The Manual of the Oxford Capacity Analysis

Editor's Note: The names of traits A-J have been updated to modern language. Thus there are some changes in choice of words in some columns from the original ones used in this manual. The updated traits, and their definitions, have been  placed in sharp brackets at the beginning of the description of each pair of traits.

See our page with example results for "getting mass" on what the test results look like.

... Trait A
... Trait B
... Trait C
... Trait D
... Trait E
... Trait F
... Trait G
... Trait H
... Trait I
... Trait J


The purpose of this test is to provide a reliable measurement of the various temperamental factors which combine to produce the behavior tendencies of an individual. This test is the outcome of many years of research and the authors wish to thank the facilities for research afforded by the Guidance Council of Washington, D.C., Phoenix, Camden New Jersey, London, Johannesburg and Melbourne.

This test, when combined with a thorough knowledge of Freezone processing, with the Chart of Attitudes and the Tone Scale of Human Behavior, will quickly lead to a most accurate assessment of any factor necessary to resolve or to provide the greatest benefit to any individual being tested.

This test has also been thoroughly validated by the Freudian Foundation of America where before and after Scientometries, both on individuals and with the use of group therapies, the emotional stability of the individual has been clearly indicated. Using the test as a guide to processing the most important syndromes of the individual may be quickly estimated.

The test results are divided into traits and trait-opposites, headed A to J, and the word trait as used in this test indicates a set of behavior patterns and tendencies sufficiently defined to be measured and effectively noted. The questions which go to make up the various traits in this test are based on a broad outline of the individual's reactions to very many different life situations.


By reliability is meant the degree of precision with which a test measures what it measures. One common measure of the reliability of a test is the co-efficient of correlation between two forms of the same test. The average co-efficient taken over a period of the last three years using two entirely different tests yet similar in intention show the Oxford Capacity Analysis to have a co-efficient average of .96.

Another measure of reliability is the co-efficient of co-relation between the various traits of a single test. This is virtually a co-relation between various forms of a short test, each one tenth as long as the full test, the short tests given we might say, simultaneously. To correct co-efficient of co-relation between the one tenth tests, one usually uses the Brown-Speannan formula to obtain the co-responding co-efficient for two or more full length tests given in the same circumstances. Co-efficient average on a corrected co-efficient works out as .92. Thus by the use of weighted scores any alteration in a before and after processing test that exceeds four points weighted, shows that there has been a change in personality factor on that trait.

Another measure of reliability which is entirely independant of the degree of heterogenity of the group is the probable error of a score (the Beta factor). By probable error of a score is meant the medium amount by which any person's actual score differs from his true score. While this form of test does have a certain test fatigue factor the person supervising the test can cut down the probable error readily by ensuring that the people or person taking the test is fully cognizant of the fact that this is in no way to be treated as an exam which he would pass or fail at and that he may take as long as he wishes to complete the paper.

Attempts at the willful defeat of a test by trying to answer either better or worse than the actuality, is not usually found to be a very heavy factor in the validity of the measurement. It the testee does this the answers are still valid since this gives the practitioner a measurement of what the individual considers to be good or bad. There is the further check of being able to have several other people, who know the testee well, answer the questions as applying to the testee. Changing the word in the test, "you" to the testee's name is all that is needed to make this a valid cross check upon the subject of this test.


Specific uses of the test are varied and can include any of the following:

1. Before and after Scientometries, for use in Clinics, or to be used by individual practitioners and counselors. The test not only may be used as an assessment of what needs to be done, but also as a measurement of what has been accomplished by the processing given.

2. A tool to be used in vocational Guidance and Occupational Selection. In this field there is a special form of the test which does show a person's reliability in a business organization, this test being known as the OCA (Business Analysis).

3. The diagnosis of the principle factor and necessary technique to aid those involved in the problems of unhappy marriages, problem youth, juvenile delinquency, unhappy parent-child relationships, exaggerated depression, inferiority or any other social problems involving the human being.

4. In schools, to detect the individuals badly in need of processing or counseling and to aid in looking at where they most need assistance, i.e. to ascertain which trait is interfering most with their wellbeingness and life relationship. This test might well be given to teachers as well as pupils. Where a person to be tested is under the age of fourteen it may be found necessary for the examiner to read the question to the testee, perhaps paraphrasing it so as not to lose its value, and the examiner marking the answer sheet according to the testee's reply.

5. To assist in marriage selection, marriage counseling and courtship quandaries. For example -One would not consider an ideal marriage where one of the couple is very minus on the traits, lacking in Responsibility, who is Withdrawn, Passive (Reactively Retarded) and Dispersed. If this situation existed on one of the couple who intended marriage, one would advise competent counseling or processing.

The taking of the test in itself has a certain therapeutic value for even without processing the mechanics of answering the test causes the individual to look at his attitudes in life and to become aware of where one is being too far out of line with an optimum attitude.


Inspect the answer sheet as a preliminary to scoring. Any inadequately entered marks, incomplete erasures or ambiguous marks should be corrected before scoring.

If two answers, i.e. positive and negative are marked for any single question, erase both and mark the middle column since the double marking in itself denotes that the answer should have been a mid or "maybe" answer. If a mid and one extreme are marked then erase the mid mark.

If there is no mark, mark the mid column with a cross and check the number on the margin. If there is more than one omission on any one trait return the answer sheet for completion.

If more than fifty per cent of the test shows mids the test is not valid except to show that the individual is completely uncertain in his attitude towards life, or he is unwilling, or unable to think through on the questions. This in itself would be the major consideration when deciding to take any action on the test.


Place the AB Acetate Scoring Stencil over the answer sheet ensuring that the questions are aligned. Then, using the top half of the sheet, add up all the scores above the actual marks showing and record for Trait A. Then record the marks for the answers in Trait B. Enter these scores in the box at the top right hand corner of the answer sheet. Do this for each trait, using the correct sheets.

Having obtained the un-weighted scores for each trait, select the percentile table according to the age and sex of the individual being tested. Under each trait heading look up the weighted score and read off its corresponding percentile. These are placed in the space provided at the top right hand corner of the answer sheet. Then, taking the Profile form, plot these percentiles on the Profile, by placing marks on the parallel lines connecting the plus and minus values and finally draw a colored line connecting these points. You will note that the profile is divided into two levels with a naught percentile being the mid point. Roughly speaking, any point on the minus side can be considered to be desirable of change. The more minus, the more in need of change. Any point which falls below -75 indicative of the urgent need for immediate improvement. Any trait above the zero is acceptable. The normal individual should be slightly above + 30.

On the right hand side of the Profile sheet will be seen figures from 0 to 200. The 100 mark indicates normal acceptable standard of behaviour. However, with the advance of therapies it has been found that with good counseling an individual is now capable of having his abilities and personality pushed up above what, at one time, would be considered norm. One can, therefore, expect to see in the near future people who are in actual fact more than hundred points efficient. This statement is in fact readily demonstrated and has been demonstrated over the past seven years of research.

When making a Profile one uses this right hand scale to find a mean norm of the individual. Thus, if five of the traits were at I 00 and the other traits were at a mean of 90 one would say that the individual was 95 per cent efficient. This data is, of course, for Practitioners and Business Capacity Assessors only and is simply intended as a quick guide.

If a person is below the 100 or mid point on the profile in most of the traits, and yet is way up on one or two traits only, one may consider that these two traits are in fact a euphoric condition and this should be looked at as a syndrome. A very close investigation of the individual's stability factor should readily show that here lies a critical factor.

In Trait D check question 22. If the answer is "yes"' draw a wavy line around the point on Trait E. Then check question 197, and if the answer is "yes" draw a wavy line around Trait B. The double positive indicates that the degree of activity or depression fluctuates and should be interpreted as such. If Trait D is also very low then these three factors form a syndrome which readily indicates an extremely unstable personality.

When a series of tests are given one should allow at least seven days and preferably ten days between each test to ensure validity of answer and when marking the Profile it would be best to use different colored pencils for each test given. It has been suggested that Blue be used for the first test, Red for the second, green for the third and Black lead for the fourth test. Very few therapies of to-days efficiency require more than four tests. The marking of a single profile sheet in this way produces another valid use for the test, i.e. the checking of efficiency of any processing technique used, since one can quickly assess whether or not the practitioner is "hitting the mark."

Weighted scoring should always be used in this test with the possible exception of when using the test for screening purposes, i.e. Employee Selection, when one could test large numbers of persons and on the results of an unweighted scored answer select individuals who may then be retested, using weighted scores thus obtaining maximum use of the data of the test.


The examiner must be able to use his judgment whether to show the completed profile to a testee. In many cases despite their natural curiosity it may not be wise to do so until some processing has produced changes, for example : -it would not be a good idea to show a testee his profile where the scores were quite unfavourable and the subject was highly Depressed and very much Inhibited. In such a case it would be an invalidation to show these scores even though the questions were answered by the individual himself.

Usually it is best to show the testee both before and after scores following any intensive processing, either as a validation of what has been accomplished, or as an indication that more processing is indicated.

In general a poor score on Traits I and I (Appreciative and Communication Level as opposed to Lack of Accord and Withdrawn) indicates that the individual is "out of communication" with either people or terminals of his environment. When dealing with these persons it is well to spend quite some time in .establishing communication with them and all processing should be based on this rule that communication between the practitioner and the individual is fully maintained at all times.

NOTE : - This test is designed as a guide and any user of these tests should be cautioned not to make a complete reliance upon the profile. The practitioner's ability to look, observe and assess the testee is of the utmost importance. The authors advise a full understanding by all practitioners of the Chart of Attitudes and Chart of Human Evaluation as an invaluable aid to this necessary observation. However, this test frequently points up "a trait" which would otherwise have been overlooked as a factor to be dealt with. Practice in the use of this test will soon produce an observation as to which processing technique will most rapidly resolve the problem being presented.


Oxford Capacity Analysis (Business Efficiency)

Since most large businesses at this time by statistics are losing upwards of 48% of their profits due to human inefficiency, it is becoming an urgent desirability to screen out those employees who are in such poor condition as to be no longer assisting the business to survive. Although this problem has been in existence and known for many years it is only with the advent of Group Technique for processing and raising the individual's standard of efficiency while using a group processing technique that an answer to this situation has been provided. Thus this test has a very special use, that of screening out, and advising on those employees who should require some form of counseling or Group Processing. In. any group processing of a large number of employees it is well to have both before and after tests as a measurement of how much has been accomplished on an all-over scale. It is also desirable to screen out those who are in such poor condition that the group processing will be counter indicated. These individuals can usually be brought upscale in a few private sessions and then returned into the group. For screening out purposes this test may be marked using unweighted scores.

This test helps in the selection of the new employee applications.

This test helps in the assigning of employees to jobs most fitted to their characteristics. As an example : -One would not choose someone who is Inhibited, Hyper-Critical, Irresponsible, Withdrawn and out of Communication for any position where dealing with others is of prime importance.

This test can act as an aid in the selection of professions if choices are available.

This test also helps to point out which factor of an employee's personality has deteriorated, and, furthermore, will usually show an indication as to the reason for such a deterioration. An individual can consequently be given either individual or group processing to bring him "upscale" again.

In general a combination of several bad traits is much more significant than when only one trait shows a bad score.


NERVOUS AND UNDEPENDABLE [-D: Unpredictable, erratic]


Trait A: Stable as opposed to Unstable or Dispersed

[Editor's update note:
A+: Stable. Stays on a set course.
A-: Unstable (dispersed.) Often changes plans and direction. Gives up on projects.]

A stable well oriented individual tends to make plans and carry them through, and is not swayed by impulse or other determinisms. This does not mean that a stable individual cannot change his mind. In fact, the less dispersed an individual, the more capable and able he is to make a decision to change and act accordingly. This trait takes into account the control a person has over his own actions and thinking, and would be well on the minus side in any insane individual, they being completely out of control of themselves.

A testee who has a score of -55 or lower on this trait should be considered to be in the hypnotic band and the practitioner should be aware of this and act accordingly. Any suggestion, or command, or evaluation of this individual will be received in its most literal sense without any differentiation, and would most likely become a hypnotic command. A skilled practitioner would be able to monitor this individual's body and yet produce no change or betterment in his condition of thinking.

In the field of entertainment where spontaneity and dramatization are valued assets a percentile of -35 to 40 would be considered acceptable. However, it is found that even in these fields the individual tends to be more successful if his stability is more on the plus side. It would be considered best within the + 30 to + 90 range. Above +90 the individual tends to an impractical perfectionism that may be harmful in itself and is damaging to other dynamic relationships. Thus when seeing a score +90 on this trait alone, one would view this condition with some caution.

This trait should always be considered when determining the value of any other trait, for example: -A result showing +30 Hyper-Critical (capacity for error) would be considered more harmful if the Stability Factor were -30 than it would if the Stability Factor were + 50. From a technical viewpoint this trait may be also considered as a guide to the capacity for the individual to exteriorize from any viewpoint, condition or situation. In the field of Freezone processing where this exteriorization factor is one of importance, the more Unstable or Dispersed the individual, the more difficulty he would have of exteriorizing from any given situation.

Trait B: Happy as opposed to Depressed

[Editor's update note:
B+: Happy. Is pleased with present life and the future. Experiences fulfillment and harmony.
B-: Depressed. Is concerned about defeats, past and present, and finds the present and the future threatening and impossible to cope with.]

This trait on the negative side, i.e. depressive side, is perhaps one of the most damaging to the individual. It lowers his effectiveness in not only business, but also in social relationships. Most people express a desire to be happy and tend to shy away from the depressed personality. When counseling persons with a very depressed characteristic it would be well to be very aware that this trait is co-related positively with Nervousness and improvement of one usually would help the other. This trait too has a direct relationship to the body health factor and where the scores are extremely low in this trait it is sometimes helpful for the individual to receive a full medical examination with a special regard to anemia, thyroid or hormone deficiency as factors.

The Depressive factor may vary in waves alternately with a variance on the following two traits: -TRAIT E : -Active as opposed to Reactively Retarded (passive), and, TRAIT D : -Serene (Personable) as opposed to Cyclic (Undependable).

Thus to correctly appreciate Trait B one should also consider the other two traits, thus producing a syndrome of the three traits for a correct evaluation.

If a person is totally happy, yet totally undependable and cycloid it would be evident that they were again in a euphoric or manic condition and their appreciation of happiness would be rather more accurately described as the "glee of insanity." It sometimes happens that when this "false high" of happiness is broken others will feel that the testee has been worsened by the change. However, this temporary sag is only an indication that more processing or counseling is needed to bring the person up to a more stable state of happiness. A further or fuller understanding of Trait B may be acquired when one recognizes that it is directly comparable to the level of a person as worked out on the Chart of Human Evaluation and the authors strongly advise any person giving and marking this test to have a thorough understanding of this Chart.

Trait C: Composed as opposed to Nervous

[Editor's update note:
+: Composed. Is well balanced and remains calm and cool even when met by opposition.
C-: Nervous. Over-reacts to any perceived threat, real or imagined. Is afraid of the environment.]

The nervous trait is indicated physically by tenseness, worry, faulty muscular control, restlessness, sleeplessness and many other undesirable states of beingness. In a very nervous person any of the other traits are worsened thus improvement in this trait will tend to improve others. This trait is usually co-related with Trait A Dispersed, and any percentile tending more to the nervous side than -60 is desirable of immediate attention. Persons tending to the nervous side have an increased fatigue from applying effort. Experience, from application of processing throughout the world over the past two years, has shown that where this trait is not appreciably altered during. processing it is because the individual has not remedied his condition of "having-ness." Thus any sag in processing may be immediately traced to this havingness condition.

Trait D: Personable (serene) as opposed to Undependable (cyclic)

[Editor's update note:
D+: Reliable, personable. Meets others with an open mind and remains composed even when faced with the upsetting.
Personable. Friendly. Reliable. Serene. "Mr. Dependable."
D-: Unpredictable, erratic. Changes in behavior happen regularly dictated by sudden impulses and compulsions. Impulsive. Compulsive. Scattered.]

This trait does require a considerable amount of aligning with other traits in order to produce a good understanding of it. One often finds the apparent anomaly of a person being -90 percent depressed and yet appearing + 70 or 80 percent Serene. Where this trait is high, yet at variance with the other traits, one may usually find a "well schooled" individual who is being serene because he knows it is the thing to do. Thus it is more important to consider this trait in relationship to traits B, C and A rather than evaluating this trait on its score alone. A person high in Serenity, highly Active, yet Well on the minus side on Depression and Dispersed, may be loosely said to be heading for a nervous breakdown. In clinical work it has further been found that this condition solves the riddle as to why a person apparently in good health, good position and good family relationships sometimes quite suddenly becomes unbalanced and even insane. This false high on Trait D usually may be taken to show that the individual has just one reality to which he is holding on and should this one reality ever go, he is left completely unbalanced.

The compulsive personality is usually markedly on the Undependable Cyclic side. These individuals may indicate that they can change their minds readily, however, upon closer observation one finds that this is in fact a compulsive change and not a truly self-determined, self-governed action. Here again one finds euphoria and other extreme manifestations of imbalance.

Trait E: Active as opposed to Reactively Retarded (Passive)

[Editor's update note:
E+: Active. Takes initiatives and executes constructive plans. Entrepreneur spirit. "Man of action." At cause.
E-: Passive: Does not take initiatives but may respond to situations. Follower. Recipient. Passenger. At effect.]


This trait is self-explanatory but again must be taken into consideration with other traits. For example -It is well to be aware that the highly active person may be compulsively so and unable to relax or rest. This would show up by having a low score on Trait C. When considering a personality in good condition the score on this trait should be very little at variance with the rest of the scores, i.e. if the norm of the whole profile is 120, Trait E should not vary more than S points either side.

Dr. Julia M. Lewis, B.A., D.Scn., Director of the Guidance Centre of Washington, D.C., has produced evidence to show that if an individual is highly nervous, very much depressed greatly dispersed plus a high Active level, they may well be inclined toward suicide. Acknowledgments to her for her invaluable work on this trait are here given.

Trait F: Capable as opposed to Inhibited

[Editor's update note:
F+: Self-assured (aggressive.) Outgoing and self-assured in behavior. Sometimes aggressive or confrontational in attitude. Capable. High self-esteem. "A general."
F-: Submissive (Inhibited.) Submissive in behavior. Wants to fit in and follow the lead of others. Low self-esteem. "A recruit," "a follower."]

This trait may well be sub-titled Overt as opposed to Submissive. A high Capable score along with a low Irresponsible plus Hyper-Critical condition go to make up the paranoid combination. With this combination, combined with a high Active and highly Unstable condition, i.e. low in self-determinism, one should be very aware that this would probably be the most difficult individual to deal with. When a highly Capable condition exists and where the rest of the traits are good one will find the individual taking overt action against things in the environment which need to be changed. In the Inhibited individual one will find that they have also been stopped many times. Check Trait E and as described in the chapter on Trait A these persons can also be monitored by the practitioner. It is well to work first toward the release of the inhibitions against taking action and applying effort, when this highly Inhibited condition exists.

Trait G: Responsible as opposed to Irresponsible

[Editor's update note:
G+: Responsible. Sees consequences of actions and takes ownership of caused ill effects in order to remedy situation.
G-: Irresponsible. Sees bad things as happening by accident or caused by others.]


This trait shows a direct Cause-Effect relationship. The more Responsible the individual the more he is capable of being cause. The more Irresponsible the more he considers himself to be the effect of his environment. The Responsible person is also Objective whereas the Irresponsible person is Subjective. The subjective trait is that of being highly self-centred, all attention being centred on the self as opposed to being also directed too and being aware of others.

The Irresponsible personality may go so far as to interpret all things as being directed against him, even when there is no real relationship. Any expressed direct communication will be taken by the highly Irresponsible individual as a direct affront to his beingness, even when there is no implication that he is in any way involved in the communication. At the Responsible side where the person is above 90 and is also expressing + 90 on Appreciative, or Empathy, one should be aware that this person is probably lying and also has a persecution or martyr complex. This particular combination of traits is perhaps more damaging to the individual and more difficult for the practitioner to reach than the more Overt Capable yet Irresponsible individual since this person is hiding his conditions so completely that he will not even admit it to himself.

Trait H: Logical Reasoning (appreciation) as opposed to Capacity for Error (Hyper-Critical)

[Editor's update note:
H+: Reasonable (agreeable.) Is reasonable and agreeable with others. Tries to be understanding and explain things in a logical, non-provocative way. Peacemaker.
H-: Hyper critical (invalidates others.)
Finds faults in others and makes others wrong, puts them down, invalidates their opinions, actions, and their best efforts  for little or no reason. Low reality level. Provocative.]

The Critical personality is resented by others. He also resents others and will go to great lengths to invalidate and make nothing of the others best efforts. In an extremely Hyper-Critical individual this trait combined with traits of being apparently Irresponsible yet Capable, produce the paranoid personality. And where there is also a high Active level with a low Stability level expressed by Trait A, the individual is highly dangerous to his environment and subject to extreme rages which may be expressed by violent actions. As an example, the late Adolph Hitler would have shown up on this syndrome.

Trait I: Appreciative (Empathy) as opposed to Lack of Accord

[Editor's update note:
I+: Empathy (high affinity.) Warmly responsive to the needs of others and willing to help the survival of others as well as themselves. High affinity level.
I-: Insensitive to others (low affinity.) "Hard boiled." Unaware and of the reality of others and has no concerns of any damage caused to their wellbeing. Low affinity level.]


In comparable tests to the OCA, this trait is frequently referred to as Sympathy. However, there is a difference in the connotation. Persons who are appreciative and high in Empathy are usually warmly Responsive to the needs of others and willing to help the survival of others as well as themselves. However, unless the Stability rate is high and if the Appreciative score is above 85 there is a danger of this individual being an easy prey to confidence tricks. In other words, too high on this trait, unless, as stated backed by a high Stability, shows lack of really being aware of the reality of other people existing in his environment. Alternately a person giving a much Lack of Accord score will also be unaware of the reality of others and extremely damaging to the wellbeing of others and may be considered "hard boiled." The better practitioners of any Counseling or Mental or Spiritual Processing should have a high Appreciative factor.

Trait J: Communication as opposed to Withdrawn

[Editor's update note:
J+: Communicative. Outflowing and open in communication. Expresses opinions easily.
J-: Withdrawn. Shy. Does not express opinions and ideas easily.]

The lowest scores on this trait indicate not only the introverted characteristic but also the out of Communication factor. The more in Communication the individual the more capable he is of expressing himself and expressing ideas to others. However, it is necessary to be cognizant that a compulsively outflowing or completely extroverted individual is apt to have a very high score on this trait without being really cordial or really capable of sensible Communications. Thus one can consider this trait along with Lack of Accord and Hyper-Critical.

When giving any form of counseling it would be well to remember that provided the Lack of Accord and Hyper-critical factors are fairly reasonable, the entry into the case is dependant upon the condition of this trait. Further from the Business Capacity Analysis viewpoint if one were considering an application for such jobs as telephonists or receptionists a score of 30 to + 70 would be desirable.


When certain groups of several traits are found to have poor scores in common, certain emergent traits are revealed.

Irresponsible plus Capable indicates that the individual feels superior.

Irresponsible plus Depressed indicates a feeling of Inferiority.

Nervous plus Dispersed indicates angry outbursts which can be further intensified by a high Capable factor.

Irresponsible plus Hyper-Critical plus Capable indicates that the individual will be hard to get along with.

Highly Active plus Appreciative plus high Communication level indicates an affectionate disposition.

Highly Capable plus Hyper-Critical plus very much Irresponsible and very much Lacking in Accord produce a personality usually the more difficult for the environment and any worsening of other traits is usually found to be an indication of how badly off they really are. The paranoid is in this group and the psychotic in general will show up in this syndrome.

Impulsive plus Depressed and Nervous comes into the neurotic syndrome. Frequently there is an abandonment in childhood as a contributing factor here, though a high present time problem which is creating a stress or strain on the individual would produce an acute condition of these three traits.

Reactively Retarded (passive), plus Inhibited and Withdrawn are sometimes indicative of a physical deficiency of necessary hormones, glandular extracts, etc. An understanding of the theory of "havingness" can remedy this condition though it is sometimes wise to direct them to a physician so that they may supplement their body requirements before any intensive processing is given.

Any practitioner, university or institution using these tests is requested to report comments, suggestions or queries arising from the use of these tests. These reports should be made to any one of the addresses on the back cover

To Home page
Instructions to Testee: Read this before doing the test
Test Questionaire: The actual test
Example of results: How to read the result of the test
Interpreting the results  Tips on how to apply results to processing
The Original OCA Manual For test evaluator's use

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