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The Suppressed Person Rundown
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With the Suppressed Person RD |
The Suppressed Person RD has a different objective than most other auditing. Usually you are only seeking to change the pc's case and handle his aberration as it may exist in his Reactive Mind. But no man is an island. In this RD you are actually changing the mind of somebody else besides the PTS pc: the Antagonistic Terminal the pc has problems with all the time. By auditing the pc on the situation with this RD the auditing will have a profound effect on the other person, the AT.
In other words, this RD changes the attitude and outlook of this other person at a distance simply by keep auditing the pc on the situation. The AT person is an individual who invalidates, is hostile to, antagonistic, or downright suppressive to the pc. This other person will suddenly experience a change of heart and seek to make peace with the PTS pc.
That is the direct goal of this RD, The Suppressed Person RD. It takes the pc and audit, audit, audit him on the problem that exist between him and this other person. A real problem is always a war of purposes. You have pc's purpose and the AT person's counter-purpose. Through this RD you will actually change the universe and mind-set of the antagonistic person. That this goal has been reached will be obvious when this antagonistic person has a change of heart and reaches out to make peace with the pc.
This reaching out from the antagonistic terminal to the pc will take place in all cases if the Problems Processes are run fully. This will happen no matter how out of communication the two terminals have been or how long ago it was, since they last had direct contact.
The RD is continued until this EP happens. Each process is of course run as a Major Action to its own EP in a regular session between the auditor and the PTS pc.
The Overt Motivator Sequence at Work
The PTS pc is effect of this antagonistic terminal (AT). That is his
complaint and concern in present time. This is the Overt-Motivator sequence at
work. In the past the pc committed Overts against this terminal. The AT
responded by suppressing the pc. The pc already felt his weakened position due
to his Overts. He became the easy effect of the AT's suppression. The pc's
postulate to improve himself, his conditions and lot in life, were opposed by
the AT's counter-postulate. This is the huge Present Time Problem which is
consuming the pc. It prevents case gain as the pc has his attention consumed by
it and can't be in-session. This is basic knowledge from 'Flying Ruds' and Level
One: A Preset Time Problem will prevent case gain and here we have a PTP that
consumes the pc's life. To this PTP are added ARC breaks with the antagonistic
terminal. Auditing over ARC breaks will worsen a case. The result is no gain or worse because of this suppression from the environment.
An Explanation
That this relative simple approach actually works as well as it does supports
that life force and theta does exist. You see there is no physical universe
communication taking place between the pc and the AT. Its workability can be
explained this way: By continuing to audit the pc on this PTP with the battery
of problems processes he will gradually become cause over this problem and the
problems he has had with the AT over time. At some point he will actually break
through and directly have an effect upon the other side of the problem, the AT's
He will run out the problems the AT has had and have with him, the pc!
When this happens it will have a profound impact on the AT. He will get into communication with the pc or he will talk to others about the pc in a new and friendlier tone. He has experienced a change of heart. He may write a letter to make peace, he may make a phone call to straighten out their differences or he may simply tell some common friend or relative that he has forgiven the pc in not so many words. He has become reflective about their past history and has decided to let the past rest. It can of course happen that the AT does not know where the pc is, but he will still try to communicate and make up. This can of course delay the arrival of such a message. It may arrive by round-about means.
This friendly origination by the antagonistic terminal is the EP of the Rundown. If the terminal hasn't yet originated, you haven't run enough Problems Processes. The only time this doesn't work is when you haven't run all possible problems processes on the terminal or if there are gross auditing errors in the auditing itself.
When to Do the RD
The Suppressed Person RD is usually applied as a final tool and trump card in a
PTS handling Program. It doesn't only repair the pc but the troubled
relationship itself. (It can be done with minimal preparations - as you
will see under "Who Can Receive the RD" below).
The first step in handling a pc's PTS condition is always an educational one. The pc will have to do the PTS tech - Basic Definitions and should also do extensive reading of PTS materials. After that he may be given different handlings and assists. An early part of such a program would be a PTS Interview to map the landscape and the antagonistic terminals in the pc's life. The pc may need different assists, such as the 10 August Assist for ill pc's. He may need to address the situation on a direct basis - actually change things, straighten out relationships and misunderstandings, etc., etc. This is called an Ethics Handling. This is not auditing, but is usually done by an Ethics Officer, who helps the pc with advice, assignments and follow-up checks, "Did you do that?", "What happened between you?", "Now try to address the situation this way", etc. He gives the pc data, practical assignments to do and does follows-ups on the outcome. Depending of how severe the pc's PTS situation is it may be quick or it may take quite some time. You only need to take a PTS handling to a point where it is handled.
If the above hasn't handled the situation, the next step would be the PTS Rundown. Here all the antagonistic terminals are rounded up from interviews, past PTS handlings and assists, and any other reliable source, and each AT is addressed and handled in formal auditing. After all this there may still exist a "war of wills" between the pc and one specific AT. That is what you address with the Suppressed Person RD.
It is a good idea to do the RD even when the PTS scene apparently has been handled successfully by earlier PTS handlings. The RD repairs the relationship itself!
The pc has to be instructed about the following: Pc has to let the auditor know when he at any time is contacted by the AT. He should not be told what the auditor specifically is looking for (the friendly, forgiving type of origination), but simply know to keep the auditor informed of anything happening in that relationship. You don't want to suggest what he should say, you see. That is an evaluation. That is too leading. The RD should be permitted to work and do its magic trick without this.
How to do the RD
The Problems Processes used in the Suppressed Person Rundown
are given in the Print-out, "Suppressed Person RD, Problems
Processes". They are
run on 4 Flows in the order they are given. Each flow is checked for read before running and each charged flow is taken to the EP of F/N, cog, VGIs.
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The EP is a turn-around of |
The EP of the full Rundown has been reached when the antagonistic terminal originates in a friendly way to the preclear or seeks to communicate to the pc in a friendly manner.
It's not just stopping being hostile - you are looking for more than that. Even if the AT shouldn't know the pc's postal address the word should arrive. The AT may dig the address or phone number up somewhere or he will let others know, who are in contact with the pc. In some way or another the word will come around that the AT has forgiven the pc or want to leave their differences behind and make peace. That is the EP you are looking for. You simply continue to audit Problems Processes on the pc regarding the AT until that happens.
It is important to realize that pc wins are not the full EP. Some auditors will be tempted to end off the Rundown because the pc has had a "major win or ability regained" as in normal auditing. You of course have to wish for and respect major wins when they happen. You would of course "let the pc have his win". But you also know that this is not the EP of the RD. Anything other than the formerly antagonistic terminal originating, with no coaxing, in a friendly way to or about the pc should not be considered the rundown EP. You are going for "unconditional surrender" from the former enemy. You keep running problems until that EP is attained. By just continuing to run Problems Processes on the AT this EP will be attained. It is quite magical, actually.
Who Can Receive the RD?
The Suppressed Person Rundown can be done on any PTS person of
any case level. It is run with good success on Clears and above as well as pc's just beginning their auditing.
If the C/S determines that this is just what the pc needs minimal preparations are
needed. The only requirement is that any
pc who receives the Rundown must first have received the 'PTS Tech - Basic
Definitions' educational step. He of course
also needs to have been educated in basic auditing (Basic
Definitions C/S ). It is a Major Action and is only started on a pc when he is
set up for it (per Auditors Rights).
Points to Watch
The Suppressed Person Rundown
is simple to audit. There are very few places where it can go wrong. You need
however to ensure these points are in:
1) The auditor must realize that the ultimate target of the RD is the antagonistic terminal. The EP is not just a change in the pc, but a positive change of the antagonistic terminal expressed in a friendly communication to the pc.
2) All the given Problems Processes must be run with the AT as the "charged terminal". A failure to run enough Problems Processes is the only thing that can prevent this Rundown from working.
3) The auditor's metering skills are important. He must not miss reads or fail to run reading flows or run unreading flows. The running of all charged flows on the problem is vital. The auditor must only take instant Reads, but be aware of that valid reads can occur on clearing commands.
4) Each reading flow of each process must be taken to its full EP which is cog, F/N and VGIs. The C/S should make sure that the processes are taken to their EP. If there is trouble attaining the Rundown EP, the C/S should suspect that one or more of the processes have been left not fully run.
And don't forget to finish the Rundown. You continue until the AT gets in touch with the pc to make peace. The pc may have a big win and the auditor will beg his C/S to let the pc attest. Let him continue. Because a day or three later the pc will report that "My sister, who hasn't spoken to me for 7 years has just sent me a great letter" or "My father, who disowned me when I got into acting, has just called me to say 'Hello' and we had a great chat, just like when I was a child".
It always happens when Problems Processes are fully run. The Suppressed Person Rundown is quite amazing and magical. The EP is very easily achieved with enough good standard auditing. Use it well and fully and you'll be able to handle each PTS pc to the EP.
The next section (linked below) contains the Problems Processes used on the Suppressed Person Rundown.
The first action is to fully clear Problem with the pc as a problem - not as a condition or situation. This is vital!
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Problem: The war of purposes gives us what we call Problems. A Problem is based upon purposes.
A Problem consists of two or more purposes opposed each other. It does not matter what problem you face or have faced, the basic anatomy of that Problem is purpose-counter-purpose.
It is intention versus intention. Or two or more opposing and conflicting views on the same subject.
The auditor must clear the definition of Problem with the pc so it is fully understood. This is done without telling pc "what his problem is". Pc has to give many examples of problems and demonstrate with demo kit. You'll get no place on the Rundown unless both auditor and pc understand what a problem is.
It takes some confront to see problems as defined above.
The person can be constantly harassed by something or somebody and not
really be able to pinpoint it. He will eventually be able to name
it and pin it down. That is an important first step. But when you first
start to run problems on it, you'll find he does not think he has anything to do with
it. It's all by itself out in space somewhere. The problem has
nothing to do with him or anything else.
Example. Auditor: "Tell me a problem with your Dad."
Pc: "He is always at work."
"He is always at work" is not a problem. A problem has two terminals in conflict. The problem, as the pc has stated it, does not contain anything dynamic. It's just a condition. But little by little, as Problems Processes are run, he will come up to an actual statement that the problem is something that has to be solved and that it has something to do with him! That's progress.
The Problems Processes are done in the order they are listed below. Each flow of each process is checked for read before you run it. It has to be checked with the antagonistic terminal in the command. Each reading flow is run to cognition, F/N, VGIs.
End Phenomena of RD: "A friendly and unprompted origination to or about the pc by the antagonistic terminal."
This EP will occur when enough Problems Processes have been fully run on that terminal.
If the pc at any time has a big win you end off and let him have his win. Do not try to audit over a persistent F/N's as you will risk leaving charged flows undetected and unhandled. But you resume his sessions when he is ready so he can be taken to the full and magical EP of this Rundown.
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