Technical Essay # 9 - FAF 20 Apr 90
Dynamic Eight
.. and why Beings Stick Together
The reason for the widespread aberration of being stuck to other Beings is surprisingly found in the 8th Dynamic.
That is a controversial subject, because there is not wide agreement on what the 8th Dynamic is or what the highest state of being is. The confusion is usually between these possibilities:
A. Theta Beings were created by some other agency, a Superior Being. The highest state is to be answerable to this bigger Being and to be fully the way one was created.
B. Theta Beings were completely separate individualities with total potentialities that somehow got mixed up. The highest state is to get back to being total individual and total cause as an individual.
C. Originally there were Theta. Theta differentiated into Theta Beings. The highest state is knowingness and cause over all source points and possibilities.
It becomes a little more clear when one realizes that A is Other-determinism, B is Self-determinism, and C is Pan-determinism. The limit on A is whatever someone else decides, the limit on B is ones own cause - one isn't cause over others, the limit on C is the totality of possibilities.
C is closest to the truth of the matter. However, there is general confusion on the matter and most people mix it up with A. B is a workable thesis, but only to a certain point.
A is disproven by the fact that Clearing works. Nothing seems to indicate anything but that the individual is cause and is the Creator.
B might at the first glance seem the most pleasant. However, a little bit of logic proves it to be impossible. If the individual is at his highest point total cause as an individual his total knowingness and awareness is what he creates himself. He could only interact with other Beings if he creates that truth first and he postulates the precise interaction taking place. And the other Beings would have to do the exact same thing. But, there is no way they can interact without making the same postulate at the same time. Which they can't because they aren't communicating before they do that. It is a Catch22. If self-determined cause was the highest possible state, then interaction would be impossible and life and games wouldn't exist. This doesn't change the fact that the individual can be full self-determined cause - there is just a higher state than that.
The only possible explanation to interaction between Beings is that you are cause over them and they are cause over you. You are all Beings of the same nature. There are principles and agreements that go beyond full self-determined creation. You are fully capable of knowing and causing the actions of both "you" and "others". Because you ARE the Supreme Being. You are not created, you are not a minor piece of something bigger - you are infinity of cause and possibilities.
Note that it doesn't mean "We are all the same", "I don't exist", "I am part of someone else", "God will call me home" or anything like that. It rather means that you ARE everything and everyone and everywhere and you are really the one in charge - and there is no way you can loose the real you, unless you forget this.
Now, the trap is that it is very easy to INVERT this or to apply it on the WRONG LEVEL.
Because your viewpoint, your game and so forth were created by yourself on a high level and you now operate on a lower level - you might think that you were created by a higher level Being.
Because Beings are on a high level all Theta, they can be fooled on a lower level into thinking they are all the same.
Because a Being on a high level is "everywhere" he can on a low level be fooled into thinking that he is in the same location as someone else.
Because a Being on a high level can take anybody's viewpoint he can on a low level be fooled into thinking another's viewpoint is his.
Because on a high level you can coincide with anything, anybody, and anywhere you might agree on a low level to be stuck to anything, anybody, anywhere. But it is really just an aberrated lower harmonic.
The most effective aberrations and the hardest ones to handle are the ones that are the closest the truth. The trick to aberration is that it is truth with an insidious twist. The higher the truth is and the more subtle the alter-is is, the harder it will hit.
The biggest reason for Beings sticking together is their insistence on self-determinism and their not-is of pan-determinism. Fixed beingnesses and the inability to see things from several sides at the same time.
From a certain point going up the Clearing Levels one would have to address pan-determinism or one doesn't get any further. The order of handling is Other-determinism, Self-determinism, Pan-determinism. However, watch out that other-determinism isn't mistaken for pan-determinism. The pan-determined levels don't really mean that you now should only handle others, that is a common misunderstood. You are clearing yourself even more, just on a higher level.
Trying to finish the Road with just other-determinism or self-determinism is a futile effort. Only by taking responsibility for any viewpoint and creation and by shedding all fixed conditions is it possible to get through.
The good news is that infinity is on the other side.
Technical Essay # 10 - FAF 22 Apr 90
Personality Types
It is very interesting that despite the workability of the tech it is still possible to divide people into types of personality. That is, various psychological groupings, astrology, graphology, numerology and so forth can still work quite precisely even after a person has had considerable amounts of clearing.
Some people might try to refuse that saying that a Clear wouldn't be the effect of those things. Others might take that to mean that those are universal laws that will always apply. The fact of the matter is that the categorizations are demonstrable.
How come that even when a person has done OL16 you can still categorize him or her quite fittingly as visual, auditory, or kinesthetically oriented, or as a Virgo, Pisces or whatever?
Well, these things are Beingnesses. Any beingness is in the final evaluation assumed, and not the person himself. They can be considered as aberrations if the person is not cause over them.
Demonstrably the levels up through OL16 do little to change the person's identity (beingness) or personality type (group of beingness). They do a lot of other things in terms of freeing the person and making him more able and aware. But the beingness categories will resist change through most of this, the person's beingness will change very little. However, eventually that will have to be cleared too.
As long as the being is stuck in a certain beingness, a certain category of behavior, a certain pattern of behavior - he hasn't gone all the way through. He might feel wonderful and be very successful in the identity he is in. But if that identity is mostly unchanged since before he started Clearing chances are it is stuck.
Now, an assessment of the person's category of beingness might provide valuable information for programming of the case. That resource is currently utilized in a very limited fashion; it might be a subject for further research.
Most practitioners find that certain types of people are more or less easy to clear. Except for when resistive case points are involved that is mostly ignored. Every kind of beingness has to be handled sooner or later; maybe more attention should be given to it sooner.
One could imagine that an assessment of whether a person is visually, auditorily, or kinesthetically oriented would give a hint as to which kind of program would be most effective on the person. Maybe creative processing works very well on one type but not for another. Maybe that could provide part of the explanation why certain processes were earlier given up because they didn't work equally well on enerybody. Maybe we could use a wider range of effective processes - if a more thorough assessment is done of what the person needs and responds to.
Being resigned to that a certain pc is hard to work with, doesn't run well, doesn't get much TA, etc is never the solution. A lot can be taken care of by skilful handling of resistive points. But probably more by attention to stuck beingnesses: either clearing them, or tailoring the program to them.
If a pc is in a certain beingness or personality type that works against clearing, we can do one of two things:
1. Get rid of the stuck beingness. That is the preferable solution. Service Facs, LX lists, XDN, Ls, GPMs, or any other identity type of processing can be used for this.
2. If we can't get rid of the beingness we might accommodate it to a certain extent. We might make up the program according to our evaluation of the beingness category of the pc.
So, one has to realize both of these sides of the issue:
- Beingnesses and types of personality exist and might be very stuck.
- They don't have to exist. If they are stuck they should and could be cleared.
Technical Essay # 11 - FAF 24 Apr 90
Organization of Case
Confusions are handled by stable data. Ongoing confusions or large aggregate confusions take an organization to handle. An organization is made of lines (paths of flow) and terminals (stable functions that deal with the particles). The confusion is broken down into manageable chunks that are channelled to where the willingness and ability to handle them exist.
Case is confusion. It might be active confusion (restimulated charge) or held back confusion (dormant charge).
We handle case as confusion. If it is already confused we sort it out as such. If it doesn't seem confused we remove what holds back the confusion, and then we sort out the confusion.
The cycle of clearing is to bring forth a confusion and then sort it out by establishing stable data. The intention is to deal with existing (active or dormant) confusions, and not to create new confusions.
Note that a confusion is confused. There is not order in it. We impose order upon it.
The skill of organization is to provide the organizational layout that handles all the confusion and that handles it in the most efficient way.
The organization is not necessarily inherently obvious from the confusion itself. The existence of certain types of particles in the confusion might prompt certain types of organization. But it is in no way to be taken for granted. Many different types of organization could be laid out to handle any given confusion.
To apply that to case again: there is not just one way of organizing the handling of case. If there were it wouldn't be a confusion. Multiple particles are in motion at the same time, that is a confusion. Organizing it means taking one of the moving particles at a time and sorting it out. In principle one can start anywhere, there is not a particle that will solve everything. Each particle that is made stable will be a step towards removing the whole confusion.
Optimum organization is that we take in the greatest amount of confusion and that we handle all of it. We want optimum randomity everywhere in the organization. Any terminal should receive neither too little or too much confusion to handle. If there is too much the line or terminal can't handle it and it will spill over into somewhere else. If there is too little going on we don't use the organization effectively and are wasting it's time.
We organize case by grade charts, processes, terminology, selection of tech, application of tech, existence of a pc and a practitioner, and a number of other ways. We are attempting to bring up confusions in an order so that we can handle them comfortably. And we are attempting to have the tools for handling any confusion that we bring up.
Now, the current organization of clearing technology could be claimed to be the way it has to be, the natural way, the only way. It isn't, but it has evolved to be a very workable organization of what is there to handle. However, the fact of organizing is senior to the specific implementation of the organization. Many other types of organization of case confusion are possible. The test is that it handles the confusion and how effectively it does it. It is not whether or not it is the right way - there is no right way.
Any imposition of organization on case is artificial. It is a way of handling it, it is not the truth. The truth is what the truth is, it can not be dictated from an external source. But the imposed structure is a very workable mechanism.
Let us take the principle of handling time track incidents in chains. If incidents are always in chains and one just needs to get down to the basic to handle it it provides us with a very workable method of handling incidents. It works very well to treat the mind like that. However, that doesn't mean that the mind would have been that orderly if we hadn't introduced the idea. The mind was in a state where that was a workable organization to set up, that is all we can say. We might have set up a drastically different model and have gotten away with that. I am not saying we should, it is just important to understand the modus operandi of the tech.
A complete tech has an answer to any case that can come up. In organizational terms: there is a line or lines we can put the case on, there are stable terminals (procedures) for handling it.
If we find ourselves running into case that is too confusing to be handled we obviously need to organize more. It is not really that somebody did something "wrong" by restimulating the confusion - it is that we haven't figured out how to handle it.
In getting a person through the clearing levels the job of organizing the case will gradually pass over to the preclear himself. In the beginning we can just tell him what we will run and how it will run and that works. As we go along, on the Operation levels, we have to supply him with more and more tools and methods he can use, and less and less pre-planned outcome. And on the higher strata, the Static levels, we can really only supply the Being with a comprehensive tool kit - he has to walk by himself and deal with what he finds along the way.
Technical Essay # 12 - FAF 20 May 90
Demonstrable Abilities
I think it is time to establish some firm objective milestones on the grade chart. Some abilities that can be objectively observed, tested, and proven.
We probably have all the tools necessary to attain anything anybody ever expected to attain from Clearing. However, we don't always give people what they want. The further one moves up the chart the further the results are from the expectations. And here I am mainly talking about the objective results.
If one does some operation level and one cleans out one's universe of connections to other thetans or of beings being strange things or of creations or whatever and one ends up feeling great and clean - that is a subjective gain. It might or might not be observable by others and one might or might not have had a significant effect on the physical universe.
If one is more successful in life, if one's surroundings notice one has changed, if one can demonstrate exterior perceptions to others - those are examples of objective gains.
There is no need to invalidate subjective gains, they are great to get. I am just indicating that they might look quite different when exercised in the physical universe. It is not too hard to mistake changes in one's own universe for changes in the physical universe. Especially as one goes up the levels and one's own universe is expanding.
Insisting on results that manifest themselves in the physical universe is the most reliable way of ensuring that they actually happen. It is a better way of testing completeness of a level than just how one feels or if one has done all the steps.
A communication release can be tested by presenting the person with embarassing subjects or people it is hard to
communicate with and checking if he can handle the communication.
A Clear should be observed to have a sane life and not to react on any subjects.
At some operation level one should be able to demonstrate exterior perception to others.
A Theta Clear is someone who can operate independent of his body. It can be tested by kicking his leg and checking
if he has a need to go back in his body.
Insisting on demonstrable abilities, at least at a few points on the chart, will accomplish several things:
¥ It will be much more obvious if something has been missed and one can go back and finish it.
¥ It will be much more satisfying to accomplish something that can be verified.
¥ Clearing will have much more validity to the world if we work on real results
¥ We can much better make a difference with real OTs who can operate in the physical universe and not just
in their own heads.
On the other hand, the lack of demonstrable abilities has these drawbacks:
¥ Tendency to quickying.
¥ OTs with messy lives, service facs, and psychosomatic illnesses.
¥ OT16s who think that all that is necessary to change the world is to be alone with a meter.
¥ "Caseless" people who obviously to everybody aren't caseless.
That is a degradation of the Tech. It is really the subject of Quickying versus Completeness.
To change this matter takes a different attitude to going up the chart and it takes an agreement on certain finite milestones on the road.
The attitude needs to be an intention to get the most complete and thorough gains possible rather than to move through the levels as quickly as possible.
To start somewhere on the milestones I suggest at least the following.
¥ Life Clear (=1967 idea of a Scientology Clear): a person who is sane, who has control over his life, who doesn't react on any subject, and who doesn't have observable case belonging on the lower levels. That is not just a Dianetic Clear who has come up with the clear cognition. It is that plus having all the grades in and having handled anything else that relates to life. There shouldn't be any area of life that the person expects to get handled later on the operation levels. Any such area (relating to human life) would be handled with the tools of the lower levels.
¥ Operation Clear (= Theta Clear): a being who doesn't need a body and can operate independently of it. He should demonstrably be able to stay outside the body if it gets hurt. He should have exterior perceptions that can be tested in the physical universe. He should be able to demonstrate telepathic abilities as well. It would be nice if this was the result of the Ron's Org OT16. It isn't, but with some modifications and additions and hard work it might be achievable uniformly at that point. That remains to be proven.
¥ Static Clear (= Cleared Theta Clear): a being who doesn't need a beingness. It should be demonstrable that he can lay off and assume any kind of beingness. He should be clear all the way down the track, so full recall should be testable against physical universe data.
The Life Clear is totally possible on a routine basis. Nobody has apparently produced Operation Clears or Static Clears in any great numbers. I haven't run into any. But I am very confident that we can do it.
Technical Essay # 13 - FAF 20 May 90
Mastery of Existence
Mastery is accomplished by going beyond one's limits. Mastery is a product of consistently producing results out of the ordinary.
The route is like this:
¥ Commit yourself to excellence.
¥ Surround yourself with things that represent excellence and miracles.
¥ Remove everything in your environment that represents mediocrity and limits.
¥ Surround yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do.
¥ Find masters and learn from them.
¥ Build on your existing situation and use it as a basis of building the extraordinary.
¥ Always look at how you can correct and expand rather than how you can protect and maintain.
¥ Notice which abilities and awarenesses you don't have and aim for them.
This kind of advice applies to any field. It is also very applicable to the field of Clearing. Clearing itself
is a process of expanding beyond one's existing limits. In the beginning stages somebody can do it for you. However,
sooner or later you will have to put on the boots in the sky and accomplish mastery on your own.
There is not much point in going through a number of clearing levels and then deciding that that is enough or adequate. One can't travel the road to truth halfway and expect to stay there. The universe is rigged so that the illusion of status quo always turns into a decreasing statistic. Aberration will build up again if there is even the slightest bit left. The only viable attitude is to aim for getting all the way out and actually taking the steps to do that.
Just because people around you get mediocre results is no reason to accept that. Miracles are possible. Find out who gets them and why. Get together with other people who aim at expanding the limits.
Look at your present situation. Find out what could be better. Find out which limits you have that could be broken. If anybody else has successfully broken them, find out what they did. If not, break them by yourself. Expect the extraordinary, don't settle for anything less than miracles.
Only masters are getting out.
Technical Essay # 14 - FAF 1 June 90
Infinity Levels
I am afraid I have to conclude that there are states beyond Static Clear. There is something beyond being totally cleared as a Static, being at Tone 40, being full cause over viewpoints, beingnesses, able to create universes etc. However incredible and high a state that is there has to be more. One is still limited if one doesn't know what anybody and everybody else knows, if one doesn't take responsibility for what anybody might come up with, and if one is not willing and able to control it.
That won't be real for most people, but I am mostly writing this for my own benefit anyway.
Quite logically there has to be something above being a static at full cause. If one was full cause and that was the top - one couldn't possibly interact with others, because they are also full cause. There has to be a way of gaining access to everybody else's universes without changing the fact that they are creating it themselves. And that has to be a higher ability. That is the explanation of the Akashic Records, the Superconscious mind, OMNI-state, necessity level and much more.
I claim that there a series of Infinity Levels will be necessary eventually, and that there is a state that we could call Infinity Clear.
One could probably regard it as a Dynamic - the urge to exist and operate as the totality of all possibilities and actualities. I previously associated that with the 8th Dynamic, but we probably have to scale the 8th Dynamic down a bit. We can say it is "God" as regards to the physical universe. What I am talking about here belongs much higher. Around Dynamic 24 or so, but that is just a blind guess.
Also, it could be regarded as being on the tone scale. Tone40 goes well with being a Static Clear who can create things at will. We have to go higher to plot an Infinity Clear. LRH has mentioned higher numbers on the tone scale, such as 400 or 4000, but completely arbitrarily. So, I arbitrarily picked the number 88, as meaning 'Infinity of Infinities'.
Knowing about the highest possible states can be useful also on lower levels. If one knows where one will end up one can much better prepare for it. Even though it logically fits in the higher bands there is no reason not to run processes lower that will address the subject matter. Accessing universal knowledge and causing extraordinary effects in the physical universe fall into this band.
To explain further: just because one is static clear and total cause over one's own universe(s) and has total recall of one's existence is no reason that one would know what is really in other's universes or what they have experienced. One could communicate with them and find out, that is covered on Operation Levels. But one could also just know it - and that is an Infinity Level ability.
If one would want to create something unusual in the physical universe (or any other shared universe) one is up against everybody elses agreement. You can generally only do physically what is agreed upon to be within feasible limits. What if you wanted to as-is the Moon and have it disappear for everybody else also. That is not just an Operation or Static Level ability. You would have to affect all the involved Statics' universes at the same time and cause the agreement for that to happen. That is quite a trick, so no wonder people aren't achieving control over that sort of abilities with the stuff we have been doing so far. An understanding of what is actually going on will bring real "OT"-abilities much closer.
More understanding is needed of the highest possible levels. By understanding and evaluating case from the highest levels possible I think we can solve the puzzle much faster. It is kind of hard to think with this stuff, it is pretty incredible, but I think it is needed.
The highest truth as I see it is: "Anything is possible". It seems simple and obvious - but actually understanding it fully is a totally different matter. It is in my opinion senior to "Static, the creator of truth" which I previously regarded as the highest truth.
I now believe that there are 4 major bands of awareness, ability, and case phenomena:
Life Levels
Operation Levels
Static Levels
Infinity Levels
That might look like it screws up my nice Be-Do-Have order of the Bridge, but actually I just think it needs to be extended a bit. More on that later.
Technical Essay # 15 - FAF 1 June 90
More on Case Bands
There are more things to say about the characteristics of the different bands of case. First of all I now claim that there are 4. And also more and more subjects can probably be plotted against the levels. Also I am trying to be a little more ambitious about what we could get out of the operation levels, just as an experiment. Remember, this is how I look at it now - things might and will change.
Life Levels |
Operation Levels |
Static Levels |
Infinity Levels |
State | Life Clear (Scn Clear) |
Operation Clear (Theta Clear) |
Static Clear (Cleared Theta Clear |
Infinity Clear |
Ability Gained | No reactive Mind. In control of own life. |
Don't need a body. Exterior perceptions. Can be in or out of games. |
No need for beingnesses. Full recall. Can create or not create viewpoints and universes. |
Knows anything and everything. Can cause agreed-upon effects. No dependency on existence. Is the cause of existence. |
Scope of what is handled | Life as a Homo Sapiens. | Operating from a viewpoint in the physical universe. | Anything one has postulated. | Anything that exists or might exist. |
Who's case | The composite bank of one human being. | The case one is sharing with others. | One's own theta bank. | The totality of all case. |
Type of Mind | Security Mind (Reactive) | Social Mind (Interaction with others) | Analytical Mind (Logic) | The theta universe (Superconscious Mind) |
Type of think | Identification | Association | Differentiation | ? |
Area of tone scale | 0-4 | 4-22 | 22-40 | 40-88 |
Part of existence | Have | Do | Be | ? |
Something one is getting rid of. | Valences | Entities | Beingnesses | Statics |
Universe being dealt with | A human being | The physical universe | One's own universe | All universes |
Affinity | Responsibility | Space | Awareness (Potentiality) | |
Communication | Control | Energy | Coordination | |
Reality | Knowledge | Matter /Time | Existence (Actuality) | |
Understanding | Ability | Universe (Creation) | Everything |
It is quite a puzzle to fit these last concepts together. More work is needed on that.
An interesting philosophical conundrum is that concepts like Be-Do-Have, Affinity-Communication-Reality, Space-Energy-Time, Differentiation-Association-Identification, Tone40-Tone20-Tone0, and so forth can be regarded in several different ways:
- as a tone scale or bridge, with the first concept being most "desirable" and the last one the least.
- as a triangle, of parts that are equally needed to form a whole.
- as a cycle of action: we start as the first one, continue as the middle, and end up as the last one.
Seems like they all work on a circular basis. And eventually one should have to break out of any circle like that and not have to Be or Do or Have or anything else. Total Freedom!
Technical Essay # 16 - FAF 1 June 90
Evil Circles
For each band of case there is an "evil circle" one has to break out of to continue on.
Life Levels: | The evil circle of being humanoid and being effect of factors of life; human emotion and reaction. Not expanding because one is the effect of communication barriers, has problems and can't solve them, one does overts and has to withhold, one gets upset, one has to defend one's right, one reacts and doesn't know why. All these things keep one busy and one doesn't get any further than trying to deal with them. Becoming a Life Clear breaks the circle and one can become cause over one's life, without having to react with these things. |
Operation Levels: | The evil circle of dying and being born again and again. Being connected to lots of things that is stopping one from operating and changing things on a wider scale. Being stopped by a failure to handle groups and any higher dynamics. An Operation Clear will become able to operate without the body, and to feel confident in perceiving and operating without the previous connections. |
Static Levels: | The evil circle of having beingnesses and being limited by the characteristics of those assumed beingnesses. Being forced to see things and get things done through beingnesses. Only has access to abilities and awarenesses that fit the assumed beingnesses. Able to advance only by changing beingnesses or by cleaning up the existing beingnesses. Becoming a Static Clear breaks through that and allows one to have or not have beingnesses and being able to exist and advance without the use of a beingness or viewpoint. |
Infinity Levels: | The evil circle of being just one Static and only being able to be Source from that Static without knowing all that all the possible Sources are creating, have created, or will create. Being dependent on Existence as a Static, not being conversant with all other possibilities. Breaking through to the point of Infinity Clear brings Total Freedom, consideration of or creation of any possibility of existence or non-existence without limit. Any state below that will of course also be available at choice. |
Technical Essay # 17 - FAF 4 June 90
The division of thought into different types of "Minds" is somewhat artificial. In the final evaluation one doesn't have different minds, and it is somewhat misleading to talk about a mind at all. There is really just causes (Beings) and effects (universes, life, situations, things, case, thinking, minds, etc). There is the Being and his postulates. However, it can be very practical to work with the concept of the mind. It divides up the work and makes it easier to talk about. The Mind can be defined and divided in a number of ways. One of them is like this:
Purpose of the Mind
The Mind is the sum of mechanisms used by a Being to relate to himself, others, anything created, and action. The Mind is meaningless unless action and inter-action is occurring. It is used to maintain consistency and persistency in interaction. That could be called Survival. The Mind keeps track of who and what one is interacting with, what one has previously agreed to, what one has experienced and decided, what one is currently involved in, and what one plans to be involved in. It helps to correlate all this information so that one doesn't accidentally go out of agreement with the interaction. It helps evaluate one's ideas, plans, and wishes so that they can be translated into actual interaction. The mind is intended for games playing.
The mind can be divided into 3 major spheres of influence:
The Conscious Mind
This is what one sees and knows and thinks right now. It might include the perceptions one is getting in, one's current thoughts, and the things one consciously knows right now, e.g. that one has a body, or that one is late for work or something.
The Conscious mind has the facilities for logically evaluating things. When one thinks about something and one knows what one is thinking and how one gets to the result - one is using the Conscious Mind. If one has to send a question somewhere else to get an answer back and one doesn't know how it came about - then it is not the Conscious mind doing it.
The Conscious mind is where one is fully aware. It really consists of the Being with his native abilities of postulating and perceiving. The basic agreement is that the Conscious mind is the senior mind and it is the central facility relating to the Being playing games.
The Sub-Conscious Mind
This is where all previous experience (perceptions and postulates) are recorded. One uses this to keep track of which "rules" one agreed to, and where one was headed, so one can continue one's activity in a consistent manner. However, much of the recordings are aberrated, some more than other. Some have not been evaluated, some are false, some don't have the correct importance. All categories of out-points apply to the contents here. Much of the material is not even one's own, and much of it contradicts itself. However, much of what is stored here is minimally aberrated and very useful in the playing of games, e.g. the laws of the universe, and how to operate a body.
All of the material in the sub-conscious mind can be made available, even though much of it is hidden under many layers of alter-isness. However the common denominator of all of it is that one doesn't know it or look at it right now. The least aberrated data can at any time be looked at by the conscious mind with a moments notice. The aberrated or hidden data requires clearing techniques to make it available to the conscious mind.
The sub-conscious mind computes and thinks completely on its own. It uses the total amount of storage material (including outpoints) in its evaluation. However, it is agreed that it has a sub-ordinate but mostly self-regulating role. It paints the background and the props and keeps track of the script for the game of life. It contains much information the Being could use consciously, but it doesn't necessarily make it easily available.
The Super-Conscious Mind
The Super-Conscious mind coordinates the actual interaction between the Being and the external agreed-upon universe. That universe is shared with many other Beings. Their effects need to be coordinated to maintain consistency in the agreements. The Super-Conscious mind keeps track of the totality of the positions and actions of this and all other Beings/Players.
To explain further: If one makes a clear enough postulate about something to happen in the physical universe it will happen. The Super-Conscious mind takes care of the mechanics of how. It coordinates the postulate with the vast complexity of the world with it's agreed-upon rules, and with many other Beings postulating things at the same time. It will make sure that your postulates are carried out without conflict.
This is what is being used to actually create external effects. Not to figure out what to do, not to observe and postulate, but to actually make the intended action manifest itself in the universe. The Being with his conscious mind likes to see that his simple postulate or intention is carried out in his surroundings. He doesn't consciously bother with the details of how he made it happen. Really he is the full cause of every implication and side-effect of his postulate. But he hides all of that in the super-conscious mind. The pretense is that one doesn't have any control whatsoever over this.
The sub-conscious mind in principle contains the stuff that the Being has experienced from his own viewpoint. The super-conscious mind contains the stuff he doesn't know by his own experience but that he indirectly needs to operate. Both of those work to allow the Being with his conscious mind to experience the playing of a game. This setup allows him to be conscious about what is going on and what it means and to create effects that he can then experience.
The sub-conscious is introverted. It is the subjective internal mechanisms that add up to who he is, what he can do, what he has done, where he is going, why he is doing what he is doing etc. It makes these things persist by the fact that the mechanics and contents of this mind are hidden from view. The sub-conscious is known to contain many aberrations.
The super-conscious is extroverted. It is the objective information and mechanics of the universe around the person. It makes sure that the outer universe is there to experience and that postulated effects take place. The extent of aberration of the super-conscious is not known.
The conscious mind is the canvas that life is being played out on. It is what we know that we are doing, it is what we see happening, it is what we think about it. It is what we can directly observe.
It could be argued that the un-aberrated standard memory banks are part of the conscious mind per definition. Not necessarily. If one has to ask some mechanism for a memory or a picture and one doesn't know where or how it is stored - then it is taken out of the sub-conscious. However, if one knows exactly where it is and has instant access to it, then it must be said to be in the conscious mind.
Each of the 3 types of minds and any of their sub-divisions can be cleared individually.
The sub-conscious has traditionally been the main target in clearing. The reactive mind is a sub-division of the sub-conscious. It is incidents of a traumatic nature that are stored in pictures made of mass, forming a stimulus-response mechanism. Clearing of that part of the mind will take the added importance and command value out of these incidents and they will be moved into a less aberrated form of storage. They might or might not be consciously available after that.
One can address the sub-conscious either negatively, by re-aligning or re-evaluating aberrated data, or positively, by strengthening desirable information or learned abilities.
The first purpose of clearing the sub-conscious mind is to remove aberrations so that it can work as intended. That doesn't necessarily make it less conscious. Secondarily one might also want to convert portions of the sub-conscious into conscious. It would probably be desirable to have instant access to all experiences one ever had. It might or might not be desirable to take over automaticities like walking and talking, but it would be desirable to be able to on choice.
Similar with the super-conscious. It can be cleared positively with objectives or creative processing. Or it could be cleared negatively by removing reasons for it not working right.
Clearing the analytical mind would probably mainly deal with the facilities of logical thinking. And it would probably be desirable to expand the scope of the analytical mind. Put more things under its knowing control, convert automaticities to conscious actions. One can go all the way on that and convert the whole sub-conscious and super-conscious minds to full conscious awareness. That would amount to a caseless Being all the way on top of the tonescale.
Remember that the minds were created to make game playing possible. The most desirable state might ultimately not be full knowingness about everything, but rather a balance of know and not-know which amounts to a game. But it would be desirable to be able at any time to pull out and know everything. The ultimate goal of clearing is to regain the maximum abilities and awareness possible, with the added know-how of being able to play any game and get out of it again. The flexibility of movement on the full range on any scale is what is desirable.
(TE18 wasn't completed, it is issued as #26)
Technical Essay # 19 - FAF 20 August 1990
Where are you?
You are where your attention is. |
For most people that means that you are scattered all over a bunch of universes in little pieces.
A practical way of looking at it is that you are where most of your available attention is. You can move to different places by moving the majority of your available attention.
Now, "where" isn't quite an adequate word for the possible places one might be, but it will do.
One's concept of location depends on the level of awareness one has most of one's attention on. One has attention on all levels, but one's focus of attention can be on one level or another.
These are some major levels:
¥ The Track
¥ A Human (Body)
¥ A Thetan
¥ A Static
¥ Infinity
An average aberrated human being has most of his attention stuck around the track and behaves reactively. By becoming Clear he is able to put most of his attention here and now with his body and his life. A higher ability is to be able to place one's attention units mostly outside the body located by one's considerations. That is what operation levels are about. And one could have most of one's attention on being a Static, not located at all. Or one could have one's attention on infinite awareness beyond the limitation of individual creation.
There are many possible gradations between and below these awareness levels, but they are useful reference points.
One might be able to shift between these awareness levels at times when one is keyed out, or one might get more or less permanent abilities to do so. There is an absolute state that goes with each one:
¥ A (Life) Clear is free from reactivity and can always keep the majority of his attention off the track
no matter what happens. He doesn't really have a track.
¥ An Operation Clear (Theta Clear) can always keep the majority of his attention outside the body no matter
what happens. He doesn't need a body.
¥ A Static Clear (Cleared Theta Clear) can always keep the majority of his attention outside viewpoints, beingnesses
and universes no matter what happens. He doesn't need to be anywhere.
¥ An Infinity Clear can always keep the majority of his attention outside individual considerations no matter
what happens. He doesn't have to create.
Now, each higher level of awareness has the ability to control and monitor any lower levels. The more basic and simple reasons and causes of things are found on higher levels.
Moving somebody up the bridge we are basically coaxing them into having more attention on higher awareness levels. We do that in part by freeing up attention units that are stuck. However, that has to be combined with drilling of placement of attention.
There are limits to what can be done with each attention level, even when it is cleared. They are sometimes misunderstood and people try to do something at a lower level that belongs on a higher level. For example even a perfectly clear bank doesn't make a very good human being. To be a good human one must be in PT and look at what is going on in life. And even a perfectly cleared human doesn't make a very good operating thetan. One can't really exteriorize one's eye balls, and life with bodies does have some inherent limitations. However one can move to the awareness level of a thetan that is located by his consideration alone. But a thetan with a viewpoint and particularly with a beingness has its own set of limitations. One can't just create freely, what one does has to match the viewpoint and beingness one is using. A Static doesn't have that limitation, a Static can be total cause over his universe. But not over others, he can't really know what others are up to unless they tell him. Somebody with an Infinity awareness has no such limitation.
The common idea of exteriorization is a mix-up of the awareness levels. A human being can't exteriorize. It can at the most be in PT and operate in a sane way. There is no part of it that we can have flying all over the universe looking at things. The body is where it is and it moves according to the laws of the physical universe.
A thetan moves based on his consideration, he is where he thinks his attention is. That might be all sorts of places even for the thetan that runs an aberrated unclear human being. A big thetan generally never has any trouble leaving a body. However, you might have trouble having attention on being a thetan. And you might have trouble stabilizing your position and figuring out your perceptions.
To accommodate existing terminology we could regard "exterior" as meaning that one has most of one's attention units devoted to being a thetan and not a body. The only thing "leaving" the body is one's focus of attention.
Note that I am here equating "Thetan" with "Central Viewpoint" and I am differentiating it from Static. Some of the existing definitions don't make that distinction.
The different awareness levels exist to allow experience of the lower levels. The limitations form fields and levels of games. A thetan is located in a universe and can use bodies and a mind to play games with. A static is outside games but can use "his thetan" to participate in the games. He wants the thetan to be in good shape. However there is a limit to how good a thetan can be, it can't become a static. The static can't be anything but a static and by having attention on that level one can enjoy the games more from an exterior viewpoint.
These levels of awareness are all necessary in order to play games. It is not a question of getting rid of the lower ones or transforming them into higher ones. You operate on all of them and the more flexible you are in where you put your attention the better off you are. What is mainly wrong with people is that they have forgotten how to operate the higher levels. They never went away, one just has most of one's attention on the lower levels.
In other words, there are several approaches one can take in terms of clearing.
¥ One can clear up a lower level from that level as part of playing the game.
¥ One can switch to a higher level and modify the lower level from there.
As an example, let's say you have trouble with your body's digestion. You can then eat the right vitamins and exercise and go to the doctor to better it. That is addressing the same level as the thing to handle. Or you can look at what you as a thetan did that got you into that problem and you can confront it and change it. Or you can as a static look at if that's the sort of game you want the thetan dealing with, and you could change the game.
Clearing is to a large extent a game. To see if we can get these thetans to get themselves out of the corner that they have painted themselves into. They have gotten pretty screwed up and have agreed to all sorts of confusing stuff, now how are we getting them out. That's the game you are knowingly playing a Static, if you have attention on it or not. Nothing ever happened to you as a Static, nothing at all, you are still there with your full abilities available. It is you as a Thetan who is having a hard time. Being able to see the game from the static awareness level or higher makes it much more enjoyable. That doesn't mean that you should forget about the game, it means you can play it better.
The senior overall ability to regain is one's ability to occupy any awareness level at choice.
As to the Thetan, it is best cleared by addressing it as such. A Thetan is not a track, a mind, or a human being. The Being must be brought to realize that he is a Thetan and it is only necessary to address what the Thetan has a problem with and rehabilitate his ability to be a good Thetan.
The condition formulas apply as a gradient of Clearing also. Finding out Where one is is the Confusion formula. Then one would have to find out What one is, and then Who one really is, and so forth. Until one attains Power which is that one can keep one's intended position without being thrown off. This is done is different areas and there are different harmonics of it going up the chart.
Technical Essay # 20 - FAF 20 August 1990
Addressing the Thetan
A Theta Being (Thetan) is a unit that is aware of being aware, that is located inside the games whereever it considers itself to be. It is a viewpoint that can perceive anything in the games, and it is a cause point that can cause any allowed effect in the games. The Thetan is not made of matter, energy, space, or time, but can be perceived and recognized by other Thetans. The Thetan has a basic personality. It creates outside itself.
The Static is the cause of the Thetan and maybe other beings. It is outside any games and universe. It is the source of games and universes. It has no location and no attributes in terms of the games. However, it is unique and can be recognized by other Statics. It is the creator of universes and thetans. It creates by introducing limitations inside itself.
The Theta Being is the main target of Clearing and the bridge. It is neither the highest or lowest level of awareness. However, the viability of a Thetan is important for the viability of game playing in general. That is what we are testing in the current series of games. A Thetan is a good compromise between cause and effect. It would be sort of nice if it could work out.
The different bands of levels relate to the Thetan like this:
Life Levels | Getting the Thetan able to take his attention off life and his body. |
Operation Levels | Stabilizing the Thetan as an independent unit in the universe. |
Static Levels | Handling the limitations the Thetan has accumulated. |
Infinity Levels | Giving the Thetan access to all knowledge. |
There are many possible clearing steps and levels that could be done that don't follow this pattern and don't do much for the thetan. We can't do much with Life Levels beyond the point where the Thetan has his attention away from life and body problems. We don't get much out of Operation Level stuff that doesn't address the Thetan's abilities. For example: running entities has served its purpose when the Thetan is released from them, it can be overrun.
Also, somehow Operation Level drills disappeared off the chart. There are a great many drills that can be done to stabilize an exterior thetan and improve abilities and perception.
Technical Essay # 21 - FAF 24 November 1990
Dynamic Clearing
Clearing and "Clear" on different dynamics are often misunderstood subjects. Their meaning is sometimes greatly inflated and misused.
Can one really go Clear on all dynamics by sitting alone in session auditing?
To start with, let's define some names of relative states:
Mind Clear: | Rational evaluation. Cause over mental matter, energy, space and time. Cause over internal matters. More knowns than unknowns. |
Operation Clear: | Able to act and cause things. Cause over things in life. Cause over external matters. |
Static Clear: | Cause over the creation of things. Cause over what makes internal and external matters happen. |
This is a gradient scale of states that could apply to a certain sphere of influence. They could also be called Clear, OT, Static or any other appropriate names.
They can be applied to the different dynamics. Before we do that, let's look at what Clearing is on different dynamics.
1D: We clear an individual either with a practitioner or solo. We address what he has in his mind, or what he would like to do, or what postulates he has.
Now, the first dynamic is the only dynamic we can handle directly by having one individual in session. We can handle the individual's charge on subjects from other dynamics, but we can't clear another dynamic without having it in session.
2D: We clear the second dynamic by bringing it in session. That includes at least 2 individuals. For practical purposes we can consider the dynamic being cleared if we are clearing the relation between two people. We have to address charge between them, stuck incidents, flows, etc. And get the 2D to do something. And find what is creating it.
Now, an interesting phenomena. We can only clear a being's 2D by addressing at least 2 terminals there as a group. And once we have cleared it his 2D is Clear. No matter who the other person is later. If one's 2D is cleared one has no trouble dealing with others on a one to one basis.
3D: To clear the third dynamic we must bring a group together. We must impinge some commands on the group, restimulate some charge, and clear it until the desired state is achieved.
4D: The fourth dynamic is being cleared if we appropriate commands or questions thru to the general public, we get a restimulated response, and we continue until the desired result is achieved. As with all clearing, the pc must know it is being cleared - it is not something one can do secretly.
5D: All things living on the planet must be addressed for 5D clearing to occur. Not just "a plant" or "a dog", but all living things.
6D: The physical universe as a whole must be in session. Incidents, stuck flows, improved ability, postulates that create it, etc.
7D: To clear the seventh dynamic we must be able to have all viewpoints in the game in session at the same time, to get commands thru, to cause some restimulation, and to clear it out.
8D: The eighth dynamic is cleared by addressing the creation of everything in it.
The point is: a dynamic is cleared by having that dynamic in session. Your 6th dynamic is not some thoughts you have in your head - it is what you are walking around in. I am not necessarily saying that the clearing can't be done telepathically, I am just saying that the right dynamic must be addressed. Handling one's own considerations about 2D, one's problems with MEST, other beings that are stuck in one's space, and so forth, has nothing to do with clearing the 2nd, 6th, 7th, or any other dynamic. It has to do with clearing the 1st dynamics relation to those dynamics and is very valid for that. But don't mistake the different actions.
You are not "cause over all dynamics" if you are still stuck in a body, having the same boring job, unable to organize effective groups, not to mention mankind, and so forth.
What can easily happen is that one skips a gradient. One would naturally expand one's state of case from the first dynamic on to the second, third etc. However the later dynamics might seem more confrontable, if one doesn't quite understand them, and the difficult 3rd and 4th dynamics can be overlooked.
Many people have had their first dynamic very well cleared. Many have also had their second dynamic cleared so that they are cause over groups with about 2 people in them. Now, when it comes to 3rd dynamic, it is a different matter. Being Clear on 3D would mean that the group one is in would be rational. LRH has by far come the closest to this. And obviously the 4th dynamic is not Clear for anybody on this planet.
Clearing can be said to be the basic game here. When all 8 dynamics have been cleared thru the gradients of Mind, Operation, Static - the game is over. That is what we are trying to do here. You don't go OT on all dynamics and then start playing the game, that is the wrong sequence. However, going OT on the first dynamic will certainly help clearing the other dynamics.
This doesn't change the fact that anybody can get out of the game by help of clearing. Being exterior to the game might end it for the individual, but it doesn't win the game.
Now, let's try to establish what the 3 gradients of Clear means for each dynamic. This is a quick attempt at that:
1D: | Mind: | Life Clear. Rational and un-reacting in thinking about personal activities. |
Operation: | Freedom from a body. Able to move and act. | |
Static: | Full cause over creation of own beingness. | |
2D: | Mind: | No restimulation generated in a relation. |
Operation: | Able to do things with a relation. | |
Static: | Cause over creating and uncreating a relation. | |
3D: | Mind: | Groups with rational responses. |
Operation: | Groups that can do things. | |
Static: | Cause over creating and uncreating groups. | |
4D: | Mind: | A rational species. |
Operation: | A species that causes its own destiny. | |
Static: | Able to create or uncreate a species. | |
5D: | Mind: | No restimulation between life. |
Operation: | All life working together. | |
Static: | Able to create or uncreate life. | |
6D: | Mind: | A rational universe. |
Operation: | The whole universe working together. | |
Static: | Able to create or uncreate the physical universe. | |
7D: | Mind: | Rational relations between all viewpoints. |
Operation: | Co-action of all viewpoints. | |
Static: | Able to create or uncreate all viewpoints. | |
8D: | Mind: | Rational contemplation of creating the game. |
Operation: | Able to finish the whole game. | |
Static: | Able to create or uncreate the game. |
Skipping a gradient is likely to cause some bypass charge. E.g. if one tries to wrap up the 6th and 7th dynamic before one has mastered 2, 3, 4, and 5, the charge on those will be restimulated. Specifically that would cause upsets in personal relations, group problems, stops in society, body problems, and that sort of stuff.
The application of the tech to dynamics higher than 1 must be worked out. The most needed area in the first place is the 3rd dynamic.
Technical Essay # 22 - FAF 21 December 1990
More on Dynamics
The Dynamics can be described in different ways:
¥ spheres of influence or operation, bigger and bigger areas.
¥ various states of awareness or ability.
¥ a cycle of action of creating an effect
The dynamics can be regarded as various representations of "Self". The higher dynamic the closer we are getting to the basic origin of things. The lower the dynamic, the more we are talking about the results.
Full erasure of anything or everything can only be done by identifying the 8th dynamic aspect, or rather by viewing the aspects of all the dynamics. One's own causation of things is found on higher dynamics, not on lower. With "Self" I mean all dynamics, not just the 1st. The first is the effect, not the cause. Saying Self is sort of paradoxical since all of it both is and isn't oneself.
Clearing the first dynamic basically amounts to identifying what the effects are. Not just what one is effect of, but what one is as an effect, how one is represented as an individual. Erasure of 1D case is basically identifying the point of being effect. In doing that one doesn't really have to be effect, if one has fully found what the effect is. That is an erasure or clearing for 1D, but only a meager release as far as the higher dynamics are concerned. Restimulating charge from higher dynamics will inevitably create new effects on the 1D. But again, identifying what those effects are would clear 1D again.
8D | is the infinite pool of potentialities that actualities can be taken out of. No games conditions. Just knowingness. |
7D | is being source, causing something "from the outside", making it happen without necessarily any reason and without being involved in it. |
6D | is the actual creation of a game and a playing field. |
5D | is the establishment of players and pieces inside the game. |
4D | is the election of category of player. |
3D | is grouping by selected strategy. |
2D | is the interaction between players. |
1D | is the experiencing of playing the game. |
That is pretty rough, I don't understand this fully yet.
As mentioned 1D would be cleared by identifying and being able to identify what it is that one is experiencing, what the effects are. And by realizing that it is something one is experiencing and "mocking up" as per the Clear Cog. And one should be able to experience and be effect at will.
Similarly, the 2D would be cleared by viewing what interactions happen between players and being able to spot them. And gaining the ability to enter into any of those interactions
3D is cleared by becoming able to spot groupings and different strategies. Or implement them. Becoming able to change strategy, activity, and grouping at will.
4D is cleared by having identified all categories of players and being able to spot them at any time. And being able assume any of the categories, being able to be any level or type of player. Free to assume any standard identity.
5D is cleared by identifying all "Play Units", that is all active internal individual agents in the game. And being able to assume any of those specific viewpoints.
6D is cleared by viewing the total game and universe and everything in it. And becoming able to start, change, or stop it.
7D is cleared by identifying all specific causation, all outside the game postulates relating to this probability space.
8D is cleared by identifying all implemented potentialities, and becoming able to know any and all potentialities.
What I have called the Life Levels corresponds to clearing 1D, the Operation Levels (should) correspond to clearing 2D and 3D, the Static Levels would be 4D, 5D and 6D, and the Infinity Levels would cover clearing of 7D and 8D.
I retract my earlier doubts about the completeness of the 8 dynamics. These dynamics are more than enough for containing and categorizing all of existence and non-existence.
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