Self Clearing Diary

Index of Chapters

Chapters 1 & 2 (14/3/98-8/4/98)
- Beginning Steps/Reach and Withdraw
Say, this really works!; R learns
to juggle; T learns to `know' words;
improvements in self-esteem
Chapter 3 (11/4/98-26/5/98)
- Thoughts, Emotions and Attitudes
An illness prevented; increase in (psychic) ability; upsets restimulated
& handled;
Correction List used successfully; suppression detected and handled
Chapter 4 (23/5/98-14/6/98
) - Subjective Processes
Write it down!!!; What's an EP again?; Correction list results;
increased ability to process self
Chapter 5 (23/5/98-14/6/98
) - Study
T suggests this should be chapter 1; the
difference between its and it's; major life improvements
Chapter 6 (22/6/98-23/8/98
) - Confronting the Past
T recalls past lives for the first time
Chapter 7 (16/8/98-4/9/98
) - Willingness and Accessibility
On the road to find out; R starts Levitation R/D;
the prison planet idea
Chapter 8 (4/9/98-19/9/98
) - Communication Barriers
T - I realised that past lives, which I haven't touched
on greatly, have shaped me now.
Chapter 9 (21/9/98-8/10/98
) - More on Communications
T - I'm happy with my results with intention
and communication.
Two weeks ago my communication wasn't heard in a crowded bingo room.
Today it was.
Chapter 10 (12/10/98-24/11/98)
- The Duplication Factor
T - my realisation was that myself and others
are not willing to have things happen again but are forced into it through
implants; R gains the ability to create
processes and creates CAUSE-OLOGY
Chapter 11 (2/12/98-24/12/98)
- Exteriorization
R - gains the ability to create a viewpoint
anywhere in the physical universe and beam healing energy into a body.
Chapter 12 (1/1/99-5/3/99)
- Help
T - understands the difference between mind and
body R - attains CLEAR on the subject of Help
Chapter 13 (3/2/99-22/3/99)
- Change And No Change
I was able to counter T's remark that I sometimes
seemed obsessed with the self clearing. I said
that anyone not interested in clearing was betraying
their own obsession with mest and inability to change.
Chapter 14
(25/3/99-18/5/99) - Protest
R - I felt I'd actually exteriorised just
back of the mest universe, or just prior to it. T
- The only person I could find who protests
about me is R, especially my dress sense,
physical fitness and motivation about Clearing.
Chapter 15 (19/5/99-13/6/99)
- Problems
Once again each process `worked' . We wish you were `here'
with us (spiritually) on this incredible journey as it continues to
get better and better for us.
Chapter 16
(14/6/99-25/8/99) - Must Have and Can't Have
Sex, drugs, money, blah, blah, blah - it's all here!
Chapter 17 (31/8/99-20/10/99)
- Must Avoid and Can't Get Rid Of
T - I realised that my be/do/have is so aberrated
that I have to criticise other people's. R - The idea
of directly processing `pain' just blew me away.
Chapter 18 (21/9/99-9/11/99)
- Cause
T - I realised that people aren't necessarily
hiding things, often it's that others aren't seeing things. R
- Currently it seems to me our individuality/identity/ego results from
an 8th Dynamic psychosis.
Chapter 19 (2/12/99-26/12/99)
- Overts, Motivators and Withholds
Processes to resolve one's own `karma' AND that of others
Chapter 20 (27/12/99-30/1/00)
- A Step Further Out (under construction)
T - I can see how I am capable of influencing
other people just by my outlook/attitude
Chapter 21 (3/2/00-2/3/00)
- Affinity, Reality & Communication (under construction)
T - I've really been able to improve, be more
accepting and less reactive
Chapter 22 (26/3/00-7/5/00)
- More on Upsets
Disconnecting from a `friend'; T attains state of
Clear; Handling entities without a meter
Chapter 23 (?-?) - Trickery
and False Data (not written up yet)
Chapter 24 (21/5/99-1/6/99)
- Suppression
Possibly the most important chapter. `Nothing works' when someone
is on your case.
Chapter 31 (Nov 2000
- Jan 2001) - Advanced Incident Running
Dr Hulda Clark's book The Cure For All Diseases and liver cleanse
results; Dr Linus Pauling's cure for heart disease;