When you, whilst reading this text, feel restimulated and get pictures streaming in on you and feel your body going massy, it isn’t actually you personally who is restimulated but your BTs. You most likely weren’t there when it happened, but they were. When taking walks, doing practical work or "sleeping it off’ doesn’t help to make you feel better, you must audit them. (This works without an E-meter, too.)
However, do take vitamin C, E, B 1 calcium and magnesium in large doses. This serves to fortify the body's energy field and keeps the energy impulses produced by "awakened" entities from affecting the Genetic Entity (which would result in sleeplessness and nervousness) 75, 76.
To audit, go back in the text to the sequence steps of Inc.2. Starting with the Capture, go through steps 1 to 6, adding "Go to . . ." to each step. ("Go to the Capture!")
This turns the step into an auditing command and forces the restimulated BTs through the incident. It reduces their charge and makes them disappear (blow).
In all this you must keep a narrow enough beam of attention so you’re dealing with one at a time. Sometimes you won’t get individual BTs but whole clusters of them. Clusters don’t respond as well as BTs because they are many but believe they are one, because they are stuck in the same incident. You can simply ask:
"Is this a BT or a Cluster?" and the reaction will tell you. You will find out that they have "leaders". Address your commands to the leader or "cluster chief’ and go through the sequence steps as described. The Cluster will fall apart when you get to the step when it was formed. It may be any of the steps 1 to 6.
This is the process:
1. Locate the source of the pictures or masses you are experiencing. Point to it with your finger. Estimate the distance to it as correctly as you can.
The source is of course a BT or Cluster. With a bit of experience you will feel magnetically drawn towards them.
2. Direct the commands of steps 1 to 6 to them, with good intention. Some people do this silently, others murmur or even speak loudly; this supports their intention. Intend each BT or Cluster through steps 1 to 6. (Do not use any of the later steps!) Do this repeatedly on the same BT or Cluster until you get no more pictures.
3. The BT may "blow" (disappear) at this point. You can quite distinctly feel a blow by the sudden
absence of what your attention was directed to. Instead of a somethingness there is now a nothingness. Acknowledge
it and find the next BT. (Step 1 of this Remedy.)
In case of a Cluster it will break up into many BTs as soon as you have come to the point in the Inc.2 sequence
when it was formed.
Handle each BT of that Cluster individually, as described.
4. If the Inc.2 pictures weaken but the BT doesn’t go, repeat taking it through steps 1-6. If it still doesn’t
go, it needs to be taken earlier on the time track. Charge depends on the basic incident on a chain of incidents,
and the basic incident is always the earliest one.
Give the command: "Go to Incident One!"
If don’t know yet what Incident One is, with any good luck the BT may know. So it’s worth trying this command to see what happens, without first reading the chapter where Inc. 1 is explained.
When your command produces no result, you will have to study the chapter on it before continuing the auditing of your BT. BTs are in such a state of shock and unconsciousness that they cannot easily recall. That’s why the auditor has to intend them through their incidents. As soon as you know the sequence of Incident 1, you can do this. Just follow the instructions given in the "Auditing Notes" below.
5. General rule: Run Incident 2 repeatedly on the BT found until its charge is reduced.
If the BT doesn’t blow, run Incident 1 and earlier similar incidents till you get the basic for that BT. Then it will blow. Always be nice to them. Have a friendly and interested attitude. Being nasty to them because they seem to be nasty to you doesn’t help a bit It makes the ridge even bigger!
They are in a worse position than you are. After all, you are the one helping them to become free, and not the other way round. By helping them you are helping yourself.
Good luck!
Auditing Note 1: By adding "Go to... !" to the sequence steps of Inc. 1 (beginning of chapter 2.2, second quotation) you can take a BT through Inc.1 (similar to what you did on Inc.2).
In particular you must direct the BT’s attention to the snaps and have it find out what happened during them. This way it will disconnect from the "prefabs" (prefabricated lumps of theta quanta) and be free. It will eventually be "only itself’ and consist of only one brand of theta quanta - those of the original creator. At this point it usually disconnects from you and blows. All the different bits peeled off it will return to their original creators by themselves. (You can intend them to do this as a final clean up.)
Auditing Note 2: When your BT does not blow after running it through Inc. 1 a few times, it obviously isn’t quite free to go yet. There are foreign theta quanta and the intentions tied up in them, holding it.
Check for "earlier similar incidents?" or "pre-1 incidents?".
Ask either of these questions repeatedly. Even though you may not get any pictures (too subtle), the BT will be led down a chain of incidents to the first one and blow.
Auditing Note 3: If your BT did not blow after running the pre-I chain, he is for sure stuck in a recruitment incident. Just ask for it. "How did you ever come to agree with Xenu?" "When did you first decide to play his game?" He will tell you.
Make sure you have him find the exact moment when he went for Xenu’s precious glittery theta quanta, get his contact with the first one of them, get him to spot the admiration he had for Xenu and the postulate he made then. This will free him.
(You aren’t auditing a BT any more, actually. You are now in contact with the thetan "behind" the BT. Whereas the BT was just a dot in space, the thetan feels big.)
Auditing Note 4: After running your BT through its recruitment incident, you have attained the result that no further foreign theta quanta are attached to it, neither of Xenu nor of others. It is basically itself, meaning that it consists only of one brand of theta quanta - those of the original creator. It may blow now.
But if it is an unhappy BT, it won’t blow. Should its creator have had a loss or failure in an earlier game or an earlier universe, his theta quanta will bear the marks of this and you’ll have to audit it.
To remind you: all theta quanta contain an imprint of the emotion and the postulate at the moment of their creation. When you get both and duplicate it exactly, energized theta will vanish and transform itself into static theta. This mechanism makes auditing possible.
Ask: "Failure in an earlier universe?" Get all data and the exact failure including the postulate made ten? Continue with: "Earlier similar failure?"
When this doesn’t cause any further response, the aspect of failure has lost interest. Time to look at positive aspects. Give the command: "Go to an earlier universe where you were happy" or "fully causative" or "successfully did your own thing". Get the data and repeat the command if no joyfulness occurs, taking him even earlier.
This is an orientation step to happier times and gives the BT (and its creator) an idea what sort of game he could go back to. It rehabilitates causativeness.
Note that this chain of "earlier universes?" may go to static and earlier. The really good and successful games of that particular BT or thetan may have been before static!
As a result of these two commands, the BT (and its creator) will feel relief and the last quanta connecting you with the thetan behind the BT will finally blow.
Of all steps on this procedure, it will be on this one at the latest that the original BT "becomes" a thetan. The original BT, witness to all sorts of terrible incidents and dirtied up by foreign theta quanta, is now stripped down to a handful of simple and homogeneous quanta pertaining to a single owner and serving as a communication link between two thetans: you and him.
You are in touch with a live thetan "on the other side" of the BT, you are in touch with a being, and he will be huge. There will be mutual recognition of this circumstance, thankfulness and words of good-by - and then, when the last of his theta quanta has been dissolved, the line will disconnect.
You can’t blow a thetan, you see. You can be in touch with him via a number of dimension points, by an interchange of attention, and you can stop being in touch with him. But you can’t "blow" him.
General note: When your BT has blown and you still feel "soupy" around the head, the theta quanta which were disconnected from the BT by the auditing may still be there. The "original BT" has gone but the bits that were added to it during the pre- 1 incidents didn’t. Usually these bits (theta quanta) are in a state of disorientation and don’t quite know where to go.
Some of them may even be your own. Because it is your own theta power which held the BT in place - in your age-long effort to keep it away!
Stray theta quanta are easy to deal with. Do this:
1. Locate them. Have your attention scan around like a radar beam and encompass them in your space. They feel like a loose cloud.
2. Give them the "Two Rights of a Thetan". They apply to all theta, not only to thetans proper. Each
theta quantum suffers when it is stuck somewhere. By its nature theta strives to be static.
So tell them: "You have the right to self-determinism. You have the right to leave a game."
This has two obvious implications; add them, too: "You are free to do what you like. You may join your creator and dissolve into the static state. Or you may help in a game of your choice." Repeat these instructions while scanning your space until they cause no further change.
3. Most of them will have blown now. Allow them to blow inwards, too, i.e. towards you! Because your personal
ones will come to you (that’s an inflow), whereas foreign ones will go elsewhere (that’s an outflow). Blocking
this inflow may cause new masses!
Those who don’t blow must be stuck in some incident. Either it’s the original hoover/spin/energy-sphere incident,
or it’s a later one. After all, once they were in existence as pre-fabs all sorts of people used them! One thetan
might have lost them and the next one picked them up. You must account for that. The earliest incident of overwhelm
is that of hoovering.
Therefore ask: "Hoovering incident?" and take them through the three steps of hoovering, spinning and storage.
No response to that, ask: "Stuck in some other incident?" Get all incidents later than the hoovering (complete with the postulates which might have been impressed on them) until none are left, then run the hoovering as the earliest.
This will clean up your space to full brightness.
(Note that the auditing procedure recommended here goes far beyond the original OT III method. It was developed by Bill Robertson in 1985 whilst researching "Excalibur". Note as well that OT III can only be successfully done in combination with OT I and II and if based on the ability called "Clear". The above is only meant to serve as a remedy for the reader.)
© 1994 by L. Kin
© 1994 by Edition ScienTerra
1. L. Ron Hubbard, technical Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology, 1975.
75. See "GUK Bomb" in 1. [return]
76. Serge King, "Imaginerring for Health", 1981. [return]
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