By Peter Shepherd

"Transforming the Mind" is a manual that aims to describe the process of human conditioning and how
to achieve an awakening from this imposition. We are born in a body with animal instincts, we carry the baggage
of past lives (it seems) and to add to this we develop survival solutions upon the lines of our racial culture,
and according to our particular upbringing and experiences.
This is a complex and tangled mixture but it is possible to separate out these strands and to find our true
identity. In so doing we also discover the reasons why friendships break down, marriages go sour and misunderstandings
occur, why life may contain more stress than pleasure and why our purposes in life become obscured. With this knowledge
we can transform our minds - and that is the prerequisite to fundamental change for the better.
"Your book is the best book I have read in my life. The ultimate self help book. Hopefully many people
will be changed by it. If everyone was rational to a great extent, then this world wouldn't have many problems
that I can see." (Dustin Schroeder)