A Review Of History
It is absolutely asinine for me to try to abbreviate history because by abbreviation the substance, nature and soul of what has occurred becomes lost. Will Durant tried to abbreviate, as did H.G. Wells, and there is no way that it can adequately be abbreviated. However, there are some salient points of understanding that are quite necessary for an individual to know. What I wish to cover is what is omitted within modern education. Usually, the wars and the political leaders names get studied and the substance of what was actually occurring, as far as the evolution of a culture, generally gets omitted except upon superficial or symbolic level. We have a pretty clear cut record of history going back to about 1344 B.C. that is covered by Mr. Durant, Mr. Wells or Spengler. The reason we don't have much history prior to 1344 B.C. is some unusual events occurred at Crete. We have sketchy history on the Egyptian period.
Where is more than adequate evidence that extra-terrestrial activities occurred on the planet during the Cretian period. In fact, one of the hottest areas, if you were to counsel people (take their past areas of trauma off), would be the period from 1500 B.C. to 4,000 B.C. Another hot area is approximately 14,000 years ago. You'll have the end of Atlantis at that time. Due to sudden geological changes it disappeared off the face of the earth, sunk into the ocean after about 17,000 years of its existence. Concurrent and concomitant with that, there was 52,000 years of Lemuria's existence. Lemuria as a civilised society had citizens which earned citizenship and reached levels of technological development far beyond the comprehension of anyone in this present society. Unfortunately, due to the nature of man and society, there were various dark influences, religious opportunities and adventurism which led towards a cult worship of people who had a desire to return to an Eden type of state. Those promoting this particular idea, that the common man could become interested in attaining higher spiritual states gained political control. People were lured into religion with fancy churches, fancy music, fancy wine, fancy bread, pleasant sensations, robes and all sorts of tomfoolery. This activity was unfortunately widespread and the lower classes became so enthralled with it that the priests which were administering the program saw an absolute empire at their fingertips. Then, these people no longer wanted to work or exchange or be honest or anything, they just wanted to return to a state of non- production and bliss. So, the political and social solution to this was to ship them all out of Lemuria to a land now known as India. In India, the caste systems, Hinduism, religious mysteries, the abuse and the profiteering off of ignorance have survived to this very day. I am amazed that traditional wisdom is so often traced to India (where unfortunately from today's point of view it did proceed); but prior to that it was only the remnant, worst of religious activity which had been banished from Lemuria.
The mechanical people within Lemurian society were so interested in mechanics, the artisans, that they likewise ended up leaving Lemuria and built the Atlantis civilisation. Probably an even hotter area to address on people, as far as a history of mankind, is approximately 12,000 years ago, People had their ecology of social order. extremely disturbed. Higher awareness beings were severely educated under duress down to lower levels to where they would all think that they were 'only ones'.
You won't find this being taught in high schools or universities. They won't be talking about how the pyramids were really built or what their tradition has been as far as knowledgeable people or extra-terrestrial activity. But recent history, that is the last 70,000 years, has been so extreme on individuals that without question, they have chosen to forget it, since they have had no way of handling how to remember it. So far that has been the wisest choice. Of course, in this book I will be offering an alternative to forgetting these traumas and running these remembrances out to where a person is no longer the effect of them. But, you can walk down the street and you will see people acting out the Lemurian culture or the Atlantean culture or the education they received under duress making them feel solitary and aware only of themselves.
Moving forward up into recorded history, we have, about the 5th century before Christ, Moses, Anaxagoras, Buddha and (in the Persian culture) Zoroaster. There were so many brilliant, golden thinkers of this century that it was called the Golden Age. Shortly afterwards there was a breakdown of those particular cultural achievements from which there was no recovery to present. As ideas and philosophies get translated into religion, degradation occurs, for religion is usually manipulated by business. Governments are usually candy stores for business. I don't mean to be critical of business because probably nine-tenths of any problem is financial (this was stated by Karl Marx, and ironically it was implied by George Washington).
This country was based up tax revolt. George Washington was the largest landowner. People don't like to admit the commercial aspect of history, however, it is very obvious.
Hopefully, people would study history and not repeat their mistakes but we have seen no evidence of that. The rapid inflation/economic chaos we are experiencing now, the social/economic moves people are making and the traditional government responses occurred three times in France, five times in Britain, five times in Rome and three times in Greece. It's a very predictable situation. Yet, you can read the Wall Street Journal, Fortune magazine, the American Banking Association or professors at Harvard and they say it's an unpredictable situation. And yet, there is your history stating it is a completely predictable situation.
We have very rapidly developing cultures in very recent times which seem to have reached their pinnacles in 1966 from the standpoint of growth physically. It is just approaching its third stage of final growth intellectually. spiritually and emotionally. Mankind is finally coming out of his chains as far as the ultimate frontier which happens to be subjective.
So, the history of man recently is that he has had great leadership, good days in the sun, good civilisations and lived peacefully for brief periods of time. But due to religious oppression, economic factors, bad ideas, inability to educate and transmit wisdom, he habitually and repetitively falls into dark ages. And if that is the past history of man, it is quite possibly the future history of man.
To discuss the coming dark ages is not conjecture, they have already started. All you have to do is examine the decrease in the scores of college entrance exams. They are consecutive 20 years in a row, they have gotten less in 18 years in a row. The more you study history the more you can see what is going on. The more you see what is going on the more you will be aware of history. It is no accident that the past and present have direct relationships on each other and they are more than just extrapolated relationships. If one could modify history, then one could modify the present. If one could modify the present, one could modify history. This may be a wild idea but they are directly related because a time stream or time continuum is a consecutive series of cause and effect events and if you could change one leaf 5,000 years ago from falling, you could change the course of events for all of mankind.
So, when a person comes along and has supernatural abilities and can change one leaf from falling today or move an ashtray around the room (if this is all pre-recorded or predestined adventure within which people have ultimate freewill) then that person would have to know it all start to finish, past, present and future. The numerous examples of which relatively, ordinary individuals have been able to move an ashtray, lift a refrigerator, lift a car off another individual, these supernatural abilities in action abound in human experience.
So, the more one studies history the more one has a grasp of the present, the more one knows about the present, the more you know history. They are both tied together on a time continuum. People have an ironically bad habit of repeating histories. If they understood those histories they probably wouldn't repeat them. We have a number of forces in conflict throughout history which boils down to individual self-interest conflicting with group self-interest. Cultures come and go, civilisations come and go, governments come and go, but the people remain. The condition of the people and their lives is unfortunately hampered by this turnover of civilisations and philosophies and religions. The reason civilisations, corporations and governments die is that they are based on lies, illogical data which becomes accepted as truth. When you get enough lies going, people can't even believe them anymore and so the spiritual thrust just evaporates out of the culture and new one gets born. It's a terribly expensive way to live for mankind but that is what he has been doing.
If any summary conclusion about mankind's histories were to be made, they would be that churches, philosophies, forms, organisations, governments, territories, geography, sociology, customs, morals, ethics, rise and survive, denigrate and vanish, taking real live people with them and then people get to start all over. This particular cycle of action or the -wheel-of-existence for the group has made the history of this particular ball of dust one of considerable sorrow. The fact that civilisation continues to reappear, that is, man building and evolving, has given people hope and pleasantry.
Life certainly must be worth living because the average suffering versus happiness ratio in an individual is probably 99 to 1 looking over the last 3,000, 30,000, or 70,000 years. Life is essentially a pleasurable experience now for many individuals. I don't think the list of such individuals is too long. It is simply people capitalising on their just 'deserves' because there has been a lot of suffering in the past. One should not begrudge the pleasure of another. They certainly have earned or stolen whatever good things that they have. They may have not even earned them in this lifetime.
So, for a thorough review of history, one should read other texts. At a bare minimum one should understand that mankind has been on this planet for a very considerable length of time and as fast as written history goes back. One can go to the Golden Scripts in the monasteries in Peru or Tibet. One can read the Rig Veda or a number of other texts which go back about 12,000 years before Christ and there were advanced societies at that particular time. You will find references to extra-terrestrial activity, visitation, nuclear energy, most of Christian Science, some of the material of Buddhism, Scientology, Christianity. So, wisdom has been here a long time under a lot of names.
I'd like to summarise recent history now. There were agrarian people at around 5500 B.C. in Egypt, Phoenicians at 3,000 B.C., Viking activity around Sweden. They were all building cultures. Soon after that one finds cultures rising up in Persia, Egypt, India, China and Japan. Around the year 2000 B.C. there was the Greek activity, Greek gods, Egypt developing further, Babylonians, Jewish history starts to pick up at that particular point, you have very small nations rising. The printed word coming out strongly around 300 B.C. There was a lot of science, astronomy, bronze, the wheel, cultivation, cosmetics, perfume, education as a full-time activity, class structure, commerce, extensive navigation, maps and mathematics were in full bloom about 500 B.C. Various empires developing extensive territorial bounds such as the Persian Empire by 323 B.C.
Socrates, who was reinterpreted by Plato, who was unfortunately reinterpreted by Aristotle, appears around this time. Practical science, unfortunately, was replaced by abstract science, and metaphysical cults developing at this particular point, and fragmentation of these particular cultures and empires. Alexander the Great, approximately at this time, took the Persians and 20,000 soldiers-on-horses in one day, reached almost as far as India, had trouble holding it by force so he got to do it again with 40,000 versus 2 million which took 2 days. Being Greek he surrendered to the pleasures of the flesh and various opiates that were well furnished in a manipulated fashion by the king of Persia who wanted his empire back. The net result of Alexander's conquest was a unified language, communication channels were opened up with the Orient, Persia, Greece, parts of the European community, North Africa, all speaking the same Sanskrit type of language. Commerce opened up, you have the majority of the world in communication with itself at that particular point (with South America and North American continents being an exception). Greenland and England were an exception, but only slightly so, because you have the filtration of the people of England coming across to France and a filtration of the French communicating down through Turkey into the brief Alexandrian empire.
Greece was going through its rises and falls and it finally fell to a force, yet a highly-organised culture. The gods supposedly just pulled out of Greece. Romulus/ Remus and the rest took on the Italian population. Thus, we had the Roman empire from possibly 1500 B.C. to 500 A.D.
It would be unfair not to mention the Hebrew heritage which had a relatively capricious divinity, Jehovah, who through Ruth and twelve sons started a race of very bright people which have had an unusual history since then. They introduced the idea of supreme intelligence over l,000 years before Christ and ran quite well with it and actually have to this day.
Anyway, returning to Rome, the Romans conquered the world by force and tried to hold it by force. They considered Non-Romans in the perspective of mystery cults. They felt mystical experiences and the occult to be a difficult area. They had a magician in Rome named Selenius and he could raise the dead and heal the sick, cast out demons, move objects around so they had no compunction about publicly persecuting the Jewish magician named Jesus of Nazareth at that time. Selenius was well paid and well honoured by society, sold courses, did counselling and so forth. So, the Romans felt that they had Selenius right there in front of them so there would be no great historical consequences of killing this Jew named Jesus.
Ironically, they were wrong because Christ broke Rome in half. It just took awhile. The little tricks Christ had of healing, casting out demons, raising the dead, enlightening people, he transmitted to his disciples.
This is essentially a culture at this time that couldn't read or write. They didn't even understand words.
It was a very backwards culture but there was a man that viewed history and saw his opportunity to make his maxi- mum mark and he took it and thereby broke Rome. Quality always conquers quantity.
Any person aware of the way history fits together, any one individual armed with the truth can conquer all the armies in the world and always does without exception.
The responsibility level of someone doing this is extremely high.
There is a degree of personal sacrifice in doing so because of the backflow from the people has a tendency to stick the individual into time into that particular identity.
People are scared to death of someone acting in such a lively fashion so they don't really want that fellow around in present time so they get together every Sunday and reaffirm their great understanding that he lived back then and was great back then, but they certainly don't want him wearing a business suit walking around today.
With that particular cost of influencing history that individual decided to make that move anyway, turned history around, broke Rome in half which he did, and his healing powers, his technology and all his writings spread quite well far and wide.
So, there was a period of healing and growth for about 323 years. Very interesting window there, 323 B.C., you have Alexander opening up communication lines and 323 A.D. there was the Council of Nicene making the decision the way Christian religion was going to print, enforced and ruled. They had a choice between 33 books which stated things a certain way and 33 other books which stated things another way.
The Council of Nicene took the 33 books which stated that Jesus was a man that wanted everybody else to be sons of God also and they promptly burned them and took the books where it was said that Jesus was God incarnate and everyone else should just worship this fellow and published the hell out of them. The net result of this, of course, was that there was no more healing after that and ironically there was no more real Christianity after that. So, the word was lost. So, from 323 A.D. on we see Rome turn the corner and die due to a number of events.
That is followed by approximately 900 years of dark ages when there was intense disease, very little awareness, and very hard times for the majority of the people.
Around 1190 A.D. there are historically a lot of flying saucers in the sky, some new people being dropped or whatever, but we have a Renaissance, the Magna Carta which is a great change. It is where the common man wanted the right to vote, to judge his own affairs, and to determine policy. That is the crucial point where men wanted the freedom to determine their own affairs and took that away from the kings. They did that in England. They never took the wealth away from the kings and ironically the wealth to this day remains with the royal families. At least the right to govern was taken into ones own hands.
Then, you have the Italian Renaissance and a tremendous number of ideas, tremendous Arabian mathematics, astronomy, astrology and so forth entering into the culture as trade routes opened up. The supposed religious wars which were basically over trade routes.
Then, the rise of imperialism where countries such as Spain went out and stripped the wealth of the Americas. Europe rose to great power and dominated the world with growth intellectually in Germany, Holland, France, etc. The Catholic Church which had ruled mankind during the dark ages continued to grow in power up to Martin Luther's time, the Church of England broke away from Catholicism. These events occurred between 1400 and 1700, The religious oppression became so strong in the 16th and 17th centuries and opportunities were so bleak that people were willing to risk their lives and go face Indians and smallpox just for the opportunity to think and feel the way they chose. So, a new nation was formed, called the United States of America. Somewhat based on a tax revolt, breaking away from England, but essentially based on freedom of religion.
There were vast migrations, half the people of Sweden, 20% of the people of Poland, half the population of Germany. Intellectuals all pouring into it over a 100 year period, between 1800 to 1900 and the U.S. was settled.
Britain reached its peak in imperialism, the French revolution shouldn't be ignored. It was an amazing series of events where tyranny became overthrown and the common people decided to stop the paper money and use a little silver. There was a changed government and the Age of Reason began there. This was followed by industrialisation in the 1800's and a whole lot of German ideas were imported into this country. There was a rapid expansion in productivity and consequently material well being of people in wealthy countries (the U.S. and Europe). So, the mechanical age began, with Russia and the Orient continuing in its feudal oppressive religious medieval condition.
On the Amsterdam stock exchange the railroads crossing the U.S. were financed and 98% of the people in Congress were secretly given stock, positions, and land adjoining the railroad. Towards the close of the;1900's we had a number of marvellous inventions coming to the fore.
It seemed to be a golden period for people because the world had been spared a war for nearly 60 years. The U.S. barely survived its civil war. The British empire fell over, I suppose partially because it put a third of the world back on drugs, extracting $55 billion and that's an ounce of gold for every $20, to define what a dollar was then, 55 billion in gold bullion 3,000 years of China's savings by putting China on drugs and growing it in India. Of course, the money never ended up in the British treasury. That type of spiritual event certainly didn't do the British empire any good. A number of other technical factors occurred within the British empire to where it began to collapse.
In the later 1800's, America's power continued to escalate. There was quite a golden period as far as human thought occurring from 1870 to 1910. Einstein, Maxwell, Marconi, Tesla, Edison and the Wright brothers appeared. The telephone, electricity, automobile, submarines, and steam ships appeared. Then, the world broke out in a world war. Ironically, the peace that occurred prior was no accident. The Rothschilds delivered the wrong news on the Battle of Waterloo and made a goodly fortune on the London Stock Exchange in the early 1800's and are overly remembered for that. However, they were the source of keeping the peace in the world from 1830 to 1910. By 1910 the apex of financial fortunes changed. There was the start of Montbatten's career. The world ended up in the World War I which was quite devastating and unpleasant for all those involved.
The settlement of World War I was unjust to the Germans. Thus they proclaimed on signing the peace treaty that -this war will have to be fought all over again. Vast quantities of reparation payments were required from the Germans to make up for the harm they had done. The Germans had to print worthless currency and there was starvation in the streets. There was complete economic chaos to where people got paid twice a day and used wheelbarrows for paper money that was only printed on one side. An ounce of silver was worth a billion marks by 1923. Real rates of exchange in the country were a package of cigarettes equalled a fifth of whiskey equalled a piece of sterling silver equalled a loaf of bread. So, there was some bitterness that developed there and they decided to fight the war again. Of course, Hitler came to power, and Science went forward underground.
There was a depression in the U.S. blamed on overspeculation in the stock market. How people could ever come to that conclusion amazes me. What happened was that there was no long term financing during that period. People didn't feel like sleeping in the rain so they bought homes. The longest term mortgage one could get was for 5 years. The only way one could pay off a mortgage in 5 years was to speculate in the stock market or bootleg liquor, etc. So, an excessive degree of speculation occurred and there was the market collapse. There was a world-wide depression in the 30's. Franklin Delano Roosevelt felt that the creation of debt to ease the country through the period was a logical thing to do, which he did. Liberalism in the free world via debt was launched into being 50 years ago and continues to this day despite Reagan's too-little, too-late pabulum.
Liberalism had earlier roots from Woodrow Wilson. He was one of the wildest academic idiots the country and the world has ever seen. Woodrow Wilson championed and got income tax voted in. That is against the U.S. Constitution. The bill was only passed by one vote in the Senate on the basis that it would be repealed immediately after WW1 was finished.
Under extreme conditions, out of expediency, you can get one to do something bad once and then you have them forever, I suppose that is the thinking.
The U.S. went off the silver currency in 1965 because it couldn't pay its bills from the Viet Nam war.
WW II came along. There was a guy named Schiller flying every week between India and Germany. He advised Hitler and his astrologers. They played games with the supernatural, like setting the Schornhorst out versus dozens of battleships, forty submarines, 3 light cruisers and 20 destroyers. They sent this one little ship out (a medium size cruiser) and it took 11 hours. They were staying up all night playing supernatural games. The Schornhorst sunk 10 times its tonnage, took over 40 torpedoes and took 11 hours before it finally started sinking.
There is a point to which a man can be crazy, just as Adolph Hitler was, yet have such spiritual power. The fact is well documented elsewhere.
The English actually bore more in the war than any nation. They were the first nation that Hitler couldn't conquer. One reason he couldn't conquer them was that they waived all civil rights Churchill turned the country into more of a socialism than anything history has known since the times of Sparta (when it was fighting Athens).
I suppose strategic bombing, radar, atomic weapons, bad astrology, other spiritual influences and bad strategy turned the tide of that war. It was a lot of unpleasantness: 10 million deaths,* 800,000 in air. It will be debated forever whether the air war was justifiable or not. The most hideous thing this country did was not at Hiroshima, Nagasaki or unleashing the atomic age but the Dresden raid which was intentional on the Pentagon's part where about 300,000 people were driven into shelters. That was the largest bomb raid in recorded history. After the people were in the shelters, incendiary bombs were dropped to where they were all suffocated to death. The German high command finally got the severity of the U.S. seriousness in this conflict. So, WW II had a dirty conclusion which brings us into the Cold War which goes up to present time. *Some estimates are 50 Million.
The Viet Nam War was America's turning point because it is a country based on the idea that people within sovereign borders have the right to self-determination. We went in there with the pretext that we were going to assist them in that and took on the man Ho Chi Men. He broke the French in 1954. We could have helped the French but John Foster Dulles took the most expedient way out of handling Indo-China. So, we backed out of Viet Nam. The cost of that was $300 billion and that is owed as a debt and has never been paid. The interest has never been paid. The interest just keeps compounding. It ushered in the new era of world-wide debt in government, bigger currency. Viet Nam caused derision's: spiritually, morally and socially. War was no longer a patriotic, admirable or honourable activity.
That particular war probably occurred (not because it takes 7 years for a rubber tree to come on line) because some official lines were drawn in the Pentagon in 1933 - 1937 as to where the Chinese had to be stopped. They had to be stopped someplace before they arrived at the metal resources of Africa. Due to this particular arbitrary, there was a conflict upon the pretext of assisting people in self-determination. Socially, the Viet Nam War proved to be a turning point for this particular country because to engage in a non-winnable endeavour makes no sense. It is nuts. That sentence is so simple. That war made no sense because we had no, intention of winning it. There was no possible way that we were involved to win the war. We could've won the war quickly and rapidly but the decision was never made.
A couple of other curious things: the forces which led to that particular war didn't care for Mr. Kennedy, so he was irradicated. The man was a little mythically worshipped as some type of hero by a number of people in the country. The business establishment didn't care for him too much.
The Pentagon's strategy of containing the Chinese within their own borders so that they would eventually either starve themselves to death or cannibalise themselves due to their over-procreation makes no sense. Issuing them prophylactics would make more sense but there are a lot of trends, things, projects and activities that don't make any sense. Much of man's behaviour is irrational. It is a pity that as far as the large things in life, many insane, ridiculous and illogical things are done (instead of what a 5 year old child naturally would do or anyone that was sane would do). Helping the Chinese with their population explosion, the Pentagon can't understand; anymore than the government can understand paying farmers to grow food instead of paying them not to grow food. Of course, then you could give the food to the poor and you wouldn't have to print up money which has no backing so the people could buy food. Of course, it doesn't 'make any sense' to do that correctly. Likewise, it doesn't 'make any sense' to take sea water and let it soak through the desert, then drill a well, then have pure water. Like-wise, it makes 'no sense' to develop electricity from the heat under the earth. There are a lot of things which 'don't make any sense' to crazy people, so you have many practical, easy solutions to problems, but people are not up to solutions. They are used to old ways of thinking. This line of irrationality and habit ruling the societies of this planet continues. You will find it in all points in history.
Where a nation starts to deliberately act in an evil fashion openly to the detriment of other nations, you have strong nationalism occurring. Where there is strong nationalism occurring with trade, you have peace. We have strong nationalism with restricted trade. Surreptitious, selfish and nationalistic motives severely limiting trade lead to war. The real reason for war is that whoever starts it is actually committing suicide to destroy his own culture.
So, that is a review of history in its simplest terms as far as what is generally omitted from traditional education. It is a bare minimum nutshell of knowledge you may find useful in clearing up a subject, on yourself or others called "the past".
Magic In Modern Times
We have had an abundance of magic at any point in recorded history.
There has been an ever increasing amount in the last 150 years. Whether you examine Thoreau, Emerson, transcendental New England people, Christian Science, or Yeat's secret little group in London. The appearance of Scientology and Dianetics in the early 50's (as the Eisenhower regency ends), the Don Juan books by Castaneda, Illusions and Jonathan Livingston Seagull books by Bach gained broad public acceptance. In the developing countries there has been a tremendous increase in exorcism. So, there has been a lot of magic in modern times and it is increasing with the Uri Geller's bending of spoons and increased interest in ESP. The USSR is spending and doing ten times as much as the U.S. with ESP. They have people in rooms writing down what we have in files in the Pentagon.
There was a book entitled The Dawn of Magic which sold millions of copies in Europe and England and was republished as The Morning of the Magician in the U.S. with two French authors who trace magic throughout the ages. But we have a recent outbreak of magic interest and it is probably a healthy sign.
Historically, it accompanies periods of economic decline and social chaos as there is a breakdown of traditional, moral and ethical values. There is no relation between the two phenomenon. Magic and interest in it does not rip apart society. The Inquisition thought so, and most wrongly.
A Valid History Of Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard:
Its Rise, Fall and Extinction By Default
The majority of this work concerns necessary data which is partially published under the copyright of Scientology. It is almost a misnomer because truth can't be copyrighted. Yet, it is in this particular instance, some aspects of it. This chapter is probably a little longer than the ones you have been going through, so far. First of all, let us cover the history of Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard; I'll be explaining the technology, philosophy and ownership of this particular religious movement in other chapters. I simply want to cover the history briefly here of these three things.
They are three separate things. There has been much written that is incorrect and untrue about all three.
Scientology was defined as a science of knowing how to know answers. It was an outgrowth of the 1954 Church of American Science in Phoenix. It was an outgrowth of Dianetics, which was defined as a psychotherapy meaning "through the mind".
It was developed by a man named L. Ron Hubbard who was an explorer, a science fiction writer and decorated WW II hero. I suppose it would be best to give a brief, valid history of the man first.
L. Ron Hubbard's biography is listed in the Who's Who in the SW. He was born in 1911, Tilden, Nebraska, ran around the hills of Montana. As a youngster, he had a lot of curiosity and saw extremities of weather and social conditions of Montana. He saw a dog get hit by a school bus when he was 10 years old and he stayed to see the dog come by daily. The dog wouldn't go by where he was hit, but each day he would get a little closer. So, he realised that the accident-memory stuck with that dog. By the time he was 10 he started to ask questions like "what is a man?" which no one could answer. Due to his travels in India, in his teens, he spent some time with some very wise men and picked up some ideas. By 1930 he directed a motion picture and became a science fiction writer, and published 15 million words.
By 1938 he had written a book named Excalibur, of which a copy was stolen by the Russians. I understand fully this book, which he tried to sell in the 1950's, for a healthy price. He still has a copy and the Russians still have a copy; there is a copy in LA and in a Virginia safety deposit box. This book was about a two-edged sword and in it he used psychological and existing language. He did not invent any new terms. He essentially defined what he thought were the parameters extant regarding his philosophy to repair man's condition: where a person would be all right in the ultimate sense of the word. I mean all right forever.
So, a review of this particular book shows that for every paragraph in the book, he in later years developed thousand of pages of data. It is very difficult to find anything he developed from 1950 to 1980 that wasn't mentioned in that book. So, he had a blueprint in mind (or recalled from mind as the case may be) of which direction he was headed as far as the world of ideas. In WW II he became a decorated hero. The play Mr. Roberts is about one of his particular experiences. He had been blinded with burned retinas at the end of the war and received a disability pension from the U.S. government.
He worked out of Hollywood and did some research with a registered nurse, lived up in Bainbridge Island, Seattle, had a marriage, I suppose it was his second, had it annulled and worked on the Original Thesis of Dianetics which was published in 1948 in Astounding Science Fiction magazine. All the copies sold out very rapidly. He put forth 200 fundamental axioms which a universe could be built on, wrote it up as "what if the universe was built this way?". There were thousands of letters and a lot of correspondence that the universe is built this way. He enjoyed his own personal life and his research being a student and being heir to a lot of the state of Montana, via a relative of his, an industrialist, Albert Hubbard. The man enjoyed his sailboat cruises. He really didn't like a lot of human contact much less conduct. So, to evade the frustrations of all this mail and questions from people, he decided he would just sit down and write book to answer everyone's questions.
He wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health and took it to a publisher. It was about 100 pages, the publisher didn't believe people had mental image pictures which could overpower them, so he took the publisher's wife and put her through a remembrance of giving birth to a child in front of the publisher. The publisher now thought that there was some validity to this phenomenon, but insisted that the book didn't have enough sex and was too short. So, he rewrote it in a week to where it was 400 pages long instead of 100 pages. Any educated reader notices that everything is said 4 times and there is sexual material in the book. On May 9th, 1950 the thing was published. It went to the top of the New York Best Seller list and up to 1 million people were briefly practising Dianetics.
Psychologists and psychiatrists didn't care for this, the KGB didn't care for it, Communists didn't care for it. So, the Witchita Foundation was just overrun with criminals, communists, in fact, the FBI found the place full of people there to mess it up. Hubbard has been paranoid ever since then. A number of (later to be influential) very intelligent people (Renz Hoffman, George Hunt Williamson, Don Breeding, etc.) showed up around Elizabeth, N.J. where he did some tapes and some more studies into the nature of man. So, after Wichita and Elizabeth, N.J. he ended up in Phoenix. He had done enough research into past lives and the mind that it became totally evident that man was a spiritual being. He formed up a church, First Church of American Science, incorporated Scientology as an outgrowth, then, Scientology was registered and he opened a church in Washington, D.C. in 1955.
Churches were opened up over all the continents, so, for next five years, Hubbard lived in the D.C. area from 1955 to 1959, out in McLean, Virginia and Silver Springs, Maryland. In 1954 he married a Texas girl who insisted on marrying him (I don't know if she ever asked or if she just insisted), Mary Sue Whip, a spooky, very bright girl with a very colourful past. She studied hypnosis on a telepathic level for three years in Texas. She graduated with a number of degrees from the University of Texas at age 19. They had some children, went to England about 1959. Somewhere around 1961 he bought St. Hill Manor, 30 miles South of London and started a course called the St. Hill Special Briefing Course, started training people up to higher levels of proficiency. He got involved with electronic measurement devices of human thought in the early 50's and by the early 60's he had (with the help of Don Breeding) a transistorised device which would measure thought instantaneously. So, there were 30 or 40 people there learning about this mind, but it was still essentially a tiny movement in the early 60's. He lost a small fortune between 1955 and 1961, between $9 and $13 million, I believe. The number of students on course went up to 90 or 100 in the early 60's in the D.C. area. Churches started getting formed around the U.S. So, he lectured weekly or more often up to 1965 and then he finished lecturing in 1966. He came out with the internal church judicial system, he called -ethics in mid 1965. They started excommunicating people out of the church and declaring other people to be trouble sources. He basically started denying religious service claiming he never felt it was owed. That particular turmoil began and he came in conflict with a number of large beings at this juncture. He had come into conflict with some middle size beings 1959 through 1961 and some pretty strong ones 1965 to 1966. One of them predicted that he'd go out and buy a pile of boats, put on a WW II uniform and form up a navy - all of which he did. That person was thrown out of the church for a year.
The religion continued to grow and spread. Product line continued to be expanded. Medieval management techniques became the rule of the day. Dianetics was essentially forgotten from 1952 to 1969, Scientology was heavily promoted from 1952 to 1969. So, he rode around in his boats until 1973. I believe the diesel bill for boating was $474,000 in 1969 alone. Then, in the mid 70's they purchased a base in Clearwater, Florida and he was down there until 1976 or 1977 and then he left there and went to Southern California. He's been there ever since. That is a brief history of the man's activities.
A brief history of Dianetics is it was a rapid fad from 1950 to 1952. It sort of withered away after that. It had a slight rebirth in 1963 which probably penetrated into the lives of a maximum of 20,000 people but most probably had a meaningful effect on only 4,000 people. That subsided by 1965. Dianetics was sort of re-released and modified in 1969 under such a heavy hand that Scientology became all but forgotten for a 3 to 4 year period, by then the number of people involved was hundreds of thousands. It became modified further in late 1978 to early 1979 as 'New Era Dianetics' and continues to be modified to this day as a psychotherapy.
The history of Scientology starts around 1954 and grew to its height in 1977 as far as numbers and cash flow. The actual evolution of the technology of Scientology seemed to zenith somewhere around 1972 1974 with nothing new being introduced after that of substance or consequence.
So, that is the truthful history of Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard.
It actually reached its peak as far as overall activity around 1974, if you are measuring its activity by either the number of people, quantity of students studying or quantity of people being counselled. It declined from 1974 to present. The reasons for its decline are: (1) the continued friction with various governments, (2) bad public relations, (3) not keeping its promises it had made to its practitioners, (4) heavy handed, incorrect, internal judicial actions against people within and outside the church, (5) excessive emphasis on the Sea Org itself as a senior management structure, (6) medieval administration, (7) very little interest on the development or encouragement of people studying the religion of Scientology and (8) not knowing or having the correct technology.
It finally reached the absurd situation in the late 70's when there were over 600 people on staff in the Guardian Offices which were protecting the church, making sure that the church would be there, fighting governments, during that period of time when there were less than 600 people who were studying, applying and even receiving Scientology counselling. Three-fourths of the people in the church were in administrative positions. In the little churches, like Washington, D.C., Seattle, Denmark or Toronto, they had 50 people handling the paperwork and 2 people doing the counselling or auditing, and a few people on the courses. The Clearwater facility had a number of people on courses and counselling, and very high cash flow. It is essentially a status religious retreat where a lot of funds change hands and essential Scientology services are merchandised in such a manner that parishioners get traditional services and pay a substantial amount of money.
It is ironic that people will pay almost any amount of money for real service. The Clearwater facility is prohibitive of people receiving service unless one is extremely wealthy.
So, the para-military organisation, its bureaucracies and the cult worship of the man himself filled in and replaced the religion itself which disappeared throughout the 70's.
The religion became extinct by 1978. Hubbard's son, Quentin was extremely distraught over this for years. He actually lost his will to live over this particular subject and died. His continued appeals to his parents fell on deaf ears.
The symbols, the legal structure and (most certainly) the wealth of the church have survived but the religion itself has completely vanished from 1975 to present.
It has vanished in the sense of being there for anyone to walk in, find out about themselves, get cleaned up and raise their awareness to higher states.
Thus, the religion of Scientology, the psychotherapy of Dianetics and the man himself have recently become extinct by default. It appears that all three got eaten up by their postulates.
They considered their neighbours to be so mechanically conscious (that there was actually no other life out there other than themselves) that they ended up being so.
I'm sure L. Ron Hubbard or anyone else involved with the organisation of Dianetics and Scientology would disagree with these particular remarks but unfortunately they happen to be the truth.
Anything that is grounded in truth doesn't vanish. Only lies erase. That church erased.
Instead of Scientology data being discovered and used, it was remembered and sold instead. Without exception, people within the church (especially L. Ron Hubbard) had extreme difficulty in applying what he copyrighted.
He has an outstanding church policy to copyright any incoming idea addressed to his desk or addressed to the church and a lot of wisdom from others has poured in for 30 years through the mails.
There is no evidence that he or anyone in the church is capable of understanding one-tenth of what has been published under his name.
A number of individuals quite close to the man have so often proclaimed -he should read this, he should know this, if he only knew. It is an irony that he's not taken the time to read the books that made him over $100 million. Apparently that was his choice. Madness and genius in a single character is a curious brew of qualities.
Vested Interests And The Nature Of Man
Each person, family, group, nation or whatever has a terribly strong tendency to act in their own self-interest. There are a number of strong vested interests. It is the nature of man to act on behalf of his own self interest. When the self- interest of an individual comes into conflict with the vested interest of a group and the group is more powerful, the group will win out. So, it is within mans nature to avoid such confrontations which result in loss, to stay clear of conflict with existing vested interests within society. (Whether they be another individual, a family, a family member, company, corporation, industry, the governments nationality or international interests.) One might be wise to not come into conflict with ones close associates, any organised religion, any branch of the government, any branch of the underworld or the oil lobby.
Normally, a group is just looking after itself and individuals that stand in the way are -expendable as a group attempts to go from A to B.
If you are going to operate in a similar sphere of activity where a group is already operating and you wish to avoid conflict, you can either run the risk of operating secretly (which I would not recommend) or you can clearly define that you are in no way a threat to the group.
The nature of man has been subdivided under many philosophies and labels. In summary, man acts as an animal in a competitive fashion, yet, he also has the capacity for self-fulfilment, growth, spiritual aspirations and inspiration. These two factors, the desire to just survive/do well and the desire to grow make man a unique creature in the animal kingdom. The animal aspects of man all concern negatives.
It is the lack of food, money, adequate supervision, proper company policy in administrations the lack of adequate contacts or tolerable environment which move man to act in an animal fashion and to join up with other animals who create such things in and as groups.
The positive motivational factors for an individual (drives, recognition of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs, recognition by the group, awards within a society, self-esteem, self-actualisation) do not cause an individual to form into a group. They are the content in one's life in positive direction; they have nothing to do with context.
You have your negative factors which are hygiene factors (which are the work context) and your positive factors (which are what one gets done and where one is going which is the work content) which are the motivational factors. This comes from Fred Herzberg's work into the nature of man.
A small minority of society was identified (by a Harvard professor, McClelland) as self-motivated achievers. All they care about was self-esteem and self-actualisation. They make bad managers, they are not good group members, they are extremely successful as salesmen, entrepreneurs and leading their own companies. A self-motivated achiever really doesn't care about esteem from others, he is only interested in achieving his own self-stated goals.
In the field of industrial psychology there are, of course, Theory X and Theory Y types of management. Theory X says that man is an animal and only responds to being beaten on and the other, Theory Y, says he responds to being given freedom to achieve. So, one says you should be hard on people to get work done and the other philosophy says that if you are very nice to people you will get much more done. These two philosophies are in conflict and about 97% of the companies in America are on a harsh animal management line (as is the Church of Scientology). Yet, these few Theory Y companies (some insurance companies out of Connecticut) have shown remarkable increases in profits (100% per year). It is quite amazing that if you treat people well, they perform well.
Industrial psychology studies of Herzberg and others show that people are operating around 5% of their potential capability. 95% of it is wasted because they are not moving in the direction of and along lines which are real to them.
The nature of man is that if he is given the chance, he does well. If he is treated as a slave or animal or bad person, he will perform accordingly. So, upper management and the ideas and philosophies which enclose upper management are directly reflected in the company's or country's work force. So, you see the nature of man get distorted by bad education. It all does add up to bad education. It is ironic that someone can go to high school and hear that somehow we just accidentally took all this land away from the Indians. If they go to college and they learn that settlers put smallpox germs on blankets and gave them to the Indians to eliminate 50 or 60 tribes there in the states of Massachusetts and New York. Where the truth finally gets told later in life, performance starts to occur. Where it never gets told, very little gets done. So, man is a very flexible creature and to the degree that he is properly managed, he does well; to the degree that he is improperly managed, he does poorly.
Managers manage well to the degree they understand the rudiments of industrial psychology: (1) if there are too many obstacles, the goals are set too high, (2) if unrealistic goals are set, then frustration occurs, (3) where peoples purposes are blunted, frustration occurs, (4) if they can't direct the frustration and hostility directly towards the people that are causing it, they have no choice but to displace the hostility, (5) if they displace their hostility, they either join some crazy religious kook organisation, take up alcohol, beat their wives or eat their little hearts out and (6) to the degree that the frustration level of an individual is increased and he is not allowed to express it, he will eventually end up pinning it on himself.
So, you have management restricted by their ignorance of these particular factors and being taught to manage wrongly. There is such a thing as negative management, in other words, less is done because the manager is there (with no manager there at all the firm, country or the church would run better).
Any manager who uses scapegoats to reduce the frustration level within the organisation is a negative manager. He would be better off not even existing.
The Scientology churches uses the government as a scapegoat. The white Southern sharecropper used the Negro as a scapegoat. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat. It is all very poor management and you can see that in all instances that management is very short lived. It doesn't work. There is not lasting productivity under negative management.
That kind of situation itself can be blurred from being viewed in some instances (like the Scientology churches) they have a 90% turnover of personnel every 18 months. If you constantly have new blood and new organisation the U.S. Army by drafting people had a constant influx of personnel) then you can frustrate the hell out of people and furnish them a scapegoat only if there is enough force and duress on them that they work off their particular legal obligation and leave.
In summation, conflicts with vested interests should be avoided and the nature of the individual is animal and spiritual. You should be constantly aware that if you treat a person as an animal, they will certainly become one very quickly, and if you treat someone as a spiritual entity, being, awareness that is involved with the business of living for the purpose of learning, then you will certainly have that on your doorstep.
Penetration And Control Through Non-Physical Means
An individual which has had enough education, training, philosophising, thinking, looking, learning, counselling can reach a state to where they can penetrate into physical universe events, identities, even groups and can control what occurs by decision. This particular state was defined in Christian Science as knowing the truth and was defined in Scientology as the state of Operating Thetan.
In other words, a "thetan" (being, a spirit), (one) would simply operate directly as a spirit and not have to run a body around, speaking English words to get something done. One would just think a thought and it would occur, mind over matter. The degree to which one can do this is beyond description or detail. It is actually not a safe subject to discuss with people because they have a terrible tendency to either crucify, murder or blame all their problems one anyone that has these abilities.
Suffice it to say, this state has been attained stably on dozens of individuals (inside and outside of Scientology). Until people come up to recognising that that is what did, does and will control the world, then it will have to be done in an obscure, private fashion.
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