4. SOP 8 OT

The top of the early bridge was SOP 8-OT (Standard operating procedure version 8 for OTs) which was covered in the 3rd ACC. This was to be done after running the OT drills of SOP 8C (SOP 8 for clinical use). It did not have a formal procedure but instead was a sort of roll your own aimed at handling whatever else was in the way of making OT.

It primarily consisted of using the standard procedures of that time period (mockups, havingness, copying things, taking over automaticities by doing them consciously, etc.) to handle whatever was left, with special emphasis on a number of targets such as confront of nothingness, confront of bodies, courage, ability to mockup any sensation for yourself without a body, etc.

But despite the lack of an overall procedure, there were a great deal of processes given in the lectures and I have tried to collect together some of them here. I have taken the liberty of modernizing and formalizing these somewhat, so this is my own interpretation. It is also far from a complete list, especially as regards the powerful group processing sessions that are included in the lectures.

The final target was to get out with all your stuff (you could leave now but you wouldn't because you'd lose everything) rather than remaining here as an OT in this universe. But Ron suggests that if you do make it out, you should leave a copy of yourself behind so that your friends etc. don't get upset.

1. Truth/Untruth
run alternately

a) spot 3 things that are true
b) spot 3 things that are not true
c) spot 3 things that are true for another
d) spot 3 things that are not true for another
e) spot 3 things that are true for others
f) spot 3 things that are not true for others

2. Granting rights
Best done outside in a busy area, but this can also be done in the room or the woods etc. This should then also be run exterior.

Do each command a number of times, concentrating especially on the first two and being very specific about the exact rights you are granting. Then repeat the entire set of commands.

a) Grant things/people the right to be there
b) Grant things/people the right to do what they are doing.
c) Have them give you the right to grant rights.
d) Grant others the right to grant rights
e) Have others grant you the right to grant rights

3. Wrongness
Walk around the block and find things wrong. If nothing is obviously wrong, then find things that are unreasonably wrong, such as the shrubbery doesn't change colors to compliment the girl's clothes etc. Do this for at least an hour.

Then do this exterior, drifting around cities and countryside, beginning with your local area.

4. Certainty
For each dynamic, spot what you are most certain of.

5. Disagreement
a) spot 3 things you don't have to agree with.
b) spot 3 things you don't have to communicate with
c) spot 3 things you don't have to like.

6. Wasting
Run each of these as a separate process:

If your doing this solo, then for each question, write down answers until you feel good.

6.1 Mockup a way to waste knowing about things
6.2 Mockup a way to waste perceptions
6.3 Mockup a way to waste enthusiasm
6.4 Mockup a way to waste anger
6.5 Mockup a way to waste hostility
6.6 Mockup a way to waste fear
6.7 Mockup a way to waste grief
6.8 Mockup a way to waste effort
6.9 Mockup a way to waste pain
6.10 Mockup a way to waste sensation
6.11 Mockup a way to waste symbols
6.12 Mockup a way to waste thinking
6.13 Mockup a way to waste eating
6.14 Mockup a way to waste sex
6.15 Mockup a way to waste mystery
6.16 Mockup a way to waste matter
6.17 Mockup a way to waste energy
6.18 Mockup a way to waste space
6.19 Mockup a way to waste time

7. Having
Run alternately until you feel very good

7.1 spot 3 mysteries that would be interesting.
7.2 spot 3 people you wouldn't mind having sex with.
7.3 spot 3 foods you wouldn't mind eating.
7.4 spot 3 ideas you wouldn't mind having.
7.5 spot 3 symbols you wouldn't mind displaying.
7.6 spot 3 sensations you wouldn't mind having
7.7 spot 3 efforts you wouldn't mind doing
7.8 spot 3 emotions you wouldn't mind feeling
7.9 spot 3 sounds you wouldn't mind hearing
7.10 spot 3 things you wouldn't mind seeing
7.11 spot 3 things you wouldn't mind knowing

(on 7.2, Ron uses "3 kinds of sex you wouldn't mind having").

8. Present time
Run alternately

a) resent present time b) desire present time

9. Barriers
run alternately

a) spot some barriers that are not in front of your face
a) spot some barriers that are not behind you
a) spot some barriers that are not on your right side
a) spot some barriers that are not on your left side
a) spot some barriers that are not above you
a) spot some barriers that are not below you

10. Blackness
a) pick an object in the room
b) mockup a ridge of blackness in front of it.
c) alternately fix your attention on the blackness and take your attention off of it a few times. Then continue until you feel comfortable, have no attraction to the blackness and can ignore it and look through it.

Then repeat this with another object, etc.

Then close your eyes, mockup a ridge of blackness, and alternately fix and unfix your attention on it as above. Repeat, placing the ridge in different directions.

11. Layers of Blackness
Close your eyes and mockup many layers of blackness around you. Look through each layer in turn to see the next one.

12. Creation
Have objects accuse you of not creating them. You acknowledge them and tell them that their wrong.

13. Objective exteriorization
a) Spot an object in the room.
b) Get the idea of interiorizing into the object and being it. Mockup being in the object as thoroughly as possible, and actually go into it to whatever degree you can.
c) Then exteriorize from it.

Repeat many times.

The above can also be done exterior, spotting objects around the city etc.

14. Emotion
Feel an emotion and make the body feel a different one.

15. Interiorization
Mockup exteriorizing and pushing yourself back in.

Repeat until you have no urge to go in.

16. Occlusion
close your eyes.
a) spot an occlusion or blackness.
b) alternately be in it, and be here, until it lessens.


17. Alright
a) spot 3 things in the body that are alright.
b) spot 3 things outside of the body that are alright

18. Aliveness
Have the walls say alternately, "you must make me alive", "you mustn't make me alive".

19. Thought
Put out a thought and mockup an effect coming back.

Repeat until you feel good.

20. Nothing/Something
Alternately put up nothing around yourself and something around yourself.

When you mockup something around yourself, consciously alter it slightly at least once to ensure that you are being causative over creating the mockup rather than just pulling in an old picture.

You can start out doing this in the body, mocking up things like water, air, pudding, energy clouds, cotton, wood, granite, and steel around you.

Then do it exterior, including putting up chairs, tables, symbols, basic objects, and bodies. With bodies especially, be sure to shift the appearance around a few times because there will be a tendency to put up old bodies that you've had or seen on TV etc.

21. Mirrors

21.1 Look in the mirror and flinch.

After you have done this many times, then alternate:

a) Look in the mirror and flinch.
b) Look in the mirror and see your ideal self.

For step b above, you mockup your ideal and look at that instead of the image in the mirror.

21.3 Look in the mirror and see nothing.

After these are all done, then pick objects (walls etc.) that are non-reflective and mock them up as being mirrors and repeat the above drills.

22. Flinching

22.1 Look around and spot things and flinch at them.

Then repeat the process exterior, looking over the city.

23. Flitter
Mockup flitter, which is like golden sparks (or use white sparks if you have trouble with golden).

Push waves of flitter against objects and pull it back.

This is intended to raise perception.

24. Animal Bodies
Pick some non-human body type such as a lion or a horse. Imagine yourself as that creature and visualize how you would move the limbs etc. Then exteriorize from that body.

Repeat this a number of times.

25. Beingness
a) What kind of object can you be for certain.
b) Be it and experience it.

Repeat many times.

Then do the same for "what kind of energy". After that, do "what kind of space".

26. Memory
Run alternately.

a) Order yourself to forget something.
b) Remember it anyway.

27. Perception
Leaving your eyes open, look around the room but don't see it while you do so. Inspect things very carefully, but don't see them.

Now close your eyes and inspect the room without seeing it.

28. Terminals
In each process, run the two questions alternately.

a) find 2 particles that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 particles that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 objects that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 objects that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 animals that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 animals that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 people that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 people that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 spaces that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 spaces that you don't object to having apart.

29. Affinity
Find some things which are holding together and get how nice that is.

30. Falling Upwards
Mockup falling upwards and other things falling upwards in disagreement with gravity.

31. Blackness Machinery
Mockup machines that make blackness and throw them away.

32. Remedy of havingness
Mockup an acceptable copy of the Earth and then deteriorate it until it snaps in. Repeat.

33. Machinery
a) Find a machine you can be.
b) now be it and perform its function.

Do this in mockup form for ordinary physical universe machinery, such as cars and drill presses.

Then do it for mental machinery.

Then do it for machinery that stops things, such as machinery which stops you from remembering, perceiving, and doing OT abilities.

Then do it for "unmocking" machinery which unmocks your mockups etc. You put up a picture, then you be the unmocking machine which snaps it up and makes it vanish etc.

Then do it for compulsively creating machinery which puts the walls there etc.

34. Enjoyment and Admiration.
Mockup enjoyment in various places.

Put clouds of pleasure over various cities.

Mockup crowds of people admiring you.

35. Nobility
Put Nobility into the walls.

Go to a crowded place and postulate nobility into various people.

Then put clouds of nobility over various cities.

36. Terror
a) put feelings of terror into the walls
b) Make your body flip flop around as if in pain and terror.
c) Then do mockups of the body flip flopping around.

37. Courage
Its easier to run courage at a distance from the body, so begin processing it that way.

37.1 Mockup clouds of courage over various cities.

37.2 Go to a crowded place and postulate courage into specific individuals.

37.3 Mockup a way to waste courage.

37.4 Put feelings of courage into the walls.

Then mockup a feeling of courage in the face of blackness and repeat 37.1 to 37.4 above using that version of courage.

Then mockup a serene and contemptuous type of courage and repeat 37.1 to 37.4 above using that version of courage.

Next take the serene and contemptuous courage and alternately mock it up around yourself and around others.

38. More on Courage
Mockup force particles out in space.

Alternately mockup yourself and others being there and being courageous about them.

Repeat this with various specifics such as lightning storms, explosions, planets being thrown around, etc. Do this far away from the body.

39. More on Interiorization
Interiorize into and exteriorize from buildings, mountains, planets, and suns.

40. Splitting
Mockup splitting into two, both in a body and exterior.