Technical Briefing Number 2
by Capt. Bill Robertson
Frankfurt, October 26th, 1984
Hello again !
The first tech briefing was on the OTC's operation in Frankfurt to set up a delivery center here going up to OTIII
and possibly beyond.
This week, I want to talk about the organization, the reason for the organization, in respect to the tech, and
how it protects the technology.
I have given this lecture once in Spain, but we didn't record it. It was very well received there.
I try to give it without a blackboard because many people will hear it on tape. Normally I draw a picture, but
I will try to make a picture, so that you can hear it.
Many of you have studied green on white and red on white, and you know that one is the technology of auditing and
training, and one is the technology of organization and ethics.
How do they relate to each other, why are they both important, and you can't just throw away one and use the other
without having a serious consequence?
To look at this, let's go back to 1950, and let us imagine that LRH has come to Earth to handle the aberration
on the planet. All by himself. Now, you know that he was working by himself when he wrote Dianetics. So, if you
can imagine now, I'll make a drawing. And up here I put a thetan, LRH, a theta symbol at the top. That's LRH, a
person, a being, that is clear enough to observe that the planet is aberrated, and wants to do something about
it. So he writes up Dianetics and researches it. And now we draw, down below here at the bottom, a big ball which
represents Earth. And on it we put a lot of little black dots which represent aberrated people or beings. Some
think they are bodies, some think they are animals, and some think they are robots, and, anyway, they are aberrated.
And, around this ball down here with the black dots, we draw a whole bunch of little waves and squiggly lines,
all representing their banks interconnected, and the aberration that is being dramatized on the planet. A whole
bunch of little lines there that looks like a mess, like spaghetti thrown on the floor.
Now, the thetan up here, LRH, takes one of these points with the little bit of squiggle, that is, with that point
representing a person and his bank, and audits him. And we see that halfway between here, we see that this guy
has come up here and has been audited, and a lot of that has gone away, a lot of the spaghetti. And we repeat that
process. He must have audited many people in his research, so we put a whole bunch of dots in the middle here,
and without too much spaghetti around them.
Now we see, if you take the viewpoint of LRH, how long it would take to handle all the dots on the planet, if he
did it all by himself. When there is about a billion thetans in human bodies and plenty more just floating around
not even having a body, or stuck into some part of the MEST universe, it's a long and tough job for one person,
one being.
So, he trains one of these dots up here, that he has already audited, and he trains, let's say, about half of them
as auditors. And he sends them down into the planet with all the dots there to audit. And they disappear into the
spaghetti. They make a little bit of space there where it is a little bit cleaner than the other space. You can
erase some of the spaghetti where these little dots went back onto the planet. But they are not really high enough
up as OTs to keep themselves totally keyed out, and carry on and repeat exactly as LRH did, because they are not
quite all the way up there.
And some of them stop auditing and go back into the spaghetti, and the little space disappears around them.
So, if you are looking from the viewpoint of LRH, he says, "We need something now to protect the auditors
and help them confront that bank, that spaghetti, that aberration. They keep drowning."
So, what do you do here ? You divide the parts of the spaghetti into their component areas of aberration because
some people have aberrations more about communications, or they are PTS, or they have aberration about money, or
they have aberration about doing something without approval, or they can't operate on their own because they don't
have anyone to support them, or they have some problem in their own case, which makes them not confront all the
spaghetti around their area. Or they are afraid to get into conflict with the government or the other powers that
are around, and the authorities that are around the planet are telling them that psychology is the only way to
handle the mind and so on. Or they are afraid of getting into trouble with the government or the tax people.
So you divide all of these fears and put an expert in charge of each one. And you surround the auditor with these
people, or you surround more than one auditor with these people. And you have each of them trained to handle that
portion of the bank exactly. So, you then put that onto a pattern or a plan.
And in 1965, he released the final plan on that, which was the Org Board.
Did you notice that the people who handle communication successfully, just communicating, no matter how aberrated
someone is, they are people who like to do that? Yes, they are always pleasant, and they don't key in, those are
good people for reception. And there are those who can confront evil very well, and they are good for ethics people.
And there are those who can confront the problems and aberrations about money very well, and those become good
registrars and treasury people. And, of course, the auditors can confront the individual bank, and so on, if they
can get the safe space. Or they are the tech people and the qual people.
But the qual people are higher than the tech people because they can also confront the aberration of the organization,
to try and keep it all sane in the organization. They also correct not only the tech people but also the organization
as well.
And then there are people who like to play with groups, and can confront groups, and are not afraid to stand on
a stage and talk and lecture to people and all, and they become a Div 6. And there are those that like to run things
and can confront a lot of things, and these people become executives.
And there are people who like to confront the governments and someone like that, and so on, and they become members
of the GO.
You realize that these qualities, although the people are trained to do this, trained to confront, they also must
have some inherent purpose or ability in that, that they have retained or kept from the track, or have that degree
of OT-ness in that area, that they can do it well. And that is how you get your first people on to post. The ones
you find that have this sort of ability left over from the track, that didn't get suppressed or aberrated.
I'm sure you have all heard of people that come into the org and right away do real well on the post without any
training. But, if you move them into another post, they go "Whoof". That is because they need to have
trained and processed out the aberration of confronting the other area.
But, as you get trained and processed on all the levels of the bridge and policy, you can then confront all of
it and become an executive. And yet, you know some people that, when they get linked into a managerial network
of managers who are controlling not only one org, but many orgs, that some of them failed terribly, didn't confront
it, and went back to just becoming an auditor and confronting one person at a time.
This is only a problem of handling a person's case and their confront level, and their training of course. But,
in the beginning, you have to start with something. So, LRH put in a rule, in policy, to handle the fact that not
all of them have got to be totally handled and processed at the beginning. He made them make an OT-postulate of
their necessity-level so that the rule became: "No case on post". Very important. Because, wherever that
happens in an organization, it makes a weak point.
No case on post. You follow the policy and the tech. You operate at cause like the auditor does. In the TRs, the
auditor learns not to have a case when he is auditing the PC. The same applies to people in the organization.
So now, you can have a successful organization to protect the auditing and, in this ball down here, you can spread
out a much larger area of clearing. And, in the Div 6, you can train everyone that comes through the organization
to go out and start the small groups in the field, or in the spaghetti area, to also start their own little group
of clearing supported by the large group called the organization.
These are expressed in the Volunteer Minister's programs, the Gung-Ho Group programs or OT Gung-Ho Groups, and
the Dianetic Field Auditor program, and the programs for setting up franchises and missions, and FSMs.
So, you can start to see that the whole of policy is designed to put strong points into this aberrated planet,
of relatively clean theta, which can then expand and can themselves put other points out into the environment,
which can then expand, and which can meet together, and finally the spaghetti will disappear as people get trained
and processed.
And you also can see now the starting of a flow. We bring these little black dots into the beginning of the organization
with all the spaghetti around them, and we bring them through the organization; reception, registrar, treasury,
tech services, training, auditing, and qual for the examinations and certificates and the feed-back line of review
to make sure that everything is OK. And finally, to Div6, where they are then hatted to go out into the field as
FSMs or as field auditors, or volunteer ministers or franchise-holders, or what ever.
Now, you see that flow. And, as it goes through the organization, each time the people come through the organization,
they are going up the bridge, higher and higher. Theoretically, this is a machine, this is a clearing machine.
Do you see how it is? It brings in the dirty particles, cleans them off and sends them out, and then it brings
them back through again, cleans them off some more and sends them out, and so on and so on. And it sets up more
and more little organizations to do that. Look at the basics of gradient scale here. It's not cleaning them all,
totally, the first time. It's doing it on a gradient. The gradient scale is called the bridge. And it moves up
on a gradient to Clear and then up to OT. That is the flow and the pattern that LRH designed to protect the auditing,
and to make sure this clearing machine works on the planet.
Once you have this machine in operation, it is very difficult to stop. About the only way to stop this machine
was to move in at the top and turn off the switch.
You notice that the people at the top of the organization (LRH, MSH, Quentin, even myself, Diana, Bill Franks,
all these people) were the most heavily attacked by the take-over people. It is understood that, before 1980, there
was still aberration in this machine because it is a gradient. It wasn't intended to be perfectly right at the
beginning at every level.
Maybe, we can do that on the next planet we clear because everyone will be all trained and processed and ready
to go when we go to do it. But on this one, it was doing it with the tools that were available, since it was a
restricted-zone planet, and not only was the technical experimentation done here, but also the ethics/policy experiments.
The people, or beings, who originally volunteered to do this mission with LRH, all immersed themselves into the
spaghetti for many, many lifetimes to actually test the validity of the technology in getting them out of the spaghetti.
When this was proven that it could be done, it was also proven, of course, that it was not dangerous anymore for
this planet to be restricted so that thetans could not come here. In other words, you would not contact a fatal
theta-disease and never get well again. Because the technology existed to get people back up to their original
state of whatever it was when they came to the planet when they started their voluntary mission. These were the
people that Ron asked for to help him in the Sea Org and Sea Project. They were already members or volunteers from
other civilizations, and they were already dedicated to helping LRH. That was their original agreement.
And some members of, well, let's say, galactic network organizations, such as the Patrol and the Biological Survey
and various other interested scientific groups, were the ones that LRH was showing, "Hey, let's get back together
in the Sea Org here." And that's why they had the billion year contract, because those people would respond
to that, because they were already on a long purpose line before they came here.
Of course, anyone who has found out how successful the technology is was also invited to join if they wanted to
take that purpose.
So today, the situation is that the organization had a couple of faults in it. All were covered by policy already
and were just ignored. In fact, all the situations including infiltration and take-over could have been handled
by following policy more rigorously.
This has been analyzed, and we will not repeat the same mistakes that were done at that time. In short, there are
some policies that become, now, more important than other ones to prevent that type of thing from happening again.
All of them you see already being employed in the Free Zone. And one of them is the fact that you don't make a
total step ladder of command where no one can communicate to someone higher in the organization without going through
all the people in between for information.
The information about the take-over, infiltration, all the problems that occurred with the GO, and so on, was known
at certain levels of the organization, but was prevented from getting to the top. That's covered in my tape debrief.
This time, we have it as a network, a net like a spider's web, but without a spider in the middle. All linked together,
but the information can travel as fast as a telephone or a computer or telepathic communication can travel. That
way, anyone that tries to take over the organization is soon revealed and spotted. OTC has successfully handled
7 such attempts in the last 8 months. Some of them were attempted by other independent groups. Some of them were
attempted by RTC, and some of them were attempted by hired telepathic people by the Marcabians themselves. Let
us not deceive ourselves this time, either, about the importance of Scientology for this planet and the universe.
This is another thing which was a little bit, let us say, made of lesser importance than it should have been in
the old organization. Everyone was striving to be recognized. Whereas, those people who are suppressing the 4th
dynamic were well aware of Scientology, and had already made many plans to take it over and to try and keep it
from being recognized. In the highest level conferences in banking and government, they used to discuss Scientology
at least 2 hours a week. And they also instructed the press and the other officials to make nothing of it and to
invalidate it and to keep it seeming like it is some kind of crazy cult. It is obvious from this that the people
who are currently trying to control the planet do not have clearing as a purpose. Understand this very, very, well.
Because if they do not have clearing as their purpose, they are totally opposed to Scientology; not individually,
but as a group. It threatens the vested interests. Then what is the purpose of these vested interests? Since we
are striving to free people, make them more independent, clear and sane, then these people have the opposite idea,
and they intend to enslave people and make them less aware and more insane.
And you only have to look around you and find out what the programs are to have this happen. It's very simple.
Why the sudden increase in drug-taking in the civilized societies since 1960? Why the criticisms of all religions
and things that would make people more spiritually aware? Why the more tight control of peoples' money and finance
and ideas? Why the more threats of war and civil disturbances and terrorism?
All these are planned. And if we look at the other side of it, the side of clearing, have you ever spoken to anyone
that has gone into an area, let's say in the country, or not near the major cities, or in a small country and found
out how easy, they tell you, it is to expand Scientology and how eager people are to have it? It works. It handles
their problems, their ARC-breaks, all of their engrams etc. They love it. And in many areas they welcome you with
open arms, and say, "Oh, I want more of that! Would you please talk with us? Will you please come and talk
to the leader of our group, right away?" This has happened many, many times in areas where the evil ones have
not had much control. But as soon as they hear about it, then they come in and put the suppression on it. It is
rarely a mistake made by the eager Scientologists in the area.
It's usually -if we look at policy, the reason is an omitted use of policy to handle all the various aberrations
that can be dramatized or restimulated on the population. You see this in the field of Scientology, where the people
say, "Oh, we don't need ethics out here. And we don't need Guardian Office activities out here." And
believe me, when there are bad activities, off-policy ethics, and off-policy GO activities, you certainly don't
need it. But, when they are the correct ones and done according to policy and the Data Series evaluations, then
they are very successful.
So, what we have seen in the last 5 to 10 years is a gradual going away from policy and implementing arbitraries
into the policies and into the organizations. And these were deliberately done and restimulated on the minds of
Scientologists by the outside vested interests and their infiltrated agents. For reference on more data about that,
see Sector Ops Bulletin No. 12, called Models and Scenarios.
The world press criticism of LRH and Scientology stems exactly and directly from these sources, and the people
that were involved with it have actually admitted to it in writing to us. We also have information from, shall
we say, files of various governments, obtained through the "Freedom of Information Act", or the "Freedom
of Looking Act", that show there have been plants into the organization in high positions since the late sixties,
and being well paid by the governments, and pretending to be very good Scientologists. But only pretending.
And you noticed that they never went around an auditor that was C/Sed by somebody who was trained by LRH. They
never got near an auditor who was trained or C/Sed by LRH. And if they did, they demonstrated very strange case-phenomena
such as no case-gain, incredible withhold-phenomena, and always trying to excuse it and say it is something else.
One such planted agent in the USA had 300 hours of audited NOTs without case-gain.
There are many more stories, but I am not interested in the stories right now. I'm just interested in giving you
the picture of why the organization and the ethical surroundings of the technical lines is very necessary in any
game or any attempt you are going to make to get tech in. The tech can be given at reasonable prices, the tech
can be given with high ARC, and it should be, and it should be in a friendly and safe environment. But there should
be something else as well. It should be an on-policy and on-ethics environment. The gauging of the importances
of the various policies is a very important thing to do.
In the Free Zone, or with the people who carry on with Scientology in spite of anything, we have found out that
there are certain importances in policy and tech, of course, to be used while we are coping.
For instance, if an auditor is not trained to do a certain action, we can, without going through half a year course
and keep the PC waiting, we can check the person out on that action and get a "Qual OK" to audit that
action and do it.
This is the original Qual policy, that qual gives all the OKs to audit anyway, no matter whether the person is
trained or not. If he hasn't taken the auditor course for a certain list he has to do, and the next thing on the
PC is a list, and no other auditor for a hundred miles, and he is the only one, and the PC needs that list-- well,
he can be trained to do that particular action and go and do it. If he went away to get trained, that would only
be a one-hundredth part of his training, but he would be away for six months.
How do you think all the processes and the training levels were developed anyway by LRH? The courses were not the
first. The auditing processes were the first. We are just going back to this historical thing.
LRH had to train auditors himself to audit the processes that he developed. And each time on the Flagship, when
he would develop a new process or a new level, he would first train one or two auditors to do that process, particularly
that particular thing, and use it on a few PCs. That might be with one bulletin or one LRH-handwritten despatch.
Later, as it was proven that that was the way, as I mentioned in the last lecture, that that was the correct way
to get through the room, and it all worked on all levels of cases, then it would be written up as bulletins. And
you might then, eventually, in 4 or 5 months, have a whole course for that. And then would come the thing that
everyone must be trained on this because there was now enough material to make a whole new class of training. Now
this is, of course, where the Class VIII, IX, X, XI, XII auditor courses came from. Of course, the Class VII Course
as well, because it was for specific processes, power processes. The Class VII auditors were for that. But, the
first people who audited them at Saint Hill were only class VI. And they were checked out on the processes in qual,
and then they started auditing it under supervision. And from that, developed the class VII course.
So we have to repeat the evolution until we are big and strong enough to have these various facilities again. You
understand that is a more important policy of following the research and the development line on a proper gradient.
We already have all the research done, so it's just the development of the tech. And it's not the tech that we
are developing, we are just developing the policy around it. We are putting in more and more policy on a gradient.
It has to be done, that way to actually survive. If you try to apply all policy at once, then you can't do anything,
because somebody will come up and say, you don't have a certificate to do that, and there is no real HCO here,
and there is no real Qual here, and there is no real C/S here, and you have no OK from this, and even no Flag here,
so you can't do anything. And if you can't do anything, you fail.
So, you must judge the importances very carefully, and apply on the proper gradient the policies that you can apply
at that time, which will ensure the success and won't stop the action.
Let me repeat the last sentence: You must gauge very carefully, when you are coping like we are doing, the exact
policies you can apply at the level of the gradient where you are, which will result in success and expansion,
and which will not stop the development of the organization and expansion. You are essentially, therefore, being
confronted with what is the purpose of what you are doing. I refer you back to this drawing that we mocked up here.
What was the purpose of LRH when he started developing Dianetics? Well, he wanted to help people. He wanted to
help them spiritually. He wanted to remove the aberration. He wanted them to regain their abilities. It was a doingness.
It was the activity of auditing.
Now, maybe, another policy leaps to mind: "Any auditing is better than no auditing". So these are the
important policies, the ones that follow the purpose line and how LRH did this, and how he developed the organization
to surround the technology and protect it and expand it. These are the important ones, you can see them yourselves
very clearly. Just like the one I mentioned before: "No case on post", because not everyone is totally
trained and processed at the beginning. And "Any auditing is better than no auditing", because if you
want to stop all auditing, then you don't clear.
But, of course, the best auditing is standard. And we have all the standard auditing processes.
And now we are putting in the correction of all the auditors and PCs that have been messed up in the past. So essentially,
what we are doing here in Frankfurt is, we are putting in Qual. There are many people auditing, there are many
little tech areas around, but we are putting in a qual action, which is to actually select out the exact policies
and correct the exact outnesses that will permit the steady expansion of the tech areas again. And that is the
whole purpose of this lecture, so that you see that viewpoint.
I have seen people in the past go through policy volumes for many hours to try and find a policy that says "You
can't do that". But those people were only interested in stopping. They weren't interested in making it go,
in making it expand. Now, of course, this is not a license to violate policy. It is an invitation to use policy
analytically, which of course is another failure of the old organization. I can give you one great example of it
right now: concentration on statistics, without ensuring there were products behind those statistics.
I mean, if you wish to make a false stat, you could say, "We have 4 billion Clears, the whole planet is clear,
it's finished". But where are the products? That is why LRH eventually, after writing all the volumes O to
7, wrote the Management Series where it tells you in there the Data Series and the Organization Series and production
organization actions -and what is important. That's why that volume, the Management Series, is very important.
It tells you what the important things are.
The whole purpose of this lecture, then, is to reinstill in people who might have been disappointed in policy and
ethics in the past, and sort of rehabilitate their failed purpose in the use of policy and ethics by bringing them
to a point where they can see it as an analytical tool that Ron had to use to handle all these little dots on planet
Earth without getting so involved in the spaghetti.
A little bonus on the end of this: You may also have seen in this a reflection of dynamics. The first auditing
by an auditor in the field usually involves only the first and second dynamics. The auditor is handling the person
and his family associates and maybe audits the wife and the husband and children, and maybe there is some things
to do with that, and he can usually handle that pretty well because most auditors, who are in good shape, can confront
family problems. They confronted their own, and so they handle family problems and people pretty well.
But when it moves to the area of third and fourth dynamic, it's a bit harder to confront. There are many third
dynamics on this planet that are very, shall we say, have a lot of MEST power. When you move into the area of policy,
however, you are in to third dynamic technology. Because what you are doing is, you are organizing a group around
a common purpose. And the goal and the purpose are always at the top of the admin scale. That's another very important
thing, by the way, because policy, although we know you shouldn't be off policy, no policy should be off purpose.
And the purposes shouldn't be off or away from the goal. This is what is called aligning the admin scale. Alright,
that's in the Management Series.
You are seeing here a third dynamic technology, and as soon as you start applying that on planet Earth, you run
into those who are attempting to control all the third dynamics and enforce control on the whole fourth dynamic.
So there is another level of dynamic confront that is needed by the group. Because the purpose and the goal cannot
go forward if there is a very powerful 4th dynamic conspiracy to suppress it. So you use Scientology and its tech
and its policy to handle that also.
Now, we can expand this even further. Because there are many kinds of 4th dynamics on this planet, mankind is only
one of them, suppose we had all of certain 4th dynamics of insects that were against mankind, and we had to fight
those also, or suppose we had 4th dynamics of bacteria and viruses and so on that were against mankind and we had
to fight those, or certain kinds of animals. You see, we are another 5th dynamic.
Well, in actual fact, as you go through the 4th dynamic level of confront, you find there are such things. What
are these strange diseases that inflict many of mankind? You know, these viruses and cancers and things like that,
and we can show you books also where it is shown that the, shall we say, enslavement-purpose people, the people
who have the purpose of enslavement, are utilizing research and science in these virus and bacterial areas to further
enslave people. So they actually use the 5th dynamic against mankind.
And in the 6th dynamic we find the same thing. Certain electromagnetic radiations, and certain chemicals of matter,
energy, space and time, such as drugs, are being used against mankind as well.
And we also can peek into the 7th dynamic. And we find out there are several classes of thetans that are being
used against mankind. Spiritual things. We can also take a look into the 8th dynamic and say, "What are the
gods that these evil ones are saying are their gods?" A lot of them worship a thing called Lucifer, which
is, we all know, the devil.
If you are a good Scientologist, you note that it is probably just an implanted item from the track. But it is
very effective in controlling humanity through secret societies of black magic and things like that. Mystery.
And we look into the 9th Dynamic, and we see some anti-aesthetics, a sort of off-purpose aesthetics. They go on,
they try to make people sort of not think, and just sort of around in a daze most of the time. They are actually
showing you what are the dynamics of the evil ones or the Marcabian side.
Some of the music, some of the art is totally insane. It is only art, because there are enough insane people to
appreciate it. It is a communication line to them.
I went into the Pompidou-Museum in Paris, and I saw a demonstration of modern art. An entire floor of the museum
given away to that. It actually smelled bad. A big board with old shoes and dirty socks and pieces of shit and
paint all over, posted up as an example of modern art. And this kind of stuff and twisted shapes and all kinds
of distorted bank-type pictures and people going through there, going "Oh, yes". The whole floor given
over to this, a real Marcabian art show.
Let's take a look at their ethics, dynamic 10. Let's look at the ethics dynamic on the planet that we have to handle
as well. Ethics in the current world consists of two things. Actually three. They are, in fact, the same thing.
They club people who resist with money, with legal, and with force.
These are the gradients of ethics in the wog-world. They try to fine you or take your money. If you won't have
that, court cases and legal actions. And if you won't have that, then it is the mafioso actions, and they throw
you in jail or send some guys to blow up your house, or whatever. Why do you think all these people who did a little
resistance got assassinated in the last 50 years? I refer you to an excellent book that was published by VAP Wiesbaden,
which is by Des Griffin, called "Descent into Slavery." He explains this very well. Here I am not talking
about the normal justice of the city or the state, the normal things that you see in the rules that go well. I'm
talking about the justice of the enslavers where someone is going against their actual plan. They try those three
That's if you can escape the first light gradient which is just black PR. Now, that is why you see things such
as models and scenarios being performed on the world leaders and opinion leaders and inventors and people who go
away from that side and try to free people and try to give them new inventions and try to make their life better.
You find them being attacked with those methods.
I can give you examples of Scientologists who have invented fantastic new things. And first of all they were told,
"It didn't work." Black PR. Next they proved it worked. So next, they would be tried to be bought off
with money or restricted with money so that they couldn't get any to develop. And next, legal actions were put
against them, and next, threats of force. And finally, force itself.
They might have even used things from the fifth dynamic, like some of those viruses, and so on, that we were talking
about. There are several stories of this; people that have invented things, not only in Scientology, but in the
regular world, that have tried to free people.
This is not a dramatization. The people who are doing that know exactly what they are doing. It is a deliberate
restimulation. It is intended to frighten everyone by example not to do the same thing. Having those dynamics of
the other side- (and you know what your own dynamics are towards freedom and so on, and a new civilization and
a renaissance of arts and aesthetics, and a generally high ARC, high KRC planet)- and when you see the difference,
you see what the job is you have to do with policy and with all of the Data Series and handling all the rest of
the dynamics. You can also analyze from this little talk exactly who is in the camp or is on the side of the people
who would destroy freedom. There are people who use the purposes and policy of the enemy.
So you can even analyze the old church by that criteria and you can see exactly whose policy and purpose they must
I hope that has been helpful and instructive to you, and I also want to tell you that the great mass of humanity
still lies in the spaghetti. But they also have their own abilities, and they are deliberately being restimulated
to keep them from realizing those abilities.
The main technology method of the Marcabian side is concentrating their intention on keeping people at fear, and
below, on the Tone Scale. 1.0 all the way down to apathy. Because then they can control all the planet with their
1.1 actions. That is why they would then be the highest toned people on the planet. 1.1 .
They really cannot confront Scientologists at all because, my goodness, they are most all above 2.0 on the scale.
And all those Marcabians have retained certain OT-abilities themselves, because they are relatively new to the
planet, the ones who are here recently. You can handle 99% of them by TRs. A good TR1, "Get out of here",
and they will.
So they are not very effective, except the cases where the people have so much spaghetti around them that they
are restimulated by their intensity and their flow. And the thing they fear most, of course, is exposure of themselves:
1). as being aliens to the planet, 2). as being the masterminds behind trying to suppress all the people of earth,
3). as being the people who are stealing you all blind of all your gold and real currencies, now owning more than
60% of the wealth of the world, and 4). of having their basic false data exposed, such as, man only lives once.
You see, if man only lives once, then you can really scare the hell out of him with death. They are also afraid
of the money being found out to be worthless they are issuing. And they are also afraid of the wrath of humanity,
once all the other four things are found out. They are very afraid of mob action against them. That's why they
protect all their premises, and so on, with very heavy security operations. What other explanation do you have?
They are running the terrorists. They are running the communists. They are running most of the politicians. So
they can tell them, "Don't do anything to our area."
No, they are afraid of people that aren't under their control. And there are lots of people that are not under
their control. There are lots of people that are in apathy and don't know what to do.
So that shows you that they don't have a control over the planet yet, and in fact, a very accurate analysis, they
only have a great deal of control in the western world. They are only using 1.1 tactics with the rest of the world.
And it is only at the top levels they have the control. They don't have the control through the middle and the
bottom areas and the ordinary people in the street.
They don't have that control. They try to enforce it with the 5th and 6th dynamic procedures I mentioned before
-the drugs and electronics and radiation, and blabla stories on TV, and so on. So that gives you a pretty good
picture of the world as it exists today.
For more information, you can refer to the Sector Ops Bulletins 18, 19, 20 and 21 to see what more of the game
is being played on the 4th and the 7th dynamic and other areas of games.
Do you see the importance of policy and ethics in use to protect the technology in such an environment as this
planet, which is constantly being restimulated at all times by the intention of people who try to control?
Anyway, we must acknowledge here that Ron did have the answers. He gave them all to us in his policy and tech volumes
and his tapes, and we are here on that purpose line, and therefore, we have all the materials we need to carry
on and do it.
And whatever civilization comes out of this, because remember the definition of a civilization, "an economic
engine, fueled by ideas", all the moving parts are exchanges. And the fuel which keeps this engine running
is ideas. If people don't have the ideas, there can't be any exchange. Because ideas result in products whether
it's an art product, or a physical product you can buy. All those things you see in this room are ideas somebody
had, and now they can be exchanged. And that is what makes a civilization. Of course, it has to be based on something-
such as a planet, and that's Earth. So the new civilization can exist. Once the economics is freed up of suppression,
exchange can occur freely.
This is not capitalism, by the way, it's a free-exchange society. People try to confuse them and say they are the
same thing. They are not. Free-exchange society postulates a stable currency. A stable medium of exchange which
can be used, or barter, so that a person can produce and actually exchange without having to borrow, by applying,
of course, the condition formulas of ethics, and work himself into a higher condition and then cope and organize.
In that way you can expand.
Capitalism is the making of money by use of money. It has nothing to do with production and exchange. Communism
is just a slave state -- the ideal scene of the Marcabians -- where it is just a little group at the top that runs
it. And all ideas and all exchanges are totally suppressed and controlled.
The ideas in the New Civilization are those ideas which promote the survival of the dynamics. This does not include
biological, chemical, and atomic warfare, but it should include things like use of the same scientists to create
food for the entire planet. And energy sources so that everyone is freed of the necessity of having to purchase
large amounts of inefficient energy. So you start to see, by reading "The New Civilization Game", exactly
what could be achieved. This is a game to expand into when we clear people. You have to give them a game. You can't
just free them into nothing.
This is covered in the policy "Mistakes of Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz", which is the famous Bolivar
Policy written by LRH. It is an ethics policy. You see, it is all very important what LRH wrote down there in green
on white.
And to finish off, I just want to say, anyone who has a logical and analytical viewpoint of all this can look through
all the written works of man, all the written books, and they will never find anyone who has put it so clearly,
and so fully there on how the dynamics can survive.
The only people who would criticize such a person or such a being must then be those people who do not want those
dynamics to survive and expand. Anyone can trace back to the sources these criticisms and do a proper ethics action
on them. I guarantee you, the tracing of these criticisms will go back originally and will come from the original
attacks against LRH and Scientology. The people who were doing that attack are all on the side of enslavement.
What people should be doing is looking at how LRH set up a situation so that we could enjoy and play a game of
freeing people and analyze all the activities and reports and data in the light of these two purpose lines. One
of freeing people into a New Civilization, or enslaving them in an old and apathetic civilization. And any logical
person, who has no case on post, will come to the correct answer.
And I think, by doing that, his purposes in Scientology and on the planet would be rehabilitated.
So, we must even thank Ron for the way to rehabilitate those purposes once they have been sidetracked or confused.
He truly has stated in the tech, in the red on white, that we can handle all cases. Anyone who will sit down to
be audited we can handle. So, as the nucleus of the New Civilization, all we have to do here is make sure that
the tech continues and that policy continues and the proper ethics continues and it all expands and we inform more
and more people.
In that way, I think we will very quickly achieve what we want, which of course is, again, clearing of the spaghetti
all over here and giving the little points here, which all now become little thetans, a purpose and a game that
will help them and the planet to survive and eventually will enable them to be welcomed again into the community
of other civilizations in the galaxy.
And that is, simply, what we are doing. There are no secrets about it. And anyone who tries to find hidden meanings
in that will not find it. That is what Ron and the people who volunteered to help him or who willingly joined him,
realized or saw or agreed to when they did so. I think that if they realized that, they might have a purpose like
that too, they may have had the same purpose themselves many, many years before that, and they merely aligned their
In all of these cases, we have people who can and will make a New Civilization and clear the planet. And therefore,
we can acknowledge again what LRH has given us, which is worthwhile, and which is fun. And there are no secrets
about that, as long as we are all promoting that there is red on white, there is green on white, and all of his
works if it is applied correctly. And let us do so.
And to end off, once again I will end off with this statement, because I have heard so many strange statements
by people who now say that they don't even call themselves Scientologists.
How on Earth or in the universe could such a thing as Scientology or these policies or books be an implant? I have
audited many people on implants, and I have audited myself on many implants, and I will guarantee you, in all the
reading I have done in my life and other lifetimes, I have never, never anywhere found those implants written up
and given freely to everyone so that they realize that they were implants and handle them. Implants, by their very
nature, must be kept secret so they will be effective on the person. He doesn't know they are there. He just operates
No, the true measure of implantation is, they never tell you they are implanting you, and give you a textbook to
tell you what they are doing. Never has it happened. When you can really know and understand things and hear and
apply it, that's analytical stuff, that's not reactive. Implants are reactive. Truth and knowledge and application
and results are analytical. In conclusion then, I will again say: "Thank you, Ron, for all of the technology!"
And I ask again, are there any questions here about anything I've said? Otherwise I will end off the tech briefing
at this point.
Question: Don't you want to announce the attestations?
Oh yes, I wanted to mention a little success, that we have had our first Clear in the Frankfurt Network. (We call
it Ron's Organization and Network for Standard tech. That abbreviates to RON'S). It was attested last Sunday, so
we've already started people up the bridge and the people are moving up at a very good rate. We are also in communication
right now with 5 other of our network people all over in the various countries of Europe, and they have also given
us their support, and are willing to exchange with us and help develop there, and we help them and they help us,
so there is starting to be some sort of the network part of Ron's going on in Europe.
Thank you very much.
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