TONE SCALE IN FULL TONE SCALE EXPANDED KNOW TO MYSTERY SCALE Serenity of Beingness 40.0 Know Postulates 30.0 Not Know Games 22.0 Know About Action 20.0 Look Exhilaration 8.0 Plus Emotion Aesthetic 6.0 Enthusiasm 4.0 Cheerfulness 3.5 Strong Interest 3.3 Conservatism 3.0 Mild Interest 2.9 Contented 2.8 Disinterested 2.6 Boredom 2.5 Monotony 2.4 Antagonism 2.0 Minus Emotion Hostility 1.9 Pain 1.8 Anger 1.5 Hate 1.4 Resentment 1.3 No Sympathy 1.2 Unexpressed Resentment 1.15 Covert Hostility 1.1 Anxiety 1.02 Fear 1.0 Despair .98 Terror .96 Numb .94 Sympathy .9 Propitiation -(higher toned -selectively gives) .8 Grief .5 Making Amends -(propitiation -can’t w/h anything) .375 Undeserving .3 Self-abasement .2 Victim .1 Hopeless .07 Apathy .05 Useless .03 Dying .01 Body Death 0.0 Failure -0.01 Pity -0.1 Shame (being other bodies) -0.2 Accountable -0.7 Blame-(punishing other bodies) -1.0 Regret-(responsibility as blame) -1.3 Controlling Bodies -1.5 Effort Protecting Bodies -2.2 Owning Bodies -3.0 Think Approval from Bodies -3.5 Needing Bodies -4.0 Symbols Worshipping Bodies -5.0 Eat Sacrifice -6.0 Sex Hiding -8.0 Mystery Being Objects -10.0 Wait Being Nothing -20.0 Unconscious Can’t Hide -30.0 Total Failure -40.0