There have been many definitions of this, what was considered an exalted state by devotees of the church of Scientology: "the State of Clear." From my own experience, both as a pre-Clear (a person not yet Clear) and a Clearing Practitioner, I can honestly attest to the following:
"A person who has had 'proper Clearing' should not have any psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions, nor any self-generated diseases."
Furthermore, I have observed the following to be true:
To summarize, I would say that - apart from still being affected to some extent by outside influences, Clears are in pretty good shape. Of course, this would only be the case, if all of their engrams had been relieved of their aberrative contents!
Of course, I can't guarantee that working with a lay person you will attain the Clear State, (the persons working together may want to order the video, and get some additional training to find out what is required to achieve that state). However, a person whose ‘case’ has been opened is always better off, than the case of some one who has never looked at what may be lurking in the dark recesses of their reactive mind! You will find that even after a few sessions, you will start noticing the difference. It is even quite possible for this to occur in the very first session!
(To assist would-be practitioners, or professionals who want to check out how Clearing is done, I have given explicit instructions in Part II of this Manual.)
Important Notes:
1) You really don't need to worry that you could damage some one by using the Clearing Techniques! The mind is a self-protecting mechanism, and apart from electric shock or surgery on the brain, no mistake can be made by anyone using these techniques, that can not be remedied by a professional Clearing Practitioner.
2) If you are dealing with a person who is physically ill, I would not recommend using the tech-niques, apart from the Healing Remedies in Part II. Even we, as professionals, will send such a per-son to a medical doctor. Only when it has been established that the illness is psychosomatic, will we agree to work with someone, who is seriously ill.
3) I would not recommend attempting to work with some one who is obviously insane, for instance, those that are obviously psychotic or schizophrenic. I would leave those people to those who have experience in dealing with severely aberrated persons. However, if you, yourself, and the person you will be working with are reasonably sane, and sufficiently educated to understand the theory in this manual, you will be able to do a good job of working with the Clearing procedures. I can't tell you how rewarding it is to be able to help another become healthier and happier as the Clearing progresses. Not only that, I promise you that you'll have a lot of fun in the bargain!
Background Data on the State Of Clear
After literally thousands of hours 'in the chair' I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a perfect and permanent Clear, such as postulated by L. Ron Hubbard, in Book 1, Chapter 2, of "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health." This sublime state would only be achieved if "every engram of every possible life time of the person had been found and cleared of its aberrative contents. Even within the organization, the definition of ‘Clear’ kept changing and the manner in which people could attain the state was changed around.
At first, one could only 'go Clear' by doing the "Clearing Course'. Later, it was announced that one could become a 'Dianetic Clear' while running Dianetics. Then it became possible to attest to "Natural Clear." Suddenly, the purported Clears came crawling out of the woodwork. This suited the Advanced Organizations fine, be-cause now the lower level organizations had to sent their "Clears" to them for further processing.
In the end the definition of Clear that became generally used was:
"A person who no longer has his own reactive mind!"
However, the problem now was, that many people wondered whose reactive mind was still alive and kicking after Clear!
Although, I can agree with most of the claims made by Hubbard in his book, I don't believe, that the optimum state he describes, has ever been fully realized. This could be partially due to the fact that, over the years, the Dianetic procedures became more and more 'rote' because the auditors (who used to talk too much - instead of listening) were instructed to follow the procedure, exactly. But Ron, him-self, used to warn us that it could never be done 'rote'! (i.e. a robotic procedure).
In the 1950's, when the Dianetics craze swept across America, people with very little prior training, worked on Clearing each other with the techniques as outlined in the original book. However, because there was such an overwhelming amount of data, they kept asking for assistance. Thousands of letters started pouring into the organization, and to cope with the great demand, the Dianetic Foundation was established in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
To complicate the relatively easy Dianetic procedure, a Galvanic Skin Response device, called an E-Meter was introduced, which forced people to do an E-Meter course, in order to apply the actions the updated version called for.
Then, in 1978 a new, updated version of the Dianetic procedure was released, presumably to do a more thorough job of ensuring that all possible engrams would be contacted and relieved of their aberrative content. However, this meant that the whole process became overly complicated. It was no doubt an attempt to get the client to contact the "feelings" in the incidents (as Ron had suggested all along!).
However, in my experience this didn't really happen. The auditors had to follow a certain strict procedure that didn't give them much leeway, as far as guiding a client in contacting the 'feelings'. As a result, the whole procedure became like 'reporting' what occurred, rather than 'reliving' what actually happened in the incident. Of course, this wouldn't be nearly as effective, because (and this is important to remember In order to achieve this, the pre-Clear should concentrate on the feelings in the incident. The better he or she can "duplicate" these feelings, the greater chance of complete erasure! The liability of not doing so, however, would result in a 'release state', rather than an 'erasure' (permanent removal of the psychosomatic or unwanted emotion).
On the bright side, it can be said that the Dianetic procedure of following a chain of similar incidents back to basic, invariably produces results; at times those results bordering on the miraculous! Just about every pre-Clear I have run on this procedure, until he/she is Clear, feels like a ''newborn baby"!
Here is what Ron Hubbard has to say about the "Clear" in DMSMH (Chapter 2):
"A clear can be tested for any and all psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions (all aberrations) and can be examined for any autogenic (self-generated) diseases referred to as psycho-somatic ills."
The key word in the above definition is ‘self-generated’! It explains the newest definition above and also why Clears have been known to still suffer from some of these afflictions. The secret lies in the fact that, certain aberrations are precipitated by outside influences, such as other peoples' stuff, and 'disembodied entities' that are picked up from them 'telepathically'!
For years, this phenomena - Clears still showing evidence of aberration to some extent, puzzled Case Supervisors and practitioners alike, because - according to the available data - Clears should no longer have "a reactive mind" that would cause these kind of problems!
Eventually, staff members of the Advanced Research Department figured it out and designed a new program to address, and remove these influences. I, personally, had some of my biggest gains on this level. Indeed, people on the program had incredible wins! If done properly, any and all remaining psycho-somatics (and a host of other problems) would be permanently handled!
Fortunately, for us Independents, "Entity Clearing" is now freely available to all Independent Practitioners. For that we have to thank David Mayo and his team. For many years, David was the Senior Case Supervisor at the "Mecca of Technical Perfection," as the advanced Organization in Clearwater, Florida was called. After Mr. Mayo left the organization, the Church sued him over the right to use the materials of this level. David won the case and the judge ruled that we, in the Free Zone, were free to use them!
I have no intention to diverge from regular Clearing - the subject of this manual - to get into this advanced 'esoteric sounding stuff." My purpose is to make the Clearing technology available to the general public, not to expose the current church members to a subject that they (Church management) prefer to keep confidential. The reason that I mentioned it at all was to throw some light on "why it seemed to a lot of Clears that either Ron Hubbard, or the Church didn't deliver the goods."
So, if you are out there in the Free Zone, attempting to hide your remaining aberrations or misplaced emotions, please contact one of the Clearing Practitioners listed in the back of this manual. I am sure, that after some "Entity Clearing" you too will feel the difference! You, too, can become more causative over your life! In the next Chapter I shall show you the difference Clearing can make to your Emotional State.
Emotions - Below and Above "Clear"
Not just L. Ron Hubbard, but a score of other writers, have written self-help books on the problems that people run into, when their emotions get out of hand. Over the past 25 years, I have been working with my clients to discover the roots of these undesirable emotions.
I have found that, the popular practice in psychology of 'changing a person's behavior' either doesn't work (in the long run), or only succeeds in forcing the person to suppress the particular emotion that is causing trouble for him or her. What is more, the emotion thus suppressed, could create havoc in some part of the body and sooner or later manifests in some chronic condition, such as ulcers, cancer, and the like.
In Chapter VI of DMSMH, Ron talks about the ability of a Clear, "to withstand suppression of their 'high spirited' selves." Of course the heavier the suppression from a dominating person in their environment or from other causes (such as pro-longed stress or some other occurrence like the loss of a family member or job), the more this suppresser will push a person down the scale of emotional well-being. (See next Chapter for complete Scale!) Those, who already are pretty low on the Scale, are very likely to get sick or depressed, and in some cases end up wallowing in apathy; they have given up trying.
When we are in our natural state of mind, (such as is found in a Clear) we are able to meet life's challenges with a more cheerful disposition; we are definitely more resilient. The higher a person is on the Scale, the easier he or she will be able to cope with the inevitable set backs, and disappointments in life. These are the people who abide in the top 6 emotional states, such as, Serenity, Exhilaration, Inspiration and Curiosity.
Conservatism and Boredom, are borderline which means that people in these states do OK, until they are faced with severe set backs and/or overwhelming challenges. Those that find themselves in the lower emotional levels, such as Hostility (expressed/unexpressed), Fear, Grief, and Apathy, don't seem to have enough 'life force' (or the will) to rise above it.
When bad news hits, or in a fit of jealousy, they tend to either vent their feelings, by taking them out on someone or something else, or appeal for sympathy by playing the victim.
In his book: "The Celestine Prophecy" (pages 67-123), James Redfield divides people into four categories: "the Intimidator, the Interrogator, the Aloof person and the Poor me."
If I were to slot these into the Emotional Scale, it would divide up as follows: the Intimidator is generally in Anger or Antagonism; he will tend to suppress and control
others. However, if he's not quite up to doing so openly, he will be in Hidden Hostility. So where can we find these types on the Scale?
The Intimidator is definitely in 'Open Hostility'; he or she will be like the sergeant major, who makes sure nobody gets out of line.
The Interrogator dwells in the 'Hidden Hostility' band; he feels that by asking questions, he'll keep things under control.
The person who is Aloof is Apprehensive. He's keeping himself aloof from others out of fear of being found inadequate in some way.
The Poor Me, fluctuating around grief and unexpressed resentment. In the worst case scenario you will find them sinking into apathy or ending up in a mental institution!
James Redfield suggests that the first two types, i.e., The Intimidator and the Interrogator create either aloofness, or victim hood in others. Ron Hubbard would have called what they are doing: "suppression." One of the goals of Clearing would be to make people stronger, so they can stand up to those that try to control them, by refusing to be manipulated.
Redfield's insight, "that the struggle for power drains people of their energy," is 'spot on'; the same thing happens when people take advantage of a weaker person, lower on the Emotional Scale.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could change those negative emotions into positive ones? If we could get people to become more self-determined and less at the mercy of others? Just think, we wouldn't have to listen anymore to the "Poor Me" type, or have deal with the per-son who is incapable of intimacy!
One of the purposes in Clearing is to bring the person up the Scale, by handling the 'mind stuff', which tends to suppress their Emotional level.
Many books have been written on how to change our negative feelings into positive ones. One school of mind suggests 'positive thinking'. This type of approach would have a good chance of succeeding if the person concerned was in one of the top 6 on the scale.
However, I am afraid that this invariably doesn't work with people that are lower on the scale! In order for one to succeed one would have to have "exclusively" positive thoughts. As Shakespeare put it: "Doubts are the traitors of our mind!"
In my experience, the only surefire way of getting rid of unwanted, lower scale emotions, is to find their cause, and eradicate the reasons for these baser emotions.
Today, with Dianetic therapy (or Clearing, as we - in the Free Zone call it) it is no longer necessary to either vent your emotions, or suppress them, because there will be no explosive charge left to trigger. The fact is that people who have undergone Clearing will naturally move up - scale, become more buoyant so that they will be able to cope with a crises in a calm state of mind.
In Chapter VI of Mr. Hubbard's book, he takes pains to explain the ramifications of the lower emotional states, and how they sap the life force. However, for the purpose of this book, I felt that the above would suffice to give the reader a sense of what happens.
The important thing to remember is that:
Clearing will help eliminate those unpleasant emotional states, by removing the underlying causes of those undesirable, lower scale emotions!
Next, we shall take a look at how you emotional state affects you life; we will take you for a ride on the Emotional Roller coaster!
Taking a Ride on the Emotional Roller Coaster
In Chapter 3, Book I, of Dianetics, The Modern /Science, L. Ron Hubbard defines the goal of Man as follows: "the lowest common denominator of all his activities, the dynamic principle of existence, i.e., to survive! The basic assumption from which Dianetic therapy is operating could be summed up as follows: "to get a person up into the higher levels of the Emotional Scale by removing reactivity and aberration."
Ron wrote a 300-page book on this subject, called 'Science of Survival'. He calls this scale the 'tone' scale, as the idea is to raise some one's 'tone'. In doing so we would find that this scale really represents a gradient scale between death (of the body) and being fully alive. It could just as easily have been called the scale of aliveness.
I want you to be aware that the scale below is not the complete scale, i.e. each level has many sub divisions!
The lowest level is APATHY; a level where a person has given up trying, and is only surviving because others, such as family members (or the State) are providing their basic necessities. Here we find not only the homeless tramp, who even refuses to come in from the cold, but also the lonely old man in the nursing home who has lost all incentives to live. These people have usually suffered some deep disappointments, feel wronged or betrayed and have given up any goals they may once have had.
Climbing a bit higher on the scale, we run into GRIEF, (or Sorrow). I am not talking here about the grief that naturally follows the death of a loved one or some other sad event; I am talking about those people that are stuck in this level. A person in this state cries for help and pleads for sympathy. They can be very difficult to be around, because all you will hear is their sad tale. If you were to give them some sympathy by really listening to them and then bring up the future, you might succeed in pulling them up into the next level.
APPREHENSION, (Fear; This can cover quite a wide range of emotions that would start with apprehension to Propitiation (doing things to appease or make favorable), to Fear and sheer Terror. Most people harbor a few select, temporary fears, such as a fear of spiders. There is a time to be afraid (at least to be aware of impending danger), but when it becomes chronic, every aspect of life becomes a potential threat. They are continually frightened; everything is dangerous. They are afraid even to own things (for fear of losing them again). They talk about fearful things, whether real or imaginary.
UNEXPRESSED HOSTILITY is the next level we'll hit on our way up the scale. People who are chronically in this level are very uncomfortable to be around.
Ron Hubbard described it as 'the most dangerous and wicked level on the scale'. Apart from those in Apathy, these are the only people who will refuse Clearing, if only because they're afraid you'll find out what they are really thinking, which would make them vulnerable. They constantly feel they have to stay ahead of the next guy, even if this means undermining their perceived competitor. Their hostility is hidden behind many, often jovial, disguises.
So be aware! When you're not looking, they may stab you in the back; they don't dare to oppose you openly.
EXPRESSED HOSTILITY (Antagonism) is, of course, much easier to spot. This will range from expressing resentment, to anger and opposition. Before you know it, you'll find yourself in a heated argument. These people have to argue; they must rebel. They will engage you in a long discussion in order to prove that they are right. They are often blunt, honest (but tactless), and all because underneath all that ego stuff beats a fearful heart. Their basic intention would be geared to staying ‘top dog’ and being right, at your expense.
AMBIVALENCE. When one is ambivalent, one is on the borderline of this chart. This is the emotional level at which one has 'mixed feelings', between liking and disliking a certain person, activity, or experience. As a consequence the likelihood of succeeding in an activity is viewed as about equal to the likelihood of failing. You never know where you stand with these people and can't rely on them.
BOREDOM. This is really quite a pleasant state where one is unconcerned about the larger issues of the world and/or detached from other people's problems. These people are often narcissistic and only interested in themselves. They are usually 'well adjusted'. His attention is on comfort and leisure, and slightly scattered. He wants to be entertained. His goal would be to be left alone to do his own thing, such as putter in the yard, or play a game of golf.
CHEERFULNESS. Once we get to this level, life takes on a totally different color; these people are skipping their way through, rather than dragging their feet.
To them, life, indeed, is just a bowl of cherries! They are a joy to have around and here you find the incurable optimist. When I was a child, I generally was to be found in this level and as a result I got nicknamed: "Little Sunbeam"! Once people get older this often changes to:
CONSERVATISM, In this level, people have a relaxed confidence about the prospects of success. However, they are wary of change or differing viewpoints, and prefer to adhere to what is established, safe and prudent. Their motto would be: "Don’t rock the boat!" One can depend on them and they feel they are the backbone of society!
CURIOSITY. When you meet a person who is on this level, one of the first things you'll notice is their aliveness. They will take an active interest in subjects related to a higher quality of life. There's more involvement and more activity.
This level can be clearly seen in little children when they get to that stage of bombarding you with questions. Then, as soon as they are satisfied, they're off to something new. They are very eager to learn new things. Their enthusiasm is infectious, and they are loved by almost everyone. Often they delight in entertaining others with their high-spirited shenanigans. However, due to their adventurousness they also tend to get themselves into trouble.
INSPIRATION (Creatively expressive). This level almost needs no explanation. All you have to do is watch children, or artists at work, (which is 'play' to them), whether they are inspiring others with their words or ideas, or are demonstrating their creativity in their paintings, poems, or something else that they have created, by using their lively imagination.
EXHILARATION. This level is just an expanded form of enthusiasm. It can get a bit wild! If you like your peace and quiet you had better stay away from those that are 'having the time of their lives'. It is the feeling of going down the roller coaster, absolutely thrilling! Like racecar drivers, they thrive on danger. They want freedom and expansion! What they need is balance, and rather than falling back down the Scale why not suggest to them to take part in some sort of calming activity (such as meditation) to move them up to:
LOVE and BLISS. There is really not much that I can say about this level; you have to experience it, to appreciate what I'm talking about. If I were to attempt to describe it, you would find me using all of the superlatives you could possibly find in the dictionary. So, let me suffice by calling it a state between Ecstasy and Bliss. The only drawback is that they are often either living in seclusion, or giving the impression of being totally detached. However, it would be a mistake to view this as indifference; they are also capable of great compassion.
Summary: I must point out that there is a wide range of Emotions in between each of these levels. If you want the complete chart, I suggest you get a copy of "Science of Survival", written by L. Ron Hubbard.
How to evaluate where you are on the E-Scale.
To check where you are on the scale, and which emotional issues you may still have to deal with (and transmute), is to find your 'chronic' emotional level. This means that you have to determine your attitudes and feelings with the aid of the chart - as to where you usually find yourself. It is quite clear that we all fluctuate between two levels (higher on our good days and lower on the bad! In order to pinpoint where you are, you must find where you get stuck.
Then you could ask a friend to give you some Clearing sessions. The emotional feeling should then be inserted in the blank space of the first question, i.e.:
"Locate a time when you felt like giving up! (Apathy),
Your partner should then run you through the procedure, as outlined in Book II. Eventually, when you will get to the root of this particular feeling or emotion, you will realize why you got to feel that way in the first place – and - here comes the magic"... it should never bother you again! Wouldn't that be great?
In the next chapter I shall elaborate on how to use the E-Scale life and how to discover where others are at any given time, or where they, themselves, are stuck.
How to Use the Emotional Scale
First of all it would be useful to find where you, yourself, are on this scale. We are not talking here about occasional relapses, we must find our chronic level, i.e., the emotion we are most often displaying. Once we have done that, we can start to examine our fears and learn to either let go (perhaps with the help of a professional) or deal with them in some way. You will find that the only thing that keeps a person stuck in a
Particular level is fear! I have found that often just confronting your fears (and doing it anyway) helps to alleviate the fear. For example, say you find yourself in hidden hostility. Imagine what it would be like if you could put it all out in the open. Then check why that may not be a good idea - and you'll find your fear!
Only after plotting yourself on the Scale can you start looking at where others are located. Then, knowing what to look for will give you a handle on how to approach this person. The idea is to get into acting out the level just above that of the other person and then pull them up by saying or doing something that a person on that level would say or do. In this way we can pull them up, a little bit at the time until they are more agreeable to be around!
For example, your friend is in "Grief" over breaking up with her boy friend. You get her to look at all the pros and cons of the relationship and at the likelihood of it failing once it would have been too late to get out of it. Make her realize that marrying the guy could have been disastrous. Once you have gotten her into Apprehension, steer the conversation to things that have made her angry with him in the past. (It always seems to be easier to get over losing someone when you get angry with that person). Next you find some things that will pull her up into Ambivalence, after which you pretend to getting bored with it, etc., etc., - right up the Scale, as far as it will go.
Of course, one should keep in mind that - although quite helpful - this method is not likely to cure some one who's in a chronic condition. If you find that your friend drops back down again, the minute your back is turned, it is time to advice her to get some professional help from a qualified Clearing Practitioner.
The only way that you could really help your friend get off the emotional roller coaster is by clearing her, of all the underlying reasons why she's feeling the way she does. You will be surprised how easy it is, once you get the hang of it!
Once every possible fear has been cleared, you will have risen to a level where the only emotions you'll be experiencing will be high on the Scale. That's the time for you and your friend to celebrate. And, what better way to test your fears than by taking a trip to Magic Mountain and taking a ride on a real roller coaster! I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar, that you'll feel exhilarated!
The Emotional Scale at a Glance |
Emotional State | Feelings/Attitude | |
================================================ |
Love and Bliss Exhilaration Inspiration Curiosity Cheerfulness Conservatism Boredom Ambivalence Expressed Hostility Unexpressed Hostility Fear Grief Apathy |
I feel at Peace I am so excited! I love to be creative I love to learn new things Life is wonderful! Don’t rock the boat! I'm perfectly content. I can't make up my mind. You're wrong / I'm right! I must stay in control! I must be on guard! I feel so sad! I have given up trying |
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Other uses of the E-Scale
Yet, another way of looking at the above scale is to ascertain the degree of aliveness that is present in the person, or group, you are dealing with. You will find that life becomes a lot easier (and certainly more worth living), once we start inhabiting the higher emotional states of mind.
If you look at the scale from another angle, i.e., that of 'Ego," you will notice that the lower the level, the more prevalent are the egotistical traits of insecurity, make wrong and victim hood. Fear is the common denominator of the lower levels, until we hit Apathy, where we have become numb to everything, including fear.
Once we conquer fear, there is only love and compassion. As Jampolski so rightly says: "Love is letting go of fear!" The moment, we feel confident and self-assured, there will be very little that can threaten us. It is only when we become more secure within ourselves that we can free up our attention to include other people and allow for their idiosyncrasies, without needing to control or manipulate.
Becoming familiar with the above Scale will also help you to 'choose your kind of people'. Wouldn't it be great if more and more people would be able to honestly feel that:
"Life is just a bowl of cherries!"
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