EXM - 29
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
Some people will tell you all about their past lives, who they were and what they did. Others can tell you about their prenatal experiences and birth. Even others can tell you what happened to them when they almost died but came back.
But no one, NO ONE can tell you about where they were or what they were doing just before they took over their baby body.
It is this exact lapse of memory that has everyone being a sceptic. They look to see if they can remember any personal responsibility for having entered the body before or after it was born and they come up with nothing.
They can spend YEARS trying and trying, doing drugs, hooking themselves up to the wall sockets, breaking their brains trying to remember one damn thing about the time just before entering the body and they can't come up with a damn thing.
Somewhere around 2 to 5 years old the child asks its parents where it came from. My daddy told me, well I stuck my penis in your mother and that is how you were created.
Major wrong career move on my part.
Suddenly I am zooming down my back track trying to locate that moment of being created, checking out to see if it was true, and there is nothing at all in my memory one way or another and THAT ALONE IS EVIDENCE that he is right, evidence that I had no prior existence to being conceived and certainly no prior conscious responsibility for choosing to be born or which parents I would have.
Thus the person spends the rest of his life believing in some unknown God who will not talk to him, or he worships a tombstone at the head of some hole in the ground as the final resting place for his consciousness.
This universe is a hell hole of magnitude, so let's get real on this.
So what is the truth?
Well you have this memory block occurring just before your were born. Most people can not even remember before 5 or 6, at least until they enter therapy or Primal Scream or some such thing.
Then they get taken back to toilet training, you know, trying to hold it in until they are allowed to push it out.
If they can go earlier they will run into BIG nipples, or if they are not so lucky, BIG bottles.
Going earlier they will run into birth, which for some is a disastrously poisonous affair that some people just barely live through. Between the anesthetics and pinched umbilical cords providing you no oxygen while you are coming out, you are very lucky to be alive.
Ever feel out of breath in your chest even though there is plenty of air? Well that's called anoxia and is what a new born feels when the cord is pinched and he is not yet breathing. Most babies are ready to kill everyone in sight the moment they get out and if they could they would. Then you wonder why they act like cretins for the rest of their lives.
Anyhow, some people can go even earlier into the prenatal area. Here you have mother smoking cigarettes all day long, drinking alcohol, beating off, screwing other men while she is pregnant, sticking coat hangers in her vagina in an effort to terminate the fetus, and hanging herself when she fails, all the while crying 'If I don't kill myself I'll go crazy!'.
Too bad someone saved her.
Anyhow, talk about anoxia! The fetus of course is a small helpless wave of life bobbing around in the mother's body which is hanging by the neck at the end of a rope turning blue. Since the mother's blood stream is the source of oxygen for the baby, as the mother suffocates, the fetus starts screaming for air.
There is, however, no one to hear.
And the monsters close in.
As I said, it's too bad someone saved her.
Anyhow if you have a good auditor you might be lucky enough to go even earlier than all the abortion and suicide attempts and you find yourself in the conception area where mother is making it with everyone in sight and you have no idea really who your father is. What's worse is she is married to a doctor who is friends with a psychiatrist, who is making sure she is on every medication there is to keep her cool, calm and collected, and suddenly you cognite that your entire prenatal area is one long drug engram and it wasn't even your drugs you were taking. It was hers.
So finally you get back to the sperm and the ovum sequence and you begin to wonder if you haven't taken a wrong turn somewhere. Because suddenly you are ALSO in the middle of stuff that has nothing to do with a biological entity being conceived in the belly of a witch from hell. You realize you have been running something else's track!
So you back track a bit. Its pretty clear that the BIG nipples over there on other side of the room is your track. Those nipples are out cold in a valium stupor while you are starving to death in your crib and your voice doesn't work any more from screaming forever. Yep, that's your track alright. But somewhere between there and birth you can't quite tell what's you and what's not. And then you ask yourself the BIG question.
Just exactly when did I take over the body?
And it turns out there was an exact moment that you took over the body, and that for a lot of people it is just after birth. Thus all these things that happened to the body during birth and the prenatal period did not happen to you at all, but they did happen to the body.
So now that you have located the moment you really did take over the body, you can get back on track again and find out about your true whole track.
Taking this same route, LRH took himself back until he was a clam on a beach 500 million years ago. That's the genetic entity line. He finally had the cognition 'I am not a clam!'. Thus he discovered the Genetic Entity and ceased identifying with it. At this point he was free to come back to present time and go back along his own true track as a thetan into the between lives area.
That true track is called your WHOLE TRACK, and not only includes all of your past lives but also the time from when you left your last body until you entered your new one. That period can be long or short, it can be complicated with painful implants or it can be a free zone of time to relish.
And it happens between every body, so you have had as many between bodies areas as you have had lives.
It is called the in between lives area, and it is the world's biggest mystery to most people. Because they can not remember this period between every life, they have no idea who God is, where they have come from, or where they are going. And eventually they don't even know WHAT they are (a Spirit), or what kind of a garbage pail they are going to hell in (a Body).
So once you have taken responsibility for having chosen your parents the next question that arises is why the hell would you have chosen the parents you did?
Was it a lust for hangings and suffocation?
Was it some mean and nasty God punishing you for things you did long ago?
Or worse was it some cold and careless God, or some random cruel lottery system that didn't give a hoot whether you were deserving or not?
Sceptics will say because it never happened.
Cowards will say because you are not supposed to remember.
The rest of you will listen up.
You have a memory problem of the period of time called the 'Assumption'. Its when you assumed the beingness of a body, including its fragile mortality, its nasty parents who didn't want you or themselves from the day you were born, and its limited memory. It's all part of the package you took on when you chose life on earth.
Its a forgetfulness of magnitude and as a forgetfulness it is not different than any other forgetfulness, it follows the 4 flows that this whole posting has been about.
It is however the key forgetfulness that keeps you trapped in your body, unhappy and scared out of your wits. Thus once you are done patty caking around with all your other terminal pairs of this life, you will finally have to start running the real stuff and become a God again. At least an angel with wings.
You see the subject of
is the subject of
Burn it in Stone.
When two people get together and fuck the bunnies out of each other in order to create a child, THEY ARE BEING GODS. They are creating beings who can create beings. This does not happen on any other dynamic no matter how high, and the ramifications of this one simple fact are beyond most people's imagination, or courage to confront.
The effects that you cause by having a child who can have children spread out like a wave into the space time continuum around you FOREVER and affect the warp and woof of the fabric of the game we all must live in for the rest of time.
Thus if you mess this one up, the consequences that will befall you are those befitting a God who is unworthy of his God Hood.
So let us consider well the 4 flows of forgetfulness and how it applies to the trans life activities of thetans taking on bodies as children, and then creating bodies as parents to be taken on by other thetans.
The 4 flows are,
(1) What you did to a child as a parent in a past life, DED (2) What a parent did to you as a child in this life, DEDEX (3) What a child did to you as a parent in a past life, MOTIVATOR (4) What you did to a parent as a child in this life, OVERT
(1) The primary thing you did to a child as a parent in a past live was CREATE AND HAVE them. Sex, orgasm, conception and birth. The primary BAD thing you did to a child as a parent in a past life was to create and have them OUT OF SEASON AND FOR THE WRONG REASON.
(2) The primary thing a parent did to you as a child in this life was to CREATE AND HAVE you. Sex, orgasm, conception and birth. The primary BAD thing a parent did to you as a child in this life was to create and have you OUT OF SEASON AND FOR THE WRONG REASON.
(3) The primary thing a thetan did to you as a parent in a past life was to ASSUME your child's body just after birth. The primary BAD thing a thetan did to you as parent in a past life was to assume your child's body just after birth OUT OF SEASON AND FOR THE WRONG REASON.
(4) The primary thing you did to your parents as a thetan in this life was to ASSUME their child's body just after birth. The primary BAD thing you did to your parents as a thetan in this life was to assume their child's body just after birth OUT OF SEASON AND FOR THE WRONG REASON.
When people do the wrong thing they regret it. From this one point we can derive the following processes.
The phrase 'to regret the life of' means 'to regret the creation, conception and birth of'.
Parents can regret the birth of a child, and a child can regret the birth of a parent or that he assumed the child body of that parent.
(1) Have you ever regretted the life of a child as a parent in a past life? (2) Has a parent ever regretted your life as a child in this life? (3) Has a child ever regretted your life as a parent in a past life? (4) Have you ever regretted the life of your parent as a child in this life? (5) Have you ever regretted your own life as a child? (6) Have you ever regretted your own life as a parent?
Regret is an effort to turn time back. If you kill your child accidentally you go into kind of a backward time skid, wishing it never happened, trying to make it UN HAPPEN. Its an effort to UNDO a DONE.
If you regret the life of your child, if you regret having conceived and given birth to him, you are trying to turn time back on your child's existence, you are trying to UNDO the existence of your child.
If your child then dies, either by accident, or suicide, or by your own murderous intentions, you may be faced with a double regret, a regret that he was born, and a regret that he died.
(1) Have you ever regretted the life of a child as a parent? (1) Have you ever regretted the death of a child as a parent? (2) Has a parent ever regretted your life as a child? (2) Has a parent ever regretted your death as a child? (3) Has a child ever regretted your life as a parent? (3) Has a child ever regretted your death as a parent? (4) Have you ever regretted the life of a parent as a child? (4) Have you ever regretted the death of a parent as a child? (5) Have you ever regretted your own life as a child? (5) Have you ever regretted your own death as a child? (6) Have you ever regretted your own life as a parent? (6) Have you ever regretted your own death as a parent?
In this way are hells made for God's who create God's out of season and for the wrong reason.
People who have children for the right reason don't usually mistreat them so what happens to you after you are born is unimportant when compared to why you were born in the first place.
And THAT is what you did to your children, and what your parents did to you.
You were not put on Earth by some Divine Mr. Nice Guy. You are stuck to Earth because all your children are rapists, murderers, drug addicts, fornicators, and fanatics for schooling, war and false religions.
Not to mention graves and tombstones.
They sort of take after you, don't they.
That's a lot of sad eyes.
This is what born in sin means. You didn't bear for the right reason and you weren't born for the right reason. All the rest is your revenge and the revenge of your children.
LRH said the second dynamic was too hot to audit.
That may be so. But there it is.
Of course he was interested in making a buck.
We are interested in making Clears. Real Clears.
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