According to L. Ron Hubbard (see DMSMH: Book I, Chapter 4) "All the purposes of Man can be considered to lie within a spectrum of four Dynamics (the urge, thrust and purpose of life - SURVIVE - in its four manifestations).
Later, another four were added and together they make up the different aspects of a person's life and livingness. L. Ron basically described these different aspects as ‘an urge toward ultimate survival’. Now this was fine, until the other four dynamics were added. Then it seemed strange to call them 'urges'; for instance, "I can't imagine God having an urge to survive!" For that reason I am more comfortable with using the term:
'Expressions'. Here they are in sequence:
First Expression: Everything connected to our own separate identity.
Second Expression: One-on-one intimate relationships and/or sexual partner.
Third Expression: Our interaction with a group, or groups.
Fourth Expression: Concerns and activities related to Mankind.
Fifth Expression: Our relationship with all other living things.
Sixth Expression: Anything having to do with the material world.
Seventh Expression: Our spiritual endeavors, as well as anything spiritual.
Eight Expression: Our relationship with the Supreme Being or Infinity.
In the next Chapter we shall look at the various ways in which we express our-selves in more detail. The above chart is given for easy reference!
The Eight Expressions of Life
There is, of course, a variety of ways in which we can evaluate our lives, and see where it is going. To really get a grip on how versatile we are in expressing ourselves in the different areas of our life, I have found the following subdivision very useful. In the next Chapter I will give you a process that you can apply, using these Expressions, that'll help you to enrich your life.
First Expression: the ways in which we express ourselves as a unique human being, with our separate personality, our body, our mind with its character traits, and subsequent behavior, that sets us apart from others.
Second Expression: our involvement in intimate relationships with another, (be that a close friend, family member, or sexual partner.)
Third Expression: the ways in which we express ourselves within a group, such as the extended family, co-workers, fellow team mates or club members.
Fourth Expression: our relationship, and involvement with the rest of mankind. Issues like war between nations, the third world, world government and world peace would fit into this category.
Fifth Expression: our interaction with all other living things, such as plants, and animals. Environmental issues would fall under this expression as well as animal rights.
Sixth Expression: our dealings with the material world. Example: issues around money, our possessions, in short anything that is non-spiritual in the entire solar system.
Seventh Expression: encompasses anything spiritual, such as the astral plane, spirit guides, ghosts, poltergeists and other disembodied entities.
Eight Expression: denotes our relationship with the Supreme Being (whatever this means to you!)
Once you start looking at your life from the viewpoint of the above subdivision, you will be surprised how easy it becomes to see where you are doing well, or which Expression needs more attention. If you take your relationship, for example, you could set a goal for the relationship and then find out - by using the questions in the next Chapter - in what areas you and your spouse are aligned and which area need to be improved upon. If people would work on this - before tying the knot - they would have a far better idea of where their partner is coming from, whether their interests in life are similar, or what area they need to work on.
It goes without saying that the above scale can also be used in businesses, and other groups or organizations.
For me, doing the process, with the use of the above scale, has often been a revelation! I wished I had done this, before I got married! But, then I wouldn't have had all those wonderful learning experiences that basically helped to accelerate my spiritual growth, and as such - retrospect - were difficult, yet valuable. I hope the above will help you learn your lessons faster, so you can achieve a greater intimacy that you could ever have dreamt of!
It is interesting to note that the '8th Dynamic' is rarely talked about in the Church of Scientology. The definition given (on page 129 of the Technical Dictionary) reads as
follows: "It is carefully observed here, that the science of Scientology, does not intrude into the Dynamic of the Supreme Being." As a result no one ever talked about the
subject! The parishioners were more or less left to draw their own conclusions, which fitted in well with the image of a non-denominational religion.
Hubbard claims that none of these 'dynamics' is necessarily stronger than the others.
I agree in principle, but only if a human has left behind all aberrations (including their ego-centered viewpoints) and is able to operate from the vantage point of the Eight Expression where - it is said - "We are all One"! However, that is easier said then done! We are inclined to sacrifice many things, when our personal survival, or that of our loved ones, is threatened, or for some selfish, short term gain.
According to Hubbard, the Equation of the Optimum Solution for any problem would be; "a solution which achieved the maximum benefit in all of the dynamics... "The conduct survival pattern is built upon this equation of the optimum solution. It is the basic equation of all rational behavior and is the equation on which a Clear functions. It is inherent in Man." (Book 2, Chapter 4.)
If we were to translate these words into simpler language we would have to convey that it takes a rational (cleared?) person to make the kind of decisions which would benefit most of the dynamics (Expressions. As long as we are operating with false ideas, misconceptions and limiting beliefs, our solutions are bound to be affected, to a greater or lesser degree. Our past programming could influence our decision-making process to the point where the solution found, could create new problems, rather than solving the one we are dealing with! The more aberrated a person is, the greater would be the consequences of making a wrong decision.
In his book Future Sex, Stephan Davis (also a former Scientologist) brings up another interesting aspect about the 8 Dynamics, which he too calls 'Expressions'. On his Chapter, called: Sex is not the Issue, (pg. 196) he states:
"One of the most important things about these Expressions is that they actually form an inverted pyramid, one sitting on its peak, with the first Expression serving as the foundation for all the rest. Think of it, if you will, as one of those doughnut toys you may have had as a child, each doughnut a little bigger than the last, all stacked neatly on a peg. The whole point is that if the smallest doughnut (the one on the bottom) has an inherent weakness in it, the entire structure will collapse. You've heard the saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link? In our analogy, then, if the First Expression is flawed, the rest can-not hope to survive."
To give an example: we find that we won't be able to solve our sexual problems (2nd Expression) without first handling our issues with loving the Self (1st Expression). If we have problems with our own identity and are fearful of people, how can we hope to have successful relation-ship with another (except in a co-dependent type of relationship), let alone feel comfortable, or be effective in a group?
The idea is then, to build a sound foundation by doing everything in our power to improve our-selves (1st Expression) before getting into - or at least while being involved in - relationships with others. (Of course, it goes without saying that improving ourselves should include some form of self-reflection as well as taking care of the body).
Of course, this doesn't give us license to just devote all (or even most) of our time to taking care of our own interest. It would not be acceptable, I am sure, to the other people in your family if they felt you were constantly goofing off, working out in the gym - or even spending all your free time attending events to improve your spiritual life, etc., while they do all the work! Naturally, there could be periods in one's life that one would have to put more emphasis one area of one's life, to the exclusion of some of the others. As long as this is only temporary, while the emergency is in effect, that would be fine.
Remember though that: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!"
Part of the art of creating a balance in your life is to pay attention to each, or at least most of these Expressions.
For instance, I am sure that nobody would mind if you spent some of your leisure time on improving yourself. One
of the ways in which this can be done it to clear out all the old programming from our sub-conscious, thus obtaining
a stronger sense of self and become a person, who can reach out to others and make a difference!"
You will find that the more a person is able to 'Be' a part of each of these Expressions, the more he or
she will be liked and appreciated in society.
All it takes is for people to get "Cleared" of the charge that has accumulated in the different areas
of their lives, to release the life force that is holding one back from being an active, contributing member of
society as a whole, and within one's family in particular! What is more, people that have received Clearing are
generally well respected in their job.
They also have much fewer absences due to illness! Ultimately, the ideal scene would be to create a balance in all of these areas, while operating from the 7th (or to some degree on the 8th) Expression. As Wayne Dyer proposes in his book: "You'll see it when you believe it": Instead of being a human being having a spiritual experience, let's work to-wards being a Spiritual Being having a human experience!"
If you feel that you would like to find out 'how' this can be done, read on! You may be quite surprised how easy it is! All it takes is a partner to work with, time, patience and persistence.
You and your partner would probably attain the Clear State in about one hundred hours. On the other hand, you may not have (or are not willing to invest), that much time. In that case you could ask for a professional Clearing Practitioner. If you are already in pretty good shape, he or she should be able to get you to attain the state in a fraction of that time. In fact, here at the Center it usually takes less than 25 hours! When people reach that Clear State, they generally feel they can trust their intuition, and would be in a better frame of mind to follow the following advice:
Go beyond reason to Love. T. Golas |
How To Enrich Your Life!
There are many ways in which the above data can be successfully applied. For instance you will find that it is much easier to examine and evaluate your life and livingness, if you can divide it up into smaller segments. In order to grow, we need to expand our sphere of influence; in order to keep the different areas in our life in harmony, we need to create a balance between the different Expressions of life. The more they are aligned, the more harmonious our life will be. Ultimately, the game would be to get each of these areas in shape, to a point where we are able to be:
1) A healthy and happy human being that takes care of their unique needs; a person who can honestly say: "I love who I am";
2) Able to experience "intimacy" (not necessarily sexual), with one or more close friends or family members;
3) Contributing, to a group, in some meaningful way, or to some special interest, job and/or hobby;
4) Concerned with, and actively contributing in some way towards the benefit of the race, the nation, the planet;
5) Doing all we can to take good care of our animals and plants;
6) Abundant in all material things which are necessary for our survival. (Not 'materialistic' in an ego centered way!)
7) Evolving spiritually; 'taking care of the Soul'; working towards spiritual goals, such as developing their psychic abilities, making things happen - as if by Magic, contacting Spirit Guides, or finding that at times they can actually attain 'God-Consciousness',
8) Achieving all of the above (if only for short intervals where everything feels balanced) becoming One with "All-that-Is"!
Listing the above goals for each of these Expressions, I realize how impossible it is, to even dare to suggest what a person's highest goal would be, on any one of them, without running the risk of evaluating "what these should be." So, forgive me, for getting carried away into these 'Celestial Realms'!
Time to get back to earth, and take a look at how we could apply the above data to a more mundane situation!
For example, say that you're not too happy with the way your relationship is going. You could then write down your goals on each separate Expression and get your 'significant other' to do the same. Before you know it, you will spot where the two of you are in alignment and in which areas you are ‘mis'-aligned.
You may realize how much the two of you really have in common, and make a concerted effort to be more tolerant towards your partner with regards to those little things that rub you the wrong way.
However, if you do find that you and your partner have widely diverging goals on most of the above Expressions you would do well to go and see a marriage counselor, before the relationship goes off the rails. If you are not sure where either of you is situated, you can spot the misalignment(s) by asking yourself the following questions:
1a) What is (name of your partner) contributing to my 1st Expression?
1b) What am I contributing to the 1st Expression of...?
2a) What is he/she contributing to my 2nd Expression? (Intimacy, sex life)
2b) What am I contributing to his/her 2nd Expression?
You could go through all of the Expressions this way, and discover which one needs to be improved upon, to get it into balance. Then, the time has come to ask your partner to answer the questions, as above on each of the Expressions. Only then will the
differences show. For instance, you may discover how little the two of you have in common.
For example, you may find that your husband is putting all of his attention and energy into his job (playing golf, watching, or participating in sports), thereby neglecting the other aspects. He may also not be interested in any kind of intimacy!
As a husband, you may realize that your wife neglects everything for the sake of the children, even herself, and is not interested in anything else in life. She may even spent most of the day watching the Soaps, neglecting both kids and the housework, she could be so into her job and family that by bedtime, she is "too tired" to either have or enjoy sex. Supporting her, by helping around the house, or with the kids, may very well handle that problem. Then we have the couple where one spends all his/her time earning the money while the other spends it!
Whatever, the situation may be, you will find that the one who is low on the Scale will eventually pull the other down! Furthermore, it takes a lot of energy to constantly be handling other people's lower emotions!
The higher scale person will generally pull up the lower scale person, but this relationship will be fraught with difficulties, and could create ulcers and heart failures, unless the partner refuses to allow excesses in dramatizations of the lower scale emotions.Then, they may discover - to their consternation - how different their viewpoints really are! One partner may be totally immersed in the material side of life, while the other party, couldn't care less for material possessions and be interested only in the 7th Expression to the exclusion of all else! The other day, I heard of a good example that illustrates the above.
A very intelligent lady, whom I shall call Ashtar, was very interested on communicating with space ship occupants. She claimed to actually have regular conversations with them! However, be that as it may, what got her into trouble husband was that she talked openly about this subject, even on TV. This severely affected her relationship, because this idea was totally unreal to the husband, and embarrassed him in front of his friends and colleagues. Apparently, this in fact jeopardized a promotion of his, in that his employer felt that his wife was rather 'outlandish' in her viewpoints. He asked her to stop talking about it, but she couldn't. Needless to say, they ended up getting a divorce
This brings up a very important datum: "It is, indeed, very important for two people in a relationship to have: similar viewpoints and interests, cultural back grounds and comparable intelligence, education and the ability to communicate!" But, what is even more important is that they should be on an equal footing,
In order to achieve harmony it would also be helpful if they were in agreement regarding a majority of subjects. If this is not the case, couples end up just co-existing, often just staying together for the sake of the children.
In today's society, where people live much longer than, say 50 years ago, it is no longer very common for the couple to stay together "till death do us part." Over the years, goals and interests change, the couple starts to grow apart. If this happens, the world- view of one partner begins to change in a direction where the other can't (or won't) follow. In such a case we would speak of irreconcilable differences and it would be better to each go your separate ways.
This need not necessarily be the end of the world; for once it has been established that the relationship has deteriorated to the point where it is making everybody miserable. If, they can't find a common ground and are fighting constantly, it would, indeed, be better to separate, before the tension becomes so great that they end up hating each other. Staying together would make things worse, rather than better and often it is the children that suffer most!
Relationships - like anything else in life - are subject to change!
"The art would be to change the relationship, if at all possible from spouse to friend, instead of cutting the other off completely, or becoming enemies!"
I, myself, have been married and divorced three times. At no time has there been severe animosity between my ex's and myself, or even between my ex-husbands. In fact, it is kind of neat to see them interacting in a most amiable way. I believe that one of the main reasons for the successful changeover from spouse to friend has been - to a large extent - due to the Clearing all of us have received. The movie: "The war of the Roses" is a good example of what can happen if the couple stayed together, long after that elusive entity called "Love" has flown out of the window. Once, a couple gets embroiled in nasty court battles over the equity, or the custody of the kids, they end up hating each other. Often a painful, mud-slinging divorce creates a lot of damage in which all parties, including the children, end up losing.
However, the good news is that, (except in those instances of an unwillingness to change, incompatibility, physical or mental abuse), there are lots of issues that can be re-solved. Using the above division, you can catch what it is that is missing and correct it before it gets out of hand. Indeed, working with the exchange of the 8 Expressions to create a harmonious balance, can give your life the fullness you have been dreaming of!
The important thing is not to get too serious in answering the above questions. The best way to go about it is
for each person to write down their answer and show it to their partner. He or she then reads what the other has
written, after which they take it in turn to discuss the similarities and differences in viewpoints. Whatever happens,
try not to make the other person wrong, or become accusative. If you find you can't handle it without getting into
arguments, please consult a professional counselor, or ask a trusted friend to help with the discussion.
However, even if your relationship is successful, it still would be quite interesting to take a look at your respective views on the different Expressions.
In fact, I am willing to bet, you'll have many new insights along the way and what is more you would then be able to create a greater intimacy than you could have dreamt of!
Chapter 8
Past Lives - Fact or Fantasy?
Growing up in a Catholic family, I was indoctrinated into believing that "we only live once, and that ‘my soul’ (whatever that was) would go to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory when I died"! Therefore, "it was of vital importance to be a good girl." There was never any mention of the possibility that "we are spiritual Beings, created in the image of God" and consequently, when I got involved with the Clearing work, I would hit a blank wall as soon as I ran out of related experiences in this life time. I would protest that there couldn't be an earlier similar incident and so we would hit an impasse!
Yet, for some reason, I had been fascinated all of my life with French history, particularly around the time of Napoleon, when he held court in Fontainebleau. I also avidly read romance novels of that period. (As an aside, it was interesting to note that on a trip to France I was mysteriously drawn to visiting the castle, and felt totally at home. It was like a real deja-vu experience!)
Getting back to my first experience of Past Lives, it was strange to find that, after having regressed to an incident when I was a baby, everything would go blank, and try as I might, I couldn't get past that barrier. However, as the Dianetic process revolves around the datum that "one has to get to the basic incident on the chain before a situation will resolve," we were in a real quandary! The practitioner eventually caught on to what was happening and broke through this barrier, by asking me: "Concerning a pain in the muscles of your neck, imagine what could have happened before the incident as a baby."
Realizing that all he wanted me to run was an 'imaginary' incident, I felt greatly relieved! Now, nobody could make a fool of me, afterwards! Then, I closed my eyes, concentrated on 'the feeling of pain in my neck muscles' when suddenly "all hell broke loose." I found myself being carted off to the guillotine, amongst the cheers and jeers of the onlookers.
I could see the scene in 3 D, vividly and in full color. I recalled needing some assistance to climb the scaffold. The next thing I knew, a blindfold was put on me, and my head was lowered onto the guillotine. I clearly remembered my last thoughts; "Will I go to heaven or end up in hell? "It must be hell," I decided, be-cause I was being put to death for being an adulteress. I felt the blade hit the back of my neck and I was aware of waiting to see where, indeed, I had ended up.
To my complete surprise, however, the sounds didn't change; I could still hear the crowd yelling and screaming; I could still hear the band playing. The next thing I knew was that some one removed the blind fold and - lo and behold - I realized I wasn't dead! Apparently, the old man I had been betrothed to, didn't really want to lose his pretty wife; he only wanted to teach her a lesson!
Therefore, he had instructed the executioner to wrap cloth around the blades, so they would only hit my neck, without cutting off my head!
In those days of arranged marriages, there were only two choices a woman could make: do whatever the husband told her to do, or enter into a convent and become a nun. I choose the latter, because I could not bear having to live with this mean, impotent and decrepit old man. You can imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes in the session and realized I was speaking fluent French! I had to translate the story, so my practitioner could understand what had happened. However, I discovered that the incident completely and permanently handled the problems I had been having with my neck muscles!
So, what is past life regression, and how does it fit in with the Clearing work? Before, we get into the specifics, I should - perhaps - first talk about the subject of Re-incarnation, as this is the first step to understanding the subject. Reincarnation - the idea that we live consecutive lives - would solve quite a lot of mysteries. The important thing to remember is that: "believing in Reincarnation or Past Lives, is not at all essential to making Clearing work!"
So for those of you who prefer to believe otherwise, it would be quite o.k. to skip the next Chapter! The only stipulation is that should the person you are working with on Clearing, come up with a past-life incident in session, you would also have to grant him or her the right to believe that this really happened.
In such a case, all you'd have to do is acknowledge by saying: "O.K" (or some other neutral response) and then ask them the other questions, as mentioned in the process. For instance, you would ask them "When did that happen?" Any approximate answer to this question will do (you don't have to get an exact date). Then you ask them: "How long did that incident last?" Next you tell them to focus on what's happening, first at the beginning of the incident, and later on the rest of that experience.
What one should keep in mind is, that you don't have to agree with the person; you don't have to believe that this is what really happened! All you have to do is: listen, acknowledge and ask the next question!
While working with this particular method of regression one should also make sure that:
" Whatever you think or believe should never be conveyed to your client in any way or form."
You will find that, as soon as the person you are trying to help notices that you don't believe what they are telling you, or that you disapprove of what they did, you will have lost them. They will never want to tell you anything - ever again - that is personal, or unusual, from that day on! In addition, it is also true that: "We are what we think"! In other words, if we believe that something happened to us that caused our present difficulties, than that is TRUE for US. The magic appears, when you find out that the difficulty will resolve, even if that's not what really happened to us!
For many people, who have always believed that they have lived before, or for those that have come to accept this datum, Past Life Regression has been the key to finding the roots of certain problems that kept bothering them this lifetime. So, if it won't resolve, know that the cause must lie earlier, and when they run out of this life-time possibilities, still ask: "Is there an earlier similar incident?" You'll be surprised at what you 'll. find!
What Is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation is the theory that the 'soul" (man's awareness) survives death of the physical body and returns to be born again, with a renewed opportunity to grow towards perfection. Over consecutive life times, we learn the lessons that are necessary for our growth. Upon the demise of the physical body, we are given an opportunity to evaluate how we used the lifetime just ended, and what lessons, if any, we still have to learn.
In America, and other Western countries, reincarnation can be a very sensitive subject. Many, who do not fully understand the theory, assume that people who believe in it, are attracted to this idea because it gives them license to do whatever they want to in this life time, because "you'll always have another chance!"
However, after regressing hundreds of people to their past lives, I discovered that this is not the case. On the contrary, once people find out that their past actions have created many of their present day problems; once they see the "karmic" con-sequences, they are even more motivated to become the best they can be. Also, the idea that 'all is not lost' and that they will have another chance (instead of the fear of 'burning in hell forever') is very comforting to those that have a great fear of death. Last but not least, the past life idea explains why sometimes "bad things do happen to good people."
The purpose of regression would be to free yourself from the limiting beliefs you have created in the past, and accept full responsibility for your past actions. Once you have done this, there would be no need to experience the same 'hard won' lessons again, and if you work towards cleaning up all of your past (be it this, or any other life) you will be able to end the vicious cycle of death and rebirth forever. Failing that, you could at least make sure to increase your chances of having a better life, next time around.
Reincarnation is one of the oldest beliefs, accepted by about one third of the world's population. It is only in the West - due to religious vested interests - that it has been delegated to the 'forbidden subjects." Even in the Roman Catholic Church it was a fundamental belief until in 553 AD, when the Synod of Constantinopal condemned the teachings as heresy, and decreed that all references to past lives be removed from the bible.
However, as they say: "Seeing is believing." The beauty about Clearing, however, is that one doesn't even have to belief in past lives, to be able to experience them! All one needs is an open mind and a willingness to explore the possibility. And, if that is too much to ask, we could always run "imaginary incidents."
When L. Ron Hubbard wrote his treatise on Dianetics, in 1950, no mention was made of past lives. I believe that he deliberately omitted this because it was deemed too controversial.
Later, in one of his many technical bulletins, however, he claims that "People who don't run past lives in Dianetics don't recover." Yet, in the very same year as "Dianetics, The Modern Science was published, he wrote an-other book entitled: "Have you lived before this life?" in which he spoke exclusively about the subject, also providing us (in Chapter 2), with samples of verbatim past life regression sessions.
To sum up, my intention is not to persuade any one that reincarnation does exist. I strongly believe in one of the principles that first attracted me to Scientology, i.e.: "What is true for you is what you have observed for yourself." My purpose is simply to let you know that - 'when a chain of incidents appears to bog down (with no indication that you have reached the basic on the chain (earliest incident of a particular issue) you must allow for the possibility of a Past Life incident.
If the idea of Past Lives is real to your pre-Clear, go right ahead and ask for an earlier time when... If not, you could ask for an imaginary incident, with the understanding that you are running an 'imaginary incident'! Remember, in Clearing we never evaluate for the pre-Clear, which means we don't ever suggest what they should or shouldn't believe, or think about their case.
In Book II, I shall give you an example of a real - I beg your pardon! - an ‘imaginary’ Past Life incident of my own!
How to Be in the "Now"
The following process is not part of the regular "auditing" techniques, as outlined in the original book: "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health"; (and neither are the Healing Remedies in Chapter III). Yet, I found it crucial to include these wonderful processes, because they can be ad-ministered at any time, to anyone!
The process I call: "The Re-orientation Drill" is designed to get a person back in the Now, when their attention is scattered due to: "being drunk - being up-set, or just being disoriented." I have run it successfully on many people to sober them up, to stop them from feeling dizzy or nauseous on a plane, or boat trip, or to calm them down when extremely distraught.
You approach the person and ask if it is O.K. with them if you did some simple process (thing) to help them...(sober up, calm down or handle someone who is seasick).
If they indicate that they assent, point to the nearest (big) object and say: "Touch that ..." When they comply with your request, say "Thank you, Good, OK, (or anything that will serve as an acknowledgment).
Now point to another object (wall, etc.) and repeat the process, until they come back into present time, and have brightened up, or tell you that they're OK now. That's really all there is to it, but I can almost guarantee, you'll be amazed at the results!
What about the Future?
The search for the self and for meaningful relations, is, perhaps, the most sought after quest that anyone who wants to enrich their life will be interested in. Until such time as we have discovered the True Self, our own unique identity that sets us apart from others and have ironed out some of the undesirable traits in our character, it would be difficult, if not impossible to be happy or fulfilled. Only, after we have gotten the feeling of being comfort-able with ourselves, have learned to "love ourselves," can we really have re-warding and meaningful relationships with others.
To achieve that goal we have to discover what it is we are doing to, at times, sabotage our lives. To do so, we would have to be willing to admit that there are certain things that would need to be corrected. Then, and only then, will we be able to make progress on our individual goals.
This manual will reveal the secret of the reactive mind, the source of all potential trouble. Working with the Clearing Techniques will put you on a journey, that will guarantee you the self-fulfillment you have been searching for. If you would persist until you reach the Clear State, your future will be secured; you will feel like a different person, yet much more like the real ‘You’, the ‘You’ that you would surely want to be! In addition, Clearing will improve all areas of your life!
Chapter 9
Poet's Corner
Thoughtful Eyes
Eyes are for seeing beauty untold:
Be yourself, and watch the wonders unfold.
Don't look through eyes of fear and depression;
This only leads to grief and aggression.
Eyes that are bright show there's nothing to hide;
Don't be confused by bad feelings inside!
Bad feelings are just an expression of fear;
Be in the present, each day of the year.
Fear from your past will make you quite blind;
Blind to love and a life that is kind.
Love is a feeling of true beauty within;
Find it in yourself and see it in your kin.
Don't waste precious time in the shadows of doubt
For that's really not what life's all about!
Life is for living in peace and with joy;
Whether you're man, woman, girl or boy.
So recite this poem when you're not feeling too well;
And the wisdom therein will soon cast its spell!
Robert Michael Hansen
(Excerpts from "The Coffee Shop Psychologist", by Robert Michael Hansen)
Lilly is the operator, at the switchboard of my brain
And when she starts reacting, my life becomes insane.
She's supposed to be employed by me, and play a passive role.
But - anytime I'm insecure - Lilly takes control.Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose today!
Tell everyone around me Just to clear out of my way.
The things I say won't make much sense; all "common sense" is lost,
'Cause when Lilly's at the switchboard, my wires all get crossed.Lilly is my own creation. Thought I needed her with me,
To organize and then recall all my life's history.
But she started taking liberties with all my information
And whenever she starts plugging in, I get a bad sensation.Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose today.
Tell the world to hurry by and stay out of my way.
I'm feeling very scattered, I’m lost in my emotion.
Lilly's on a rampage and she's causing a commotion.She looks out through my eyeballs, and sees what I do see,
then hooks up wires to my past; she thinks she's helping me.
When I'm in a good mood, I can smile at her endeavor.
But when I'm in a bad mood, Lilly’s boss, and is she clever!Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose, Lilly's loose today!
Tell all my friends and relatives to stay out of my way.
I don't give hugs and kisses, when I'm in this frame of mind.
And please don't take me seriously - It'd be a waste of time,
'Cause: "Lilly is loose"!
"Lilly's Loose" and many other wonderful poems, which beautifully and humorously
illustrate the principles of Psychology of Mind, are available in a book entitled
"Coming Home" by Sue Pettit, published by Sunrise Press, Fair Oaks, CA (1-800-456-7770).
(Permission to publish is hereby gratefully acknowledged!)
Prevention Is Better Than the Cure
Before the advent of Dianetic therapy, the above dictum was certainly true and it is still true today, where children are concerned. In order to run out their bad experiences, the brain has to be fully developed. This does not generally happen until the child is eight years old. Even then it is difficult, because of their short attention span. I, personally, prefer to wait until they are in their early teens, before starting them on the Clearing program. It goes without saying that I would use one of the Healing Remedies in an emergency, i.e., when they have had an operation or injury. When they are upset, I would calm them down by just bringing their attention back to the present. (See Book II for the appropriate processes.)
In all other cases, except for those where there has been actual brain damage, there is now no excuse not to clear out those aberrative incidents before they can do further damage to these individuals and those in their environment. And, once you have found and eradicated all underlying engrams, they should be cured and prevention is no longer necessary!
In his Chapter (on "Preventive Dianetics" - Book 11, Chapter. 10), Mr. Hubbard elaborates on the uses of Dianetics. For the purpose of this book, I only want to touch upon some of the most important ones. "The first thing to know is that if both parents would receive Clearing 'before' conceiving a child, they will not have any engrams to dramatize, while the child is in the womb! Of course, this would be all the more vital for the mother, herself. In the above Chapter Hubbard elaborates:
"A woman who is already pregnant should be treated with the utmost respect. If she should fall and hurt herself, she should be helped, but silently! She should not be expected to do any strenuous work or carry heavy objects, and she should not have intercourse forced on her. And, in view of the fact that it is not always possible to tell, when a woman has gotten pregnant, it is clear that society should alter their treatment of women in general."
The second, important datum is to keep silent (or at least avoid any negative comments such as "She's in terrible shape; she may very well die!" Or: "It looks hopeless," etc., around an injured person.
Everything that is said around someone who is to a greater or lesser extent 'unconscious', is recorded, and will act as a 'hypnotic command' when that engram gets triggered. The same applies for all medical personnel, such as ambulance drivers, doctors and nurses.
In order to prevent engrams from getting triggered, there are again two things, which can be done:
Giving the child a calm, harmonious environment that is non-restimulative, or:
Removing the child from a highly aberrative environment of violence an or child abuse.
In his closing statements of the Chapter that deals with 'Preventive Dianetics" (p. 160), L. Ron Hubbard states that:
"The healthiest children come from the happiest mothers. Birth for one thing, in a cleared mother, is a very mild affair. Only birth engrams in the mother make it hard. A cleared mother needs no anesthetic. And that is well because the anesthetic makes a dazed child and the en-gram, when it reacts, makes a dull child. A happy mother has very little trouble. And even a few engrams, which arrive de-spite all precautions, are nothing if the general tone the mother is happy."
I am sure that we can all agree with that statement!
The golden rule to remember is:
Around an injured, sick or unconscious person is: Silence is Golden!
So, try to talk as little as possible, and if you do watch out for those limiting beliefs. The injured or sick person will not even be aware that the subconscious is like a pig that gobbles up everything that's put in front of it, without inspecting or analyzing the contents of its intake.
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