References & Links for Chapters Five-Seven
by Peter Shepherd

The following books have been valuable references in the writing of Chapters 5-7 (ISBN numbers on request):
- "Archetype - A Natural History of the Self" by Anthony Stevens (1982, Routledge), a synthesis of Jungian psychology with the discoveries of sociobiology.
- "Mind Games - the guide to inner space" by R.E.L. Masters & Jean Houston (1989, Routledge), techniques for mind expansion without the use of drugs.
- "Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming" by Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour (1990, Crucible), an excellent explanation of NLP principles.
- "The White Hole in Time - Our future evolution and the meaning of Now" by Peter Russell (1982, Aquarian Press).
- "The Rebirth of Nature -The Greening of Science & God" by Rupert Sheldrake (1991, Rider).
- "Freedom From the Unknown" by Krishnamurti (1991, Victor Gollancz).
- "Beyond the Brain - Birth, Death & Transcendence in Psychotherapy" by Stanislav Grof (1985, State University of NY).
- "The Transpersonal - Psychotherapy & Counselling" by John Rowan (1993, Routledge).
- "Looking Glass Universe - The Emerging Science of Wholeness" by John P. Briggs & F. David Peat (1984, Simon & Schuster).
- "The Holographic Univers" by Michael Talbot (1991, Grafton Books).
- "Stalking the Wild Pendulum - On the mechanics of consciousness" by Itzhak Benthov (1988, Destiny Books).
- "The Atman Project - A Transpersonal View of Human Development" by Ken Wilber (1980, Quest).
- "The Spectrum of Consciousness" by Ken Wilber (1977, Quest).
- "The Awakened Mind" by C. Maxwell Cade & Nona Coxhead (1979, Wildwood House).
- "The Turning Point" by Fritjof Capra (1982, Simon & Schuster).
- "The Quantum Self" by Danah Zohar (1990, Flamingo).
Also see the Tools for Transformation Bookstore.
If you have found these Chapters of value, you will find the following sites contain a great deal of further valuable information:
Also see the Tools for Transformation Links page.
Two People Essential To This Project
For 25 years Gregory Mitchell researched and developed the techniques for Biofeedback Monitoring as applied to mental development. In particular he developed techniques for monitoring the differentiation between left and right cortical hemispheres in the psychotherapeutic context. I was fortunate to work with Gregory for several years and his wide-ranging teachings are a major influence on the content of Transforming the Mind, and are also be a foundation for The New Life Course. He is now retired and his work is little known - I hope to change that.
Through my work with Gregory, I was introduced to his mother, Irene Mumford. What a family! It turned out that she too had spent her life researching and developing profound techniques for consciousness expansion that take off from the point where Gregory's work leads up to. Since her passing on in '91, I have worked hard on the materials she left and now present them in the form of the Meta-Programming course. Meta-Programming is firmly based on her work. I have edited and added to the materials as a result of my own experience and knowledge and especially, what I have learnt in supervising the work of the many students Irene originally started on the project. Irene is much loved and missed. Through the Internet I hope to introduce new students to the phenomenal practical techniques of Meta-Programming and so continue her work.
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Move on to Chapter Eight - Meta-Programming: Discovering the Higher Self.
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