Self Clearing book - chapter 22 (Self5.html#chapter22) 22.2 More on the anatomy of upsets In the previous chapter, we analyzed upsets as stemming from breaks in affinity, reality, or communications. We can also add understanding to the list because it is a product of ARC and will sometimes come up as the specific source of the break. So in dealing with an ARC Break, one is first of all interested in whether the break occurred in A, R, C, or U. Spotting this helps one focus on the exact cause of the break. But it is often necessary to focus more precisely and spot exactly what occurred in regards to the affinity, or communication, or whatever. For this is useful to know a practical scale which maps out the behavior of these flows of ARC. When one first contacts something, one might be in a divine state of all knowingness and perceive and pervade it completely. But that is not usually the case. Therefore, one begins from a state of not-know, and that is the top level on our scale. Not-knowing, one may choose to become curious or interested. This is the beginning of an ARC flow. From there, one may move on to good communication, affinity, etc. and then there is no difficulty or upset. But often, one does not connect fully and instead finds some resistance. If one chooses to remain interested despite this, then one must amplify the flow to overcome the resistance, and with that, one begins to desire the person or thing. Now one can get into trouble because there is intensity and resistance and a possible game condition. If the person can neither push through and accomplish nor abandon the desire, he will sink into the band of effort and begin to enforce ARC. >From this point on, he begins to react mechanically and can have great difficulties. Failing to enforce, he will begin to inhibit in an attempt to get away from something which is now too highly charged. But this is often unsuccessful because he is now connecting to the item compulsively. So he tries to make nothing of the thing and have none of it. And failing in that, he begins to reject it with a vengeance. This forms a scale as follows: Not-Know Curious (Interest) Desire Enforce Inhibit No Refused (Rejection) An ARC break can trigger on any of these being done to either A, R, C, or U, either by you to another or another to you. It occurs on the levels from Desire on downwards because these are enforcement or inhibitions of ARC flows to a greater or lesser degree (even desire has some push in it). They occasionally occur on the upper buttons (not-know and curious) simply because these can remind one of earlier ARC breaks. There are other inter-related triangles (such as be, do, have) and there are other kinds of flows (energy or whatever) which can break or give one troubles, but ARC is by far the most significant and the most useful to handle. We will examine how to use this in the next section.