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[Keeping Technology Working] [How Technology Gets Altered] [Footnote to KTW]
Keeping the Technology Working
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With standard technology and the Study Technology we have a workable technology. We can teach students to study with the Study Technology and we can get people to the state of Clear with the standard technology. What is important, then, is to get the technology applied and applied correctly. If we can't get the technology applied then we can't achieve the promised results. It's as simple as that. The only thing your students and clients get real upset about are "no results". Trouble spots occur only where there are "no results". Attacks from individuals, organizations and government occur only where there are "no results" or "bad results". Therefore, the road is clear and the ultimate success of the technology is assured if the technology is applied. It is the task of all staff members, supervisors and executives to get the correct technology applied. There is a right way and a wrong way. The way described in Ron Hubbard's works and in the Clearbird manuals are based on years of research and more than 30 years of testing and practical use. When applied by the book it works. If not, there is no guarantees of such good fortune. Getting the correct technology applied consists of:
Let's take a closer look at this, point by point: 1. Having the correct technology 2. Knowing the technology 3. Knowing it is correct Ron Hubbard says, the technology is comparable in difficulty to learning to play a musical instrument. But as a musical instrument it has to be treated with great affinity and with great precision to work right. But any student with good heart will soon be able to produce almost miraculous results on a gradient scale and will realize the technology is workable and correct. 4. Teaching correctly the correct technology After graduating, a practitioner will still be supervised closely by a case supervisor. Should he run into problems the case supervisor will direct him to the exact materials the practitioner missed or did wrong. He will usually be sent to cramming. He needs to be Word Cleared on the exact materials and will usually have to drill the practical procedures in question again. In a lager office or organization there always exist a cramming section. This department is run by people, who specialize in correcting such errors and get the practitioner to step-by-step become a real professional. They use additional technology to achieve that. This is especially covered in Ron Hubbard's Word Clearing Series and Cramming Series. But the basic technology they use is the Study Technology as presented in the study manual. 5. Applying the technology 6. Seeing that the technology is correctly applied 7. Hammering out of existence incorrect technology 8. Knocking out incorrect applications 9. Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology 10. Closing the door on incorrect application Technology and group-agreement Groups tend to agree upon principles that are a low average of its members. This may be out of superstition, out of convenience, out of single individual's struggle for power and control. It can be to get enough agreement from group members, or out of a desire to "please the customers", or authorities. It can be to get funds from some rich and influential person or organization. In standard technology we handle a person's reactive mind. The reactive mind is the 'unconscious' and irrational part of a person's mind. Since all humans, not yet cleared, have a reactive mind they tend to agree upon principles dictated by this irrational mind. Anything new and different is perceived to be dangerous, hard to understand and impossible to apply - no matter how clear the evidence is to the contrary. The reactive mind, for one thing, prevents clear and unbiased observation. It depends upon superstition, fear, and false ideas in its 'judgment'. This has to be overcome in the individual student and in the group as a whole. Ways to overcome this is study, study, study. The student has to be willing and able to observe at all times. He has to be taught long and hard to do procedures by the book and observe that it works. In absence of an ability to observe the right way to do it has to be enforced with discipline and lots of drilling. Eventually the student will realize there is a right way and a wrong way to do it because he has seen the difference with his own eyes. Some students may choose to leave, but the overall concern is that the technology is kept working - or nobody will benefit. As anything else worthwhile it takes discipline, hardships, overcoming fears and superstitions to really succeed. At times it takes a bit of faith to keep going. The student and practitioner has to develop determination and toughness and a willingness to do it by the book. Eventually (and this may only take a few weeks or months to become obvious to him) he will be able to reap the benefits of his hard work. To become a true professional may take years. But this is only achieved through accepting the discipline necessary to perform. This is true for any worthwhile profession, be it in medicine, engineering, science, arts, writing, or acting. It is especially true to standard technology that is handling the mind and spirit where in the past only confusion ruled and all were entitled to their personal opinions and strange ideas. What has to be understood is, that standard technology is a technology. It is based on exact axioms and natural laws. When you do it by the book you get results; if you don't, you may end up with a disaster on your hands. Keeping the technology working thus means to observe the ten points above, do it by the book and eventually realize that it works as described.
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[Keeping Technology Working] [How Technology Gets Altered] [Footnote to KTW]
How Technology Gets Altered
Standard technology is an exact route. It takes a person from human to the state of Clear. An awful lot of research and trial-and-error went into finding that route. It was mainly done by Ron Hubbard and published between 1950 and 1986. In the field of the mind, if you take a broad view, there are 99% of unworkable advice and technology and only 1% of good technology. You are actually walking in territory that is mainly unexplored. But there is this narrow route that does work. It would be irresponsible to just turn people loose. They are not likely to succeed without an experienced guide. This is why it has to be stressed again and again that it has to be done by the book. You are not supposed to do it as the course supervisor tells you to do it. It has to be done by the book. By the written materials. The student is always referred to the written materials when he needs to be corrected. This does not change after he graduates. The written materials is the path to use; the way to follow as not to get lost. It is what keeps the technology consistent and workable over the years. The "Hidden" Data Line If a course supervisor or case supervisor gives the student a lot of verbal instructions and "advice", the green student will think, "he really knows his stuff. I better do as he says". The student may think that the supervisor has some other source of information that he, the student, does not have access to. The truth is, it is all in written or recorded form. The correct way to teach and instruct a student is to point out the error and then give him the correct materials to study. To do it any other way will at some point cause alterations or misunderstandings and the workable and proven way to do it is at risk. There is no Hidden Data Line. To introduce 'advice' and verbal explanations is what sometimes can make it seem there is. The written text is not going to fade as memories do. You can't just turn around and say, "I didn't say that". It can be corrected, if in error, but the consistency and the possibility to restudy what was actually said or written is what makes it possible to study and get results in an opinionated field as the mind and spirit. Verbal Tech if it isn't written it isn't true. Here is how you defeat verbal tech:
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[Keeping Technology Working] [How Technology Gets Altered] [Footnote to KTW]
Footnote to KTW
The written materials of the technology can be compared with software code. Small errors can cause the program not to run or do mysterious things. Misunderstoods can cause similar phenomena in the student's mind. You may not agree with the apparently authoritative attitude in "Keeping Technology Working" and "How Technology Gets Altered" but the rules certainly apply to students and general practitioners. Since the field of the mind and the human spirit are so opinionated, and many constitutions guarantee your right to hold any opinion, it has to be stressed that a technology in this field is something new. It's a technology and as such there is little room for opinion. It is as a technology based on natural law and axioms, and doing it wrongly will punish the practitioner in the form of 'no results' or 'bad results'. The technology is under attack from many quarters, individuals, and schools of thought. It has to hold its ground and defend itself against being mixed up and made unworkable. A textbook, such as 'The Road to Clear', are by some seen as a violation of these issues. We have published the manuals as User's Manuals in the existing technology. The manuals have been scrutinized by experts; any bits that could be misunderstood or twisted have been ironed out. In case of any doubts we still refer the reader to Ron Hubbard's works. The rule "If it isn't written it isn't true", then, also applies to students of Clearbird's Manuals. It prevents confusions and conflicting instructions. The student is only given one 'software program'; all the instructions, advice and any modifications are in recorded form. Misunderstoods can be found and handled. There are no attempts to rewrite the technology as technology. But, as any software program, the practical rendition and the manuals have to be debugged and updated regularly just to be able to be understood by the users. The attempt is to communicate the existing technology to hopefully many new users and practitioners. There is new research taking place in this field. We support that. The technology presented here is a workable technology, not necessarily perfect. This research is done by true professionals that have practiced the existing technology for years and years. Clearbird's manuals do not contain any of this research as it is outside the scope of a basic textbook. The basics of the technology are sound and solid and that is what a student has to learn first; it's a long and hard study all by itself. We have thus concentrated on the basic technology and have taken great care that no alterations of the technology itself has been accidentally introduced.
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