EXM - 38
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
In the 1960's, LRH made a number of seminal discoveries on the subject of Help. Help, Control, Communication and Interest to be specific. These later became the Pre-Havingness Scale because a being had to come up through Help, Control, Communication and Interest before he could HAVE anything.
He found that beings decayed down through these levels to the lower levels of the tone scale. They tried to have things by being interested in them. When that failed they tried to get them by communicating about them. When that failed they tried to use control to get their way. When that failed they would indulge in getting help and helping others. And when that failed they started in on committing overt acts and developing withholds.
Thus a scale was born that went as follows.
1.) Havingness 2.) Interest 3.) Communication 4.) Control 5.) Help 6.) Overts 7.) Withholds
The overts came in to play when people tried to help others by harming them, much as a parent tries to correct the disobedience of a child by spanking them. When direct methods of helping fail to work, then more indirect and finally violent methods are used. As these don't work either, and as the intention is still good, to help, the being finally regrets his actions and this produces the withholds.
Below this point of the scale the being goes sour.
The scale continues as follows.
8.) Importance 9.) Leave 10.) Protect 11.) Abandon 12.) Endure 13.) Inverted Help 14.) Inverted Control 15.) Inverted Communication 16.) Inverted Interest 17.) Obsessive Can't Have 18.) No Effect
The being descends this scale on misguided efforts to HAVE and get others to have too. He is pursuing his Goals and aligning with others that have the same or similar goals. In the process he gets opposed and this is where the conflicts lie.
Once the being enters into the band of Overts, Harming to Help, or even accidental overts, merely harming while helping, he quickly gets lost in the mire and confusion of his own anger and regrets. This leads to strenuous efforts to withhold, not only from doing bad things again, but also from telling others what he has done and what he feels about them.
At this stage the being enters into a big IMPORTANCE about things. Things are terribly important because he is caught in a total indecision based upon his need to act and his fear of consequences.
The indecision is MUST ACT and MUST NOT ACT.
In Scientology this is called a MAYBE.
This is sort of a balancing point for the being, a turning point, a fork in the road. He can decide to either go back up the scale or further back down. He usually decides to go further down as this is his safe solution to the problem he is in.
It is mainly a problem in self confidence, his willingness and winningness in handling the efforts and counter efforts of life around him without ruining his own goals and those of his friends. He gets into a tizzy about it, every time he acts, he does something wrong, and pretty soon the solution is to not act at all.
What he will do is leave. That is what a 'blow' is all about in Scientology terminology, the being is so unsure of his own ability to act properly that he will solve the mystery by leaving the area of importance and let other beings handle it.
This is the mother who leaves her kids to a nanny or day care center because she is worried she might not do the right thing. This is the person who cannot speak for fear they might say the wrong thing.
This is the person who sits around all day long and does nothing because they are just sure that if they do something it will turn out disastrous.
The person still cares about what they are leaving behind, they hope that by leaving, the problems they were trying to solve will be better taken care of by other people still hanging around being functional.
What the being finds though is that no matter how much they try to leave their problems behind in other's hands, their problems always come after them eventually, almost like they are tied to them with rubber bands or strong rope.
The mother that leaves her child at a day care center because she is sure they will 'do better by her child', finds out one day that the care takers have been molesting her child in class and now things are much worse than they were before.
Thus the problem comes back to the mother as she must now take the child out of day care and back into her own hands. But she still feels totally incompetent at doing right by the child. What she DOES feel like she can do is PROTECT the child from further harm.
So rather than just continue on by being a good mother, which she should have done in the first place, she will now proceed on a grand crusade against child molestation, sex, men, anything at all that she can blame for the harm done to her child. She is still not taking care of the child or bringing it up properly, she is too busy PROTECTING her child, probably to death.
The child will suffocate and become murderously mad at the mother in such circumstances, for no child can grow in an atmosphere of compulsive self serving over protection. The mother is incapable of judging what is good for the child, and only wishes to make up for the damage she allowed to occur before. Thus keeping the child locked up in a closet and out of harms way seems like a good solution to her.
The child will be wishing murder off on everyone in sight by this time. Many a serial killer was born this way.
Eventually the mother will see the error of her ways, the child will hate her deeply, and probably become a behavioral problem of magnitude. At this point the mother has another turning point, another decision to make and usually they make the wrong one.
Recognizing her total failure not only to help the child grow up properly but also to protect it from others and herself, she will give up utterly and ABANDON the child. This is a more severe form of leaving. In this case there is no thought of placing the child in good care. She knows that any decision that she makes will be a wrong one, so she leaves it up to fate to take care of the child. Thus she will leave the child in a basket in a shopping center and never look back.
Many people are in this state with regard to their Basic Purposes. They have abandoned them totally and now they move through life like a tumble weed in the wind. No one is really benefiting from this sort of behavior but almost everyone is doing it when it comes to their Eternal Basic Purposes. People have become Mortal in their own minds because they abandoned their Immortality long ago.
If perchance someone comes across the child in the shopping center and calls the police and the mother is hunted down and brought back together with the child she now enters a state of Endure. Or the man who tried to run away from his wife but is captured and put in jail for not paying his alimony payments. This is sort of a Can't Hide that people get into when they try to escape their problems forever. Their problems come after them and then they can't get away from them at all.
Now the mother has the State and her parents and the local police all breathing down her neck about taking care of this child. So she just closes her eyes and Endures. What she is enduring are the mistakes she knows she will make and the enmity that she knows the child will feel for her. She can't escape from hurting her own child, so she just takes it. The child gets repeatedly hurt and she suffers her regret in quiet sorrow.
It is at this point that a major shift takes place in the outlook of the being stuck in their quandary. They can't get away from their problem, they can't stop hurting those they love. Their only final solution is to destroy the problem and those involved in it. This is called inverted help. It is helping in order to harm.
The mother will pretend to be nice to the child, all the while planning to kill it or drive it to suicide. The mother will take destructive actions towards the child all in the name of help. She will criticize the child, she will punish the child unfairly, she will make the child hate her, she will berate the child, she will humiliate the child, she will lie to the child, she will make sure the child is useless and develops none of its potential. All for its own good. Her intention is that the child die knowing that it is no longer wanted. In her mind this is what she actually thinks is best for the child. She is still trying to help the child by destroying it or getting it to destroy itself.
Failing this, she will try to drive the child crazy with bad control. She will use control over the child to guarantee that the child is utterly unable to control anything, all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual competency will vanish, and the child will come to reject control of any kind for any reason. A being who can not or will not well control their environment can not survive.
Failing this, the mother will try to destroy the child by squelching its every communication. She will employ communication in order to create a state of no communication in the child. She will take the child's mind off what it is thinking about, she will interrupt the child, she will refuse to communicate about anything important to the child by talking only about endless inanities, and she will refuse to let the child communicate about anything of importance at all and she will force the child to communicate on endless wastelands of uselessness and wasted opportunities. Sort of like homework. This is called inverted communication. It means communicating with the intention of creating a no communication.
Failing this, the mother will fall into inverted interest. At this stage she will show interest in things to take the child's attention off of other things that the child is more interested in. She will force the child to be interested in useless garbage and invalidate the child for showing interest in anything that the mother did not show interest in first. Thus by never showing interest in anything important, the mother makes sure the child is never allowed to independently follow their own goals.
Failing this, the mother goes into a state of obsessively not being able to have a good child and be a good mother. She will be compulsively out of control and unable to execute any important or functional activity in life with regard to raising a child.
If there is anything in life you have always wanted, but were always totally unable to have, you should look to how you have fallen down this scale to Obsessive Can't Have. It doesn't matter if it is family, money, girls, power, freedom or art. It might even be good Scientology auditing! If you can't have it, you are down around Obsessive Can't Have on that subject. And you came down through all those levels we have just been talking about.
Below Obsessive Can't Have is No Effect. This means simply that no matter what the being does, it has no effect at all on anything he ever wanted to effect. He might as well not exist.
Most Churchie auditors feel this way about their own case.
Now the sad thing about all this is that a being can't even begin to get out of this mess unless he has some inkling of HELP. He either has to help himself, or he has to be helped. And what he needs is to rehabilitate his ability to help others and himself towards whatever original goal they might have had.
Near the top of the scale, help makes a lot of sense. But as help starts to decay people find out that help means harm. This is because they fail to help, at first totally unintentionally. They teach their kid how to walk and it falls down the stairs and breaks its neck. The next kid they have, they refuse to help it learn to walk.
Have you ever hurt someone you were trying to help? Have you ever been hurt trying to help someone? Has anyone ever hurt you while trying to help you? Has anyone ever been hurt while trying to help you?
These things happen by accident at first. It makes people very sour on the subject of help. But what it really does is it makes them mad. THEN they start to help people BY hurting them. Little Johnny is running around the house learning to walk and he gets spanked for being a bad boy. He might get killed after all!
This leads to regret and confusion and inaction.
So help becomes associated with pain way at the top of this scale. But then to make matters worse as the being falls down the scale he finally ends up in inverted help where he is offering to help in order to hurt!
Thus we start off helping and harming by accident. Then we harm in order to help. Then we help in order to harm.
Thus people have help and harm thoroughly confused. At the very bottom you have people who are totally sure that any help is offered only as a covert effort to betray and destroy them. Such people will not receive help and when they offer it they have only your destruction in mind.
Higher up are people who are convinced there is no help at all period. "Well we are made of meat, and there is no God, and Divinity is just a word, and we are all going to die anyhow, and who cares, its all too painful to dreg up, so leave me alone."
A little higher are people who are aware of help but who are chary as hell of it because they KNOW that help is dangerous. 'Well I know the mind can be fixed, but I might die if you play around in it and you don't know what you are doing, and I've got five kids and a wife and a job to hold down and I can't afford to go to pieces right now, and besides what would the neighbors think, and so you had better leave it alone for now, I'll get auditing later...'
Above that are people who know there is help and who want help desperately and who want to help just as desperately but who have no idea where to find help. These kind walk into Scientology like a man in a dessert walks into a sea of fresh water.
But to keep them there the first thing you have to do is run out all the charge they have on HELP as thoroughly as you can or they won't stay. Every erg of charge you can find in their banks on the subject of help must be released, because Scientology is about HELP, and if they have any Bank on the subject of help, they will turn Scientology into a Bank operation and no one will ever go clear.
They will also miss the people who are down at inverted help, helping to harm, who will walk into the Church and get themselves elected to high level management positions.
Once you clear help, then you go on to clear control, communication, and interest. At which point they will be able to HAVE again. It's a very OT state. It was no small thing this descent into trouble.
What they can HAVE by the way is their own Immortality once again.
The E/P of Havingness is "At Peace with one's own Immortality."
One clears the level by getting all the charge off the subject. Charge is caused by failures of any kind. Thus locating the desires and failures to help, control, communicate and be interested in things will run out most of the being's Bank. Forever. Or at least until he should so choose to indulge in ludicrous demise again.
This bulletin is about clearing HELP because everyone you meet will need to have help cleared on them first before you can touch anything else on their case. You are HELPING them after all, right? If help isn't clear on them, they will just play games with you at your expense and theirs too.
If they are below help, they won't even let you audit them so the point it moot. They will however try to join the Church in order to Leave, Protect, Abandon, Endure or Destroy what ever it is they can't handle in life. But they won't allow you to audit them, or they will turn auditing into a ritual so that no confession is gleaned and the truth is never found. And of course they will never get better.
In this way the Church can become a sanctuary for losers. So you had better have help cleaned up in yourself so that you can spot the loser that walks in the front door. If you don't, they WILL become your managers.
It's not hard to spot them. They don't want you to audit help.
So the following processes are designed to clear the hell out of help in a being. You can run them on another or even yourself. It helps to have an E-meter, but just understanding this material will go a long way to breaking your mind open to freedom and ability to help again.
You know anyone who is really crazy, or depressed or having a hard time of it in life, is just fouled up on this subject of help, even if it's only just helping themselves. Remember they lived a whole life around people who were also fouled up on help. So this stuff can work miracles on a being. It helps though if they are in the market for miracles. So don't waste your time with total losers. You've got plenty of people to help who are still able to want to be helped. We will get everyone someday.
So help falls into a number of categories.
Flow 1: Another helping you. Flow 2: You helping another. Flow 3: Others helping others. Flow 4: You helping yourself. Flow 5: Another helping themselves.
However there is an added complexity here which is called the KUCDEINR Scale. It goes,
Source of Cause of Known (K) Unknown (U) Curious about (C) Desire (D) Enforce (E) Inhibit (I) No (N) Refused (R) Withheld
It delineates the cycle of desire and failure on any subject of importance to a thetan. At first he is source of the thing. Then he falls down to creating it or causing it. Then he plays a game with himself of not having it and trying to get it. At this point he is curious about it. Then he falls to desiring it strongly. When this fails to accomplish what he wants he will take to enforcing it, or using force to get his way. This failing he will inhibit the thing, using force to NOT have it, NOT want it, NOT care about it, and NOT let others have or want it or care about it either. Eventually he falls down to NO recognition of the thing at all. It just isn't there for him as a problem or a desire or a failure of any kind. Later he will refuse the thing even if it is offered to him free of charge.
Thus a being goes from HAVING down through PLAYING TO GET, to REFUSING TO HAVE at the bottom. It's just another way of looking at the Pre-Havingness scale itself.
Help is something you can give and receive. It's also something you can be curious about, desire, enforce, inhibit, deny and refuse. The dividing point here is enforce and inhibit. So we would want a set of processes that covered this entire area rather thoroughly.
This would include all possible combinations of enforcing and inhibiting, giving and receiving help. Of course you can include any other flows that interest you and what I have laid out below is just what I have found workable for myself.
A very general run can be made as follows:
Flow 1: Another helping you.
1.) How has another helped you? 2.) How has another not helped you? 3.) How has another tried to help you and failed? 4.) How has another tried to not help you and failed? 5.) How has another forced help on you? 6.) How has another refused to help you? 7.) How have you forced another to help you? 8.) How have you refused another's help?
Flow 2: You helping another.
1.) How have you helped another? 2.) How have you not helped another? 3.) How have you tried to help another and failed? 4.) How have you tried to not help another and failed? 5.) How have you forced help on another? 6.) How have you refused help to another? 7.) How has another forced you to help them? 8.) How has another refused your help?
Flow 3: Others helping others.
1.) How have others helped others? 2.) How have others not helped others? 3.) How have others tried to help others and failed? 4.) How have others tried to not help others and failed? 5.) How have others forced help on others? 6.) How have others refused to help others? 7.) How have others forced others to help them? 8.) How have others refused other's help?
Flow 4: You helping yourself.
1.) How have you helped yourself? 2.) How have you not helped yourself? 3.) How have you tried to help yourself and failed? 4.) How have you tried to not help yourself and failed? 5.) How have you forced help on yourself? 6.) How have you refused help to yourself? 7.) How have you forced yourself to help yourself? 8.) How have you refused your own help?
Flow 5: Another helping themselves.
1.) How has another helped themselves? 2.) How has another not helped themselves? 3.) How has another tried to help themselves and failed? 4.) How has another tried to not help themselves and failed? 5.) How has another forced help on themselves? 6.) How has another refused help to themselves? 7.) How has another forced themselves to help themselves? 8.) How has another refused their own help?
The second and third questions have slightly different meanings. For example the second question 'How has another not helped you?' merely asks for what help did not take place. For example, 'Well my parents did not sell crack cocaine to make money for me to go to college even though it may have crossed their mind.'
The third question, 'How has another tried to help you and failed', asks for those times of attempted help which failed. For example 'Well my parents tried to take out a loan to pay for my college tuition, but it was refused due to my father's lack of income.'
The order in which you run these questions is not critical, what ever makes you or your pc the most happy. LRH says to run
How have you helped someone? How have you not helped someone?
alternately for long runs.
You can run each question repeatedly until the pc has no more answers on that question and then go on to the next one. Or you can cycle through them. You can even run all 5 flows on each help sub question before going on to the next help question. For example
Help question 1.
Flow 1. How has another helped you? Flow 2. How have you helped another? Flow 3. How have others helped others? Flow 4. How have you helped yourself? Flow 5. How have others helped themselves?
Help question 2.
Flow 1. How has another not helped you? Flow 2. How have you not helped another? etc.
You would then follow this with all 5 flows on each of the remaining 8 help questions:.
1.) Help 2.) Not help 3.) Tried to help but failed. 4.) Tried to not help but failed. 5.) Forced help on 6.) Refused help to 7.) Force to help 8.) Help was refused (prevented from helping).
If the person is having a hard time coming up with answers to the questions go on to the next question. If you have an E-meter you can check the question after the pc says 'no more' and see if it still reads. If it does, gently get the pc to look further. Don't push the pc against his will though. Just go on. When you come back to that question later there will be more uncovered for him to tell you.
Another thing you can do is break it down into the 4 planes of existence for the pc. For example,
Flow 1, Help Question 1:
1.) How has another helped you on the physical plane? 2.) How has another helped you on the emotional plane? 3.) How has another helped you on the mental plane? 4.) How has another helped you on the spiritual plane?
The 4 planes of existence are a subset of the Scientology Know to Mystery scale. The being is running at these many different vibrations and as he fails in life tends to run at the lower vibrations more than the higher ones. At the bottom he is rock.
NATIVE STATE. This is the Big Snooze or Sovereignty out the top of the tone scale.
KNOW. This is the thetan waking up to a state of total ability with nothing yet created except awareness of how to create and that he can.
NOT KNOW. This is the creation of forms and things with out significance. For example the thetan can make something that looks like an ashtray, but has no use for it and does not consider it an ashtray. It merely has the form of one.
In Scientology this is considered the state of an AS-ISNESS, the state something is in when it was just created. It is claimed in Scientology that AS-ISNESSes tend to vanish unless they are altered quickly. Thus a persistence is created by altering an AS-ISNESS thereby producing an ALTER-ISNESS.
KNOW ABOUT. Here the thetan assigns AFTER THE FACT OF THEIR CREATION, significances to the forms he has created. He assigns causation and uses to things, thus the ashtray comes to be considered something that can and should be used to hold ashes. Significance is always added to an object after the fact of it's creation.
The addition of a significance to a form is the act of altering it's prime truth which is that it was just a form. Thus things which have had significances added have been ALTER-ISed. This produces an IS- NESS which is the persisting reality around you that you can look at.
LOOK. This is the level of sensory data of any kind. Visual color form. It also includes sonic, tactile, and taste and smell along with 50 or so other peceptics outlined in Dianetics.
Anything that persists on it's own is an IS-NESS. It can be sensed and felt and manipulated. You can stand back and watch it continue. An IS-NESS consists of an AS-ISNESS altered by the addition of a significance to it. Common significances that can be added to an object are 1.) Who or what created it, 2.) When it was created and 3.) What it can cause and what it is used for.
This altering of an AS-ISNESS produces a persistence of the created form. In order to vanish the form for oneself and for everyone, one would have to perceive the form again in it's pristine AS-IS state without any significances added to it.
EMOTE. Emotion is used by the thetan as the causal bridge between his mind and the action of his body. He uses emotion to MOVE the body. When very low toned it looks like the thetan is moved by his emotions, but higher toned the thetan CREATES emotion willfully and moves the body with it. Each emotion from Enthusiasm down through Sorrow has it's use and proper place. When the thetan loses his state of Clear and becomes other-determined he can be made to feel these emotions against his will and thus he becomes a 'sad' puppy.
When clear, the thetan creates and uses each tone as appropriate to the situation. He does not run BECAUSE he is afraid, he CAUSES himself to run BY being afraid. He doesn't run FROM fear, he runs WITH fear. Same for Anger and Sorrow. He will try winning with each higher tone first before he will try the next tone down.
The tone that wins for him becomes pretty. Thus there is beautiful anger, beautiful fear and beautiful sorrow. Even beautiful apathy. Its all a game of movement and effort.
EFFORT. This is the band of physical force that the thetan creates in his body and the body creates in the physical universe. The main purpose of effort and force is to move MATTER.
THINKING. This is the use of mental effort to compute the future from data at hand. It is not the same as THOUGHT which is a creative ability of the mind up around KNOW on this scale.
If a person gets the idea of an elephant eating some hay, that's a thought. If the person tries to compute how to escape the elephant running towards him, that's thinking.
Thought is causal creative outflow of various things to effect you. Thinking is trying to logically compute how those effects are going to effect you and what you need to do to get what you want.
Thought is how you create problems. Thinking is how you try to solve problems.
Thought is how you CREATE the game of effects. Thinking is how you PLAY the game of effects.
SYMBOLS. A symbol is anything with mass, meaning and mobility. It is made of mass, it has meaning (significance), and it has the ability to be moved by an orientation point. The orientation point is the source of symbols and their significances, and is the point from which all symbols are located.
A thetan is natively an orientation point, but he eventually slides down the tone scale to being a symbol. Thetans, as a symbol, often orient themselves relative to their home, or their body, or their parents or their planet, or God, or even the sun, etc. They consider these symbols as bigger orientation points than they are. Such symbols are called anchor points because they are used by the thetan to keep space in place for him, and he moves around inside of that space relative to his anchor points.
A thetan actually can not move as space is a projection from within him. Space is an apparency and has no actual existence other than as a perception. One perceives space in dreams, there is no space there either.
The ultimate symbol of course is a human body, it has mass, meaning and mobility. It defines it's existence and whereabouts relative to others in the environment. As the thetan comes up tone towards clear he exteriorizes from being a body by exteriorizing from his need to be a symbol.
At this point he can take on his post as an orientation point again and be the source of where other things come from and are. He becomes a Creator again rather than a Creature. An orientation point does not locate himself relative to anything else. He locates everything relative to himself.
The world is a dream, you have never really ever gone anywhere, so this can be understood very easily.
EAT. At this level the being is involved in surviving as a symbol by destroying other symbols, mainly by eating them. Because he can die himself by being eaten, the next level down is DEATH.
DEATH. The result of being eaten and other forces.
SEX. In order to make up for the consequences of death and being eaten, the being must propagate his race with sex. Sex is an effort to continue on in spite of being eaten and death.
What is often missed about biology, is that it BENEFITS a species to be eaten. The grass grows better because the herds graze on it and poop on it. It would have been easy to develop into a poisonous entity, but the grass that was tasty survived better. Thus being eaten is not a loss of survival but a gain of survival. Being eaten was the BRIGHT thing to do. Thus death HAD to be entered into the equation as a way to survive. And so therefore did some form of procreation.
MYSTERY. At this point of the tone scale the being is in a quandry and feels he is in mystery, or DON'T KNOW ABOUT. He has lost contact with his own postulates, his own assignations of causation and significance, and can no longer predict the environment. A being that has been wrong too many times ends up in mystery.
WAIT. Below mystery is waiting. There is nothing else to do.
UNCONCSIOUSNESS. At this point the being starts to NOT-IS his mystery. This means he makes it seem that the whole thing does not exist. It goes unconscious on him. Thus he forms a Reactive Mind he does not know is there and becomes a basher on the net. He also needs an E-meter to help him recover everything that he has so carefully buried.
This is below HIDING on the tone scale at BEING NOTHING.
UNKNOWABLE. Below hiding is CAN'T HIDE. The being has sort of broken through the under side of UNCONSCIOUSNESS where he is no longer able to go unconscious at will. What he knows in this state is that basically things are unknowable and that he had nothing to do with it. It is sort of a nightmare dream state about as far away from lucidity as he can get. He figures that whatever he was in mystery about is unknowable. Thus he falls into the race of human beings who think that ultimate truth either does not exist or can not be known and that certainly he had nothing to do with it or his present condition at the bottom of the pit.
Below this he becomes a Senator.
By the way if the whole subject of help makes you sick, then you are either above or below it on the Pre Have Scale, and you should find your level and run that instead.
Your worst psychosomatic will be down at NO EFFECT. That is what you wanted when you created it, right? An UNCURABILITY.
You will need to run these help processes on your pc's hottest terminal pair. To find these terminals you can make a list using the E- meter and run the following. The people which read the most and which the pc is the most interested in will be his hottest terminals.
1.) Who do you want to help? 2.) Who do you not want to help? 3.) Who have you tried to help and failed? 4.) Who have you tried to not help and failed? 5.) Who have you forced help on? 6.) Who have you refused to help? 7.) Who has forced you to help them? 8.) Who has refused your help?
Once you find the terminal that the pc is the most bonkers on, you can just see the emotion welling up in the pc, then run the help questions with that terminal in the place of 'another'.
But if you really want to do this thoroughly, you should pick your hottest terminal pair and run it through all 8 flows of forgetfulness listed below, rather than the 5 flows of Standard Scientology. Each of the 8 flows has 8 questions, so that's 64 questions all told.
You don't have to run this like a robot, going over each flow exactly as written out. If you have an E-meter, have your pc read this bulletin from beginning to end and note the reads and changes of needle characteristics. If you pc is down at Leave or Endure he will read on those levels and not on Help. If he is really at help he will be all smiles and ready to go with blazing stories to tell you as he gets the charge off his life of misadventure and co adventure. Help is mainly a story of co adventure, of bonding together for a common good, and then failing or being cruel to the agreements you made with each other.
Running this stuff out from beginning to end produces a civilized being who can be trusted again, and more importantly someone who can trust themselves all the way up and down the line, and help others to the same state.
In running these processes, a person will quickly cognite that a hefty portion of his case stems from his efforts to force others to help him, and to prevent others from forcing him to help them. It takes a sick Parent to raise a sick Child. Sick Children usually go on to being sick Parents. Rarely is the lesson learned. And sometimes even when they have good Parents, some people go on to be sick Parents anyhow. Just sort of an ingrained cussedness I guess.
Your pc may also cognite that he is making himself sick IN ORDER TO HELP others, as looney as that might sound. He will often be found to have the very ailments of those he loved, helped and harmed. He is trying to help them out of it by having it himself. Watch out if those loved ones are dead, he won't want to give up his maladies easily.
Remember you want terminal PAIRS for this last set of processes. If the guy's mother comes up as his hottest terminal, find out if it's really 'a mother' that is bugging him, or if it's 'a woman' or 'a female body' or 'a teacher'. It may be the person he calls his mother that is hot, but it may not be her identity AS A MOTHER that is hot, it may be her identity as 'a woman' or even 'a lover'. Get it?
If it turns out to be some teacher in school, again find out what the actual identity is that is hot on that person. Then find out what the pc's identity was in the conflict with that other person. For example if it's 'a teacher', then was the pc 'a student'?
The terminal is the WHO, the identity is the WHAT the who was being.
A terminal is a person or thing, an identity is a beingness.
Once you have the terminal pairs and the correct identities that go with them, run your pc on the following 64 processes until there is no charge left, or he attains a serious win on all four planes, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Using Parent and Child identities as example.
Flow 1: You helping a Child as a Parent in a past life.
How have you helped a Child as a Parent in a past life?
How have you not helped a Child as a Parent in a past life?
How have you tried to help a Child and failed as a Parent in a past life?
How have you tried to not help a Child and failed as a Parent in a past life?
How have you forced help on a Child as a Parent in a past life?
How have you refused to help a Child as a Parent in a past life?
How has a Child forced you to help them as a Parent in a past life?
How has a Child refused your help as a Parent in a past life?
Flow 2: A Parent helping you as a Child in this life.
How has a Parent helped you as a Child in this life?
How has a Parent not helped you as a Child in this life?
How has a Parent tried to help you as a Child and failed in this life?
How has a Parent tried to not help you as a Child and failed in this life?
How has a Parent forced help on you as a Child in this life?
How has a Parent refused to help you as a Child in this life?
How have you forced a Parent to help you as a Child in this life?
How have you refused the help of a Parent as a Child in this life?
Flow 3: A Child helping you as a Parent in a past life.
How has a Child helped you as a Parent in a past life?
How has a Child not helped you as a Parent in a past life?
How has a Child tried to help you as a Parent and failed in a past life?
How has a Child tried to not help you as a Parent and failed in a past life?
How has a Child forced help on you as a Parent in a past life?
How has a Child refused to help you as a Parent in a past life?
How have you forced a Child to help you as a Parent in a past life?
How have you refused the help of a Child as a Parent in a past life?
Flow 4: You helping a Parent as a Child in this life.
How have you helped a Parent as a Child in this life?
How have you not helped a Parent as a Child in this life?
How have you tried to help a Parent and failed as a Child in this life?
How have you tried to not help a Parent and failed as a Child in this life?
How have you forced help on a Parent as a Child in this life?
How have you refused to help a Parent as a Child in this life?
How has a Parent forced you to help them as a Child in this life?
How has a Parent refused your help as a Child in this life?
Flow 5: Another Parent helping another Child in any life.
How has another Parent helped another Child in any life?
How has another Parent not helped another Child in any life?
How has another Parent tried to help another Child and failed in any life?
How has another Parent tried to not help another Child and failed in any life?
How has another Parent forced help on another Child in any life?
How has another Parent refused help to another Child in any life?
How has another Child forced another Parent to help them in any life?
How has another Child refused help from another Parent in any life?
Flow 6: Another Child helping another Parent in any life.
How has another Child helped another Parent in any life?
How has another Child not helped another Parent in any life?
How has another Child tried to help another Parent and failed in any life?
How has another Child tried to not help another Parent and failed in any life?
How has another Child forced help on another Parent in any life?
How has another Child refused help to another Parent in any life?
How has another Parent forced another Child to help them in any life?
How has another Parent refused help from another Child in any life?
Flow 7: You helping yourself as a Parent in a past life.
How have you helped yourself as a Parent in a past life?
How have you not helped yourself as a Parent in a past life?
How have you tried to help yourself and failed as a Parent in a past life?
How have you tried to not help yourself and failed as a Parent in a past life?
How have you forced help on yourself as a Parent in a past life?
How have you refused help to yourself as a Parent in a past life?
How have you forced yourself to help yourself as a Parent in a past life?
How have you refused help from yourself as a Parent in a past life?
Flow 8: You helping yourself as a Child in this life.
How have you helped yourself as a Child in this life?
How have you not helped yourself as a Child in this life?
How have you tried to help yourself and failed as a Child in this life?
How have you tried to not help yourself and failed as a Child in this life?
How have you forced help on yourself as a Child in this life?
How have you refused help to yourself as a Child in this life?
How have you forced yourself to help yourself as a Child in this life?
How have you refused help from yourself as a Child in this life?
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