EXM - 52
26 March 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
Most of you are probably pretty sick of this stuff by now, but I keep auditing it and it keeps working, so I figure some of you would be pretty pissed off if I failed to post it just because you were sick and tired of it.
The idea is to get a series of questions that the pc can answer and keep himself interested in and continue to make case gain. If you pick one question like,
'What have you done as a Mother to a Child?'
and run it and run it and run it and just beat it into the ground your pc will get grumpy and anaten and unable to find any more answers. This will cause an ARC Break of magnitude and your pc won't be in session any more. Further it causes a loss to your pc and he walks away with the idea that this stuff don't work. This of course misses every withhold in his book, because this stuff DOES work, and so you haven't done your pc any favors by giving him such a loss.
Thus there is a need for a series of questions that the pc can answer, each one very quickly and with interest, and then go on to the next question. In this way you can keep the pc talking and making case gain and proceed with wiping out the core of his bank.
I have spent so much time on the 2nd dynamic core of the bank, because it is the basic on why people are stuck in bodies in the first place, and of course the second dynamic is the first one your pc had any bones about when he was born. This stuff does however go earlier similar back down the time track before bodies and into higher dynamics, because beings creating beings is what this universe is all about even if it is a lie, and thus the central core charge is represented right there in Mother and Child.
Each question of the Parent and Child Overt/Withhold process, what I have been calling the 8 flows of forgetfulness, can be broken up into two simpler questions.
For example,
'What have you done as a Mother to a Child in a past life?'
can be broken up into its two component questions,
'What have you done as a Mother?' 'What have you done to a Child?'
The questions are partly redundant because many of the answers to 'What have you done as a Mother?' ARE about 'What have you done to a Child?' But Mothers can and have done many things that are not directly related to things done 'to a Child'. Thus 'What have you done as a Mother?' is a much broader question than 'What have you done as a Mother to a Child?'
In a similar vein 'What have you done to a Child?' surely includes those things you did as a Mother to a Child but can also include those things you did as any other member of the family, or even anyone else in the universe such as the school system, the government, the thought police, the physical universe or God, etc. Ever been a God? Did your creatures or assigns hate you?
There are two things you will want to avoid when doing round robin on a pc. Both involve asking the questions in the wrong order.
For example if you just proceed and ask them in the order you took them apart,
'What have you done as a Mother?' 'What have you done to a Child?'
your pc will give you lots of answers to the first one, and then when you ask the second one he will say 'the same thing.' This will happen mainly because most of the stuff he gave you on the first question WAS to a Child, so by asking him the second question you are sort of invalidating that he told you he was finished for the moment on the first question.
The second thing that can happen is your pc will give you a lot of 'I don't knows'. This means that a particular question is out of order with respect to the other questions you have been asking. In running one question the pc is building up tension on what ever he considers to be the balancing flow and he will probably want you to ask that question next.
Theoretically the balancing flow to
'What have you done as a Mother?' (DED) is 'What has a Mother done to you?' (DEDEX)
But you can sort them as you like so that the pc does not get into automatic answers that don't blow any charge. Although 'balanced', the above two questions have the same danger of the pc giving you answers on the first one and then saying 'same thing' on the second one.
Therefore I tend to scramble these things so that the pc must look at each question in a new unit of time and not carry over his answers from one question to the next.
Here are the questions of the first 4 flows of forgetfulness, split into their corresponding halves.
1.) 'What have you done as a Mother to a Child?' (DED) 1.1 'What have you done as a Mother?' 1.2 'What have you done to a Child?' 'What have you withheld as a Mother from a Child?' (DED) 1.3 'What have you withheld as a Mother?' 1.4 'What have you withheld from a Child?' 2.) 'What has a Mother done to you as a Child?' (DEDEX) 2.1 'What has a Mother done to you?' 2.2 'What has been done to you as a Child?' 'What has a Mother withheld from you as a Child?' (DEDEX) 2.3 'What has a Mother withheld from you?' 2.4 'What has been withheld from you as a Child?' 3.) 'What has a Child done to you as a Mother?' (MOTIVATOR) 3.1 'What has a Child done to you?' 3.2 'What has been done to you as a Mother?' 'What has a Child withheld from you as a Mother?' (MOTIVATOR) 3.3 'What has a Child withheld from you?' 3.4 'What has been withheld from you as a Mother?' 4.) 'What have you done as a Child to a Mother?' (OVERT) 4.1 'What have you done as a Child?' 4.2 'What have you done to a Mother?' 'What have you withheld as a Child from a Mother?' (OVERT) 4.3 'What have you withheld as a Child?' 4.4 'What have you withheld from a Mother?'
A DED is an unprovoked harmful act given by you.
One day as you are driving home from work, you see the neighbor's cat crossing the street. You decide to have some fun and you chase this cat down and you run him over. The neighbor never did anything to you, the cat never did anything to you. You just ran the cat over because you are a cussed son of a bitch. However you do feel kind of guilty about the mess.
A DEDEX is the DED EXPOSED, and is a DED received by you.
Many years later, you find your cat has been run over in the street by some hot shot kid down the street. You never did anything to the kid, the cat never did anything to the kid, he was just having some fun at your cat's expense. You scream and yell about how wronged you have been, forgetting conveniently how you did the same thing many years before.
A MOTIVATOR is an provoked harmful act received by you.
You play your radio too loud at night, and one day some guy across the street who can't get any sleep throws a rock through your window and hits you in the head with it.
An OVERT is a DRAMATIZED MOTIVATOR, a provoked harmful act given by you, its a doing to others what was done to you.
Many years later someone is playing their radio too loud, and you throw a rock through their window to shut them up.
Remember that what a Child does to a Parent is usually a dramatization, a MOTIVATED OVERT. The Child is taking his queue of what to do to his Mother, from what HIS Child did to him in a past life AS a Mother. He receives a motivator as a Mother from a Child, and then later as a Child he dramatizes the motivator as an overt on his present Mother.
What a Parent does to a Child though is never excused by what an earlier Parent did to him as a Child. That's deadly if you do that. If what a Parent did to him as a Child is sticking to him hard enough to dramatize it later, its only because of what HE did as a Parent to a Child before that!
So what a Parent does to a Child is a DED, its an UNPROVOKED OVERT ACT, not a redramatization of some abuse he received as a Child, NO MATTER HOW BAD THAT ABUSE WAS.
It may be true that a Parent will do to his Child what was done to him by his Parents as a Child, but it will be found that he did it as a Parent to an even earlier Child as an UNPROVOKED OVERT ACT, which is why it stuck to him enough as a Child later to redramatize it even later as a Parent again.
If you run what a Parent does to a Child back to where his Parents were doing it to him, you will leave him stuck late on the Chain in the apparent Motivator, when really he still has an undisclosed DED in a previous life as a Parent to a Child.
Thus one ALWAYS runs what Parents to do their Children as DEDS, never as MOTIVATED OVERTS. Parents have no excuse in what was done to them. Of course you should run what happened TO the Parent AS a Child if it comes up, but what you WANT is an earlier DED AS a Parent TO a Child. That's where the F/N lays.
One runs what happens to the Child as a DEDEX, never as a simple MOTIVATOR. Things stick to the Child to the degree he did it to his own Children as a Parent in a previous life. If he has no prior DEDS of his own, present things won't stick to him so hard.
One runs what happens to the Parent from a Child, as a provoked MOTIVATOR. The Parent angers the Child who then takes action against him.
One runs what the Child does to the Parent as a MOTIVATED OVERT. The Child takes his queue about what to do to his Parents who are provoking him, from his memory of what HIS Child did to him as a Parent for doing the same thing in a past life. If he has no earlier motivators, the Child is less likely to take unreasoning harmful action, but may still take reasoned harmful action.
The Parent always starts it with an unprovoked DED.
The Child at first tries reason. Then having no prior track, will try varying degrees of reasonable but deadly force. This gives the Parent a provoked MOTIVATOR.
That Parent in his next life as a Child, will receive a DED from his Parents, as all Parents are prone to giving DEDS. The Child, now having the previous provoked motivator in his memory from the time he was a Parent, will be tempted to dramatize that provoked motivator against his present Parent who is provoking (wronging) him, even before using reason.
THE DED/DEDEX DIAGRAM 1.) What the Parent does to the Child is a DED for the Parent and a DEDEX for the Child. (Ded) (Dedex) It's only a Dedex to the Child Parent ------------> Child if he has an earlier DED. 2.) What a Child does to a Parent is a MOTIVATED OVERT for the Child, and a PROVOKED MOTIVATOR for the Parent. (Motivator) (Overt) The Child will only dramatize Parent <------------ Child and earlier Motivator if he has one in his memory.
It's a DED from the Parent because he has no excuse for harming the Child.
Its a DEDEX to the Child if it sticks to him, because he did it in a past life as a Parent.
Its a MOTIVATED OVERT from the Child, because he is dramatizing what was done to him as a Parent by a Child in a past life. In the absence of prior track the Child will use reasoned but deadly force instead.
Its a PROVOKED MOTIVATOR to the Parent, because he will dramatize it in a future life as a Child when provoked by his Parents.
Normally we would run this in DED/DEDEX pairs, or MOTIVATOR/OVERT pairs. But we are going to scramble them here in a very specific way to produce the most amount of interesting randomity for your pc, while yet allowing the second question in a pair to balance the first question of the pair, thus guaranteeing easy access to answers.
You run this by asking each question, and getting one answer or as many as come easily, then you go to the next question. You do this for all of the DED/OVERT questions. Then you start over again, and keep going around and around. If you need to run the DEDEX/MOTIVATOR questions, you can either do them separately, or in turn with the DED/OVERT sets.
DEDS AND OVERTS 1.1 'What have you done as a Mother?' DED 4.2 'What have you done to a Mother?' OVERT 1.3 'What have you withheld as a Mother?' DED 4.4 'What have you withheld from a Mother?' OVERT 4.1 'What have you done as a Child?' OVERT 1.2 'What have you done to a Child?' DED 4.3 'What have you withheld as a Child?' OVERT 1.4 'What have you withheld from a Child?' DED DEDEXS AND MOTIVATORS 2.1 'What has a Mother done to you?' DEDEX 3.2 'What has been done to you as a Mother?' MOTIVATOR 2.3 'What has a Mother withheld from you?' DEDEX 3.4 'What has been withheld from you as a Mother?' MOTIVATOR 3.1 'What has a Child done to you?' MOTIVATOR 2.2 'What has been done to you as a Child? DEDEX 3.3 'What has a Child withheld from you?' MOTIVATOR 2.4 'What has been withheld from you as a Child?' DEDEX
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