sickness to be well again and to help...
...help in a GOOD sense. So this ability IS possible and you find out how it was done and why it was done and how
it can be done. On the OT levels you do find this out. It can be done.
But it requires...what it requires is somebody to be at a high state of awareness regarding LIFE. They have to
understand that everything that exists was created by thetans and it has something to do with them and has something
to do with life and so on. And you have to also be WILLING to have it audited, in a way. They wouldn't know...the
healers WOULD know only that they, as a being, were powerful enough to influence THAT particular life to being,
were powerful enough to influence THAT particular life to come back to a normal state. Because they WANTED it to
and they got it COOPERATING with them. Now we're working on a different basis here - that the person HIMSELF will
do this with his own body at this level here - the C/O Cycle Rundown. The problem is: how do we do it at a lower
You see, a person CAN do it himself by getting up to that level and do it with his own body and he could probably
do it with another's body. BUT the key point is: Does the person have any counter-intentions to being healed?
All the stories I've ever read about great healers of the past - people who could heal by intention or by laying
the hand on - the person always came to them. They always ask first: "Do you want to be healed? Do you believe?"
Now if the guy did that, he was in agreement. The thetan, who was running that body, was in agreement with the
guy who was doing the healing, so they could almost do a session there, you know? They were both on the same vector,
the same intention.
«No counter-intention.»
No counter-intention. Now the point is though - as the doctors will tell you - the problem is that EVERY level
of case - of course - has some points of counter-intentions that are unknown to the person in there. And if a CASE
is influencing the PROLONGATION of a disease, or the actual BEINGNESS of the disease, then you have a VERY hard
time getting the person to handle the other-determinism that's coming on to this disease. And a lot of doctors
will find the patient will get better, as long as THEY are totally with the patient. And they're doing this sort
of "bypass" of the thetan, who's running the body, and sort of get him - you know - in their space and
they handle this and that and that and that and the guy says: "Ja, ja, it's better, it's better." Then
he walks out the door away from the doctor, who - remember - is another thetan, who wants to help that person get
cured, right? But now the person goes out of his space and the old other-determinism comes in again, right? From
his case, right? And so he goes out the door and he starts feeling bad again. So he has to come back to the doctor
and feel good again, and so on, it goes like this. Now if a doctor really wants to heal someone and not just make
money on the guy keeping coming back, you see - he WOULD be interested in going up the Bridge and learning how
to apply this data at that level of "a person not having had auditing". Now, we haven't worked out exactly
how that can be done, but there are two doctors going up the Bridge now that will be able to do that. So I hope,
in the future, we will have some technique to be able to handle - both physically AND spiritually - an illness
on a person who has had no auditing.
«I will become a doctor!»
You will be a doctor. OK. Maybe it will take two doctors, you know, maybe a Gang-Sec-Check or something (laugh).
No, it CAN be done. It just needs to be worked out exactly how to do this at a lower level of the Bridge on somebody,
yes? Combining the basics of Scientology and the basics of medicine...what's all these other-determinism points
on the case that could keep the thing going, you know? Alright?
«Another thing we have seen. There's a lot of money spent on this "Cancer", and they didn't get
a result of the ability to heal this kind of thing.»
«So can we help people in the future?»
Again, the doctors believe that we CAN possibly do that when we have all of this - both the spiritual and the physical
resources necessary. It CAN be done. I mean, one thing that bears some investigation, as we know in normal Basic
Scientology, is if you try to handle an ARC-break that has an earlier similar, it won't resolve until you get to
the earlier similar, you see? Or a chain of engrams will not erase until you get to the basic on the chain. I think,
with these "unsolvable" diseases, they just never got to the basic on the chain. The disease ITSELF may
be OUT OF PRESENT TIME. The life-units that are taking part in "being diseased" may be THEMSELVES out
of present time. And they (doctors) just don't know how to get them into present time, so they can be cured, you
see? I tell you one thing: Now you are certainly not going to get them into present time by radiating them. You
might move them to a different part of the time-track, and they appear to get better, but they are really worse.
So, you know, most people that have radiation treatment, they lose their hair and everything like that. Well, it
did move their body to a different part of the time-track and now they're in a part of it where they're losing
their hair and they go anemic and other strange things happen, so they can't...it may have moved SOME of the cancer
to that part of the time-track too, so it looks like the cancer is being handled, but they did just move it into
another incident. So a lot of medicine is determined on the basis of: Which would be worse for the patient - to
die from this, or this? Right? They do that. They have to find something that WON'T kill the patient, but WILL
kill the disease. So if this SEVERELY affects the patient, but KILLS the disease, they go: "Ok, we'll try
that." You see? The ideal scene in medicine is to find something that doesn't affect the patient at all, but
handles the disease. But that's the IDEAL SCENE, it's an absolute. It's almost hardly obtainable. You have to have
these things that they call, under the term, "side-effects". Now the side-effects are these other - shall
we say - not-optimum states, that come from the administering of the cure for this other thing that you're trying
to handle. So these side-effects, in some cases, can be a lot worse than the thing that you're trying to handle,
you see? It's just a question of decision. But knowing that this happens, then they don't have the FULL handling,
you see? A full handling would be to do it WITHOUT side-effects. With the addition of Tech into medicine, you may
be able to find the ideal scene in all cases by analyzing it spiritually AND medically. Then you have an ideal
scene combination where you can have...it gets handled WITHOUT side-effects, you see?
«So all the doctors should be auditors in Excalibur. All the doctors should do Excalibur.»
Well, they should do the WHOLE BRIDGE.
«The whole Bridge, yes.»
So, yes, they should do the whole thing. That would make them very able. The thing is, that just healing by spiritual
means alone leaves the dependency there. The guy didn't know how he did it, so he is going to say: "Hey yeah,
you must be...
...Allah!" (Laugh) or "...something holy!", you know? Wait a minute: that's just creating MORE other-determinism
here! It may be a BETTER other-determinism, but again that's a side-effect, you see? From a miracle-cure you also
have a side-effect. The side-effect is: now the guy is going to go into another determinism or another practice.
So that is also a side-effect. You see, the games are much bigger and much longer and much more remote than these
small games that they're playing on this planet.
So these side-effects are like moving the thinkingness of a person from thinking about his disease, you know, to
now thinking about all the things he has to do to keep up with his cult or whatever or religion or whatever he
has now joined, because that handled his disease. Now which is worse on the case? Well, you have to decide again.
You know? Again and that's a "side-effect". So you exchange one part of the track for another. Is the
guy more interested in his spiritual freedom or his physical feeling? The Bridge takes into account BOTH of those,
all the way from Dianetics and up the Bridge. You have to take into account both sides - the physical and the spiritual.
Now to combine that with medicine, we CAN do it properly, and we CAN find out exactly how to do it without side-effects.
A side-effect can only come when the guy has a time-track or a games-track and it can only come when he has a case.
If he doesn't have a case, he ain't going to have any side-effects. But the problem you proposed was not that.
The problem you proposed was: how do you handle a guy down the Bridge?
«Now we never before saw it all like that.»
Yes. That is the problem. So that is why the doctors are going up the Bridge to understand that. They've already
researched in all areas of electro-psychometric medicine, naturopathic healing, all different normal medical techniques,
and all of those other things, right? And they still have a certain percentage that will not respond properly.
So we now want to get to a standard in medicine that will also be able to handle ANY case - resistive or not.
«Is that Dr. Prinz?»
He's one of them, yes, he's one. He's on Solo now - Solo-Excalibur. Ok? Any other questions? The tape is about
«I think it would be interesting for other people to know how many are on the Bridge now on the upper levels.»
Oh, thank you. That's very good. Yes. There's over a hundred people on Excalibur now at this date, and there must
be a dozen or twenty people that have finished Excalibur and are onto OT 9 to 11. There must be at least twenty
on that, and then maybe ten that are onto 12 or 13 or above, and there are, at this moment, there are about three
people that have finished the whole Bridge and there are several others - about four more - that are right behind
on the top-levels, right, almost finished the whole Bridge. So it's been going now for about a year, since we started
off the call for people to come in and get trained on Excalibur. But I've finished for myself last June and then
we really started getting cooking on it. We knew we COULD get out of the whole thing and then we got cooking on
getting people trained to do it. OK?
So I thank you all for being here and taking part in this and I hope that anybody that hears this tape will also
get the purpose that we CAN do something about the games and the planet and any condition that is non-optimum and
have a lot more fun in the future. And so I want to thank everybody, that enabled this to happen, including LRH.
And of course, as a thetan, we call him Elron Elray, because that is the name he prefers - and I thank him and
I thank all the people that helped all around here and supported us going up the Bridge: the people, the auditors,
the C/Ses, the public that came in and did it, and the translators, and the people who did projects and everything,
and from all the countries of Europe and from other countries, too: New Zealand, America, and so on, and other
planets. Yes, don't forget that. And other Sectors - we have a few guys here from other Sectors. So, if there's
no other questions?...
That's the end of Administration Briefing No. 1.
25th January 1987, Teegeeack Time.
At Ron's Org
Thank You Very Much
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