Administration Briefing Number 3
by Capt. W.B. Robertson
September 1, AD 38
Your Bridge
Hello! This is Capt. W.B. Robertson.
And this is Admin Briefing No. 3.
The date is 1 Sept 1988 or AD 38.
The title of this Briefing is
Admin Briefing No. 1 was about 'The Bridge here at Ron's Org'.
Admin Briefing No. 2 was about 'False Bridges' that you might be exposed to.
And this is Admin Briefing No. 3, about 'YOUR BRIDGE'.
You are a logical being and interested in improvement. Or you wouldn't be listening to this tape. Or perhaps you
couldn't listen to this tape, if you were suppressed or other-determined enough to be below the need of change,
hope, and help Awareness Levels.
In other tapes we have looked up the Bridge to see what's next. Now, in this tape, let's look down on it from the
top -- if you are logical enough, you can do it. So let's begin:
Ron said that 'Life is basically a game'. I stated in Admin Briefing No. 1 that it could be seen as a 'SERIES of
GAMES'. Now I can even say that the Series of Games extends as far back as you are willing to confront. And that
most of them -- you and others -- agreed to play, but some of them were covertly and secretly put in with the existing
agreed-upon games, and these are the reason for much of the misery and suffering and other-determinism in this
one, and in most of the other ones you agreed to play.
And I can say that the overall game that You are playing now has a LOT of Players in it -- at least a number as
big as 10 with 40 zeros behind it. That's a BIG game. And when it gets suppressed and goes wrong, there can be
BIG trouble.
You could even say that the solidity and persistence and 'mystery' of this game and the playing field and the creations
on the playing field, which we call the MEST Universe, IS A MEASURE OF THE UNCONFRONTED SUPPRESSION AND COMPLEXITY
Now, I ask you, 'Are you, or have you ever been, a player in this game?' The answer is YES if you are listening
to this tape. And, 'Does it seem complex with lots of incomplete cycles, enturbulation and suppression, and secret
going-ons?' YES it does, if you care to inspect the Dynamics of life in this game:
Let's take the First Dynamic: 'Do you have all the havingness you desire in the game today and can you easily get
what you want if you don't have it?' Think about that.
On the Second Dynamic: 'Does it seem there's a real scarcity of 2nd Dynamic ideal scenes in this game?' Consult
your own experience and that of others for the answer.
Take the Third Dynamic: 'Do you see any groups betraying their members or others, and working for suppressive,
secret, and evil purposes in the game today?' Did you ever see anything like that?
Let's take the Fourth Dynamic: 'Are there some players in the game of life who don't even have enough to eat and
are subject to disease, famine, and war or are just being killed 'accidentally' or 'by mistake'?'
On the Fifth Dynamic: 'Do you hear of species of animal life becoming extinct or endangered and forests of trees
being destroyed -- all affecting the chain of food supply and ecological balance of this planet?'
On the Sixth Dynamic: 'Have you read of pollution and climatic changes in the Earth's atmosphere due to depletion
of the ozone layer, and loading up the air and water with poisonous waste products?'
On the Seventh Dynamic: 'Have you experienced strange pressures, headaches, illnesses which medical science can't
handle? And have you seen other people depressed or out of their mind with pain and craziness from drug effects
and incurable illnesses?'
Let's take the Eighth Dynamic: 'Have you read of, or seen, the fighting and killing going on in the name of religion
-- in Ireland, the Middle East, Iran, Iraq, the Far East, the Persian Gulf --, to name a few, or the bigoted other-determined
and other-determinism practiced by those who claim to have a comm-line to 'God'?'
On the Ninth Dynamic: 'Have you heard any 'modern music' recently, or seen 'modern painting', or even 'modern sculpture'?
Does it look or sound confused? Are all people making their cities and communities pleasing to the eye and artistic,
or is there garbage and trash and decay in the living environment?'
On the Tenth Dynamic: 'Is anyone trying to make a 'fast buck' with no delivery of a quality product or service
in your area? Ever hear of any scandals or rip-offs in government or business circles? Any news of innocent people
being killed or persecuted just for 'being there'? Any news of poisoning the environment in which we all live?'
Well, those would be examples of what's going wrong on the Tenth Dynamic - the Ethics Dynamic.
Now let's take the Eleventh Dynamic: 'Have you seen any advertisements for a 'quick way' to OT in just a few days?
Have you seen any Tech groups go out of business or have to rip-off their public and make war on dissenters?' Well.
that's the Technical dynamic -- and it certainly needs some correction.
Let's take the Twelfth Dynamic: 'Do you have the feeling there is really no 'policy' or 'ideal scene' for this
planet? And that many actions are found to be full of false, omitted, or wrongly included data, or especially,
altered importance? But anyway, there is a lot of 'paper work' and 'admin' to do just to survive? And that the
exchange agreement of money is somehow variable and false, and inflating all the time? Did you ever notice that?
And do you see a lot of false datums in the society?' All this comes from the 12th Dynamic of Admin of Games, and
when Admin is out, those conditions are prevailing.
Well, it's not all bad, there are many players trying to IMPROVE on one or more of those 12 dynamics, and there
are areas where the agreed-upon game is still 'bringing order' and sanity to the universe. And there are more frequent
glimpses of 'sanity' or logic in today's events. There is HELP and ARC and even some KRC being applied. But, not
The viewpoint which you are now looking at -- if you have followed with me so far -- is the viewpoint of the 13th
Dynamic -- GAMES -- their analysis and handling. This is a Point which begins the OT application of Logic to improve
the game as it exists and make it more VIABLE. That means 'able to be full of life, fun, wins, and acceptance for
yourself and others as players.
Now, what has to be handled on these dynamics to make them more viable and to bring them towards an ideal scene
for each player? Well, what has to be handled is called CASE. You could also look at it as 'MISAPPLICATION or NO
APPLICATION of pure Theta Logic in the game'.
In a word, what we're dealing with is ILLOGIC. A thetan is basically LOGICAL, if you want to say what is his highest
Of course, 'all games', again per LRH, 'are aberrative'. We could say that all games are a bit 'illogical'. But
Ron also says, 'Some are fun'. And those are the ones YOU agreed to Play .
Just take this view for a moment: Here we have an IMMORTAL LOGICAL BEING, a thetan, with a potential of anything
as per Axioms 1 and 2.
What can you keep him interested in 'forever'? What can you keep him interested in that would span IMMORTALITY
Work it out. It's simple. A thetan has the quality of LOGIC. He would have fun APPLYING IT. What can you apply
LOGIC to? You can apply it to ILLOGIC, the resolution of. The resolution of ILLOGIC. Therefore we have games, and
it's fun to apply the logic to their resolution. That's what fun is. But it's not just one game or a game with
one player. No, that's only a start. You can't cover 'forever' and 'infinity' with that. It has to be an INFINITE
POSSIBILITY OF GAMES. For example, gradiently through from simple to more complex. Hence, this one existing now.
It is very complex and interference in its agreements has produced a regression and forgetfulness in most of the
players. Yes, a real forgetfulness. Most of them have forgotten their rights -- that's the 'Rights of a Thetan'
, their dynamics -- which we were talking about before -- and their hope and their ability to Play.
Their attention gets stuck on past smaller, less complex games and the wins they had there. Or another already-played
game is tried to be played over again, while not-ising or not confronting the one that is here .. because it has
too many 'unconfrontables' in it. Or a false game is 'thought' to be the real game (usually gratefully supplied
by implanters who try to make the logical player into a piece or a broken piece of ILLOGIC or a piece of MEST).
Enough of examples, I'm sure you can see many, many more.
The question is: 'Do YOU want a BRIDGE out of this ILLOGICAL MESS towards more viable games for yourself and all
your other dynamics? And for others as well?'
Remember, the game is this complex because the simpler ones were already done. Therefore, you must have been ready
for this one or you wouldn't have gotten into it. So let's take this big viewpoint, so we can all play better and
more viable games.
Have you still the ability to help another and want to really know how to do so? Or will you let someone else put
a 'FUTURE' there, which is really a PAST OLD UNSUCCESSFUL GAME? Will you let them put that on your track to really
confuse you further?
Well, there is no 'FUTURE', other than what we put there. And the only way to put an improved, more viable future
there is to know about all the past games 'scenes' and the past games 'complexities' and past games 'handlings'
-- all the important ones. And not only know about them, but evaluate them with comparison to the existing scene
and move the vectors towards viability. Otherwise, the existing scene could worsen. And it will do so if one does
not confront the complexities and suppressions and incomplete cycles of his own and others' games. And that would
lead into a dwindling spiral of NO FUN.
Games are supposed to be FUN. The ones you agreed to play are and were FUN. Everybody can win. And that is what
the Bridge at Ron's org is all about. It's a bridge for YOU.
You know, for you to be in a game this 'complex', you must have been ready for it and agreed to it. So you should
be really 'cooking' on all 12 Dynamics in this game and moving them easily to ideal scenes for your own havingness,
fun, wins, and application of and appreciation of the Rights of a Thetan .
And that includes: 'To make or choose, or to not make or not choose, your own games to play'. That's a Right of
each Thetan .
And you, of course, have the right 'to go OT', or 'to experience out of the game states above the 12th Dynamic',
which we call the Source Level States.
And you do have the ability to apply what you learn there to improvement of all games .
There are plenty of possibilities left. We haven't run out of infinity yet !
So, if you aren't cooking on all 12 Game Dynamics and aware of and can easily experience the higher ones when you
wish, the Bridge is here for YOU.
It's a game in itself. A game of undoing and as-ising bad games and improving and making games more viable.
Now you might say, 'Is that all, totally all, there is to it? You mean it's just a bunch of IMMORTALS playing an
INFINITE amount of games? And now we're stuck somewhere in the middle of the infinity of possibilities? And all
this stuff around was created by us IMMORTALS to experience ILLOGIC and analyze and handle it? And some went against
the agreements and suppressed the fun out of it? And now I don't want to be here but I can't not be here because
an immortal ALWAYS was, is, and will be HERE? And all the other stuff you hear about philosophy, theology, cosmology,
etc. is mostly BULLSHIT? Or some recalls of past games already played and forced down everyone's throat? Is that
the way it really is? It sounds too simple, too 'logical'. Well, my answer to that is, 'YES, IT IS'.
And someone might also ask, 'You mean I can get to the leading edge of application of logic, to making new and
more viable games, by just going up the Bridge and handling my games track and incomplete cycles of freeing and
as-ising on the Dynamics and restoring my ideal scenes and purposes?' Well, 'YES, YOU CAN'.
And someone else might say, 'You guys in Ron's Org are really there to help, not just a 'con', a betrayal, a rip-off?
You really believe you can make a more viable and better game and handle all those dynamic situations? You really
are trying to make a New Civilization and restore The Rights of Thetans?
Well. 'YES, WE ARE'.
And, if I might give a little thanks here, 'We can only do it because we were started off and given the basics
by ONE GREAT GAMES MASTER.' And here is a short poem in honor of him: THANKS TO THE FIRST GAMES MASTER WHO SHOWED
That's the end of Admin Briefing No. 3 about YOUR BRIDGE.
Thank you very much.
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