The hardest road is the road that you walk alone.

But the bridge that you build with your own hands is the most satisfying to walk upon.

Here is a guidebook for those who would find their own way out of the trap.

This will be an introductory book in the sense that it will not assume that the reader has already engaged upon any particular course of study, but it is not really a beginners book. It will demand much of the reader and will pull no punches as far as introducing powerful and advanced concepts.

Unlike most metaphysical books, this one will include a great deal of mental exercises and techniques. The theories will be intertwined with practical actions to clear oneself of mental barriers and aberrations and to regain abilities, awareness, and recall of one's past existence.

For this I must thank L. Ron Hubbard who showed the way. In the 1950s, during the early Scientology research, he took many of the ideas of metaphysics and turned them from abstract contemplations into exercises that could be drilled and strengthened. The approach was valid and the current techniques of Scientology are still valid, but they have deteriorated into a shadow of what was present in the early days and they are buried under the weight of fixed ideas (a limited application which Scientology refers to as "Standard Tech") and rigid and abusive policies.

This book is the next step beyond Hubbard's powerful early work in the days before Scientology was cast in concrete. It is dedicated to the creation of self-clearing individuals who can find their own way out of the trap.

We do not have all the answers. We do not have a complete road map. But metaphysics is now going through the equivalent of the industrial revolution. I invite you to participate in the forefront of this revolution.



Spiritual Orientation:

If we continue beyond the withering and death of our mortal shells, then the most reasonable conclusion would be that we live many lives. To live one life and then be fixed and frozen in position for all of eternity would not only be cruel, it would also be absurd and a waste of life-force.

If one lives again in the future, then the logical conclusion is that one has lived before as well and that some mechanism interferes with the recollection of it.

If we are immortal spirits, then there are only two possibilities, namely that we are creations, set upon our road like clockwork toys by a greater being, or that we are parts of the creator.

The shadows of creative power that remain to us, whether symphonies or paintings or stories, show that we do have the capabilities of creation. And the projection of our own realities within our dreams show that this creativity can be extended to the creation of material forms from nothingness.

If we create, then we are creators rather than creations. This implies that we are fragments or mirror images of God, portions of His consciousness which are trapped within the created universes.

If God made man in his own image, then that image would be bodiless for how could God be locked within a body. And that image would be capable of creating because the matter and energy within the universes does not create itself.

Furthermore, if we are part of God, then we have decayed from a godlike state, for God would not begin in a trapped condition. This tells us that the problem must be due to blockage added on rather than an inherent lack of ability. In other words, the aberrations (distortions) and inabilities are due to additives rather than things which are missing.

Before all creations, there can only be nothingness. Therefore, God must be a nothingness with the power to conceive and create. This implies that at basic there is no personality for there would be no context in which a personality could manifest. So let us put aside all personification of God and instead refer to an infinite nothingness with the potential for infinite creation.

And the creation would take place to balance the nothingness with somethingness. And thus God would be all accepting and all embracive. And from this it could be said that God is love. Not just love of goodness, but love of ALL. And the only evil would be in denying one's true nature as part of this infinite and creative nothingness.

And as shadows or fragments or children of God, we too would each be a nothingness of infinite potential, striving to create and engaging in an exchange of creations.

And our decay, at basic, would consist of denials of our true nature. Decisions to not create, not to experience, not to perceive, and not to communicate; Denials of responsibility and causation. And by our very nature, no blockage would succeed unless we ourselves created it.

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 For the sake of an easier road, I will ask you to make a number of decisions and adopt a number of attitudes which will aid your progress.

These are not prerequisites. If you can't accept some of these, then carry on anyway.

These are things that I believe an advanced student will come to eventually and which will seem natural and rational to you when you are far enough along. If you can accept them now, it will act as a shortcut.

These are not absolutes, and an advanced student would apply them with understanding rather than blind faith. But in the absence of full awareness, you will be right a majority of the time if you use these rather than their opposites.


1. Communication

All indications are that willful decisions not to communicate were a significant part of the original factors which caused us to deteriorate.

In any situation where you are unsure as to whether to say something or not, your best course (lacking any other reasons) would be to communicate rather than to keep your mouth shut. One of Hubbard's most famous quotes is "When in doubt, communicate". And if you do get in trouble for communicating, the solution is often to communicate more rather than to back down.


2. Confront

Flinching at things and backing down from them leaves them free to operate against you. That which is not confronted tends to persist. That which is fully viewed tends to come back under one's control and ceases to affect one adversely.

And so it is generally better to face up to things rather than to suppress them or hide them.


3. Forgiveness

We have been at each others throats for a long time, in a mutually destructive tit for tat. We have taken turns for lifetime after lifetime playing good guys and bad guys. Both Jesus and Buddha saw this one and it is an important part of the road out.

If you need more encouragement, then please realize that forgiving others lessens the weight of your own karma, for in forgiving them you forgive yourself as well. And we have all been around long enough to have tried every possible role and committed every dastardly deed at least a few times. The only way out is mutual forgiveness and an abandonment of vengeance and getting even.


4. Responsibility

At the top, responsibility means causation and control rather than blame. If you are responsible for something, it is part of your creation and if you reject responsibility and shift blame to others, it is a denial of self and an abandonment of control.

In modern times people fight to avoid responsibility, but in the early days we fought to become the one who was responsible for something, for with responsibility comes power.


5. Love

Love is the highest form of acceptance. Here is the way to embrace and permeate the universe and it can be used to dissolve as well as to encourage. For with love, an evil thing can be brought to fulfillment and changed so that it need no longer struggle to maintain its evil. Turning again to the wisdom of Jesus, we find "Love thy neighbor as thyself", "Love thine enemies", and "God is Love".


6. Wisdom

Knowledge is power. Do not be afraid to learn anything. Do not flinch from complexity or difficulty. Learn everything you can, and do not be satisfied with the mere collection of data but strive for understanding and practical application. Always search for the reasons why that lie behind things.


7. Rightness

Rightness is earned and comes most to those who are willing to be wrong. Never blindly cling to your own correctness and always be willing to re-examine your premises. The road our is long and complex and you will have to revise your thinking many times along the way. Be flexible and allow yourself to grow.


8. Viewpoints

At basic we are all interconnected in the infinite nothingness of which we are a part. Anyone can and has taken on any role. Strive to see things from other's viewpoints as well as your own. At the top, mutually exclusive and contradictory viewpoints can be held simultaneously. Consider playing both sides of a chess game. As black one is determined that black shall win and as white one intends the opposite. One person can hold both ideas. This is the key to dissolving a game in which one has become entrapped.

Furthermore, your efforts to communicate with others are best done from the context of their viewpoints rather than your own.


9. Life

Do not reject life. Do not suppress all desire. Do not seek to stop all motion.

As you expand, you become more alive and more in motion. You can have more things and enjoy more things. At the top it is infinite creation and the motion and the things that you have are also infinite for you can create them at will.

But do not let yourself be ruled by passions or desires. Do not allow yourself to be consumed by greed or lust. Do not become so attached to the physical that you become entrapped within it.

Broader, lighter desires lead outward. Narrow, fixated desires lead to entrapment.

Enjoy passions and desires as part of the richness of your creation, but always at your will. Do not let them dominate. You are the greater and they are the shadows that you create by choice to add interest and variety to life.


10. Help

The best help is that help which eliminates the need for help. It is far better to teach someone to make money rather than to give them money, for with the one comes dependence and with the other comes greater ability and freedom.

We are in this together and there is a great need for us to help each other. But "God helps those who help themselves" and you would be wise to do the same.

Give help freely. Do not use it as a means of domination.

And most important, if you yourself wish to attain freedom and enlightenment, then guide others on the same path. The best way to learn something is to teach, and the best way to gain something is to share it with others.


11. Opponents

If you are striving to be the best at something, always do it by raising your own skills and never by diminishing the skills of your competitors. You run fastest when there is somebody in front of you setting the pace. Always be glad to have a strong competitor for it leads you towards new heights.

We are not really in competition. It is only a game. In the long run we will all be teammates together in the game of escaping from the trap.

Do not crush your opponents. You will want them around later.


12. Goals

We are all capable of infinite creation. There is no shortage of resources at the top. Appearances to the contrary, we are not in competition with each other. The idea that only one will survive is false.

An immortal godlike being's greatest need is for others like himself all adding to the richness and variety of creation for that is the only way to avoid boredom and hubris.

Work towards greater ability and creativity both for yourself and others.



This book is not a complete answer. It is the beginning of a long and difficult, but most rewarding road.

It is my goal to leave the reader better prepared than any past student of metaphysics. Oriented to the highest truths and the most advanced techniques, the student begins as an initiate rather than a novice.

When we introduce children to science, we do not hide the existence of chemistry or physics or nuclear energy. The entire framework is presented early. But this does not substitute for the long and detailed study needed to master these areas. They know the law of gravity and the basic principles involved, but they are a far cry from calculating orbital insertion speeds.

Studying this book is a beginning rather than an end.



By working alone instead of with an expert practitioner who already knows the territory, you are constrained to moving forward in a simple and orderly series of steps, taking each action as far as you can. By doing this entire book, you will raise your ability and horsepower even though you might not completely master each step on the first time through.

You will then be in a position to go through the book a second time, taking each action further as needed. It is this second pass that will give strength and stability.

This means that you cannot count on handling any specific difficulty as you go through the book. Instead you are working for a general gain in ability with the confidence that eventually you will push through the various things that are currently bothering you.

So don't judge your progress by any specific standard such as a problem or disability that you feel should be handled. That will only lead to invalidating the real progress that you might be making. The only valid criteria for judging your progress on this route would be in terms of a broad increase of abilities with the recognition that there might be blind spots and troublesome areas that do not resolve until you are extremely far along.

In other words, this is not a therapy.



Other useful materials include the "Super Scio" book that I put out on the internet in early 1997. That book assumes that the reader is already familiar with Scientology. The works of L. Ron Hubbard are also quite valuable, especially the "Philadelphia Doctorate Course" lectures of 1952. Among the many books that are available, "The Fundamentals of Thought" and "The Creation of Human Ability" are especially recommended.

There are others who are also attempting to carry the research forward. There is much being learned and discovered. The internet is a good place to look for them, especially the newsgroup.

There are also large quantities of metaphysical works that are easily available in the better bookstores. I especially like Evan's translations of various Tibetan works including the "Tibetan book of the dead" (their road map of the between lives area).

This book alone is not a total solution. But it will give you the most advanced set of tools that are known at this time.



Do not get stuck on the first pass through this book. Take each step as far as you can and keep moving forward. The drills in the first chapters are in some respects the most advanced ones and are useful at higher levels. So do plan on going through the book twice, once in a light manner and again in a thorough one.

If a process seems too difficult on the first pass through the book, you can skip it and leave it for the second time through. But don't skip too much or you will find that the later chapters are too difficult or run too slowly.

Also, don't run a process if it seems really wrong to you. The most likely reason for feeling this way is simply that it is not the right time for you to run that processes, you may need to run other things (earlier or later in the book) first. It is also possible that for you specifically, the particular process is an unnecessary action, we all have our particular areas of strength as well as weakness. And, since this edition is new and experimental, it is possible that a process is poorly worded, inadequately explained, or has other errors.

Do push yourself to overcome any laziness or reluctance to face up to things, but do not force yourself against your better judgment.