Technical Essay # 23 - FAF 25 December 1990
Dynamic Speculations
Type of tech for each dynamic
Clearing the dynamics for one "self" or as a whole are two different things. Clearing a certain 3rd dynamic (group) is a different activity with a different tech than clearing a certain being on the 3rd dynamic. The tech used for clearing specific 3rd dynamics should be part of the "education" for a being cleared on the 3rd dynamic. Same with the other dynamics.
Different flavors of tech seem to go with different dynamics. Maybe like this:
Dynamic | Typical Tech |
1D: | Ethics |
2D: | Auditing |
3D: | Admin / PR |
4D: | Evaluation / Missions |
5D: | Permeation / Approximation |
6D: | Mathematics / Physics |
7D: | Art |
8D: | Imagination |
Each dynamic can be cleared as an other-determined action by the senior tech of the dynamic above it. E.g. the 1D who can't take the right decisions in life can receive auditing which is sort of a 2D activity. A 2D that doesn't clear by itself can be organized, etc. 8D can be cleared by applying aesthetics. Ethics clears 0D= the lack of a dynamic.
So, one keeps one's 1D clear by applying ethics and taking the right steps. One get's it cleared through a connection (an auditor).
One clears one's 2D by seeking out some connections and handling whatever is restimulated by doing that until no connections produce restimulation. Or one submits to an organization designed to bring up and clear aberrated connections.
One clears one's 3D by administrating all sorts of different groupings and strategies. And by handling organizations of case, org boards etc.
One clears one's 4D by assuming different identities and clearing their charge. Identity Clearing. GPM. Personality change.
5D by assuming different viewpoints and clearing their charge. Permeation and approximation. Removing any redundant universe or viewpoint.
6D by addressing physical universe directly. Drilling actual direct control over universe. Telekinesis. Making other full universes. Creative processing. Paradoxes.
7D by encompassing all vectors that are active. Above-duality "reasons" for causing.
8D by travelling to alternate probability spaces and identifying their limitations. Admiring the aesthetics of that.
Model of Dynamics
The dynamics can be represented well as concentric circles above each other. Each higher dynamic doesn't only span a wider field, but also is senior and is shaping the lower dynamic from above.
Dynamics and the Org Board
The dynamics seem to go along with the org board and the awareness levels to some extent.
Dynamic | Division | Awareness levels | Activity |
1 | 1 | Recognition Communication Perception |
Perceive, realize what is going on, keep in ethics. |
2 | 2 | Orientation Understanding Enlightenment |
Get in touch with whoever else is around, understand them, enlighten them. |
3 | 3 | Energy Adjustment Body |
Put together what it takes to have a game. |
4 | 4 | Prediction Activity Production |
Produce what category of beingness requires |
5 | 5 | Result Correction Ability |
Adjusting viewpoints. |
6 | 6 | Purposes Clearing Realization |
Expansion of the universe. |
7 | 7 | Conditions Existence Source |
Sort out the cause of things. |
8 | 8 | Possibilities Limitations Totalities |
Knowing how the actual possibilities fit into the total possibilities. |
Well, I don't know, doesn't totally fit. But it might be useful for something.
Who's dynamics are we clearing
Clearing dynamics for one being or for the agreed upon universe is two different things. One being might clear his dynamics without doing for everybody else.
We are trying to clear a being's dynamics in order for him to better play the game of life. We are trying to remove the unnecessary aberrations in his dynamics in his own universe. That doesn't require as-ising the dynamics in the "physical" universe. But he can then play with the actual dynamics in the playing field.
Clearing the agreed-upon dynamics of the playing field pretty much amounts to playing the game. It seems to be the purpose of the current game to do just that: sort out what is really going on here and clearing it. In that respect clearing the agreed upon 6th dynamic would mean the dismantling of the physical universe for everybody.
Who's Who
Different personal pronouns apply depending on which dynamic one is talking about. Corollary, the use of pronoun indicates which dynamic one places something, e.g. charge.
Maybe like this:
1D: | I |
2D: | You |
3D: | We |
4D: | Everybody |
5D: | Everything |
6D: | Everywhere |
7D: | Source |
8D: | Static |
The selection of dynamic indicates placement of responsibility and degree of as-isness. The higher the dynamic, the closer we are to the truth about the matter. Let's take an example:
1: "I have a headache". There is the effect of a headache in the point known as "I". Identification with the piece of case.
2: "Hello headache, What are you?". Differentiating the case as something that is not I. What/Who etc.
3: "There is a headache in the area, let's organize it". Dealing with the case from an exterior viewpoint. It is not I or somebody else, just something to deal with.
4: "Who or what would have a headache, which category of personality, how does it fit in?". Sorting it out as a game. Beingnesses.
5: "View the headache from all possible viewpoints". Sorting it out as a spatial phenomena.
6: "Which universe is it part of, is this an active universe?". Sorting it out as creation or acreation of universes.
7: "Why is it being put there, what is the lesson?". Sorting it out as knowing causation from outside the universe.
8: "Which limitation of potentialities makes this possible?". Looking at it as a blanking out of certain possibilities.
Changes in consciousness after clearing each dynamic
1D: It no longer makes sense to say "I" in connection with case. Also, the time sequence mechanism is gone, nothing is before or after anything else when it comes to case. One can connect or unconnect with case by implying that "I" is effect of it or not.
2,3D: It no longer makes a difference if the case is in this area or not. Spatial relations of case become inconsequential. One can connect or unconnect with case by relation in space.
4,5,6D: Which universe it is, if it "actually" happened or not becomes inconsequential. Mass and energy has nothing to do with it. One connects or unconnects case by deciding to be or not be in (create) that universe.
7,8D: Who caused it and why becomes meaningless, all that exists is certain limitations of infinity. Case is connected or unconnected by adding or removing limitations.
Reason for dynamics
Dynamics are a method of keeping a distance and a gradient scale of alter-is between cause and effect, to camouflage it. 8D is closest to "who one really is", but one is experiencing the game from a 1D. 8D is the origin of cause, 7D is cause. 1D is effect, the point to experience things from. It is a scheme to allow experiencing of things.
The farthest we can take the first dynamic as such is to a knowing experiencing of what is "really" there. Which is what we do by making a Clear. Further gains and levels of cause are on other dynamics.
Dyn 0: Is effect and doesn't realize it.
Dyn 1: Is effect, knows it and experiences it .
Dyn 6: Is cause and doesn't know it
Dyn 7: Is cause and knows it.
Dyn 8: Knows all possibilities of cause and non cause. Full knowingness
Dynamics and condition formulas
Dynamic | Condition | Formula |
1 | Confusion | Where am I? |
2 | Treason | What are you? |
3 | Enemy | Who are you really? |
4 | Doubt/Liability | To be or not to be? |
5 | Non-existence | Get a stable viewpoint |
6 | Normal | Improve conditions in the universe |
7 | Affluence | Evaluate plus-points |
8 | Power | Know everything |
Dynamics and triangles
0D | Non-ex as being | No Understanding | Total randomity |
1D | Have | Reality | Knowledge (about) |
2D 3D |
Do | Communication | Control |
4D 5D 6D |
Be | Affinity | Responsibility |
7D 8D |
Existence as being | Understanding | Power (Static) |
Degrees of Mastery
The dynamics can be used as a model of the bridge. As the spheres of influence to conquer to achieve spiritual development. Each dynamic represents an area to clear. Each also represents certain skills or tech that it would be useful to have. Taken together the path could be presented to the public as degrees of spiritual mastery.
E.g. First Degree mastery requires that one is Clear and knows how to keep one's ethics in. Second Degree requires that one can relate to any being anywhere and one knows what to do with them. That would include training as a Clearing Practitioner. Third degree would require that charge on groups is handled and one knows how to start, change and stop groups and games. That naturally includes Admin tech and games theory. And so forth.
8 |
Infinity |
Ability to make anything possible |
s |
7 |
Cause |
Ability to cause anything that is possible. |
z |
6 |
Creation |
Ability to create or uncreate universes. |
z |
5 |
Viewpoints |
Ability to see anything, anywhere. |
z |
4 |
Beingness |
Ability to assume any beingness. |
z |
3 |
Games |
Ability to start, stop, and play any game. |
z |
2 |
Interaction |
Ability to interact with anyone, anywhere. |
z |
1 |
Experience |
Ability to experience life exactly as it is. |
z |
We can say that we produce 1st degree Clears quite routinely. And second degree Clears can be obtained with OT level type of stuff without too much trouble. 3rd degree is where we are at right now. There have been a few Games Masters around, such as LRH, but we don't currently have a consistent way of producing really Operating thetans. That is a thing to solve.
We have some of the elements of sorting out the higher degree subjects, but probably not all.
Notice that certainty of freedom from bodies would go with the 4th degree. Full exterior perception comes with the 5th degree. Telekinesis and teleportation comes with 6th degree.
Dimensions of dynamics
One could speculate that the number of the dynamic corresponds to the number of dimensions one would have to be able to think in to understand it. On the first dynamic the only variable is you as an individual, that is one-dimensional. If we introduce another person and make it 2D there is another variable dimension. And 3 or more people in a group we have 3 dimensions. And so forth. Except for that the eighth dynamic would have an infinity of dimensions, if it makes sense to talk about that at all.
Technical Essay # 24 - FAF 29 December 1990
Topology of Scales
The philosophical basics of our subject include a bunch of scales, cycles, and triangles. Most of these interrelate and are consistent with each other. And, quite interestingly, each shape converts to any of the other.
There are three basic shapes:
Ascension: A gradient scale of characteristics going from low to high. Higher points are usually regarded as more attractive. E.g. the emotional tone scale. |
Cycle: The sequential steps of getting something done. The ending of one sequence often leads right into a new sequence. E.g. Start-Change-Stop. |
Balance: A triangle symbolizing the balance between several subjects. A comparable amount of each is regarded as desirable. E.g. the ARC triangle. |
Different subjects are traditionally presented in one of the three shapes. However, they all convert to any of the other two. These conversions can illuminate the inherent characteristics of these scales.
For example the tone scale. Used as an ascension it shows the direction to go for more desirable emotions. Used as a cycle it describes the emotional characteristics of a cycle of action. It starts on 40.0, changes through the whole range, and ends at 0.0, death, after which a new cycle can start at 40. Used as a balance it indicates that it would be desirable to have a balance between the different parts of it. That goes along with the midpoint (20-22) representing optimum randomity.
Start-Change-Stop is a cycle of action. It could also be seen as a scale. Stop, that is being stopped or stopping, is the least desirable. Change is better. And Starting is the most upscale part of it. Now, looking at it as a triangle, we learn that a balance between starting, changing, and stopping would be a good idea.
The ARC triangle represents 3 different subjects that form a whole called Understanding if they are in balance. However, as a scale Affinity is highest, Communication in the middle, and Reality lowest. As a cycle we can see that if one starts with Affinity (being in proximity to something or someone), exchanges Communication, to gain Reality, then one has achieved Understanding. It is the natural sequence of doing it.
Now, the catch is that with most of these scales none of the three shapes is the right one. They are just different facets of the same thing. One has to comprehend all three to fully understand the subject.
For example: Be-Do-Have is a sequence of attaining something. It can be a never-ending cycle where one uses the Havingness one gets as Beingness to start a new cycle with. But Be is the least aberrated of the three and Have the most aberrated according to the ascension look. However, all three aspects must be in balance for optimum result. All three ways of looking at it are equally true. The trick is to use the right frame of reference in the right situation.
Interestingly the three shapes of scales are a higher harmonic of what they represent. The balanced triangle represents Be, the cycle of action represents Do, the ascending scale represents Have.
These principles illustrate the paradoxial nature of the basics of the universe. They are not only useful tools, they show the basic traps built into the universe. Such as when you do something you get Death. What you desire you become. When you improve, the game goes out of balance. Whichever way you go you end up the same place. What appears to be the way out is an endless loop.
This universe is a testbed for infinity-valued logic, you have to use gradient scales to figure it out. However, this is not simple infinity-valued logic, there are some warps in it. You have to be able to think in several dimensions to figure this one out.
All the scales and triangles and so forth are basically lies. They apply in this universe, but they have to be transcended in the course of spiritual development.
Technical Essay # 25 - FAF 3 January 1991
Dynamics Again
Definitions of Clearing
Clearing can be regarded from a different angle depending on which dynamic we look at. So, clearing can be defined in at least 8 different ways. None is more important than the other per se, they just belong in different spheres.
8 | Resolving areas of limitation |
7 | Resolving postulates |
6 | Resolving compulsive creation |
5 | Resolving fixed or old viewpoints |
4 | Resolving fixed or old beingnesses |
3 | Resolving unfinished games |
2 | Resolving other's case one is misowning |
1 | Resolving experience blocks |
Stable Terminals
To clear a dynamic we need a stable terminal to do it with. That has to be a terminal that doesn't react with lower dynamic charge that creates Q&A.
Therefore, one can't very well clear oneself on the 1st dynamic. One isn't a safe terminal, one is reacting. One needs somebody else who acts as a Clear in that area and who doesn't Q&A with one's reactions, but who is just effective. That other person basically has to be clear on the clients 1D, that is he shouldn't bring his own case into the session. In lieu of having another terminal one could acomplish a bit with Ethics alone, but that is difficult.
The 2nd dynamic requires a clear 1st dynamic to clear it. If that doesn't exist one would react 1D wise to one's interaction with others and won't get to clear the charge. In other words we can successfully do "solo" clearing when the 1D is cleared.
Likewise one won't be very successful clearing 3D unless one is clear on 2D. That is, a group issue would be clouded by inter-personal charge.
Same thing with the other dynamics.
Dynamic Case Cracking
In the logical order of going up the bridge we would handle 1D charge first, then 2D, then 3D, etc. However, there could be several reasons for doing otherwise.
We might need a higher dynamic as a stable space to allow clearing of lower dynamics. For example, the creation of a 3rd dynamic despite 1D and 2D charge might allow clearing to happen where otherwise it wouldn't have happened. The Church is an example of that. It also shows that one can successfully create a 3D despite lower dynamic charge. It might have problems, but it is possible and often necessary to do it. In that fashion we use a higher dynamic as a bypass mechanism. By the same method a common 4D enemy or cause would tend to temporarily release 3D issues.
It might actually be said that we can't create a safe space to clear lower dynamics without putting higher dynamics in some sort of order.
Also, with some people we might have to restimulate a higher dynamic in order to create a case entrance. Somebody who doesn't want to or be able to do anything about his 1D might by cracked in a group setting. That covers the reasons for occasional success of group therapies.
Any dynamic can be used as leverage to bring up lower dynamics. Showing a person that reaction happens in interaction with others (2D) can open the door to 1D. Or aberration in a group setting can. Or by putting attention on 4D issues, e.g. war. Or 5D, e.g. pollution. Or by discussing the structure of the universe, e.g. mathematics or physics. Or by bringing up the subject of spiritual influences, 7D. Or the overall cosmic whole of things, 8D. Different dynamics might appeal to different people and make them see that something needs to be cleared.
Another way of looking at it is: where can we find the need of change of this person. Which dynamic does he want improved. We can put attention on a higher dynamic ruin, restimulate 1D with it and handle that. The actual higher dynamic charge is not likely to be available.
New types of Processing
Clearing dynamics from 2 and up might require new methods that are different from the traditional 1 on 1 session. It is doubtful if one can really clear the higher dynamics that way.
For example, group sessions might be required to clear 3D. Getting together a group of people and restimulating some charge and staying in session until it is cleared. The exact format and method of doing that would have to be developed. Possibly these people would have to have been cleared on 1D and 2D first.
To some degree clearing of entities could be regarded as group sesssions. However, they are not the real 3D. They are more like reactive pictures of real 3Ds. We need to have some real 3Ds in session.
Relations between Dynamics
Any dynamic carries aspects of all the other dynamics. Those aspects can be mistaken for, but aren't, the actual dynamics.
For example: a person might have pets and be nice to animals. That means that his 1D has a good relation to 5D. He can have effects from the 5D. That doesn't necessarily mean that he is in good shape on the actual 5D. 5D is all things living in the universe. It is not just a house pet, it is a sphere of influence of incredible magnitude compared to that.
In clearing each dynamic in order we would naturally also clear the relations to other dynamics. When we are clearing 1D we would make sure the person could have effects from any of the other dynamics. When we handle 2D we would also handle its relations to 1D, 3D, etc.
The Road to Clearing of all Dynamics
Degree |
Name |
Subjects Cleared |
Ability Regained |
8 |
s |
Master of Infinity Infinity Clear |
Ability to make anything possible | ||
z |
Possibilities |
Anything possible. | Knowledge of all that might be. | |
z |
Limits |
Any limits to possibilities. | Freedom from limits. | |
z |
Actualities |
Anything actual. | Awareness of all that is. | |
7 |
s |
Master of Cause |
Ability to cause anything that is possible | ||
z |
Source |
The potentials of a being. | Achieving one's full potential as a being. | |
z |
Cause |
New postulates | Ability to postulate anything. | |
z |
Postulates |
Persisting postulates. | Freedom from postulates. | |
6 |
s |
Master of Creation Static Clear |
Abiltiy to create or uncreate universes | ||
z |
Magic |
Illusions, Telekinesis. | Ability to create perceivable illusions in any universe. | |
z |
Creation |
Creation of universes. | Ability to create new universes. | |
z |
Universes |
Persistent universes. | Ability to choose universe. | |
5 |
s |
Master of Viewpoints |
Ability to see anything, anywhere | ||
z |
Approximation |
Ways of viewing. | Ability to approximate any reality. | |
z |
Permeation |
Locations to view. | Ability to visit any location. | |
z |
Remote Viewpoints |
Unknown remote viewpoints. | Recovery of remote viewpoints. | |
4 |
s |
Master of Beingness |
Ability to make and unmake any category of beingness. Freedom from humanity. | ||
z |
Categories |
Creation of categories | Ability to make new categories of beingness. | |
z |
Species |
Species aberrations. | Ability to affect a whole species. | |
z |
Roles |
Beingness creation drills. | Ability to assume any personality. | |
z |
Personality |
The basic personality one is using. | Freedom from a fixed personality. | |
3 |
s |
Games Master Operation Clear |
Ability to start, stop, and play any game | ||
z |
Games Making |
Practice in the creation of games. | Ability to make games | |
z |
Games |
Unfinished games. | Freedom from past games | |
z |
Administration |
Training in the techniques of administration. | Able to manage groups | |
z |
Groups |
Group aberrations. | Able to confront and understand groups | |
z |
Perception |
Exterior perception drills. | Exterior perceptions | |
z |
Creativity |
Creative processing. | Able to create what is needed | |
z |
Abilities |
Creations blocking abilities. | Able to expand abilities at will | |
z |
Attention |
Attention drills. | Ability to move attention freely | |
z |
Connections |
Connections through time and space. | Freedom from forgotten connections | |
2 |
s |
Master of Interaction |
Ability to interact with anyone, anywhere | ||
z |
Interaction |
Past and current interaction with other beings. | Freedom from negative results of interaction | |
z |
Telepathy |
Telepathy drills. | Ability to communicate without physical means | |
z |
Mind Control |
Infiltrated thought. | Freedom from other-determined thought | |
z |
Clearing |
Training in the techniques of Clearing. | Ability to clear others | |
z |
Intention |
Intention. | Ability to project intention | |
z |
Exteriorization |
Body dependency. | Ability to leave the body at will | |
z |
Entities |
Other beings in one's space. | Recovery of own space | |
z |
Implants |
Artificial overwhelming incidents. | Freedom from artificial incidents | |
1 |
s |
Master of Experience Life Clear |
Ability to experience life exactly as it is | ||
z |
Experience |
Methods and subjects of experience. | Ability to confront effects | |
z |
Words |
Restimulative words, Misunderstood words. | Freedom from the aberrative factors of words & language | |
z |
Identities |
Identities, negative intentions. | Freedom from negative intentions and identities | |
z |
Incidents |
Past Traumatic Incidents. | Freedom from effects of past experience | |
z |
Power |
Attention stuck in time. | Ability to hold one's position | |
z |
Rightness |
Fixed ideas, Right/Wrong mechanisms | Freedom from fixed conditions | |
z |
Change |
Upsets, Changes. | Ability to confront changes | |
z |
Ethics |
Perpetrations, Withholds, Self-limitation, Ethics, Justice. | Freedom from a need to withhold one's actions | |
z |
Problems |
Responsibility, Problems, Objective awareness. | Ability to have or not have problems | |
z |
Communication |
Barriers to communication. | Ability to communicate freely under any conditions | |
z |
Memory |
Recall, Pleasure moments. | Ability to recall the past | |
z |
Drugs |
Bodily and mental effects of drug use. | Free from the harmful effects of drugs | |
z |
Help |
Blocks for getting Clearing. | Ability to improve |
Technical Essay # 26 - FAF 12 January 91
Clearing Coordinates
I started writing this as TE#18. However I couldn't really get it into place before looking at the subjects of the last few TEs.
There are really more than two directions (Positive, Negative) of Clearing as I claimed before.
They can both be regarded as being parallel and as being different directions.
We have to look at a bigger picture to understand what it is about.
The new look on the dynamics and the topology of scales surprisingly give the key to solving it.
There are several ways of dividing clearing processes and actions into two groups of characteristics:
¥ Positive/Negative
¥ Objective/Subjective
¥ Havingness/Exteriorization
¥ Mass/Significance
Let me explain the categories further:
Positive: | Putting something there to clear and thereby clearing away similar charge. E.g. grades, creative, drills, spacation. |
Negative: | Removing what is already there by identifying and inspecting it. E.g. engrams, entities, creations, attention units, implants, identities. |
Objective: | Putting attention on what is really out there, not on oneself. Extroverted. E.g. objectives, creative, entities, attention units. |
Subjective: | Putting attention on what one is carrying around. Introverted. E.g. engrams, grades, postulates, implants, identities. |
Havingness: | Processes that increase one's ability to confront and deal with things. E.g. havingness, objectives, creative, drills, grades |
Exteriorization: | Processes that get one disconnected and out of things. E.g. attention units, entities, postulates, cause. |
Significance: | Putting attention on the meaning and causes of things. E.g. implants, identities, postulates. |
Mass: | Getting rid of stuff without worrying about what it means. E.g. grades, entities |
Same Thing
We can regard each of the four pairs to represent basically the same thing. We then have two groups: one is mainly dealing with the effects at hand, the other with the (possibly aberrated) causes of things. The first ideally concerns dynamic 1-4 subjects and the second dynamic 5-8 subjects.
1-4 | 5-8 |
Positive | Negative |
Objective | Subjective |
Havingness | Exteriorization |
Mass | Significance |
What this tells us is that when clearing dynamics 1 through 4 we aren't really close to the real causes of things. Therefore in our main line of processing we would just seek to approximate charge (with positive clearing), we would deal with what we can experience (Objective), we would bring up the person's ability to deal with what is actually there (Havingness) and we would just clear away Mass without being too concerned with what it means. Adds up to about the same thing, right?
Then, when clearing dynamic 5 through 8, we have a much better chance for finding the real truth about things. So, we will try to find exactly what is there and as-is it (Negative), we will recognize the pc as cause and find out how he did it (Subjective), we will therefore be able to get him out of it permanently (Exteriorization), and he will finally see the actual Significance that has been hiding behind the mass.
Notice that we aren't strictly adhering to this on the bridge. The reason is balance and I'll explain more about that later.
We can also regard the 4 pairs of characteristics as basically different things. We can then make a table of all the possible combinations of them and which processes fall in which category:
Pos-Obj-Hav-Mass: | creative, havingness |
Pos-Obj-Hav-Sig: | making postulates |
Pos-Obj-Ext-Mass: | creation and not-is |
Pos-Obj-Ext-Sig: | spreading lies |
Pos-Sub-Hav-Mass: | most grades |
Pos-Sub-Hav-Sig: | hypnosis |
Pos-Sub-Ext-Mass: | self-auditing |
Pos-Sub-Ext-Sig: | Avatar |
Neg-Obj-Hav-Mass: | clean out your room |
Neg-Obj-Hav-Sig: | LTA (implants in alternate realities) |
Neg-Obj-Ext-Mass: | purification, entities |
Neg-Obj-Ext-Sig: | postulate thetans |
Neg-Sub-Hav-Mass: | lock scanning |
Neg-Sub-Hav-Sig: | misunderstood words |
Neg-Sub-Ext-Mass: | engrams |
Neg-Sub-Ext-Sig: | postulates, identities, implants |
Well, that strains the mind a bit and is probably not all that useful or precise. Some of the categories aren't very desirable. Probably the combination of just Pos/Neg and Sub/Obj would be more appropriate:
Negative | Positive | |
Subjective (Introverted) | Engram running, Identities, Implants |
Most grades processes (Recall something, What could you say to a policeman) |
Objective (Extroverted) | Purification RD Entities |
Objectives Creative processing |
Such groupings of processes could be useful in understanding better what we are trying to accomplish in each.
Gradient Scales
We could also regard each pair as a gradient scale.
Going from Positive to Negative is a gradient scale going from sheer guessing, approximation, and drilling to exact inspection of true causes.
Objective to Subjective is a gradient scale from dealing with is-ness to dealing with as-isness.
Havingness to Exteriorization is a scale from maximum involvement to maximum uninvolvement.
Mass to Significance is a scale going from maximum alter-is and persistence to light and direct access to meanings. A mass is basically just a significance that has been made to persist by altering it.
There are lower harmonics and cycles in these things. For example will we initially be interested in getting a pc to take his attention out of introverted, subjective subjects to looking objectively, extroverted at what is actually there. Same phenomenon like that the tone scale has many harmonics and sub-cycles to it.
In the same fashion as we could convert ARC and Be-Do-Have and so forth between several different forms, we can learn something about the bridge by incorporating several different views.
The characteristics given above can be looked at as either Ascension, Balance, or Cycle.
Mass-Significance can be looked at as a gradient scale ascension. At the bottom there is mainly a lot of mass and the significances are nowhere to be seen. At the top the mass is practically gone and there are just light significances.
Mass-Significance can also be looked at as a balance. A comparable amount of each makes for the most optimum game. Mass without significance is overwhelming. Significance without mass is boring.
Mass-Significance can also be regarded as a cycle. It is what we do in a process. We start with a mass and when we've worked through it the significances are visible, which shows as a cognition.
Same thing with Positive/Negative, Objective/Subjective, Havingness/Exteriorization.
A Triangle
"Auditing is a game of exteriorization versus havingness".
This is a very important statement as regards to the balance of clearing.
Possibly we can incorporate these subjects into a triangle. I will claim that Havingness and Exteriorization go together with Logic to add up to Clearing.
In other words, to achieve clearing, there must be a balance of exteriorization, havingness, and logic. Increasing
one corner can increase the other two
The Bridge
The three subjects of Exteriorization, Havingness, and Logic can also be regarded as three different directions, such as in a coordinate system. Going up the bridge requires going simultaneously in all three directions in a balanced way.
Now, we can regard Exteriorization as an Ascension of states of beingness. Havingness is a Balance. Logic is a
sequence of application of Cycles
We can plot the eight dynamics in each direction as respectively a state of beingness, an sphere of havingness, and a logical sequence of steps. The sequence of steps are the levels of the bridge and its resultant increase in logic and its rewards: the increase in exteriorization and havingness.
None of the three directions make much sense unless balanced out by the other two. Going through the steps without
increasing exteriorization and havingness is meaningless. Going for exteriorization and logic without havingness,
which is what most people have done wrong, doesn't get to the goal either
Since it is a little awkward to think in three dimensions, let's forget about the logic part for now and look just a exteriorization and havingness in two dimensions.
Getting to "the top of the bridge" requires a balance of exteriorization and havingness. An eighth dynamic
exteriorization with an eighth dynamic havingness. Most likely the ideal way of accomplishing that is to bring
up one dynamic at a time in each direction. An imbalance can give rise to unpleasant experiences. E.g. a typical
"OT" with a 6D exteriorization and a 1D havingness will have some problems with havingness and is likely
to pull in a lot of strange case. A yogi asket on a mountain top might be an 8D exteriorization with a 0 havingness.
A world banker might have a 4D havingness and a 1D exteriorization
We can include the third direction, Logic, in the same fashion. Possibly it might also make sense to take each axis into the negative into degree of stuckness (Ðexteriorization), compulsiveness (Ðhavingness), and illogic (Ðlogic). That would give rise to descriptions of a wide range of situations.
One aspect of balance that doesn't quite fit into this model here is that in a way all dynamics must be taken into consideration at the same time. The way we do the bridge now contains elements that belong on different dynamics. If all aspects aren't taken into consideration there will be imbalances.
This fits in somehow of course. Just means I haven't finalized the multi-dimensional, multi-harmonic, topographical, paradoxial, holographic model of clearing yet. Quite puzzling stuff.
Grade |
Name |
Subjects Cleared |
Ability Regained |
s |
Life Clear |
A well and happy human being who can comfortably experience life without reactive responses. | |||
12 |
z |
Experience |
Methods and subjects of experience. | Ability to experience effects comfortably. | |
11 |
z |
Words |
Restimulative words, Misunderstood words. | Freedom from the aberrative factors of words & language | |
10 |
z |
Identities |
False identities, negative intentions. | Freedom from negative intentions and identities | |
9 |
z |
Incidents |
Past Traumatic Incidents. | Freedom from effects of past traumatic experiences | |
8 |
z |
Power |
Attention stuck in time. | Ability to hold one's position in present time | |
7 |
z |
Rightness |
Fixed ideas, Right/Wrong mechanisms | Freedom from fixed conditions | |
6 |
z |
Change |
Upsets, Changes. | Ability to confront sudden changes | |
5 |
z |
Ethics |
Perpetrations, Withholds, Self-limitation, Ethics, Justice. | Freedom from a need to withhold one's actions | |
4 |
z |
Problems |
Responsibility, Problems, Worries, Objective awareness. |
Ability to have or not have problems | |
3 |
z |
Communication |
Barriers to communication. | Ability to communicate freely | |
2 |
z |
Memory |
Recall, Pleasure moments. | Ability to recall the past comfortably. | |
1 |
z |
Drugs |
Bodily and mental effects of drug use. | Free from the harmful effects of drugs | |
0 |
z |
Help |
Blocks for getting Clearing. Major areas of fixed attention or stress. |
Ability to improve |
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