Technical Briefing Number 3
Capt. Bill Robertson
November 9th, 1984, Frankfurt
This is one of the centers of the Free Zone in Europe.
In the first talk we gave you a bit of the plan for opening up a bridge in Frankfurt for making OTs.
In the second talk, I covered why Organizations and Ethics are necessary to help produce those products.
In this lecture I want to go over briefly exactly what a product is and how that applies to what we are doing here.
First I want to define a product from the Flag Executive Briefing Course tapes by LRH.
"A product is a high quality service or article in the hands of the being or group it serves in exchange for
a valuable."
In the Admin Dictionary that definition is stated in slightly different words, but I think that one is in there
too. That is from the tape.
Now let's take up the various parts of that definition and see how it applies here in Frankfurt.
"A high quality service or article:"
We know that first we are delivering a service when we are auditing or training. And we are delivering an article
or a thing when we are selling a book or a course pack or some other physical man-made articles. An E-Meter is
an article. Now I think you will immediately appreciate that the word high-quality has to be there because low-quality
products people will not purchase. And if the quality is even below zero and turns into an overt-product, people
actually run away from it.
You can find many examples of poor-quality or overt-quality products in the world. You can find them in the area
of tech. I have seen some of the write-ups and folders of people who actually had overts committed on them by the
church. They were left in the middle of something and didn't get through it, they were put on cycle after cycle
leaving all incomplete or they were invalidated after they had a win and tried to complete something. And all the
time the interest was not so much in the product as it was in them paying for it.
So all these are examples in the tech area of poor-quality or no-quality or overt-quality products.
In Frankfurt we want people to go up the bridge, so every level or every grade or every review that gets them back
on the bridge is a little product and it must be of high quality. It must be according to the actual grade chart
and the bulletins in the reality and the understanding level of the PC that we are working with. We do not mechanically
just give a person all the commands and then say he is finished and have him falsely attest, because a person can
also accept, himself, an overt or poor quality product and fool himself. And in this case, a lot of times it has
been done before for status reasons or to try and save money or for other reasons best known only to those PCs
who have done it, and possibly students as well.
But in the long future ahead of you as a thetan, this does not compute because the things you learn in Scientology
training and the things you realize in your auditing are forever. You're receiving the training and auditing as
thetans and a thetan does not die, he carries on.
So, when you get your product from a high quality source you can use it throughout your whole future. And that
is the way you should approach your training and auditing.
Scientology is the science of knowing how to know and it gives the basics of life. So when the thetan really duplicates
it, then he uses this in his life right into his future.
When he has a no-product or an overt product or a poor quality product, then you can state with certainty that
his future will be of that same quality, because that is the knowledge he is using. I think you understand why
it has to be high quality, especially in the technology and science of Scientology.
The next part of the definition states that:
"It must be in the hands of the being or group it serves".
A pile of books that are not sold, or not in the hands of anybody that is reading them, is not a product. It may
be a product of the book publisher, because he sold them to you all printed, but you must get them to the individuals
to use them.
And that is the same when a person is trained. He becomes the product of the people who trained him, but he really
is a useful product when he can deliver the knowledge he has of auditing to others. So he has to be "in the
hands of the being or group he serves".
That means that he should be delivering that auditing to preclears because he is trained to do it. Now when we
have a solo auditor trained he is in the hands of the being he services -himself - and he has the responsibility
to carry himself through to OT.
The product must be transferred over to the hands of the people that it is used by or it serves.
So the third part of the definition is:
"In exchange for a valuable".
The people who make the products will not be able to make them very long even if they are doing high quality products
if they do not get exchange for it. This is very obvious.
The people who like to give away their services for nothing don't have any support, so the exchange must be in.
Of course if they try to get too much out of reality and charge too much also they don't get support. In the middle
somewhere is a good place to exchange.
Now the valuable does not have to be money because money is only an idea, a consideration of value, something you
can trade for the necessities you need to survive. It's based on confidence that people will accept it and give
you something for it. If somebody comes and says, (Capt. Bill shows a sheet of paper) "that piece of paper
here is money, and you should give me a pound of coffee or a kilo of coffee for that", they laugh at you.
No confidence. But since this (the piece of paper) is an OCA, scoring things for a personality test, somebody who
is starting up and needs one of these, he may consider it valuable enough to give you a pound of coffee for it,
because you share the same confidence that this is valuable.
And that is the same thing with paper-money. Everybody has this agreement that it is worth something. The valuable
could be anything however, it could be gold, silver, paper money, it could be lodging, food, it could be something
that the person needs in exchange for his product.
LRH once mentioned that when the confidence goes out of the money, the world will revert to a barter system or
a trade system such as that. I don't have to tell you very much about the problems with paper money here, because
I know you have all read about the Weimar Republic, where the money was inflating so fast that you used to have
to take big thousands and thousands of Marks to buy bread and they only were printed on one side because they had
to issue so much of it.
But that was not a situation that only happened in Germany. The same situation with money has happened in France,
America, England, and other countries throughout history. However, they do not much put it in history books, because
it is upsetting and it might start people thinking about it -"Why do I think that paper is valuable today?"
So, not to get too far away from the concept of product, but the idea is: Make sure that when you are producing,
you are also making a viable exchange. Viable means you are able to live with it. You are able to have confidence
in it, that you will survive with it.
So your exchange should be able to help you make more products, correct? Part of it. Part of it should be able
to help you survive in the future. And part of it should be for your daily survival. In other words, how you eat
and have to pay your rent and the telephone and everything every day ?
By the way, that is all covered in Financial Planning Policy of how you make reserves for your future and how you
handle your daily necessities and how you invest in service facilities for your production.
So we have come around full circle again to why you also need to know Policy while you are delivering tech. And
you also need to know Ethics so you do not accept an overt product and you don't give overt products. And you have
to know the basics of Scientology so that you can help all the dynamics to survive. And when you know the basics
that will give you the confidence to live throughout the future.
This sort of summarizes what I said in the last lecture that you cannot just deliver tech forever without also
including Policy and Ethics.
I assume that you understand what a product is, and why it is important.
Now I would like to give you, to end off this tape, just one example of a very overt product and what methods have
to be done to make people accept it. And that is a product which we call commonly in Scientology an implant. Or
to make more understandable in today's language, an attempt to control your mind, or an attempt to influence your
thinking and your decisions.
Many, many years all the way back the track, some people, mostly suppressives, have tried to do this. That is one
reason that Scientology is so popular amongst the people that really understand it. It is a very worthwhile product,
because it also keeps them from falling into that trap.
Now, if you realize that an implant or mind-control operation is a product that nobody wants and nobody needs,
then you realize that the person who is delivering that product must do it under false pretenses or do it secretly
or do it covertly and give you a false reason why you should accept it.
This is what has happened in the past on the track and is happening in present time. These overt products have
been used to control people and especially try to control those people and groups who would resist that product,
I should add who resist violently this type of product. In other words, people like us.
Because many people will just accept it and go along and reduce their awareness and just play a game at a lower
level. And thus you find people who are just interested in their first dynamic or their second dynamic. They haven't
any others. They have all been not-ised, suppressed, with the agreement of that person. They cannot confront it
because there is force there.
So, when people start taxing you heavily, over 50% going up to 60%, there is a gradient there, you know, a product
you don't like. You see, they don't just come in and say,"there is no taxes today, and then tomorrow there
is going to be a 100% tax". They don't do it that way. Everybody will go "NO!".
First they say, "we have this very good reason,"(false reason) "that we must take a little bit of
your income for your old age. And we must take a little bit more for the people that are not working. And we must
take a little bit more to handle the bad guys over there and to make weapons to keep them out. All for your safety,
you understand. And we must take a little bit more to run all the administration and everything, all the people
and posts and all these people who control this money". (And make sure that you don't know where it's gone).
You realize that if all the tax money of any country or even half of it was in vested in Scientology for each person
in the country, they wouldn't need all these things. And very shortly in the future they wouldn't even need to
tax anyone, because the people would all be making products and getting exchange.
And they wouldn't have any reason to fight other Scientologists in other countries. And they wouldn't worry about
growing old, because they'd know they would take another body. And they wouldn't worry about getting sick too much,
because they could handle auditing and handle most of it right there in their auditing. And they wouldn't have
to worry about all these insurance problems and worry about whether they'll have an accident or not, because the
people who are PTS would have been handled and they wouldn't have accidents.
It would be quite a different world. There may be some normal, understandable taxes such as, for instance, a little
tax on the roads or the gasoline, little ones, just to keep all the roads going. Or a small tax on the properties
to make sure that they have the gas, electricity and everything. But that is a service or a product or an article
that you understand. And you can understand it and you can pay it, if it is reasonable.
But how can you understand a government taking over 50% of your working wage in addition to those. They don't tell
you what they do with all the money. And the insurance companies don't tell you what they do with all the money
they collect.
You figure it out some time by the number of people in the country employed or driving a car multiplied by the
amount you have to pay in one year for your insurance and your taxes and figure out, just how much money that is,
going through the government or through the insurance companies and then divide it by the number of people in the
country and see if you get that much exchange back. You find you don't.
So, where does it go? Well, a lot of that money is going into methods of controlling you so that you won't ask
those kind of questions. A lot of it is going in the public scenario so that you will realize "I'm glad they
have all these weapons and somebody is taking care of it over there."
So to keep people under control when they are able to think, they must get very clever. They must take any group
that starts to protest and make sure it is not listened to. They must make sure that any individual who writes
a book or something like that does not get it into the bookstores. They must make sure that anyone who comes up
with a much better way of living is actually made a terrible person with all the press and reports that they can
And they must keep telling you lies. Such as "You only live once." "You are an animal." "You
are going to get sick and you are going to die sometime in your life." "You need protection from all
the bad people in the other countries."
These kinds of lies. Another thing is, "You shouldn't think about the mind. It's dangerous. That's best left
in the hands of those qualified to do so." (Who have the marvelous technologies of taking out a light bulb
and inserting somebody's hand into an electric shock, or putting the electrodes on the head. And all done with
great scientific precision.) And anyone who believes that this bullshit works I would love to see them hold two
bare wires from a light socket in their hands for a while to get better. Anyone could test it in their house. You
don't need a psychiatrist at a very high fee to find out that it is a very overt product. But look how it is promoted!
You see what I mean.
The whole world, the western world especially, is sitting in a made-up series of lies. I give you another one.
What about astrology? Anyone, who examines astrology will find out that it could have only one purpose: and that
purpose is to keep you on this planet. Because it's nowhere else where you could get star-charts from and your
planetary movements except from this planet. In actual fact astrology is an implant that was given to thetans long
ago on the track and it was said to predict what your life is going to be like in a body, and you better follow
or you are getting a lot of trouble. And to follow it you have to stay on the Earth and keep watching the stars
and the planets. So it makes a wonderful way to keep people on the planet not wanting to go elsewhere. A great
And they make you afraid, for instance, to go to some other countries outside of Europe for instance, because it's
so much trouble out there, it's so much crime, it's so much terrible people. You see it in the newspapers every
All this is created. It's a game to keep everyone's attention firmly fixed and firmly afraid of doing anything
except what they hear and what they are told. In actual fact, when you go around the world to different countries
-I have in Africa, South America, Central America, and of course all the countries in Europe- you find, that people,
if you treat them as a thetan plus a body normally, (unless they are very keyed in or aberrated), they are very
much the same all around. They all like the same things. They are trying to survive. And they are trying to make
a better life for themselves and they are very friendly. They are not enemies.
Man is basically good, LRH said. He said also a very interesting thing on an OT briefing tape in 1952. I don't
know if I quote it exactly, but you will get the meaning. He said that if someone wanted to control you, they would
have to lie to you. And then he said, "If someone is lying to you, or more, anyone who is lying to you, is
trying to control you." That's a very deep statement.
Anyone who is lying to you is trying to control you. So when a person says, "hey, this newspaper story, I
know, that's not true, it's only a little bit, some is true, but the rest is totally false." Then, who ever
wrote that story or their senior or their boss is trying to control you. That's how that goes.
And you have used it in your daily life, I bet. Somebody is upset. You go over to him and say, "Oh, that's
alright, it's going to be alright. You are OK." You know that it is not OK. The truth is that it is not OK.
That the person has an ARC-break or something that has to be handled. But using all that "OK, relax"
and "all will be alright", what do you think you are trying to do? You are trying to control it to stop
that dramatization. You are trying to control it.
That's why Scientology is so valuable. Because a Scientologist will look at it, and say "tell me more about
it", and he can talk about it and get rid of the charge. Or, if he is an auditor he can get in session and
say, "Do you have an ARC-Break, present time problem," and get the data from that person, because that
person has the truth.
And that is the difference between a control operation and a freeing operation. In the control operation they will
lie to you and they will evaluate for you, and they will tell you, what is true for you. "Oh, you are getting
old, take it easy... you must go to a doctor two times a year for a check-up." I haven't been to the doctor
in 20 years. What for?
So the thing is, in a freeing operation, they will tell you the truth. But more importantly, they will ask you
what your truth is. Moreover, the communication is free, is open. And you learned that in auditing to tell the
difference between what is a person's own communication and which communication they are repeating, that comes
from somebody else.
There is an interesting policy about this called "The Third Party Law", where LRH even says that this
is one of the major policies that in ancient civilizations has been out. No one understood the third party law.
And that is one reason they failed, because they did not spot who was doing it.
Here in Frankfurt, what we are doing is making OTs. And an OT is a being who is at cause over matter, energy, space,
time, thought and life. Or you could also look at it as a person who is cause over his dynamics. Because all these
things are in the dynamics as well.
And it's a gradient, because you can be more at cause, more at cause, more at cause. And you can even get at cause
over other dynamics as well, especially when you start creating products.
So, what we want to do is create that operation that leads towards freedom. And not one that leads you into being
at effect or being controlled.
It is unnecessary to control people when they have their own sense of ethics. And as they go up the bridge they
will develop their own sense of ethics and apply it to all dynamics.
This is why you see different grades of OTs and phenomena on the bridge. You have probably known OTs that don't
seem very causative. For instance, they may keep their body pretty healthy but they are still having situations
on the second dynamic or third dynamic. And they never even moved onto the fourth or the seventh dynamic. It's
a gradient. And you find others that can do more things on some other dynamics. Well, as you go up the levels on
the grade chart then you will find that you become more cause on all of those dynamics and all of those areas.
And the main thing you want to see is more people doing it.
Because you always like to have a good game and good communication, and if you don't have anybody to communicate
with it's very lonely. You have to restrict all of your areas of information and knowledge and so on and only speak
about those things which other people can have.
So there are actually two solutions: You can Q and A and go back downscale and become just a human being who believes
he is a body. Or you can try to get other people up to where you can have friends across all the dynamics.
Now with these data you can start looking around you in life, and I advise you to read more of LRH's books, especially
"Creation of Human Ability", the Axioms, and other of his books, your dictionaries, Tech- and Admin Dictionaries,
and really get an idea what this is all about. It is something that I have been waiting for, and I know a lot of
you have been waiting for, for a long long time in this universe.
And I believe that we should not Q and A and start reducing our cause level just because there are still some suppressives
around and implanters who want to control your mind and your body and your thoughts because that is the way down
into succumb.
So this is what you look at when you are going up the OT levels. You look at this very carefully and it all becomes
fun. It becomes a game. Realize that you can be, or do, or play at any level. You can go into a place where people
believe they are bodies and play like you are a body. You don't have to agree to it. You can just play it. But
you can always be creating a better world and a better set of dynamics for yourself and others.
And if you look at yourself at the top of the freeing movement, then you realize that it is our job to make sure
the others don't Q and A. The people who are believing in control, let them make Q and A. Because they are all
thetans as well. They just became so used to it over the centuries and years and years of the track they can't
see any bigger. It's like people who are totally in astrology. They will tell you how wonderful it is. And they
also won't have any idea or hope or any purpose of leaving the planet.
The implanters who are putting these overt products on the thetans for so many years and so on, added to the own
overts of everyone on the track of knocking out other people's dynamics just brought the whole game down to a rather
dull level.
LRH states in Volume 2 of the Red Volumes in an HCOB on randomity, he says "the randomity level of Earth is
somewhat like a snail crawling across a lawn on a hot summer day." He also stated on a Briefing Course tape,
that "you haven't done anything in this life that could aberrate you". You may have restimulated something
that you did get aberrated by in the past, but you haven't done anything in this life that is really aberrative.
Because your cause level back the track was a lot higher than it is now. And the things you did that brought you
from OT all the way down to where you just became a PC some time in this life were much more powerful than the
things you have done in this life. Realize your state of ability before was without all the knowledge and the data
we now have.
So when you move back up toward OT it is not only the abilities you gain back, but you have the technical data,
the basics, the axioms and the knowledge to use it correctly. And use it for the betterment of the games and improvement
of dynamics, and to get more people able to play. So that's what it is all about, that is what we are doing here.
And that is what LRH intended to do when he started writing his books and to audit.
He never has changed that purpose. The people, who are lying to you about him, about LRH, they are lying in the
newspapers, in the RTC, and so on... are trying to control you. The people who are writing the stories about him
in the papers are trying to control you. If you want to find out what LRH really intended for this planet read
his books. If he had any other purpose he wouldn't have written those books. He wouldn't have given you 2000 tapes
about how to get free. In other words, he was trying to free you. It is only people that are lying to you that
are trying to control you.
So this, I hope, gets spread out widely through the Free Zone, and people take another look at all these rumors
and stories and everything they hear and go back to source and read what LRH wrote and what he said on the tapes.
You have also heard, "if it isn't written, it isn't true". But the opposite isn't necessarily true either.
If it is written it does not always mean it is true. There have been many lies written.
That was only stated in policy as the first point to consider to avoid rumor lines. It was first to get in writing,
and then check it out. See if it was true, if it really came from LRH or not. And you can always tell wether something
came from LRH or not, because if it did come from LRH it would be in line with his basic purposes and goals given
in his books and tapes.
So, I hope that I have been able to tell you, one, what a product is, two, what making a product called an OT is
all about, and three, what the overt product makers and the control operations are all about as well.
I think I have made it pretty clear there and always, when I come to those points I realize that I couldn't have
been standing here talking unless I had absorbed and duplicated a lot of this knowledge during this lifetime. That
is the certainty of it, from having used this and applied this and seen it work, knowing it is a high quality product.
The knowledge applies, it works. And again, we have to acknowledge that LRH has put it there for us to learn and
to use and play a better game.
So on that note, I would like to end this Tech Briefing No. 3 and encourage anyone or any auditing group that is
around the planet, if they want to connect up with the Frankfurt group -which we are calling Ron's Organization
and Network for Standard Technology, which abbreviates to RON'S- if they want to be part of that network which
believes, or let's say knows or has confidence in these very some things (because believe is a little bit lower
on the scale than knowingness). If you really apply that and you really apply that and you really see it works,
then you know it works. Then those people will join in that agreement and that understanding and that confidence
and I believe we can create in the coming year a very strong new civilization based on the truth and based on the
creative abilities of the thetans and OTs we are making. And improving their abilities to where they can have a
New Civilization.
And with the full confidence and other people supporting these postulates in the coming year we can create a very
strong New Civilization which is based on freedom and people moving up this gradient to OT. And we will all be
able to play a better game and have a lot of fun.
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