The steps of SOP 8C were one of Ron's better collections of OT processes, but they were put together very early in the subject, and are mostly general suggestions rather than precisely worked out processes. The auditors of that time were expected to take a general idea and come up with appropriate commands as they worked with the PC. There is something to be said for this approach, but it requires a great deal of skill and is neither suitable for self auditing nor for use by any but the most knowledgeable auditors.

In light of this, I took a few sentences from SOP 8C and turned them into a modern style rundown. This ran very nicely as a solo process. It is presented here both as a useful rundown and as an example of how to make the various steps of SOP 8C into a powerful modern rundown. The bulk of it still needs to be put together this way.


This is run exterior.

Get a number of answers for each question before going on to the next one. Continue going through the questions in a round robin fashion until you have a big win.

a) Spot some people who are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some people who you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some people who are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some people who are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some people who are not giving orders to themselves.

When this is complete, you go on to the next process which is the same questions run on things instead of people.

a) Spot some things which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some things which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some things which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some things which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some things which are not giving orders to themselves.

The third process is on places.
a) Spot some places which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some places which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some places which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some places which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some places which are not giving orders to themselves.

The next one is on groups.
a) Spot some groups that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some groups that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some groups that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some groups that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some groups that are not giving orders to themselves.

The fifth one is on governments.
a) Spot some governments which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some governments which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some governments which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some governments which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some governments which are not giving orders to themselves.

Then lifeforms.
a) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some lifeforms that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some lifeforms that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving orders to themselves.

Then energies.
a) Spot some energies that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some energies that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some energies that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some energies that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some energies that are not giving orders to themselves.

And finally run it on spirits. (if it seems to indicate to do so, you can also run this on "gods", but I tend to bundle them together with spirits). This would be a real speed up process for somebody who is moving slowly on Nots or having trouble with it.

a) Spot some spirits who are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some spirits who you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some spirits who are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some spirits who are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some spirits who are not giving orders to themselves.

2.2 Following orders

After doing the above, It seemed like a good idea to run the following, which produced a good result.

Spot a time when you choose to follow other's orders for the sake of having a game. Notice a few things about that time. Then spot an earlier time etc. until you either get the first time, or reach the earliest one you can. If you don't already feel exceedingly good about it, then handle that earliest one by alternate spotting (something in the incident, something in the room) until you do feel really good about it.

Next, spot a time when you talked others into following your orders for the sake of having a game. Handle as above.

Note that we're aiming for a state where you have freedom of choice about following or disagreeing with orders and do not follow them compulsively but can choose to do so if you're interested in the game to which the orders apply.

2.3 The SOP 8C Goals Process

Here's another nifty process based on SOP 8C.

a) Spot some goals you do not have.
b) Spot some goals that others do not have.
c) Spot some goals that you don't have for another person.
d) Spot some goals that another person doesn't have for you.
e) Spot some goals that another person doesn't have for others.