Essay based on R. Hubbard's recorded lecture:
"Study Lecture No 1, Study - an Introduction", given to his
advanced students at Saint Hill Manor in Sussex, England June 18 in 1964.
The subject of Study is an important one. Oddly enough
this subject is not well understood. The situation is of course difficult - you
could say convoluted - to study how to study while studying.
But the subject of study should really be the first one taught in
school. It should actually be taught in kindergarten. Our interest here is to
teach people to be able to audit and be able to understand the mind. Since these
subjects touch upon many new ideas, and many things that exist but don't have a
lot of mass connected to them, a good grasp on how to study becomes important.
You have to conquer a new and somewhat abstract field. But
the bottom line is, if you can't study or don't know how to study you can't
learn anything.
Ability to study
is the doorway
to a better life. |
Study and the ability to study is a doorway. It works as
a door - open or closed. If you can't study you can't learn to apply a
technology, such as auditing. The
student may have the best of intentions regarding helping his fellow Man, but
unless he can study he is not going anywhere and the best of his intentions
won't succeed.
To build anything you
need a solid foundation.
In this first essay we
examine the rock bottom
fundamentals of study. |
So in order to teach somebody anything, including how to
audit, it is necessary that the student is able to learn. This is the silly and
most fundamental truth about study. But it is important to establish these
fundamentals as they form the solid foundation upon which we can build. They
form the solid ground we stand on before we can go anywhere or build anything. We
can't build a house mid-air. Any house or structure starts with having a solid
piece of land. You have a piece of land and then you
build the foundation of the house in solid concrete. Now you can build your
actual house and expect it to hold up and be of use to whoever is going to use
it. You tend to forget about the foundation down the
line. It is too simple. It was a thing the contractors took care of. They used simple tools to
dig a hole and filled it up with cheap, gray concrete and everybody soon forgot
about it. It was underground and invisible. But without that foundation you wouldn't be able to build a durable
In study you have to have books, materials, or a teacher
teaching data. That is the origination-point of the communication. Then you have the
receipt-point, the student or students. Unless the student can take in the data
and understand them he is not going anywhere.
In teaching auditing, if the student can't learn
anything, he is not going anywhere.
In teaching others to audit we have learned this fact:
the discipline of auditing consists of over 50% of application. Unless the
student understands how exactly to apply the processes and techniques he is not
going anywhere. He will only occasionally produce results.
Let us explain this a little further so you know exactly
what we mean: You could give all the processes of auditing, which have
routinely produced results, to a mental practitioner, such as a psychologist or
psychiatrist. You could give all these processes to such a practitioner and they
wouldn't be able to do anything with them. We are here talking about just the
processes, just the questions and commands.
It has
happened repeatedly that this or that university have "tested all the
techniques" and found "conclusively" that they didn't work. The
University of Chicago did just that at one point in time. At the time the techniques weren't even published and weren't available to test. So there
is no way of telling what they tested and how.
But as a matter of fact they could have had all the
techniques, all the processes, and given it to their lead psychologist and have
him "test it". If he had no idea of how to actually apply them he
wouldn't have gotten any results. They work just great in the hands of a well
trained auditor who knows how to apply them. But a non-trained practitioner,
regardless of what impressive university degree he holds, would miss more than
50% of the subject.
Lost Technology
The above is also an illustration of how you loose technology. Things get
changed and altered when they are passed from one "expert" to another.
You end up with an entirely different thing.
This process of altering things and loose vital parts is
almost the way of life in academic circles. You have professors making as much
as 90% of their salary by writing textbooks and having the students buy their
personal books.
If you take a subject as steam engines the original
inventor, James Watt, has probably been rewritten dozens of times. When this
process has gone on for a while chances are you have lost all of the technology
of steam. It has been altered, twisted, and misunderstood, and so on. It has been
restated and the new authors have introduced their own pet theories.
In his student days R. Hubbard had a job as a reporter for
a magazine called The Sportsman Pilot. This was in the 1930'ies when flying was
still in its infancy. Hubbard went to an air show and met an old man there by name of
Mr. Young. Mr. Young was a real pioneer, the first one to fly after the
Wright brothers. He had become cautious in his old days. He would always bring an
umbrella, even on a perfect, sunny day.
In the early days of flying many
technologies existed and competed.
Good technologies got lost due to
lack of funding or technical
difficulties at the time. |
But in his time as a pilot he was a real daredevil. Each time he
flew there would be an ambulance following the plane on the
ground. This was just because they had learned that they saved more pilots that
So Mr. Young was quite a character and he had a lot to
tell about the pioneer days of flying. Among the things on his mind from those
early days was his disappointment with how the technology of flying had
developed over time. In the early days there were a number of competing
technologies of which many were promising. Mr. Young could recall 13 different
basic designs or technologies for flying, all designed to get a plane (not a balloon)
off the ground and up and flying. The motionless wing was just one of these
technologies or designs. It became the favorite because it was easy to build.
But there were actually 12 other methods in existence on how to get a heavier
than air object up and flying. This, as mentioned, did not include balloons or
One of the systems was based on a rotating stick. This
rotating stick would make the aircraft rise straight up in the air. But there
were actually method after method of promising technology back then. The early
pioneers of flying eventually chose the motionless wing. But this was in part
based upon that the other systems required more money or new inventions to
complete. It wasn't really based on the technical merits.
Mr. Young, who himself had worked extensively with
designing air planes, was actually very disappointed with this turn of events.
There was this vast body of technology back from these very early days of flying
that had never been taken forward. There were these designs and methods that had simply been lost. This pattern of competing technologies in the beginning
of a development and then most of it getting lost can be seen to take place over and over. One
piece of technology wins and the rest gets lost - often due to the fact it was
poorly understood, was under-funded, or technical problems could not be resolved at
the time.
There are dozens of ways
to build car motors that were
ignored or suppressed
by big business. |
Maybe, when we talk steam engines and steam technology
there were dozens of ways to use steam that got lost. The same could be said
about automobile motors where improvements have been suppressed by big
business. So this is the story of any civilization - "lost
You may object and say, "the civilization went
forward anyway and won". The fact is, however, that more civilizations did
not survive than did. If you explore any long inhabited area you will find civilization
after civilization that didn't make it. And there were many more we don't even
know about. The civilizations that died out all died out on the basis of lost
technology. They had this tool or weapon or method of making a living they had
based their existence on. They had specialized in this one method of survival.
Over time conditions changed or somebody changed this basic method to a point
where it was no longer workable. The civilization was all dependent on this one
method and suddenly it wouldn't work for them any more. As a result the
civilization ceased to exist. They had earlier given up on promising methods and
specialized completely in one technology. They passed this one technology on
from generation to generation until it was the only way of survival they knew.
It could be a way to do farming, a way to hunt a certain animal, certain weapons,
or a way of fishing, or a way of fighting off enemies. Suddenly the conditions
changed or the technology itself was changed so it no longer could do the job.
Whatever happened, they did not have any other methods of survival as they had
totally specialized in this one way of life.
Cultures of the past had
totally different tools and
weapons. At some point
they became unworkable
and that civilization
ceased to exist.
The people couldn't
learn new things. |
The fact is, that lots of good and promising technology
gets lost and it is of considerable interest to us at this point to know how
this happens. It really comes down to this: they couldn't study, they couldn't
learn new things.
Civilizations tend to rise and go forward to a certain
point. At some point it reaches its peak. Then they come under attack and stress
of various kinds and they start to loose the one technology they have based
their existence on.
Good technologies get lost because nobody studies them.
This is true in our society with dozens of trades and crafts. One example would
be the silversmith craft. In England there existed a lot of silver workshops and
silversmiths, all with amazing know-how and skills. Then, at some point, silver got heavily
taxed and the whole tradition of craftsmanship and all these specialized skills
it takes began to be forgotten. The most talented workers started to take up other
professions and piece by piece the whole technology got lost.
There may be a few old-timer silversmiths around who are
doing thriving business. But there are nobody they can teach their skills to.
There are plenty of textbooks in existence but nobody studies them. What remains of
the trade all depends upon these few old-timer silversmiths and their skills. At
some point when they retire it all gets lost. It all comes up against not
being willing or able to learn. The willingness and ability to study is thus at
the core of any profession or technology. Unless this is done, and done right,
the whole profession faces extinction.
You have to evaluate
if a subject is actually
useful before you spend
a lot of study time on it. |
False Subjects
One thing that make people less willing to study is the fact that there are
many subjects around that are false subjects. What you learn does not add up to
usable skills or workable technology. This certainly makes people less willing
to study. They were promised all these marvelous skills and it all came to
nothing. But this never need to come into play.
You have to evaluate and judge what you study. The above
phenomenon would require that somebody was studying without judgment or without
evaluating what one was studying and suddenly some day he found out it was
worthless. For this to happen the person's ability to study must have been
lacking in the first place. He would just have been sitting there and learned it
all verbatim.
Learning things verbatim may give
a student marvelous grades in school
but he can't apply what he learns and
he is of little use in society. |
Some students do that and get marvelous grades in school.
They learn it all verbatim, make a carbon copy of the pages in their minds and
just it back to the teacher when asked. So there is a skill of perfect
duplication, of making perfect mental carbon copies of the pages or mental tape
recordings of lectures without the
smallest piece of understanding or common sense connected with it. This is definitely
not what we are trying to teach you. This is absolutely deadly. This is easily
revealed if you ask such a person of an opinion on the subject or ask him to
demonstrate or apply it in any way. He just can't.
Study begins
with a
willingness to know.
Willingness to Know
Study has to do with understanding. It really comes down to one thing to get
started: willingness to know. That is the first little door to open before you
start; willingness to know. If this little door remains closed then you are
liable to fall into the ditch and learn it all verbatim or use another odd
system to memorize it without having anything to do with it. None of these
systems add up to real knowledge.
When we are talking about teaching how to audit you have
to realize that this is not that easy to teach just through the spoken or
written word. Much of it is best taught by example, by showing how it is done.
And here we are talking about the more than 50% we were
talking about earlier, the practical application, all the do's and don'ts that
usually has to be learned through repeated trial and error. If this side of the
subject is not understood and taken care of in training we could end up with a
subject that is unworkable - just like that. That is what happened at the University
of Chicago. They got "no result". It was all due to this little point:
the discipline of how to do it. You will see some expert auditors being able to
handle some impossible situations in session just using the simplest of techniques.
How come they can do that and others absolutely can't? It lies in the expert
application. They know exactly what they are up against and that one misstep
would make the situation explosive. But they never do that misstep because they
are so well taught and so disciplined and really understand what they are doing.
It may look very causal to the unskilled observer. What they are doing so well
all come under the heading of basic auditing. It comes under the heading of the
practical application. The smooth communication with the preclear, the apparently
casual question, but just at the right time to make it all work, etc., etc. All
these small skills that add up to an expert application.
Golf may seem very easy to
the casual observer or
reader. But it takes
great skills and years of
practice to do it just right. |
Just watch an expert golf player hitting a ball. It looks
so easy and casual. Yet it takes dozens of small skills and hundreds of hours of
practice to get it all put together and working just right. Here it isn't enough to be able to quote a textbook on
golf verbatim. Learning all this and having to memorize it all before hitting
the ball would be a complete fiasco.
It is the same with doing auditing. You can't just learn
it all verbatim and expect that to be enough to make it all work.
For one thing, for the session to be successful you have to be in good
communication with the preclear and appear to really be there without having your
attention on memorizing things. You have to be pleasant and relaxed
about the whole thing or the pc will mentally drift away from the activity and
just sit there with a bunch of strange questions on his mind.
What is important is not so much the exact questions you
are going to ask the pc but how to do it, how to apply the processes
effortlessly - or so it seems. You have to be able to observe the pc's
indicators, maintain superb communication with your pc, and so on. If you
just mechanically rattle off the process at the pc you will not get the expected
Arrogance and Study
In studying a subject the student has to realize there is something new to
learn. If you take up something with the attitude, that you know all about it
you will never get anywhere. If you take up a subject with the attitude, that
there are only a few tings you may be missing you are looking at the subject
with a closed mind and with a preconceived idea. You are sort of looking at the
subject through colored glasses if looking at all.
A "student" can be so arrogant
so he doesn't even bother to look
at the subject. He is blocked from
learning due to inability to observe. |
If you pre-judge a subject in this fashion you will never
come to a point where you can actually pass an honest and informed judgment on
it. You need to be able to observe the subject
first-hand to get fully familiar with any subject and
the actions and activities it involves.
Fixed ideas are the enemy of observation. People hold
onto all kinds of fixed ideas in order not to have to observe something
directly. They have convictions and ideas they won't surrender. About themselves,
their status, and the subjects they study.
Something to Study
Honest study and direct observation is something else. The student has to
realize there is something there he honestly doesn't know all about and be
willing to open up and receive the data and check them out.
Sometimes it marks a big step forward, when a student
suddenly realizes how stupid he has been in a field. He may realize he has held
these unshakable ideas in place and consequently closed off his mind for any
other data in the field.
You know how people as they get older and older are
considered harder and harder to teach. A big part of the explanation is that
they have decided they know enough or know it all. They are simply unwilling to
accept new ideas because they "have it all sorted out and nobody should try to
change that".
But in learning a new subject it is important to be able
to put aside any preconceived ideas. The student has to have a willingness to
know and learn.
When we talk about auditing, and many other subjects, the
test is actually simple. Can you get results? An "expert" in any
field, someone "who knows it all" but can't get any of the results expected from that
field is of course not an expert at all but a person full of data he hasn't
fully understood. He has fixed opinions about the field he is an expert in. He
is generally lacking good judgment and firsthand observations and observational
skills. He may be all concerned about status and afraid to look.
To become a true master
any field a person has to
have a strong desire to learn. |
The True Expert
A true expert in any field started
with realizing there was something there he didn't know and he had a genuine
desire to learn it and master it. He went through the ins and outs of the
subject and was little by little able to produce real results. He
graduated to a point where he could form an educated opinion about the subject
and enter into a meaningful discussion with other experts and with the subject
itself. Finally, he is very relaxed about the whole thing and yet be able
to produce excellent results in that field.
The only place a technology, such as auditing, can get truly
lost is if the willingness to learn it and study it breaks down. This is closely
connected with the basics covered here: The realization there is something there
to learn and the willingness to learn it. And these are the basic and somewhat
too simple fundamentals of study that we have to point out and make sure are
recognized. Fundamentals of any subject, the rock bottom silly truths, tend not
to get taught and be forgotten. But they have to be recognized and pointed out and
taught or the whole subject can go astray. Because they form the foundation
needed to build anything of lasting value. They form the doorway we first of all
have to pass through to get anywhere.